Applications are now called from suitably qualified candidates for the Part-Time Degree Program leading to MSc/Postgraduate Diploma in Polymer Technology University of Moratuwa, commencing in June 2023.
Application form can be downloaded from here
Completed applications along with the necessary documents should be sent by Registered post or Email to the Course Coordinator on or before 14th May 2023.
Inquiries and Applications
Dr P. W. Vidanage (Course Coordinator) M. Sc./PG Diploma in Polymer Technology
Tel: 011-2640051 Ext.: 4609 / 0702905993 Email: poornaw@uom.lk
Website: https://uom.lk/cpe/academic/postgraduate-course
Application Documents Checklist:
- Completed Application Form
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Copy of Academic Transcript
- Copy of Degree Certificate
- Proof of Work Experience (If any)
- Proof of Professional Membership/Qualifications (If any)
- Copy of National Identity Card or Passport
- Copy of Birth Certificate
Submission Instructions:
"Application for MSc / Postgraduate Diploma in Polymer Technology" should be written in the subject field of the email (for Email Application) or on top of the envelope (for Postal Application)
Clearly Scanned documents should be attached in the Email Application
Incomplete or incorrectly filled applications will not be processed.
Completed applications along with the necessary documents should be sent by Registered Email or post to:
Email: poornaw@uom.lk
Tel: +94112640051 Ext:4609
Mobile : 070-2905993
Postal Address:
Dr P. W. Vidanage
The Course Coordinator (MSc/ PG Diploma in Polymer Technology)
Department of Chemical and Process Engineering
University of Moratuwa,