- Faculty of Information Technology
- Department of Information Technology
- Senior Lecturer Grade I
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Department of Information Technology
Faculty of Information Technology
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Digital Systems and Computer Hardware -Undergraduate -2015
Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture -Undergraduate -2015
Embedded Systems -Undergraduate -2015
IT Based Applications with Microcontrollers -Undergraduate -2015
Coordinator -MSc in IT ( To date)
Member -TEC Evaluations ( To date)
Research Activities
Sensors and Digital Instrumentatation
Designed and implemented an environmental air pollution monitoring system (EAPMS) using the IEEE 1451 standards and semiconductor gas sensors. The EAPMS is having sensor ‘plug and play’ capability through an electronic data sheet.
Posture Evaluation System for the cancer patients at National Cancer Institute, Maharagama, Sri Lanka. This system could be helpful to evaluate and correct the cancer patients’ bad postures and posture related problems. This system will also be capable of monitoring posture improvements of a patient.
A temperature monitoring and controlling system for Ceramic Industry. This system is quite useful to ceramic industry to improve their quality of the product. This system is connected to a PC. Therefore, the temperature can be analyzed and controlled in the processes according to factory requirements.
Microelectronics, Sensors and Digital Instrumentatation
Education and Professional Affiliations
Bachelor's, University of Sri Jayewardenepura ,1994
MPhil, University of Sri Jayewardenepura ,2005
PhD, University of Sri Jayewardenepura ,
Bachelors, University of Sri Jayewardenepura ,2005
IEEE(2016 To date)
ACM( To date)
Institute of Physics( To date)
Honours and Awards
M. A. L. S. K. Manchanayaka, J. P. D. Wijesekara, Chan-Yun Yang, C. Premachandra, M. F. M. Firdhous, B. H. Sudantha,".Open, IoT powered Environmental Air Pollution Monitoring Framework for Traffic Management.",6th International Conference on Information Technology Research (ICITR) 2020,Virtual, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2021,
Meeth Nimasha Lande Bandara, H M Ranjith Premasiri, B H Sudantha,".GIS Powered an Automated Generic Flood Model for River Basins in Sri Lanka.",6th International Conference on Information Technology Research (ICITR) 2020,Virtual, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2021,
Warusavitharana, E.J., Mahanama, P.K.S., Ratnayake, R., Sudantha, B.H., Cannata, M.,".AN APPROACH for OPTIMIZING HYDROLOGICAL PARAMETERS at RIVER BASIN SCALE USING OPEN SENSOR NETWORKS.",42nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, ACRS 2021,Can Tho, Vietnam,2021,
B.H.Sudantha, Nilantha Premakumara, M.A.L.S.K. Manchanayaka, Chinthaka Premachandra, Sagara Sumathipala, Hiroharu Kawanaka,".An Open Source IoT Framework for Environmental Sensing.",International Conference on Image Processing and Robotics (ICIP),Negombo, Sri Lanka,2020,
E.J. Warusavitharana, B.H. Sudantha, G.R. Ratnayake, P.K.S. Mahanama, M. Cannata, D. Strigaro,".Open technologies based hydrological model for reservoir management.",International Conference on Image Processing and Robotics (ICIP),Negombo, Sri Lanka,2020,
KMHK Warnakulasooriya, JDSACS Bandara, BH Sudantha,".Sensory Evaluation of Foods using Modern AI Techniques and Brain Wave Analysis.",International Conference on Image Processing and Robotics (ICIP),Negombo, Sri Lanka,2020,
B.H.Sudantha, M.A.L.S.K. Manchanayaka, Nilantha Premakumara, Chamani Shiranthika, Chinthaka Premachandra, Hiroharu Kawanaka,".IoT Enabled an Open Framework for Air Pollution Monitoring System.",5th International Conference on Information Technology Research (ICITR) 2020,Virtual, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2020,
KHH Priyadarshana, M.A.L.S.K. Manchanayaka, B.H.Sudantha,".IoT Based Greenhouse System for Tropical Countries.",International Conference on Image Processing and Robotics (ICIP),Negombo, Sri Lanka,2020,
Mohamed Fazil Mohamed Firdhous, B.H. Sudantha, Naseer Ali Hussien,".A Framework for IoT-Enabled Environment Aware Traffic Management.",International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE),Volume 11,2021
Ito, Y., Premachandra, C., Sumathipala, S., Premachandra, H.W.H., Sudantha, B.H.,".Tactile Paving Detection by Dynamic Thresholding Based on HSV Space Analysis for Developing a Walking Support System.",IEEE Access,Volume 9,2021
Tokunaga, S., Premachandra, C., Premachandra, H.W.H., ...Sumathipala, S., Sudantha, B.H,".Autonomous spiral motion by a small-type robot on an obstacle-available surface.",Micromachines,Volume 12,2021