- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Senior Lecturer Grade I
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Department of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Power Electronics and Applications II -Undergraduate -2016
Engineering Design -Undergraduate -2016
Introduction to Electrical Engineering -Undergraduate -2016
Power Systems I -Undergraduate -2016
Computer Aided Design -Postgraduate -2016
Research Activities
MSc research on “Development of a generalized restoration procedure to restart the Sri Lanka power system subsequent to a blackout”.
MSc research on “Study of small-signal stability of Norochcholai coal power plant using a dynamic phasor approach”.
MSc research on “Study of small-signal stability of Puttalam wind power plant using a dynamic phasor approach”.
MSc research on “Study of out-of-step protection and the transient stability of Sri Lanka power system”.
MSc research on “Identification of optimal governor valve settings and the transient stability of Norochcholai coal power plant”.
Power system stability and control, PMU applications in power systems
Education and Professional Affiliations
PhD, University of Manitoba ,2016 The title of the PhD thesis: "Novel algorithms for rotor angle security assessment in power systems"
Bachelors, University of Moratuwa ,2005
MPhil, University of Moratuwa ,2007 Title of the MPhil thesis: "Clean energy and regulatory interventions for greenhouse gas emission mitigation in the Sri Lankan power sector"
Member - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)(2015 To date)
Member of Cigre Working Group WG C4.34 (Application of Phasor Measurement Unit for Monitoring Power System Dynamic Performance)
Honours and Awards
Best paper award (first place) (Received 2015)
Best Paper Award (first place) for the paper ?Improving Matrix pencil and Hankel Total Least Squares algorithms for identifying dominant oscillations in power systems? presented at IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS (Received )
Outstanding Achievement Recognition Award for the excellent in research, innovative thought, and in the clear communication of scientific thoughts at GradCon 2014, University of Manitoba, Canada. (Received 2014)
Outstanding Achievement Recognition Award for the excellent in research, innovative thought, and in the clear communication of scientific thoughts at GradCon 2013, University of Manitoba, Canada. (Received 2013)
IEEE Electric Power and Energy Conference (EPEC) 2013 Paper Award for the paper ?Investigation of the Applicability of Lyapunov Exponents for Transient Stability Assessment?. (Received 2013)
University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (UMGF) for the period 2012-2014. (Received 2014)
W.M.R.N. Wijethunga, P.A.H.K. Wijesena, T.D. Samarawickram,".Frequency Stability Analysis of Non-Conventional Renewable Integrated Power Systems.",Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2023,
W. A. V. U. Wickramasinghe, H. L. S. Perera, G. N. Wickramatunge, D. G. R. Fernando,".Locating Faults in Medium Voltage Overhead Power Lines by Monitoring the Magnetic Field Vector.",2023 IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS),Peradeniya, Sri Lanka,2023,
W. A. D. Lakshan, D. P. Wadduwage, U. Jayathunga,".Study of Small Signal Stability of Wind Integrated Power Systems using Dynamic Phasor Approach.",16th IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS),Kandy, Sri Lanka,2021,
C. V. Gamage, D. P. Wadduwage, L. Meegahapola, I. Nutkani, J. P. Karunadasa,".Analysis of Oscillatory Modes and Model Interactions of Microgrids.",IEEE 12th Energy Conversion Congress & Exposition Asia (ECCE-Asia),Singapore,2021,
C. H. Gamage, Darshana Prasad Wadduwage,".Designing a robust controller to damp sub-synchronous oscillations in power systems.",6th International Multidisciplinary Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2020,
P. Sudasinghe, S. Perera, P. Commins, J. Moscrop, U. Jayatunga, Prasad Wadduwage ,".Rediscovering the derating mechanisms for three-phase induction motors operating under supply voltage unbalance.",19th International Conference for Harmonics and Power Quality (ICHPQ),Dubai - UAE,2020,
K. A. H. Lakshika, M. K. Perera, W. D. Prasad, K. T. M. U. Hemapala, V. Saravanan, M. Arumugam,".Z-source inverter based reconfigurable architecture for solar photovoltaic microgrid.",IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP),Dhaka - Bangladesh,2020,
U. D. Annakkage K. Narendra,".An oscillation monitoring algorithm to monitor power system oscillations using synchronized phasor measurements.",Cigre Symposium,Lund - Sweden,2015,
U. D. Annakkage ,".Improving Matrix Pencil and Hankel Total Least Squares algorithms for identifying dominant oscillations in power systems.",International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS),Peradeniya - Sri Lanka,2015,
Bu Siqi, L. Meegahapola, A. M. Foley,".Stability and Dynamics of Active Distribution Networks with D-PMU Technology: a Review.",IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,38/3,2023
L. G. Meegahapola, S. Bu, D. P. Wadduwage, C. Y. Chung, X. Yu,".Review on Oscillatory Stability in Power Grids with Renewable Sources: Monitoring, Analysis and Control using Synchrophasor Technologyes: .",IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,Volume 68/ Issue 1,2021
V. Muthugala, D. P. Wadduwage, A. Wijayapala, R. Fernando,".Identification of Coherent Groups of Generators for Out-of-Step Protection using Online Measurements.",Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka,Vol 49/Issue 1,2021
K. A. H. Lakshika, M. A. K. S. Boralessa, M. K. Perera, Darshana Prasad Wadduwage, V. Saravanan, K. T. M. U. Hemapala,".Reconfigurable solar photovoltaic systems: A review.",Heliyon,Vol 6/ No. 11,2020
International Journal Publications
D. P. Wadduwage, U. D. Annakkage, K. Narendra: ‘Identification of dominant low- frequency modes in ringdown oscillations using multiple order Prony models’, IET Transactions on Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Vol. 9, no. 15, pp. 2206-2214, Nov. 2015
D. P. Wadduwage, U. D. Annakkage: ‘A hybrid algorithm for rotor angle security assessment in power systems’, IET Journal of Engineering, Vol. 1, June 2015
D. P. Wadduwage, C. Wu, U. D. Annakkage: ‘Power system transient stability analysis via the concept of Lyapunov Exponents’, Electric Power Systems Research Journal, Vol. 104, pp. 183-192, Nov. 2013
P. D. C. Wijayatunga, D. Prasad: ‘Clean Energy Technology & Regulatory Interventions for Greenhouse Gas Emission Mitigation: Sri Lankan Power Sector’, Energy Conversion and Management Journal, Vol 50, no. 6, pp 1595 – 1603, June 2009
International Technical Brochures
D. P. Wadduwage; "Application of Phasor Measurment Unit for monitoring power system dynamic performance", Final report of Cigre Working Group WG C4.34 (Lead Author of Chapter 5)
Local Journal Publications
S.P.M. Sudasinghe, J.V.U.P. Jayatunga, D. P. Wadduwage, S. Perera: "Analysis of the performance of three phase induction motor under supply source unbalance", Annual Transactions of IESL, pp. 103-109, 2016W.D. Prasad, P. D. C. Wijayatunga: ‘Optimum Electricity Generation Expansion to Achieve Nonconventional Renewable Energy Targets’, Annual Transactions of IESL, Vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 160-166, 2007
Conference Publications
D. P. Wadduwage, U. D. Annakkage; ‘Improving Matrix Pencil and Hankel Total Least Squares Algorithms for Identifying Dominant Oscillations in Power Systems’, in IEEE Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), December 2015
D. P. Wadduwage, U. D. Annakkage, K. Narendra: ‘An Oscillation Monitoring Algorithm to Monitor Power System Oscillations using Synchronized Phasor Measurements’, in Cigre Lund Symposium, May 2015
D. P. Wadduwage, J. Geeganage, U.D. Annakkage, C. Wu: ‘Investigation of the applicability of Lyapunov Exponents for transient stability assessment’, in IEEE Electric Power and Energy Conference (EPEC), pp. 1-6, Aug. 2013