- Faculty of Information Technology
- Department of Interdisciplinary Studies
- Senior Lecturer Grade II
Contact information
Department of Interdisciplinary Studies
Faculty of Information Technology
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Principles of Management -Undergraduate -2015
Principles of Marketing -Undergraduate -2015
Criterion Head - Program Review 2020 -Main task was to collect evidence to support the claims provided under criterion 1: Program Management (2020 To 2022)
Awards Chair - ICITR 2022 -Monitoring the process of certificate preparation for the awardees; appreciation letters preparation for reviewers; tokens of appreciation for key note speakers. (2022 To 2022)
Research Activities
Education and Professional Affiliations
Bachelor's Degree, University of Colombo ,2001 BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) Special
Masters, Thammasat University ,2017 MSc. in Engineering & Technology (pending)
Honours and Awards
Excellent Foreign Student Award (Received 2016)
Sinthujan Punitharasa Kirisanthi Selvanajagam Thamilini Ramakrishnan Amalraj Chelvarajah W.M.R.M. Weerasinghe,".Hybrid Movie Recommendation System.",6th International Conference on Advances in Technology and Computing (ICATC 2021),University of Kelaniya ,2021,
W.M. Ruvini M. Weerasinghe, Ryoju Hamada,".Educational Games as an Active Learning Strategy for University Students.",ThaiSim 2017,Bangkok, Thailand,2017,
W.M. Ruvini M. Weerasinghe, Ryouju Hamada,"."Idea 360" - Business Game Concept for New Product Idea Screening.",ThaiSim 2016,Tonburi, Thailand,2016,434-443
W.M. Ruvini M. Weerasinghe, Ryoju Hamada,".Simulation and Gaming in New Product Development.",Australian Simulation Congress (ISAGA 2016),Melbourne, Australia,2016,248-251
W.M. Ruvini M. Weerasinghe, Ryoju Hamada,".Usage of Active Learning Strategies in Engineering Education - An example from Sri Lanka.",BMEiCON 2016,Luang Prabang, Laos,2016,
W.M. Ruvini M. Weerasinghe, Anuradha Peramunugamage,".Online shopping behaviour of young adults in higher education sector: How brand matters.",International Research Conference,General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University Sri Lanka,2014,
Priyadarshana, YHPP; Nipuni, KKA; Perera, N; Karthik, V; Jayaseelan, R; Abhayawardhana, ARK; Sandamali, HAK; Ranathunga, L, W.M. Ruvini M. Weerasinghe,". GPS Assisted Traffic Alerting and road congestion Reduction Mechanism.",Proceedings of the Technical Sessions,Institute of Physics, Sri Lanka,2013,77-84
W.M. Ruvini M. Weerasinghe, Ryoju Hamada,".Educational Games as an Active Learning Strategy for University Students.",ThaiSim Journal: Learning Development (TSJLD),2,2017