- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Earth Resources Engineering
- Senior Professor
Contact information
Department of Earth Resources Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Geochemistry for Mineral Exploration -Undergraduate -2017
Coastal Oceanography -Undergraduate -2012
Marine Mineral Resources -Undergraduate -2011
Introduction to Petroleum Engineering -Undergraduate -2013
Coastal Hydrodynamics -Undergraduate -2013
Introduction to Oceanography -Undergraduate -2014
Oceanography Field Studies -Undergraduate -2012
Research Project -Undergraduate -2011
Introduction to Oceanography -Undergraduate -2013
Research Project -Undergraduate -2010
Introduction to Oceanography -Undergraduate -2015
Coastal Hydrodynamics -Undergraduate -2014
Introduction to Petroleum Engineering -Undergraduate -2014
Petroleum Exploration and Basin Analysis -Undergraduate -2013
Oceanography Field Studies -Undergraduate -2013
Marine Mineral Resources -Undergraduate -2012
Research Project -Undergraduate -2012
Natural Disaster Prevention, Mitigation and Preparedness -Undergraduate -2012
Coastal Hydrodynamics -Undergraduate -2017
Petroleum Exploration and Basin Analysis -Undergraduate -2015
Research Project -Undergraduate -2017
Natural Disaster Management -Undergraduate -2017
Offshore Mining and Project Design -Undergraduate -2017
Petroleum Geology -Undergraduate -2017
Oceanography Field Studies -Undergraduate -2017
Petroleum Exploration and Basin Analysis -Undergraduate -2017
Introduction to Oceanography -Undergraduate -2017
Introduction to Oceanography -Undergraduate -2016
Member -Semester Coordinator (2015 To 2016)
Member -Faculty Academic Committee (2014 To 2015)
Member -Faculty Graduate Studies (2016 To 2017)
Member -Department Research Coordinator (2016 To 2019)
Mentoring Cordinator -Coordinating the department mentoring program (2021 To 2025)
Research Activities
Sediment dynamics
Mr. R.M.R.M. Jayathilaka, PhD , Investigation for Building with Nature Approach to Improve Coastal Stability and Protection Measures in the Western Coast of Sri Lanka (ongoing)
Education and Professional Affiliations
Bachelors, Peradeniya University ,1996 Geology
Masters, Shimane University ,1999 Geology, Marine Geology
PhD, Hokkaido University ,2003 Geology, Marine Geology
Institute of Geology (IGSL)(2009 To date)
Society of Petroleum Engineers(2015 To 2018)
Geological Society of Sri Lanka(1995 To date)
Honours and Awards
NRC Merit Award for Research Publication-2013 (Received 2015)
Outstanding Research Award 2016 (Received 2017)
Award of Excellence with Distinction--Outstanding Research Performances 2017 (Received 2018)
Presidential Awards for Research 2003, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 (Received 2010)
Best Presentation 28th Annual Technical Sessions of Geological Society of Sri Lanka (Received 2012)
Award of Excellence with Distinction--Outstanding Research Performances 2020 (Received 2020)
K.M. Premaratne1, R. Chandrajith1, N. Ratnayake, K. Gayantha & L. Si-Liang,". Impact of tropical monsoon climate on arsenic enrichment in Holocene sediments of Southeastern Sri Lanka.",van der Wal, Ahmad, Petrusevski, Weijma, Savic, van der Wens, Beerendonk, Bhattacharya, Bundschuh & Naidu (Eds),2024
NP Ratnayake and Tilak Hewawasam (Eds),".P.G. Cooray Memorial Volume (Journal of Geological Society of Sri Lanka –JGSSL Volume 16th).",Geological Society of Sri Lanka,2014
RMP Dilshara, WTPSK Senarath, AMKB Abeysinghe, HMR Premasiri, NP Ratnayake, NP Dushyantha, AS Ratnayake, NM Batapola,".Harnessing Hyper-Accumulator Plants for an Innovative Green Technology to Recover Nickle from Serpentine Soils in Sri Lanka.",Proceedings of International Forestry and Environment Symposium,Badulla,2024,
Sudalaimani Chithra, N. P. Ratnayake, T Hewawasam,".A SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL DYNAMICS OF SHORELINE CHANGE ALONG THE WESTERN COAST OF SRI LANKA.",The PGIHS Research Congress 2024,Peradeniya Sri Lanka,2024,64
Dilshara, R.M.P., Senarath, W.T.P.S.K., Abeysinghe, A.M.K.B., Premasiri, H.M.R.,Ratnayake, N.P., Dushyantha, N.P., Ratnayake, A.S., Batapola, N.M. ,".Harnessing Hyper-Accumulator Plants for an Innovative Green Technology to RecoverNickle from Serpentine Soils in Sri Lanka.",International Forestry and Environment Symposium 2024,University of Sri Jayewardenepura,2024,210
Harshika Imanjali Rathnayaka, Nadun Ansanayaka, Constantine Pragash, Maheshwari Gangawo Wickrama, Nilupul Senarathne, Nalin Ratnayake,".Assessing the Applicability of Sub-Bottom Profiling Towards Identification of the Bedrock Level-A Case Study in Colombo Harbor, Sri Lanka.",2023 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Colombo,2023,414-419
Pubudi Dilshara, Sandun Senarath, Nalin Ratnayake, B Abeysinghe, Ranjith Premasiri, Nimila Dushyantha, Amila Ratnayake, Nadeera Batapola,".Assessment of Ni phytomining potential in Ginigalpelessa serpentinite deposit, Southeast Sri Lanka.",2023 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Colombo,2023,31-35
Nadeera Batapola, Nalin Ratnayake, B Abeysinghe, Ranjith Premasiri, Sudath Rohitha, Nimila Dushyantha, IM Saman K Ilankoon, Oscar Dissanayake, Pannipitye Dharmaratne,".Rare earth element enrichment in intrusive rocks of Sri Lanka as a potential low-grade source.",2022 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Sri Lanka,2022,1-6
1. Batapola, N.M. Ratnayake, N.P. Premasiri, H.M.R. Abeysinghe, A.M.K.B. Dushyantha, N.P. Rohitha, L.P.S. Ilankoon, I.M.S.K. Dissanayake, D.M.D.O.K. Dharmaratne, P.G.R. Dilshara, R.M.P. ,".Prospecting Rare Earth Element Potential in Intrusive Rocks of Sri Lanka.",The 38th Technical Session of Geological Society of Sri Lanka (GSSL 2022),,Colombo,2022,
Batapola, N., Dushyantha, N., Ratnayake, N., Premasiri, R., Abeysinghe, B., Dissanayake, O., Rohitha, S., Ilankoon, S. and Dharmaratne, ,".Rare earth element potential in the beach placers along the southwest coast of Sri Lanka. Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon 2021), .",MERCon 2021,Online,2021,
W.A.P. Weerakoon, Neerja Jha, H.A.H. Jayasena, Harinam Joshi, Deepthi Yakandawala, Rohana Chandrajith, Nalin Rathnayake and Neha Aggarwal,".PALYNOFACIES BASED DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENTS IN TABBOWA JURASSIC BEDS, SRI LANKA .",33rd Technical Session of Geological Society of Sri Lanka,Sri Lanka,2017,
Pathirage SS, Hemala PVA, Rohitha LPS, Siriwardana YPS, Ratnayake NP,".Identifying the Key Contaminants of Major Types of Vein Quartz in Badulla Area and Reduce Iron Content to Suit Manufacturing Chemically Reinforced Glass.",33rd Technical Session of Geological Society of Sri Lanka,Colombo,2017,
J.M.S.T.W. Jayasinghe, A.C. Kurukulasuriya, W.M.T.U. Jayasinghe, M.A.D.M.G. Wickrama, A.M.A.Damith M. Senadhira ,".Pore-Pressure and Fracture Pressure Gradient Prediction Model for Few Exploration Blocks in Mannar and Cauvery Basins, Sri Lanka. .",Annual Sessions of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka ,Colombo,2016,235-242
15. RML Udarika, EPN Udayakumara, K Amalan, NP Ratnayake and HMR Premasiri ,".Comparison of Heavy Mineral Composition along Mahaweli River with Placer Deposits at North East Coast of Sri Lanka.",International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment,University of Ruhuna,2016,141-143
Upul Premarathne, Noriyuki Suzuki ,".A simple method to remove drilling oil in sediment cuttingsfor elemental analysis: A case study from the Mannar basin,offshore Sri lanka..",32nd Technical Sessions of Geological Society of Sri Lanka,,2016,18
W.A.P. Weerakoon, H.A.H. Jayasena, Neerja Jha, N.P. Ratnayake,R.L.R. Chandrajith, Deepthi Yakandawala, Anjum Frooqui and Neha Aggarwal,".Depositional characteristics of sediments from mires in and around Horton Plains national park, Sri lanka.",32nd Technical Sessions of Geological Society of Sri Lanka,,2016,21
,".Capacity building of earth sciences towards decrease of geo hazards in Sri Lanka.",Workshop at 3rd United Nation World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction at Sendai, Japan,Tokyo, Japan,2016,7-Jun
48. Pathirage S.S., Hemalal P.V.A., Rohitha L.P.S., Siriwardana S.,,".Producing Raw Silica from Sri Lankan Vein Quartz Suitable for High End Glass Industry.",32nd Technical Sessions of Geological Society of Sri Lanka,Sri Lanka,2015,31
Dilshara, P., Abeysinghe, B., Premasiri, R., Dushyantha, N., Ratnayake, N., Senarath, S., Ratnayake, A.S. and Batapola, N., 2025.,".Transforming nickel toxicity into resource recovery through phytomining: opportunities and applications in Sri Lanka.", International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology,,https://doi.org/10.1007/s13762-025-06362-z,2025
Dushyantha, N. P., Ratnayake, N. P., Hemalal, P. V. A., Jayawardena, C. L., Ratnayake, A. S., Premasiri, H. M. R., & Dilshara, R. M. P. ,".Phosphorus Accumulation Rate (PAR) in Lake Sediments around Eppawala Phosphate Deposit (EPD): A Case Study for Prospecting New Phosphorus Sources.",Sri Lankan Journal of Applied Sciences,2(02),2024
Kusala Madhushani Premaratne, Rohana Chandrajith, Nalin P Ratnayake, Si-Liang Li, Kasun Gayantha, Joyanto Routh,".North Atlantic forcing of Indian Winter Monsoon intensification: Evidence from Holocene sediments from the tropical Indian Ocean Island of Sri Lanka.",The Holocene,volume 34, issue 3,2024
Dilshara, P., Abeysinghe, B., Premasiri, R., Dushyantha, N., Ratnayake, N., Senarath, S., ... & Batapola, N.,". The role of nickel (Ni) as a critical metal in clean energy transition: applications, global distribution and occurrences, production-demand and phytomining.",Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,259,2024
Pubudi Dilshara, Nalin Ratnayake, Bandara Abeysinghe, Ranjith Premasiri, Nimila Dushyantha, Sandun Senarath, Amila Sandaruwan Ratnayake, Nadeera Batapola,".Soil-to-resource approach to assess the Ni hyperaccumulating potential of native plant species for phytomining at Ginigalpelessa serpentinite deposit, Sri Lanka.",Arabian Journal of Geosciences,17/3,2024
NM Batapola, NP Dushyantha, NP Ratnayake, HMR Premasiri, H Panagoda, CL Jayawardena, R Chandrajith, IMSK Ilankoon, LPS Rohitha, AS Ratnayake, JB Koongolla, AMBK Abeysinghe, DMDOK Dissanayake, RMP Ratnayake,".Risk assessment of heavy metals in the freshwater lake sediments around Eppawala phosphate deposit, Sri Lanka.",Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka,51/4,2024
AS Ratnayake, TDU Wijewardhana, T Haraguchi, K Goto, NP Ratnayake, H Tetsuka, Y Yokoyama, Y Miyairi, AMANB Attanayake,".Sedimentological observations and geochemical characteristics of paleo-tsunami deposits along the east coast of Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean.",Quaternary International,661,2023
Dushyantha, N., Ratnayake, N., Premasiri, R., Batapola, N., Panagoda, H., Jayawardena, C., ... & Dilshara, P.,".Geochemical exploration for prospecting new rare earth elements (REEs) sources: REE potential in lake sediments around Eppawala Phosphate Deposit, Sri Lanka.",Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,243,2023
RMRM Jayathilaka, NP Ratnayake, TMN Wijayaratna, KBA Silva, K Arulananthan,".A Review of coastal erosion mitigation measures on Sri Lanka's Western Coast, an Island Nation in the Indian Ocean: Current gaps and future directions.",Ocean & Coastal Management,242,2023
Nanayakkara, C. J., Dushyantha, N. P., Ratnayake, N. P., Premasiri, H. M. R., Abeysinghe, A. M. K. B., Batapola, N. M., ... & Kumarapperuma, M. Y.,". Risk evaluation and remedial measures for heavy metal contamination in lagoonal sediments of the Negombo Lagoon, Sri Lanka after the X-Press Pearl maritime disaster.",Regional Studies in Marine Science,,67,2023
Batapola, N., Ratnayake, N., Abeysinghe, B., Premasiri, R., Dushyantha, N., Ilankoon, I. S. K., ... & Dilshara, P. ,".The potential of REEs in the Eppawala Phosphate Deposit, Sri Lanka: REE enrichment, mineralization, and economic significance. Environmental Earth Sciences.",Environmental Earth Sciences,82(19),2023
Gunasinghage Prasadh Gunasinghe, Nalin Prasanna Ratnayake, Amila Sandaruwan Ratnayake, GVI Samaradivakara, Nimila Praneeth Dushyantha, Ravindra Jayaratne, Kodithuwakka Arachchige Dinusha, Akalanka Silva,".Monsoon-Driven Geomorphological Changes Along the West Coast of Sri Lanka: A Combined Approach Utilizing ‘CoastSat’and Google Earth Engine.",Ocean Science Journal,,2022
IMSK Ilankoon, NP Dushyantha, N Mancheri, PM Edirisinghe, SJ Neethling, NP Ratnayake, LPS Rohitha, DMDOK Dissanayake, HMR Premasiri, AMKB Abeysinghe, PGR Dharmaratne, NM Batapola,".Constraints to rare earth elements supply diversification: Evidence from an industry survey.",Journal of Cleaner Production,331,2022
Dushyantha, N., Ilankoon, I. S. K., Ratnayake, N. P., Premasiri, H. M. R., Dharmaratne, P. G. R., Abeysinghe, A. M. K. B., ... & Batapola, N. M.,".Recovery Potential of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) from the Gem Mining Waste of Sri Lanka: A Case Study for Mine Waste Management..",Minerals,12(11),2022
NP Dushyantha, NP Ratnayake, HMR Premasiri, IMSK Ilankoon, PVA Hemalal, CL Jayawardena, Rohana Chandrajith, LPS Rohitha, AMKB Abeysinghe, DMDOK Dissanayake, PGR Dharmaratne, AS Ratnayake, NM Batapola,".Leaching of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) from lake sediments around Eppawala phosphate deposit, Sri Lanka: A secondary source for REEs.",Hydrometallurgy,205,2021
Nadeera Batapola, Nimila Dushyantha, Nalin Ratnayake, Ranjith Premasiri, B Abeysinghe, Oscar Dissanayake, Sudath Rohitha, Saman Ilankoon, Pannipitye Dharmaratne,".Rare earth element potential in the beach placers along the southwest coast of Sri Lanka.",2021 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),,2021
Nimila Dushyantha, Nalin Ratnayake, Hemalal Panagoda, Chulantha Jayawardena, Amila Sandaruwan Ratnayake,".Phosphate mineral accumulation in lake sediment to form a secondary phosphate source: A case study in lake sediment around Eppawala Phosphate Deposit (EPD) in Sri Lanka.",International Journal of Sediment Research,36 (4),2021
Panchala Weerakoon, Harinam Joshi, Neha Aggarwal, Neerja Jha, Hetti Arachchige Hemachandra Jayasena, Deepthi Yakandawala, Rohana Chandrajith, Nalin Prasanna Ratnayake, Pooja Tiwari,".Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous palynostratigraphy and palaeoclimate in the Andigama Basin, Sri Lanka.",Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,6,2021
Nimila Dushyantha, Sarath Weerawarnakula, Ranjith Premasiri, Bandara Abeysinghe, Nalin Ratnayake, Nadeera Batapola, Meththa Ranasinghe,".Potential ecological risk assessment of heavy metals (Cr, Ni, and Co) in serpentine soil at Ginigalpelessa in Sri Lanka.",Arabian Journal of Geosciences,14(13),2021
ND Madumini Senanayake, Amila Sandaruwan Ratnayake, UM Premila Wijesinghe, Nalin Prasanna Ratnayake,".Geochemistry and sedimentology of tropical mangrove sediments along the southwest coast of Sri Lanka: Fingerprints for development history of wetlands.",Regional Studies in Marine Science,46,2021
UMP Wijesinghe, AS Ratnayake, NP Ratnayake,".Geochemistry of Negombo Lagoon sediments in Sri Lanka: implications for environmental monitoring.",Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka,49(1),2021
P Gunasinghe, Lilani Ruhunage, NP Ratnayake, AS Ratnayake, GVI Samaradivakara, Ravindra Jayaratne,".Influence of manmade effects on geomorphology, bathymetry and coastal dynamics in a monsoon-affected river outlet in Southwest coast of Sri Lanka.",Environmental Earth Sciences,80 (7),2021
DSM Weththasinghe, NP Ratnayake, PVA Hemalal, NP Dushyantha,".Enhancing scientific and societal understanding of geohazards in Sri Lanka.",Geological Society, London, Special Publications,501(1),2021
Lakshika Palamakumbure, Amila Sandaruwan Ratnayake, HM Ranjith Premasiri, Nalin Prasanna Ratnayake, Jinadasa Katupotha, Nimila Dushyantha, Shanaka Weththasinghe, WA Panchala Weerakoon,".Sea-level inundation and risk assessment along the south and southwest coasts of Sri Lanka.",Geoenvironmental Disasters,7(1),2020
NM Batapola, NP Dushyantha, HMR Premasiri, AMKB Abeysinghe, LPS Rohitha, NP Ratnayake, DMDOK Dissanayake, IMSK Ilankoon, PGR Dharmaratne,".A comparison of global rare earth element (REE) resources and their mineralogy with REE prospects in Sri Lanka.",Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,200,2020
Nimila Dushyantha, Nadeera Batapola, IMSK Ilankoon, Sudath Rohitha, Ranjith Premasiri, Bandara Abeysinghe, Nalin Ratnayake, Kithsiri Dissanayake,".The story of rare earth elements (REEs): Occurrences, global distribution, genesis, geology, mineralogy and global production.",Ore Geology Reviews,122,2020
N.P. Dushyantha, P.V.A. Hemalal, C.L. Jayawardena, Nalin Prasanna Ratnayake,".Application of geochemical techniques for prospecting unconventional phosphate sources: A case study of the lake sediments in Eppawala area Sri Lanka. .",Journal of Geochemical Exploration,201,2019
Amila Sandaruwan Ratnayake, Yoshikazu Sampei, Nalin Prasanna Ratnayake,".Characteristics of sedimentary organic matter and vascular plants in tropical brackish Bolgoda Lake, Sri Lanka: Implications for paleoecology and chemotaxonomy.",Regional Studies in Marine Science,30,2019
Amila Sandaruwan Ratnayake, Yoshikazu Sampei, Nalin Prasanna Ratnayake,".Molecular indicators of early stage diagenesis in the tropical coastal Bolgoda Lake, Sri Lanka.",Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka,47(1),2019
NP Ratnayake, AS Ratnayake, RM Azoor, SM Weththasinghe, IDJ Seneviratne, N Senarathne, R Premasiri, N Dushyantha,".Performance analysis of the beach nourishment and breakwater construction to control the coastal erosion at Uswetakeiyawa, Sri Lanka.",SN Appl Sci,1,2019
S.S. Pathirage, P V A Hemalal, L.P.S Rohitha, Nalin Prasanna Ratnayake,".Production of industry-specific quartz raw material using Sri Lankan vein quartz.",Environmental Earth Sciences,78 (3),2019
Yusuke Yokoyama, Shoko Hirabayashie, Kazuhisa Goto, Jun'ichi Okuno, Adam D.Sprosona, Tsuyoshi Haraguchih, Nalin Ratnayake, Yosuke Miyairia,".Holocene Indian Ocean sea level, Antarctic melting history and past Tsunami deposits inferred using sea level reconstructions from the Sri Lankan, Southeastern Indian and Maldivian coasts.",Quaternary Science Reviews,206,2019
Nalin Prasanna Ratnayake, Amila Sandaruwan Ratnayakee, Rukshan M. Azoor, Shanaka Maduranga Weththasinghe, Indunil De J. Seneviratne, Nilupul Senarathne Ranjith Premasiri1 · Nimila Dushyantha ,".Erosion processes driven by monsoon events after a beach nourishment and breakwater construction at Uswetakeiyawa beach, Sri Lanka.",SN Applied Sciences ,1(1),2019
Amalan, K., Ratnayake, A. S., Ratnayake, N. P., Weththasinghe, S. M., Dushyantha, N., Lakmali, N., & Premasiri, R.,".Influence of nearshore sediment dynamics on the distribution of heavy mineral placer deposits in Sri Lank.",Environmental Earth Sciences,77(21),2019
W.A. Panchala Weerakoon, Neha Aggarwal, Neerja Jha, H.A.H.Jayasena, Harinam Joshi, Deepthi Yakandawala, Rohana Chandrajith, K.V. Gayantha Sashika Perera, Nalin Prasanna Ratnayake,".Reconstruction of the Upper Gondwana palaeoclimates based on palynostratigraphy, palynofacies and sedimentology of the Jurassic sequences in the Tabbowa Basin, Sri Lanka.",Journal of Asian Earth Sciences ,172,2019
Ratnayake, Amila Sandaruwan, Nalin Prasanna Ratnayake, Yoshikazu Sampei, A. V. P. Vijitha, and Sanjeewani Disna Jayamali,".Seasonal and tidal influence for water quality changes in coastal Bolgoda Lake system, Sri Lanka. Journal of Coastal Conservation.",Journal of Coastal Conservation ,22(6),2019
Kananathan Amalan, Amila Sandaruwan Ratnayake, Nalin Prasanna Ratnayake, Shanaka Maduranga Weththasinghe, Nimila Dushyantha, Nalika Lakmali, Ranjith Premasiri,".Influence of nearshore sediment dynamics on the distribution of heavy mineral placer deposits in Sri Lanka.",Environmental earth sciences,77(21),2018
Nalin Prasanna Ratnayake, Amila Sandaruwan Ratnayake, PV Keegle, MAKM Mallawa Arachchi, HMR Premasiri,".An analysis of beach profile changes subsequent to the Colombo Harbor Expansion Project, Sri Lanka.",Environmental earth sciences,77(1),2018
Shanaka Maduranga Weththasinghe, Amila Sandaruwan Ratnayake, Nimila Dushyantha, Nalin Prasanna Ratnayake, GVI Samaradivakara, AVP Vijitha,".Sub-bottom features and physical properties of water of the Tangalle Bay, Sri Lanka.",Journal of the Geological Society of Sri Lanka,19(2),2018
Amila Sandaruwan Ratnayake, Yoshikazu Sampei, Nalin Prasanna Ratnayake, Barry P. Roser ,".Middle to late Holocene environmental changes in the depositional system of the tropical brackish Bolgoda Lake, coastal southwest Sri Lanka. .",Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,465,2017
A.S. Ratnayake, N. Dushyantha, N. De Silva, H.P. Somasiri, N.N. Jayasekara, S.M. Weththasinghe, G.V.I. Samaradivakara, A.V.P. Vijitha, N.P. Ratnayake ,".Sediment and physicochemical characteristics in Madu-ganga estuary, southwest Sri lanka.",Journal of Geological Society of Sri Lanka,18-2,2017
N. Dushyantha, P.V.A. Hemalal, C.L. Jayawardena, A.S. Ratnayake, H.M.R. Premasiri, N.P. Ratnayake ,".Nutrient characteristics of lake sediments around Eppawala phosphate deposit, Sri lanka.",Journal of Geological Society of Sri Lanka,18-2,2017
EN Lakmali, WGA Deshapriya, KGA Jayawardene, RMP Raviranga, NP Ratnayake, HMR Premasiri, IP Senanayake,".Long term coastal erosion and shoreline positions of Sri Lanka.",Survey in Fisheries Sciences,3(2),2017
U Premarathne, N Suzuki, N Ratnayake, C Kularathne,".Burial and thermal history modelling of the Mannar Basin, offshore Sri Lanka. .",Journal of Petroleum Geology,39,2016
Upul Premarathne, Noriyuki Suzuki and N.P. Ratnayake. ,".Modelling of Hydrocarbon Generation, Migration and Accumulation in the Northern Part of Mannar Basin, Offshore Sri Lanka.",Journal of Geological Society of Sri Lanka,17,2015
Amalan, K, and Weerawarnakula, ,".Prospection sand resources at the continental shelf in offshore Galle, Sri Lanka..",Journal of Geological Society of Sri Lanka,16,2014
Puswewala UGA, Chaminda SP, Ekanayake EMTM and Jayawardene MN,".Evaluation of the potential of sea sand as an alternative to river sand for concrete production in Sri Lanka.",Journal of Geological Society of Sri Lanka,16,2014
KBA Silva, IGIK Kumar,".Chloride contamination in construction aggregates due to periodic saline water intrusion: a case study in the Kaluganga River Estuary, Sri Lanka. Environmental Earth Sciences.",Journal of Environmental Earth Sciences,69,2013
Amo, M., Suzuki, N., Shinoda, T., Ratnayake, N. P. and Takahashi, K. ,".Diagenesis and distribution of sterenes in Late Miocene to Pliocene marine siliceous rocks from Horonobe (Hokkaido, Japan).",Organic geochemistry,38(7),2007
Ratnayake, N. P., Suzuki, N., Okada, M., & Takagi, M. ,".The variations of stable carbon isotope ratio of land plant-derived n-alkanes in deep-sea sediments from the Bering Sea and the North Pacific Ocean during the last 250,000 years.",Chemical geology,228(4),2006
Ratnayake, N. P., Suzuki, N., & Matsubara, M. ,".Sources of long chain fatty acids in deep sea sediments from the Bering Sea and the North Pacific Ocean.",Organic geochemistry,36(4),2005
Ratnayake, N. P., Sampei, Y., Tokuoka, T., Suzuki, N., & Ishida, H. ,".Anthropogenic impacts recorded in the sediments of Lunawa, a small tropical estuary, Sri Lanka.",Environmental Geology,48(2),2005
Ratnayake, N. P. and Suzuki, N. ,".Global changes of vegetation recorded in deep-sea sediments from Subarctic Pacific Ocean during the last 250,000 years.",Ocean Monthly,,2003
Kehelpannala, K. V., and Ratnayake, N. P. ,".Evidence for post-metamorphic metasomatism of high-grade orthogneisses from Sri Lanka.",Gondwana Research,2(2),1999