- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Process Engineering
- Professor
Contact information
Department of Chemical and Process Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
chemical kinetics and Thermodynamics -Undergraduate -2015
Reactor Engineering -Undergraduate -2015
Research Project -Undergraduate -2015
Final Year Design Project -Undergraduate -2015
Natural Resource Process Engineering -Undergraduate -2015
Comprehensive Desgn Project 11 -Undergraduate -2015
Chairma -Exhibition Committee (2014 To date)
Chairman -Election Committee (2014 To date)
Member -Admission Committee (2014 To date)
Research Activities
Education and Professional Affiliations
Bachelors, University of Moratuwa ,1979 Honours Degree in Chemical Engineering and Fuel Science
Other, Rochville University ,2006 Environmental Engineering
Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka(1979 To date)
American Institute of Chemical Engineers(1984 To date)
Sri Lanka Institute for The Advancement of Science - Life Mamber(1984 To date)
Honours and Awards
,".Development of a Multi Nutrient Fertiliser from Liquid of Solar Salt Manufacturing Process.",Journal of IEEE, UK,2,2015