- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Process Engineering
- Senior Professor
Contact information
Department of Chemical and Process Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
-Undergraduate -
Research Activities
Particle Technology
Adsorption, Drying, Extraction, Air pollution control equipment Design
Education and Professional Affiliations
Bachelor's, University of Moratuwa ,1983
Masters, University of Manchester (UMIST) UK ,1987
PhD, University of Manchester (UMIST) UK ,1990
IESL(2010 To date)
Honours and Awards
Outstanding research awards (Received 2015)
Best research paper of the session (Received 2015)
Best presentation of the session (Received 2015)
Presidential awards for scientific publications in the year (Received 2007)
Outstanding Research Award, University of Moratuwa - (Received 2016)
E O E Pereira Award for the Best Paper presented at the Annual Sessions 2007 of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka. (Received 2007)
Research fellowship from National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka (Received 2007)
Fulbright Fellowship from US- Sri Lanka Fulbright Commission under advanced research and university lecturing awards, University of Missouri-Rolla, USA, (Received 2006)
Commonwealth Fellowship from UK?s association of commonwealth universities to purse post doctoral research work at the University of Leeds, UK. (Received 2005)
Overseas Research Students Fellowship and Mohn Research Fellowship to pursue postgraduate studies at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, 1986-1991. (Received 1991)
Union carbide award for the Best Chemical Engineering student in Final part III Examination (Received 1983)
Uni Levers Prize for the Best final year Design Project in Chemical Engineering (Received 1983)
Ceylon Tobacco Company award for the Best Performance in Final part II Examination, (Received 1982)
University of Moratuwa scholarship for the Best performance in First Year Examination Engineering II Group (Received 1980)
G.K. Jayatunga, B.M.W.P.K. Amarasinghe,".CHARACTERISTICS OF ESSENTIAL OIL EXTRACTED FROM SPOUTED BED DRIED BLACK PEPPER.",14th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE),Kandy, Sri lanka,2023,761
G.K.Jayatunga, B.M.W.P.K. Amarasinghe,".Influence of draft tube on Drying behaviour of black pepper in spouted bed.",9th Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2023,183-188
B. M. K. Premanath, M.N. Rajapakshe, B.M.W.P.K. Amarasinghe, G.K. Jayatunga,".Experimental study on the packed bed behavior of dried and fresh capsicum annum (red chili).",4th national symposium on agro-technology and rural sciences ,Hambanthota, Sri Lanka,2023,23
M. S. Abesekara, D. M. K. N. L. Dissanayake, G. K. Jayatunga, B. M. W. P. K. Amarasinghe,".Study on Fluidization Behaviour of Raw and Dry Sri Lankan Black Pepper.",MERCon 2020,University of Moratuwa,2020,
D.S. Kodithuwakku,".Rice bran oil extraction: a study on leaching kinetics and cross flow extraction, .",Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on “Trends in Multidisciplinary Business and Economic Research” (TMBER). Bangkok Silom, Thailand.,Bangkok Silom, Thailand,2015,107-117
G.K.jayathunga,".Mathematical modeling of drying kinetics of black pepper in a spouted bed dryer with and without non porous draft tubes.",Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on “Trends in Multidisciplinary Business and Economic Research” (TMBER). Bangkok Silom, Thailand.,Bangkok Silom, Thailand,2015,118-134
,".Key note speech titled ‘Role of multidisciplinary research for the betterment of the society; Chemical Engineer’s perspective.",2nd International Conference on “Trends in Multidisciplinary Business and Economic Research” (TMBER),Bangkok, Thailand,2015,
,".'Waste Biomass as an adsorbent for Wastewater Treatment’.",,Department of Chemical Engineering, Arizona State ,2015,
S. L. G. Haththotuwa and B. M. W. P. K. Amarasinghe,".Batch Adsorption Study for the Removal of Textile Dyes from Aqueous Solutions Using Pandanus Amaryllifolius (Rampe) Leaves.",Springer Nature ,,2022
A.M.P. Madhubashani , Dimitrios A. Giannakoudakis , B.M.W.P.K. Amarasinghe, Anushka Upamali Rajapaksha, P.B. Terney Pradeep Kumara, Konstantinos S. Triantafyllidis , Meththika Vithanage,".Propensity and appraisal of biochar performance in removal of oil spills: A comprehensive review.",Environmental Pollution,288,2021
Maduwanthi M.K.C., Amarasinghe B.M.W.P.K., Jayatunga G.K.,".Drying kinetics, moisture diffusivity, heat & mass transfer characteristics of Sri Lankan parboiled paddy drying in a Spouted Bed Dryer.",Trends in Chemical Engineering,19,2021
P.M.K. Dasanayake, R.G.S. Anushan, C.N.W. Karunarathna, and B.M.W.P.K. Amarasinghe,".PURIFICATION OF AUTOMOBILE WASTEWATER USING FLY ASH-CLAY COMPOSITE.",Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal,9,2020
M. P. Madhubashani, K. M. N. S. Sewwandi, B. M. W. P. K. Amarasinghe,".Tea Waste Impregnated with Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Dye Removal from Aqueous Solutions.",International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology,29,2020
Padma Amarasinghe, Kasun Amarasinghe,".Determination of Mass Transfer Coefficients for Adsorption of Pb and Cd Onto Coir Pith and Statistical Analysis.",Journal of Analytical Techniques and Research,2,2020
B.M.W.P.K. Amarasinghe, A.A.K.T. Amarasinghe,".Study on Mass Transfer, Kinetic Parameters and Rate Determining Step with Statistical Analysis in Adsorption of Pb ions onto Coir Pith.",International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology,7,2020
R.A. Williams and W.P.K. Amarasinghe, Measurement and Simulation behaviour of concentrated Polydisperse suspensions, Trans. Of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy sec C, vol. 98 C 68, 1989.
R.A. Williams, C.G. Xie, R. Bragge and W.P.K. Amarasinghe, Experimental Techniques for monitoring sedimentation in optically opaque suspensions, Colloids and surfaces, 43, 1990 (1-32).
R.A. Williams and W.P.K. Amarasinghe et al., The effect of size and charge polydispersity on sedimentation behaviour of concentrated suspensions, Proceedings of 5th World Filtration Congress, 1990.
R.A. Williams and W.P.K. Amarasinghe et al.,Sedimentation Behaviour of complex polydisperse suspensions, Powder Tech., 65, 1991, 411-432.
B.M.W.P.K. Amarasinghe and I.M.B.M. De Silva, Application of Membrane Separation Processes to the Sri Lankan Industry, Proceedings of Engineering Research Unit Symposium, University of Moratuwa, Dec. 2000.
N.C. Gangodavilage and B.M.W.P.K. Amarasinghe, Optimal Operating Conditions and equilibrium characteristics for rice bran oil extraction, Proceedings of Engineering Research Unit Symposium, University of Moratuwa, Nov 2001.
B.M.W.P.K. Amarasinghe and N.C. Gangodavilage, Effect of Operation Conditions on Rice Bran Oil Extraction and Equilibrium Data for Design Calculations, 2nd world Engineering Congress, Kuching, Malaysia, July 2002.
B.M.W.P.K. Amarasinghe, N.C. Gangodavilage, Rice bran oil extraction in Sri Lanka: Data for process equipment design, Trans IChem, Part C, Food and Bio products processing, 82(C1), March 2004.
B.M.W.P.K. Amarasinghe and Gangodavilage NC, Adsorbents from waste bio mass production and application. 7th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Glasgow, Scotland, 10-14 July 2005.
B.M.W.P.K. Amarasinghe, R.A. Williams, Tea waste as a low cost adsorbent for Cu and Pb removal from waste water, Chem. Eng. Journal, 132 (2007) 299-309.
B.M.W.P.K. Amarasinghe, P.A. Jayasinghe and M.Y. Gunesekara, Adsorption of Cibacron blue dye from aqueous solutions onto HCL treated waste, Engineer, Journal of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, XXXX (3) July 2007.
B.M.W.P.K. Amarasinghe, Comparison of adsorption characteristics of waste biomass materials for the removal of Pb ions from industrial effluents, Engineer, Journal of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, XXXX (4) October 2007.
B.M.W.P.K. Amarasinghe , M.P.M. Kumarasiri, N.C. Gangodavilage, Effect of Method of Stabilization on Aqueous Extraction of Rice Bran Oil, J. Food and Bio products processing, 87 (2) 2009.
B.M.W.P.K. Amarasinghe and G.K. Jayathunga, Effect of Method of Treatment of Rice Husk on Adsorption of Textile Dyes from Aqueous Solutions, The proceedings of the 3rd International conference on Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering, 12th-14th August 2009, University Mayasia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
G.K. Jayathunga and B.M.W.P.K. Amarasinghe, Rice husk based adsorbents for textile effluent treatment, Engineer, Journal of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, XXXX II(4) October 2009.
W. A. J. Anurangi, B. M. W. P. K. Amarasinghe, A. A. P. de Alwis, Adsorption of Residual Oil from Oily Wastewater using Natural Adsorbents, Transactions of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, October 2010.
B. M. W. P. K. Amarasinghe, Removal of lead and cadmium from wastewater by adsorption onto coir pith , Journal of Tropical Forestry and Environment, Vol 1, No 1 (2011), 36-47.
H.D.S.S. Karunarathne, B.M.W.P.K. Amarasinghe, Sugar cane Bagasse based activated carbon as an adsorbent, Third international conference in Chemical Engineering, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 29-30 December 2011.
H.D.S.S. Karunarathne, B.M.W.P.K. Amarasinghe, Fixed bed Adsorption Column Studies for the Removal of Aqueous Phenol from Activated Carbon Prepared from Sugarcane Bagasse, 10th Eco-Energy and Materials Science and Engineering Symposium, Ubon ratchathani, Thailand, December 5-8. 2012 and Energy Procedia 34 ( 2013 ) 83 – 90.
M A M Jinasena, A D U S Amarasinghe, B M W P K Amarasinghe, M A B Prashantha and D M M B Dissanayake, Study on Extraction of Chlorophyll from AlternantheraSessilis (Linn.): Operating Conditions and Mass Transfer, Transactions of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, October 2013.
M A M Jinasena, B M W P K Amarasinghe, A D U S Amarasinghe and M. A B Prashantha, Study on Pre Processing and Storage Conditions for Extraction of Chlorophyll From Alternantherasessilis (L.) and Kinetics of Degradation of Chlorophyll, Transactions of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, October 2013.
G.K. Jayatunga and B.M.W. P.K. Amarasinghe, Drying Kinetics of Black Pepper Dried in A Spouted Bed Dryer with or without Draft Tubes, Proc. of the Intl. Conf. on Advances in Civil, Structural and Mechanical Engineering-- ACSME 2014, Jan 4-5, Bangkok Thailand and International Journal of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering (IJMIE), Vol. 1: Issue 2, June 2014, 6-10.
G.K. Jayatunga and B.M.W. P.K. Amarasinghe, Effect of Configuration of Non-porous Draft Tubes on Drying Kinetics of Black Pepper Dried in A Spouted Bed Dryer, Transactions of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, October 2014.
B.M.W.P.K. Amarasinghe and D.S. Kodithuwakku, Rice bran oil extraction: a study on leaching kinetics and cross flow extraction, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on “Trends in Multidisciplinary Business and Economic Research” (TMBER). Bangkok Silom, Thailand. Vol. 2, 107-117, March 25-26, 2015.
G.K. Jayatunga and B.M.W.P.K. Amarasinghe, Mathematical modeling of drying kinetics of black pepper in a spouted bed dryer with and without non porous draft tubes, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on “Trends in Multidisciplinary Business and Economic Research” (TMBER). Bangkok Silom, Thailand. Vol. 2, 118-134, March 25-26, 2015.
M.A.M. Jinasena, A.D.U.S. Amarasinghe, B.M.W.P.K. Amarasinghe, M.A.B. Prashantha, Extraction and degradation of chlorophyll a and b from Alternanthera sessillis, J. of National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka, 44 (1), 11-21, 2016.
G.K. Jayatunga, 'S.M.N.D Martino and B.M.W.P.K. Amarasinghe Thin Layer Drying Models for Drying of Black Pepper in Spouted Bed Dryer with Internal Devices, Annual Sessions, Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, October 2016.
B.M.W.P.K. Amarasinghe, A.J.M.L.M. Aberathna, K.K.P.P. Aberathna,Kinetics and Mathematical Modeling of Microwave Drying of Sri Lankan Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) International Journal of Environmental & Agriculture Research (IJOEAR) ,Vol-4, Issue-2, February- 2018, 6-13.