- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Earth Resources Engineering
- Senior Lecturer Grade I
Contact information
Department of Earth Resources Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Petroleum processing -Undergraduate -2015
principles of Environmental Engineering -Undergraduate -2016
Analytical Methods -Undergraduate -2016
Mine Waste Management and Rehabilitation -Undergraduate -2017
Tunnel Engineering and design -Undergraduate -2017
Rock Mechanics -Undergraduate -2017
Semester 7 coordinator - (2015 To 2024)
Department representative of ERU - (2016 To 2024)
Level coordinator - Level 4 coordinator (2007 To 2008)
Semester 8 coordinator - (2015 To 2024)
Department representative/ PG BoS - (2023 To date)
Department representative of ERU - (2011 To 2012)
Research Activities
Identification of Stable Quarry Slope Parameters in Aruwakkalu Limestone Quarry
Education and Professional Affiliations
Bachelors, University of Moratuwa ,2006
Masters, Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand) ,2010
PhD, Hokkaido university ,2015
Institute of Engineers, Sri Lanka(2008 To date)
International Society of Rock Mechanics(2016 To date)
Honours and Awards
Best paper award - MERCon 2020 (Received 2020)
Best paper award -MERCon 2021 (Received 2021)
Outstanding Research performance-Outstanding Award with Distinction (Received 2019)
Outstanding Research performance-Outstanding Award with Distinction (Received 2020)
Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarship (Received 2012)
Yoshiaki Fujii1 Morteza Sheshpari Jun-ichi Kodama1 Daisuke Fukuda1 Anjula BN Dassanayake,".Prevention of Catastrophic Volcanic Eruptions, Large Earthquakes underneath Big Cities, and Giant Earthquakes at Subduction Zones.",Vide Leaf,2021
S Varnasuthan, WTM Fernando, DS Dahanayaka, ABN Dassanayake, MADMG Wickrama, IMTN Illankoon,".Image analysis approach to determine the porosity of rocks.",ISERME 2023,University of Moratuwa,2023,35-41
Gamsavi, K., Senarathna, T. M. B., Dassanayake, A. B. N., Jayawardena, C. L., & Chaminda, S. P ,".Comparative analysis of AIV, LAAV, and water absorption for selecting optimal aggregates in road pavement construction..",SLRMES International Conference ,Colombo,2023,57–58
GKA Karunarathne, WMRT Weerasinghe, AK Dukeraisan, S Niroshan, K Gamsavi, ABN Dassanayake, SP Chaminda, LC Jayawardena, MADMG Wickrama,".Evaluation of weathering effect on engineering properties of Sri Lankan gneissic rock.",ISERME 2022,University of Moratuwa,2022,28-34
WMRTB Wijethunga, AMDR Aththanayake, UASB Weerasinghe, IMTN Illankoon, ABN Dassanayake, SP Chaminda,". Experimental investigation on factors affecting the bulking of aggregate quarry products.",ISERME 2022,University of Moratuwa,2022,
SWH Kavinda, NAHPER Siriwardana, JPD Chathuranga, SP Chaminda, ABN Dassanayake, LC Jayawardena, KGAU Samarakoon,".Optimization of blasting geometry and explosive quantity in control blasting for dimension stone extraction.",ISERME 2022,University of Moratuwa,2022,7-13
KATT Kannangara, MB Shoukie, MPA Nayomi, SM Dassanayake, ABN Dassanyake, CL Jayawardena,".Determining the Invasive Plant Dynamics in Bolgoda Lake Using Open-source Data.",ISERME 2022,University of Moratuwa,2022,
K.A.T.T Kannangara, M.B. Shoukie, M.P.A. Nayomi, S.M. Dassanayake, C. Jayawardane, A.B.N Dassanayake,".Spatiotemporal Growth Dynamics of Invasive Plant Distribution in Bolgoda Lake, Sri Lanka: A GIS Based Approach.",MERCon 2022,University of Moratuwa,2022,
D Chirantha, HMDK Herath, HMNI Chandrapala, SP Chaminda, ABN Dassanayake, CL Jayawardena,".Assessment of the effect of Aruwakkalu waste dump on surrounding water resources.",International Symposium on Earth Resources Management and Environment(ISERME 2021),Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2021,78-84
TMB Senarathna, SHMPK Janith, ABN Dassanayake, SP Chaminda, CL Jayawardena,".Correlations between durability, mineralogy and strength properties of limestone.",International Symposium on Earth Resources Management and Environment(ISERME 2021),Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2021,26-30
Anjula Dassanayake, Yoshiaki Fujii, Amirthan Thirukumaran,".Effective Stress Coefficient through MFEM and Confining Pressure Dependency of Bibai Sandstone.", Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2021,409-414
Amirthan Thirukumaran, Lahiru Dananjaya, Tharaka Dilshan, Anjula Dassanayake, Chulantha Jayawardena, Maheshwari Wickrama, Yoshiaki Fujii, Sophea Boeut,".Stability Analysis of Slopes in Aruwakkalu Limestone Mine During Rain: A Finite Element Approach.",MERCon 2020,University of Moratuwa,2020,537-542
Fujii, Y., Alam, A.K.M.B., Fukuda, D. ,".Formulation and Implementation of Effective Stress Coefficient of Rock to FEM.",Fall Meeting of MMIJ,Morioka, Japan,2016,
Fujii, Y., Fukuda, D. and Kodama, J. ,".Significant Differences in Effective Stress Coefficient for Rocks within Elastic Region and Peak and Residual Strengths.",8th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium,Sapporo, Japan,2014,
Fujii, Y. ,".Biot’s Effective Stress Coefficient of Rocks for Peak and Residual Strengths by Modified Failure Envelope Method.",Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses (Proc. EUROCK 2014),Vigo, Spain,2014,
Fujii, Y. ,".Biot’s Effective Stress Coefficient of Rocks for Peak and Residual Strengths by Modified Failure Envelope Method.",Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses (Proc. EUROCK 2014),Vigo, Spain,2014,
Fujii, Y., Fukuda, D. and Kodama, J. ,".Significant Differences in Effective Stress Coefficient for Rocks within Elastic Region and Peak and Residual Strengths.",8th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium,Sapporo, Japan,2014,
G Kanagasundaram, ABN Dassanayake, CL Jayawardena, SP Chaminda,".Rock Mechanics Quantifying the relationship between uniaxial compressive strength and slake durability index in gneiss rocks: an experimental approach.",Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka,52,2024
Samarakoon, K.G.A.U.; Chaminda, S.P.; Jayawardena, C.L.; Dassanayake, A.B.N.; Kondage, Y.S.; Kannangara, K.A.T.T. A ,".A Review of Dimension Stone Extraction Methods.",Mining,3,2023
Z Li, Y Fujii, J Kodama, D Fukuda, P Sinkala, Songjian Ao, ABN Dassanayake,".A Three-Dimensional Constitutive Model for Rocks Based on a Strain-Dependent Elastic Modulus.",Lithosphere,2022,2022
Y Fujii, N Ikeda, Y Onoe, Y Kanai, T Hayakawa, D Awaji, J Kodama, D Fukuda, AKMB Alam, ABN Dassanayake,".A case study on severe damage at a tunnel in serpentinite rock mass.",SN Applied Sciences,4/1,2022
PGN Nayanthara, ABN Dassanayake, K Nakashima, S Kawasaki,".Distribution and cementation characteristics of beachrocks along southern, southwestern and western coast of Sri Lanka.",Journal of Sedimentary Environments,6/1,2021
Yoshiaki Fujii, Shiori Saito, Teppei Oshima, Jun-ichi Kodama, Daisuke Fukuda, Shokichi Sakata, Kagemi Uchida, Hiroyuki Matsumoto, Anjula BN Dassanayake,".Complete slaking collapse of dike sandstones by fresh water and prevention of the collapse by salt water.",International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences,131,2020
Sophea Boeut, Yoshiaki Fujii, Jun-Ichi Kodama, Daisuke Fukuda, Anjula Dassanayake, Badrul AKM Alam,".Laboratory Investigation on the Permeability Variation of Fractured Inada Granite by Multiple Transient Axial Stress Disturbances.",Pure and Applied Geophysics,177,2020
Umali M. Yasidu,, Yoshiaki Fujii, Jun-ichi Kodama, Daisuke Fukuda,1George J. Maneya, Johnson Dandadzi, and Anjula B. N. Dassanayake,".Influences of Water Vapor on Roof Fall Accidents in Selected Underground Coal Mines in Malawi.",Advances in Civil Engineering ,2019,2019
PGN Nayanthara, ABN Dassanayake, K Nakashima, S Kawasaki,".Microbial induced carbonate precipitation using a native inland bacterium for beach sand stabilization in nearshore areas.",Applied Sciences ,9,2019
PGN Nayanthara, ABN Dassanayake, N Kazunori, S Kawasaki,".Biocementation of Sri Lankan beach sand using locally isolated bacteria: A baseline study on the effect of segregated culture media.",International Journal of GEOMATE,17,2019
Fujii, Y., Sheshpari, M., Kodama, J., Fukuda, D., Dassanayake, A. B. N.,".Prevention of Catastrophic Volcanic Eruptions, Large Earthquakes underneath Big Cities and Giant Earthquakes at Subduction Zones.",Sustainability,Vol. 10,2018
Fujii, Y., Makasi, M., Kodama, J., Fukuda, D., Goto, K., Kumakura S., Kanaoka, M. and Dassanayake, A.B.N.,".Tangent Modulus Method - An Original Method to Measure In-Situ Rock Stress.",Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,Vol. 82,2018
Fujii, Y., Ichihara,Y., Matsumoto, H., Kodama, J-I, Fukuda, D. and Dassanayake A.B.N.,".Water drainage from Kushiro Coal Mine decreased on the day of all M???7.5 earthquakes and increased thereafter.",Scientific Reports,8,2018
A.B.N. Dassanayake, N. Phien-wej P. H. Giao,".Groundwater Flow Modeling and Slope Stability Analysis for Deepening of Mae Moh Open Pit Lignite Mine.",Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA,Vol. 47,2016
A.B.N. Dassanayake, Y Fujii, D Fukuda, J Kodama,".A new approach to evaluate effective stress coefficient for strength in Kimachi sandstone.",Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,131,2015