- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Materials Science and Engineering
- Senior Lecturer Grade I
Contact information
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Properties of Materials -Undergraduate -2015
Heat treatment & strengthening mechanisms of Metals -Undergraduate -2012
Metal Casting and Powder Metallurgy -Undergraduate -2013
Extraction of Metals -Undergraduate -2013
Joining of Materials -Undergraduate -2013
Metals and Alloys II -Undergraduate -2012
Heat treatment & strengthening mechanisms of Metals -Undergraduate -2013
Member -Faculty Academic Commitee (2014 To 2019)
Coordinator -Academic Coordinator S1, S2 (2014 To date)
Member -Orientation Committee (2014 To 2020)
Member -International Relation Committee (2014 To date)
Member - Exhibition Committee (2020 To date)
Mentor - Semester 1 (2014 To date)
Member -Faculty Student Emergency Management Committee (2019 To date)
Senior Treasurer - Society of Materials Engineering Students (2010 To date)
Department News Officer - (2014 To 2019)
Practical Coordinator S2 - (2010 To date)
Research Activities
Industrial Metallurgy
Extraction Metallurgy
Construction Materials
Developing a Compressed Engineering Soil Block Stabilized with Bottom Ash and Paddy Husk Ash (2022 - ongoing)
Establishment of Co-Relation Factor for Strain Hardening Ratio and Carbon Equivalent of mostly used 16mm diameter locally manufactured rebars (2022-ongoing)
Optimizing the Hardness of Locally Manufactured 6063 Al Alloy Billet by the Addition of Titanium (2021-2022)
Suitability of M-Sand Sludge Waste to Produce Class-C Paving Blocks (2021-2022)
Numerically Modeling the Mechanical Properties of Grade 20 Paving Blocks Made with Palmyra Leaf Stalk Fibers and Polyethylene Terephthalate (2021-2022)
Develop an Equation to Model the Corrosion Behavior for Structural Steel with 0.2%C (2021-2022)
Extraction of Silica Sand from Blasting Sand (2021-2022)
The Use of Steel Slag as a Fine Aggregate of Concrete Paving Blocks (2020-2021)
Suitability of the off-shore sand sludge for value added building products (2020-2021)
Development of an optimum mixture for Concrete blocks using Rice Husk Ash (2020-2021)
Using Cocamidopropyl Beataine as a water reducing admixture (2020-2021)
Correlation of Compressive Strength and Ultra Sonic Pulse Velocity of concrete; A review of current methods (2020-2021)
Effect of Lecithin on flow of cement mortar and compressive strength (2020-2021)
Use of Aruwakkalu sand for medium strength concrete (2020-2021)
Comparison of Corrosion Behaviour of Steel Reinforcement Bars in Ordinary Portland Cement and Portland Pozzolana Cement Environments (2020-2022)
Modify the Asphalt to Withstand High Temperature Which leads to Corrugation (2019-2020)
Enhance the Bond Strength Between Concrete and Coated Reinforcement Steel Bars (2019-2020)
Effect of Marine Environment on Corrosion of Mild Steel (2019-2020)
Effect of Carbon Black and Graphene Oxide Additions on Properties of Ordinary Portland Cement Composite (2019-2020)
Purification of Rutile in Sri Lankan Beach Sand for the Extraction of Tio2 by Reducing Iron Content (2019 to date)
Iron Extraction from Used Blasting Sand (2019 to date)
Extraction Metallurgy
Industrial Metallurgy
Construction Materials
Education and Professional Affiliations
Bachelor, University of Moratuwa ,1995
Masters, University of Peradeniya ,2000
MPhil, University of Moratuwa ,2014
Other, Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka ,2010 Corporate Member
Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL)(2010 To date)
Ø Senior Lecturer Grade I at Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka (May 2020 – To date)
Ø Senior Lecturer Grade II at Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka (May 2014 – April 2020)
Ø Lecturer Probationary at Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka (July 2004 – April 2014)
Ø Visiting lecturer, Kothalawala Defence Academy, Rathmalana, Sri Lanka (2007 - 2008)
Ø Visiting Lecturer, Atomic Energy Authority, Colombo
Ø Visiting lecturer at Department of Materials Engineering, University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka (1999 - 2004)
Ø Metallurgist/ Materials Engineer at Engineering Division, Industrial Development Board Sri Lanka (1996 – 2004 June)
Ø Temporary Instructor at Department of Materials Engineering, University of Moratuwa (September 1995 – December 1995)
Ø Six-months “on the job” training at Fukushima Steel Casting Company Ltd, Japan in the area of Electrical Melting Technology (Metal Casting)
Ø ISO qualification in Ultrasonic Testing Level 1 and Radiographic Testing Level 1
Ø Attended a Seminar on Total Quality Management in Malaysia
Ø ISO 9000:2001 Consultant Development Programme
Ø Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education (CTHE) conducted by University of Colombo Sri Lanka.
Ø Providing technical expertise as a member of Technical Evaluation Committee for Supplying, Installation & Commissioning of Laboratory Equipment for Metallurgy Laboratory at Industrial Development Board of Ceylon. (2019)
Ø Member of Establishment of Data Base for Metal Based Industry Sector by Ministry of Industry & Commerce, Resettlement of Protracted Displaced Persons, Co-operative Development and Vocational Training & Skills Development. (2019)
Ø Providing technical expertise as a working group committee member for Formulation of Sri Lanka Standards for Water Accessories (Service Valves &Amp; Ball Valves) at Sri Lanka Standards Institution. (2021 to date)
Ø Providing consultancy and testing services to industries and construction projects since 2010 to date.
Honours and Awards
Chandima, A. M. B. Guluwita, S. P.,".Effect of Carbon Black and Graphene Oxide Additions on Properties of Ordinary Cement Composites.",Springer Nature ,2021
Chandima, A. M. B. Guluwita, S. P. ,".A Review on Mechanical Propertiesn and Morphological Properties of Concrete with Graphene Oxide.",Springer Nature ,2020
Suraweera, S. A. D. A. S. Fernando, P. S. S. Muthurathne, S. S. K. Guluwita, S. P.,".Use of off-shore sand sludge as a replacement for silica sand fillers in cementitious tile adhesive production.",12th Annual Research Symposium 2022,Colombo, Sri Lanka,2023,292-298
Arachcige T. M. B., Guluwita S. P.,".Study of the Effect of Chemical Composition on the Standard Compressive Strength of Ordinary Portland Cement with the same Mixed Design.",79th Annual Sessions, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science – 2023,Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science Vidya Mandiraya, Colombo, Sri Lanka,2023,78
Costa, K. B. M. V. S. and Guluwita, S. P. ,".Effect of Ordinary Portland Cement and Portland Pozzolana Cement on the Corrosion of Bars.",12th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management-2021,Kandy, Sri Lanka,2021,249-255
Suraweera, S. A. D. A. S. Fernando, P. S. S. Muthurathne, S. S. K. Guluwita, S. P. ,".Analysis of the Waste Sludge Produced from the Offshore Sand Processing Plants in Sri Lanka.",11th Annual Research Symposium 2021,Colombo, Sri Lanka,2021,
Chandima, A. M. B. Guluwita, S. P. ,".Effect of Carbon Black and Graphene Oxide Additions on Properties of Ordinary Cement Composites.",11th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment 2020,Kandy, Sri Lanka,2020,
Divanka, J. H. H. T. Dilrukshi, R. A. S. Guluwita, S. P,".Effect of Marine Environment on Corrosion of Mild Steel.",Young Members Technical Conference 2020,Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka,2020,127-132
Chandima, A. M. B. Guluwita, S. P.,".A Review on Mechanical Properties and Morphological Properties of Concrete with Graphene Oxide.",10th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management 2019,Earl’s Regency Hotel, Kandy, Sri Lanka ,2019,
Wisumperuma, K. B. Hewawasamne, H. P. S. S. Weerakoon, W. M. B. M. B. Rohitha, L. P. S. Guluwita, S.P. ,".Production of High Quality Iron Pellets by Changing the Composition and firing Conditions.",International Symposium on Earth Resources Management & Environment – ISERME 2018,Grand Monarch, Thalawathugoda, Sri Lanka,2018,61-68
Vidanapathirana, Y.S, Perera, J.K.D.S., Guluwita, S.P. ,".Optimization of Process Parameters on Yield Strength of QST Bars.",Peradeniya University International Research Sessions 2015,Faculty of Engineering University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka ,2015,
Karunaratne, P.D.I.K., Udawatta, ,S.L. Guluwita, S.P. ,".A study on the relationship between the quenched case thickness and the percentage elongation of the TMT reinforcing bars.",Wayamba International Conference – Win C 2014,Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,2014,25
Karunaratne, P.D.I.K., Udawatta, ,S.L. Guluwita, S.P.,".Investigation of the relationship between the quenched layer depth and the mechanical properties of TMT Steel.",Annual Session of IESL 2014,The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka,2014,65-67
Sampath D.S., Udayakantha P.M.A.K. Guluwita, S.P. ,".Effect of Coconut Shell Charcoal on the production of Buttala Iron Ore Pellets.",Wayamba International Conference – Win C 2014,Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,2014,86
Karunaratne, P.D.I.K., Udawatta, ,S.L. Guluwita, S.P.,".A study on the relationship between the martensite layer thickness and the yield strength of TMT reinforcing bars.",SAITM Research Symposium on Engineering Advancements 2014,Faculty of Engineering, South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine, Malabe, Sri Lanka.,2014,37-38
Faizer, M.N.M., Dharmarathne, , G.H.T.D, Guluwita, S. P., ,".Analysis of the effect of plasma cutting on deformation of thin steel plate in hull construction.",SAITM Research Symposium on Engineering Advancements 2014,Faculty of Engineering, South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine, Malabe, Sri Lanka.,2014,51-52
Kumara, D.R.D., K.L.S. Weerasinghe, D.M.C.C.B. Ranaraja, Guluwita, S. P.,".Production of High Quality Iron Ore Briquettes Using Coconut-Shell Charcoal and Aruwakkalu Lime.",RISTCON 2014, Ruhuna International Science and Technology Conference,Faculty of Science, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka,2014,
DRD Kumara, PSP Rupasinghe, S. P. Guluwita,".The Effect of Aruwakkalu Lime and the Firing Temperature on the Properties of Buttala Magnetite Iron Ore Pellets.",Annual International Research Symposium 2013, KDU,General sir John Kotalawala Defence University, Rathmalana, Sri Lanka,2013,77
Paranavithana, R. M., Shyamali, M. A. S., Guluwita, S. P. and Fernando, W. L. W.,,".The Effect of Carbon and Firing Temperature Sequence on CHICO mill-scale and its Applications in Metallurgy.",16th Annual ERU Symposium, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2010,229-231
Abewardhana, D.M.U.C, Gunasekara, P.P, Guluwita, S. P., Munasinghe, R. G. N. De. S. and Fernando, W. L. W.,,".Reduction of Iron Ore Pellets using Coke Bed Technique.",16th Annual ERU Symposium, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2010,232-235
20. Gobikrishna, S, Raguratnam, E, S. P., Munasinghe, R. G. N. De. S. and Fernando, W. L. W., ,".Magnetic Induction Assisted Levitation of Metallized Particles in Sintered Dela Iron Ore Pellets.",16th Annual ERU Symposium, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2010,223-225
21. Dharmasiri, P. D. S. C., Aboonidhal, M. A., Guluwita, S. P., Munasinghe, R. G. N. De. S and Fernando, W. L. W., ,".The Effect of Dolomitic Lilime and Firing Temperature on the Properties of Pellets Produced from Dela Iron Ore.",15th Annual ERU Symposium, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2009,148-150
Perera, K. P. A. S. Guluwita, S. P,".Study of Yield strength and Elongation Variations of Reinforcement Steel Bars (TMT bars) Manufactured Using Local Ingots.",Journal of Institution of Engineers , Sri Lanka,Vol. LI, No. 02,2018
Guluwita, S. P. Munasinghe R. G. N. De. S. Fernando, W. L. W. ,".Review study of historical Iron and Steel making in Sri Lanka and its future trends.",Journal of Institution of Engineers , Sri Lanka,Vol. XXXXIV, No. 01,2011