- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Textile & Apparel Engineering
- Professor
Contact information
Department of Textile & Apparel Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Colouration and Finishing of Textiles -Undergraduate -2015
Colouration and finishing of Textiles -Undergraduate -2016
Advance Colouration -Undergraduate -2016
Colouration nad Finishing of Textiles -Postgraduate -2015
Research Activities
Colouration and Finishing of Textiles
Enviornmental Management
Natural dyeing
Improving colour reproducibility in bulk production of single jersey cotton knits using reactive dyeing
Stabilization of natural dyes to the Sri Lankan textile industry
Developing a new method for scouring process
Education and Professional Affiliations
Bachelor's, University of Moratuwa ,1993
MPhil, University of Moratuwa ,2000
PhD, University of Moratuwa ,2010
IESL(2011 To date)
June1993-May 1994 |
Temporary Instructor |
Department of Chemical & Process Engineering ,University of Moratuwa |
May 1994-July 1995 |
Temporary Instructor |
Department of Textile Technology ,University of Moratuwa |
July 1995- Aug 2000 |
Lecturer ( probationary) |
Department of Textile Technology ,University of Moratuwa |
Aug. 2000 to 2006 |
Senior Lecturer Grade II |
Department of Textile Technology ,University of Moratuwa |
Aug.2006 to date |
Senior Lecturer Grade I |
Department of Textile Technology ,University of Moratuwa |
Department of Textile Technology ,University of Moratuwa |
Honours and Awards
Outstanding Research Performance (Received 2023)
U.. G. S. Wijayapala, A.A.P. Alwis, G. M. Ranathunga, P. V. M. Karunaratne,".Evolution of Sri Lankan Textile Education from Ancient Times to the 21st Century.",Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022,2022
Jayani Wijayarathna, Sampath Induruwa, Deepika Priyadarshani, Samudrika Wijayapala, Rumesh Samarawickrama,".Aqueous Extraction and Dyeing Behavior of Areca Nut (Areca catechu) Natural Dye for Cotton Fabric.",Sri Lanka Technological Campus,Colombo,2023,
K.P.N Bhagya; K.G.R Samarawickrama; P.V.M Karunaratne; G.M Ranathunga; U.G.S Wijayapala; S.N Niles,".Dyeing of cotton fabric with natural dyes extracted from Garcinia morella fluid.",MERCon Conference,University of Moratuwa,2023,
W.P. Deshanjalee, U.G.S. Wijayapala, K.G.R. Samarawickrama, D.P.N.De Silva and B.V.A.S.M Bambaranda,".Application of brown seaweed (Sargassum Cristaefolium) as natural eco-colourant on cotton fabrics with natural mordants.",Agriculture and Environment (ISAE) 2023,University of Ruhuna,2023,109
K. G. R. Samarawickrama, U. G. S. Wijayapala, C. A. N. Fernando,".THE GREEN SYNTHESIS OF IRON NANOPARTICLES FROM AN AQUEOUS EXTRACT OF NEEM LEAVES (Azadirachta indica).",iOURS 2022,Open University of Sri Lanka,2022,
KGR Samarawickrama, UGS Wijayapala, CAN Fernando,".Extraction and Characterization of Cellulose Nanocrystals from Filter Paper using Sulfuric Acid Hydrolysis.",Rescon 2022 ,University of Peradeniya,2022,
K. G. R. Samarawickrama, U. G. S. Wijayapala and C. A. N. Fernando,".3) Isolation and characterization of cellulose nanocrystals from cotton balls by using sulfuric acid hydrolysis.",International Conference on Applied and Pure Sciences (ICAPS 2022-Kelaniya),University of Kelaniya,2022,88
K. G. R. Samarawickrama, U. G. S. Wijayapala and C. A. N. Fernando,".Green Synthesis of Iron Nanoparticles from Long coriander (Eryngium foetidum) Leaves Aqueous Extract.",KDUIRC 2022,Kothalawala Defense University, Rathmalana, SL,2022,06
K.G. Rumesh Samarawickrama, U.G.S. Wijayapala, N.D. Wanasekara, C.A.N. Fernando,".Green Synthesis of Iron Nanoparticles using Bridelia Retusa Leaves Extract.",International Postgraduate Research Conference 2021 (IPRC 2021),University of Kelaniya,2021,08
Samarasinghe S. D and Chandrika U. G,".Imparting mosquito repellent property to fabrics through silver nano particles.",ANZNMF 2018 ,Auckland, New-Zealand,2018,
,".Microencapsulation of essential oils and impregnation onto a fabric.",23rd International Forestry and Environment Symposium ,Waskaduwa ,Sri Lanka,2018,50
,".Investigation of stabilization of natural dyes to textile dye industry.", 23rd International Forestry and Environment Symposium ,Citrus, Waskaduwa ,Sri Lanka,2018,70
,".6. Exploration of newer natural dyes to Sri Lankan textile industry .",02nd International Conference on Apparel Textiles and Fashion Design,Galle Face Hotel, Colombo,2017,
,".Investigation of Temple waste flower (Marigold ) Extracts as a Potential Colouring Agent for Textile Substrates for Sri Lankan Textile Industry..",21st International Forestry and Environmental Symposium,heritance, kandalama.dambulla,SL,2016,
,".Extraction and Application of Eco-friendly Natural Dye Obtained from Kitchen Waste: Big Onion Skin .",21st International Forestry and Environmental Symposium,heritance, kandalama.dambulla,SL,2016,80
,".Evaluation of Herbal Treated Curative Fabrics.",4th International Conference on,Institute of indegeneous Medicine, University of Colombo,Rajagiriya.,2016,80
,".Utilisation of temple waste Sepalika (Night-flowering Jasmine) flowers (Nyctanthes arbortristis) as potential colouring agents for textile substrates used in Textile Industry..",Eighteenth International Forestry and Environment Symposium 2013,Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Nugegoda,2014,
,".Investigation of Waste Tea Leaves (Black) as a Source for a Potential Colouring Agent for Textile Substrates for the Sri Lankan Textile Industry.",Eighteenth International Forestry and Environment Symposium, Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura,2014,
,".Development of Herbal Garments to Sri Lankan Textile Industry.",1st International conference on Unani, Ayurveda, Siddha and Traditional Medicine ,Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo, Rajagiriya,2013,
D.K.A.S Dharmasena, D.M.N Bandara, M.A.I Chathuranga, K.S. Rajapakshe,".Development of a new scouring methodology for the textile industry.",19th Annual Symposium, Engineering Research Unit (ERU),University of Moratuwa,2013,
,".Investigation of mordanting activity of the flower of Nyctanthes arbortristis (Sepalika) on natural dyed fabrics.",International Symposium on Polymer Science and Technology,University of Sri Jayewardenepura ,2012,
,".Elimination of Inconsistency in Dip Dyeing Process in Sri Lankan Garment Industry.",International Conference on Value Addition & Innovation in Textiles (COVITEX) ,National Textile University, Faisalabad, Pakistan.,2011,
,".An Analysis of environmental performance of natural dyes.",Proceedings of the 14th Annual Symposium, Engineering Research Unit (ERU) ,University of Moratuwa,2008,26-27
,".Extraction of natural dyes as textile colourants from kitchen wastes.",Proceedings of the 14th Annual Symposium, Engineering Research Unit (ERU) ,University of Moratuwa,2008,43-44
Wathsala Abeysinghe, Prabath Suraweera, Suresh Kumaratunge,".Extraction, Isolation & Identification of colouring substances in local natural dye yielding plants .",Proceedings of the 14th Annual Symposium, Engineering Research Unit (ERU),University of Moratuwa,2008,138-139
,".Investigation of Domestic kitchen wastes as potential colouring agent for textile substrates.",Proceedings of the 64th Annual Sessions, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of science,as potential colouring agent for textile substrates”, Proceedings of the 64th Annual Sessions, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of science,2008,267
,".An Environmental burden analysis of synthetic dye vs. natural dyes.",Proceedings of the 64th Annual Sessions, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of science,Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of science,2008,63
,".Ultrasound techniques in Natural Dye application to Textiles.",13th Annual Symposium, Engineering Research Unit (ERU),University of Moratuwa,2007,46-48
NGH de Silva,".Investigation of leaves and saw dust of jak tree as potential colouring agent for textile substrates.",Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Sessions, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of science,Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of science ,2006,65
NGH de Silva ,".Investigation on Cashew nut Shell Liquid (CNSL) as potential colouring and finishing agents for Textile substrate.",Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Sessions, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of science, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of science,2006,63
KPN Gunaratne, NGH de Silva,".Tea Polyphenols as Indegeneous natural plant Resource in preparation of Azo dyes for dyeing textiles.",Proceedings of the 9th Annual Symposium, Engineering Research Unit (ERU),University of Moratuwa,2003,D-3- D-5
AAP de Alwis, NGH de Silva ,".Investigation of leaves and saw dust of jak tree as potential colouring agent for textile substrates.",Proceedings of the 12th Annual Symposium 2003, Engineering Research Unit (ERU),University of Moratuwa,2003,pp 103-105
,".Solid waste minimization at a narrow fabric production Mill.",Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Sessions, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of science,Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of science,2001,149
de Alwis AAP, de Silva NGH,".Ozonation as a process water recycling option.",Silver Jubilee Conference of University of Peradeniya,University of Peradeniya,2000,
NGH de Silva, Ajith de Alwis,".Positive Environmental Management via waste minimization in a Garment washing facility.",Proceedings of the Annual symposium Engineering Research Unit (ERU), University of Moratuwa,1998,157-167
Jayani Wijayarathna, Sampath Induruwa, Deepika Priyadarshani, Samudrika Wijayapala, Rumesh Samarawickrama,".Extraction and dyeing behavior of natural dye obtained from areca catechu powder waste for cotton fabric.",Sri Lankan Journal of Technology Journal,04,2023
KG Rumesh Samarawickrama, UG Samudrika Wijayapala, CA Nandana Fernando,".Extraction and characterization of cellulose nanocrystals from filter paper by sulfuric acid hydrolysis method.",Sri Lankan Journal of Technology Journal,04,2023
KG Rumesh Samarawickrama, UG Samudrika Wijayapala, CA Nandana Fernando,".Extraction and characterization of natural dye from leaves of Lannea coromandelica and application on cotton fabric.",Pigment & Resin Technology Journal (Q3),53/06,2023
KGR Samarawickrama, UGS Wijayapala, CAN Fernando,".Extraction and analysis of cellulose nanocrystals from cotton balls by acid hydrolysis.",Journal of Science of the University of Kelaniya,16/01,2023
K. G. R. Samarawickrama, U. G. S. Wijayapala C. A. N. Fernando,".Extraction and analysis of cellulose nanocrystals from cotton balls by acid hydrolysis.", Journal of Science of the University of Kelaniya,16/01,2022
Padma S Vankar , Samudrika Wijayapala,".Natural Dyeing of bio treated silk with Eclipta – protarata Extract.",Asian Dyer,19-06,2022
Hafeezullah Memon ,Gayathri Madubhani Ranathunga , Virajini Medagedara Karunaratne , Samudrika Wijayapala and Nilhan Niles ,".Sustainable Textiles in the Past “Wisdom of the Past: Inherited Weaving Techniques Are the Pillars of Sustainability in the Handloom Textile Sector of Sri Lanka”.",Sustainability,14/9439,2022
KGR Samarawickrama, UGS Wijayapala, CAN Fernando,".Green Synthesis of Iron Nanoparticles from Aqueous Extract of Fenugreek Seeds (Trigonella foenum-graecum): Synthesis Mechanism and Characterization.",Sri Lankan Journal of Technology,03 / Special,2022
K.G. Rumesh Samarawickrama, U.G.S. Wijayapala, N.D. Wanasekara, C.A.N. Fernando,".Improving Dyeing Properties of Cotton Fabrics to Natural Dyes with Cellulose Nanocrystals (CNCs) [Mejora de las propiedades de teñido de telas de algodón a tintes naturales con nanocristales de celulosa (CNC)].",Journal of Nanotechnology,05/02,2021
K.G. Rumesh Samarawickrama, U.G.S. Wijayapala, N.D. Wanasekara, C.A.N. Fernando,".Improving Dyeing Properties of Cotton Fabrics to Natural Dyes with Cellulose Nanocrystals (CNCs) [Mejora de las propiedades de teñido de telas de algodón a tintes naturales con nanocristales de celulosa (CNC)].",Journal of Nanotechnology,05/02,2021
K.G. Rumesh Samarawickrama, U.G.S. Wijayapala, N.D. Wanasekara, C.A.N. Fernando,".Improving Dyeing Properties of Cotton Fabrics to Natural Dyes with Cellulose Nanocrystals (CNCs) [Mejora de las propiedades de teñido de telas de algodón a tintes naturales con nanocristales de celulosa (CNC)].",Journal of Nanotechnology,05/02,2021
Subashini Balakrishnan, G.L. Dharmasri Wickramasinghe & U.G. Samudrika Wijayapala.,".Eco-Friendly softening for banana Fibers from Sri Lankan banana cultivar: Influence on physical and chemical Properties on banana Fibers.",Journal of Natural Fibers,,2021
Subashini Balakrishnan , Ganemulle Lekamalage Dharmasri Wickramasinghe and Udumalagala Gamage Samudrika Wijayapala,".Investigation on mechanical and chemical properties of mechanically extracted banana fibre in pseudostem layers: From Sri Lankan banana (Musa) cultivation waste.",Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics,16,2021
Balakrishnan Subashini, Wickramasinghe Dharmasri GL, Wijayapala Samudrika UG,".A novel approach for banana (Musa) Pseudo-stem fibre grading Method: Extracted fibres from Sri Lankan Banana Cultivars.",Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics,05,2020
Balakrishnan Subashini, Wickramasinghe Dharmasri GL, Wijayapala Samudrika UG,".Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Mechanically Extracted Banana (MUSA) Fibers from Top Ten Sri Lankan Cultivars.",Journal of Natural Fibers,,2020
Wijayapala Samudrika UG,".Investigation of Floral Dye Extracts as Dyeing Material for Textile Fabrics with Bio Mordant for Sri Lankan Textile Industry .",Journal of Sciences and Engineering, publication ,04,2020
Karunaratne P.V.M , Wijayakuruppu M. B. M. W , Wijayapala U. G. S, Ranathunga G. M. A ,".study on the factors influencing the preference of Sri Lankan consumers for the use of denim jeans.",Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences and Humanities,04,2020
G. M. Ranathunga , I. H. R. Kaluarachchi , U. G. S. Wijayapala , P. V. M. Karunarathne,".A Survey of traditional natural dye practice of Sri Lanka Today: A possible path pointing towards the development of the natural dye industry.",Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, ,05,2020
Balakrishnan Subashini, Wickramasinghe Dharmasri GL, Wijayapala Samudrika UG ,".A novel approach for banana (Musa) Pseudo-stem fibre grading Method: Extracted fibres from Sri Lankan Banana Cultivars,J.",Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics,05,2020
Dhara Shukla, Padma S Vankar ,".Pain and Inflammation Relieving Herbs from Sri Lanka.",International Journal of Pain & Relief,2,2018
M.A.E.Ayomani, J.M.C.Hansadi,".Investigating the Ability to Transfer Antimicrobial Properties of Neem (Azadirachta Indica) Seed Oil to Cotton Knitted Fabrics,.",MERCon 2018 ,,2018
Dhara Shukla and Padma S Vankar ,".Effective mosquito repellent from plant based formulation .",International Journal of Mosquito Research ,,2018
Padma S. Vankar Dhara Shukla,". Innovative silk dyeing using enzyme and Rubia cordifolia extract at room temperature.",Pigment & Resin Technology,46,2017
Vankar, Padma S.; Shanker, Rakhi; ,".Dyeing of cotton, silk and wool with bark extract of artocarpus heterophyllus lam.",Research Journal of Textile and Apparel,,2011
Padma S.Vankar , Dhara Shukla,".Low Temperature Optimized Dyeing of Cotton, Wool and Silk with Extract of Camellia Sinensis (Tea Leaves).",Journal of Textile Engineering & Fashion Technology,2,2011
Vankar P. S., Shanker R. ,".Dyeing of Cotton, Wool and Silk with extract of Allium Cepa.",Journal of Pigment and Resin Technology ,,2009
Vankar P. S, Shanker R,".Dyeing Cotton, Silk and Wool yarn with extract of Garcinia mangostana pericarp.",Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management,1,2009
Vankar P. S., Shanker R,".Utilisation of temple waste flower T. erecta (Marigold) for dyeing of Cotton, Wool and Silk on industrial scale.",Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management (JTATM),6,2009
Vankar P. S., Shanker R., ,".Improved wash and light fastnesses by sonicator dyeing of cotton, silk and wool with Curcuma domestica valet extract.",International Dyer,,2008
Vankar P. S., Shanker R. , de Alwis A.P.P., de Silva N.G.H,".Dyeing of cotton, wool and silk with extract of Nephelium Lappaceum (Rambutan) pericarp.",Asian Textile Journal ,,2007
Vankar P. S., Shanker R. , de Alwis A.P.P., de Silva N.G.H,".Dyeing of cotton, wool and silk with extract of Salacia Prenoids (Kothala Himbutu).",Asian Textile Journal ,,2007
Vankar P. S, Shanker R. , de Alwis APP, de Silva NGH,".Dyeing of cotton, wool and silk with extract Coscinium fenestratum (Weniwal).",Asian Textile Journal ,,2007