- Faculty of Information Technology
- Department of Information Technology
- Senior Lecturer Grade I
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Department of Information Technology
Faculty of Information Technology
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Multimedia Technologies -Undergraduate -2022
Operating Systems -Undergraduate -2016
Computer Graphics and Animation -Undergraduate -2016
Computer Graphics and Animation -Undergraduate -2015
Multimedia Technologies -Undergraduate -2016
Data Mining and Data Warehousing -Undergraduate -2021
Multimedia Systems -Undergraduate -2015
Essentilas of Multimedia and Web Technologies -Undergraduate -2013
Operating Systems -Postgraduate -2019
Data Mining and Data Warehousing -Postgraduate -2019
Multimedia Systems -Postgraduate -2019
Web Technologies and eCommerce -Postgraduate -2019
Director of Undergraduate Studies - (2013 To 2016)
Level 1 Coordinator - BIT External Degree - (2010 To 2016)
Course Coordinator - MSc/PG Diploma in Information Technology - (2010 To 2022)
Head of the Department - (2020 To 2023)
Research Activities
Data Mining
Big Data Analytics
Multimedia Systems
Operating Systems
Computer Graphics and Image Processing.
• Using Opinion Mining in Hotel Reviews and improve booking process for Sri Lankan Hotels. • Decision Support Approach to Domestic Energy Monitoring System. • Fault Analysis and Reliability Monitoring System (FARMS). • A Decision Support System to Analyze Criminal Modus Operandi. • Data Mining Approach for Analysis of Patient Records. • Location based selling platform for mobile buyers. • Voice based information searching for contact centers. • Improving Image to video matching to support entity resolution with motion detection and feature extraction. • Handwritten Computer Program Recognition, Compilation & Execution Application. • NLIDB Converter for Customer Relationship Index. • Using Data Mining Techniques to Analyze best bus routes available to travel in Colombo. • Telco Feedback Management System using Sentiment Analysis. • Voice based information searching for contact centers.
Multimedia Information Retrieval, Data Mining
Education and Professional Affiliations
Bachelors, BSc in Computer Science ,2002 American University of Asia
MPhil, University of Colombo School of computing ,2008
PhD, Malaysia University of Science and Technology ,2021
National Consultant (ICT): Education for Knowledge Society Project (EKSP), Centre of Excellence in English Education (CEIEE) Penideniya, Preradeniya.
Paper reviewer: Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation.
Visiting Lecturer: Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, University of Sri Jayawardanapura, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Postgraduate Institute of Medicine (PGIM)
Technical Manager: National e-Learning Centre (Nelc), University of Colombo School of Computing
Honours and Awards
Best presented paper at the International Conference of Information Technology (IITC) (Received 2004)
Asian Development Bank (ADB) Research Scholarship (Received 2004)
National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Scholarship (Received 2005)
Saminda Premaratne, M. F. H. M Adheeb, M. S. F Fayaza,".Resolution Independent 2D Cartoon Video Conversion.",LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2018-01-09 ): ,2018
Devin I. Rathnayake, Damitha N. Mahendra, Bhathiya C. Amarasinghe, Saminda C. Premaratne & Mufitha M. Buhari ,".Next Generation Technical Interview Process Automation with Multi-level Interactive Chatbot Based on Intelligent Techniques.",World Conference on Information Systems for Business Management ,Thailand, Bangkok.,2024,93–103
N Kumarasiri, SC Premaratne, W Wijesuriya, ,".Accelerated Adversarial Attack Generation and Enhanced Decision Insight.",8th International Conference on Information Technology Research,Colombo,2023,
P.N.W.A. Premarathne, S.C. Premaratne,".Using data mining techniques for investigating of performance in ICT subject at G.C.E advanced level .",18th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions, ICTer ,Sri Lanka,2018,
S. C. Premaratne, K. L. Jayaratne, P. Sellappan,".Improving Event Resolution in Cricket Videos.",ICGSP'18 Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Graphics and Signal Processing,Sydney, NSW, Australia. ,2018,69-83
Manodhya Kumari Wanigapura, Saminda Premaratne,".Handwritten Computer Program Recognition, Compilation & Execution Application.",3rd International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT). ,India,2018,
Charitha Samaranayaka and Saminda Premaratne,".Enhancing call center operations through sementic voice analysis.",INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES IN DATA MINING AND INFORMATION SECURITY (IEMIS2018) ,India,2018,
S. C. Premaratne, K. L. Jayaratne,".Structural Approach for Event Resolution in Cricket Videos.", ICVIP 2017 Proceedings of the International Conference on Video and Image Processing,Singapore,2017,
W. A. Harsha Jayawilal, Saminda Premeratne,".The smart shopping list: An effective mobile solution for grocery list-creation process.",2017 IEEE 13th Malaysia International Conference on Communications (MICC),Malaysia,2017,
Prabath Perera, Saminda Premaratne. . ,".An Artificial Neural Network Approach for the Predictive Accuracy of Payments of Leasing Customers in Sri Lanka.",International Conference on Business, Economics, and Social Science & Humanities- BESSH-2016,Indonesia,2016,
CL Perera, SC Premaratne,".An Ensemble Machine Learning Approach for Forecasting Credit Risk of Loan Applications .",WSEAS Transactions on Systems,23,2023
TD Chandrasiri, SC Premaratne ,".Enhancing Credit Risk Analysis of SME Loans by Using Data Mining Techniques.",Journal of Information and Communication Technology (JICT),,2023
A. H. NAURUNNA, S. C. PREMARATNE,".A Unique Approach for Block Partitioning and Merging for Large-Scale Structure-from-Motion using Apache Spark.",WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control,18 ,2023
K. L. Jayaratne Shermila Weerasekara, Saminda Premaratne,".A Machine Learning Approach to Enhance Real-Time Harbor Management.",INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,17,2023
I Devendra, R Vijithasena, NAUH Jayarathna, S Premarathne,".Data Mining Approach for Credit Analysis in Banking Sector.",Journal of Research in Computer Science and Engineering,1,2022
C. R. Liyanage, S. C. Premarathne,".Clustered Approach for Clone Detection in Social Media.",International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology,Vol.11 (2021) No. 1,2021
S. C. Premaratne, A. Gamanayake, K. L. Jayaratne, P. Sellappan,".Improving Event detection in Cricket Videos Using Audio Feature Analysis.",INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,Volume 15, 2021,2021
WWWWTWKMRNDB Weliwita, JAP Isuru and SC Premaratne,".Modeling Abandoned Object Detection And Recognition In Real-Time Surveillance.",International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology,Volume 69 Issue 2, February 2021,2021
S. C. Premaratne, K. L. Jayaratne, P. Sellappan,".A Novel Hybrid Adaptive Filter to Improve Video Keyframe Clustering to Support Event Resolution in Cricket Videos.",International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT),8,2019
S.A.D.P Subasingha, S. C. Premaratne, K. L. Jayaratne and P. Sellappan,".Novel Approach for Cricket Match Outcome Prediction Using Data Mining .",International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT),8,2019
S.H.U.Briyatis, S. C. Premaratne and D.G.Harendra De Silva,".A Novel Approach for Dengue Management Based on Vital Signs and Blood Profile.",International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT),8,2019
K H, J Imalka. and S. C. Premaratne,".Social Media Text Mining for Decision Support in Natural Disaster Management in Sri Lanka.",Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT),5,2019
S. C. Premaratne, K. L. Jayaratne, P. Sellappan,".Event Resolution in Sports Videos: A Review.",International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research,10,2019
S. D. Kularathne, R.B. Dissanayake, N.D. Samarasinghe, L.P.G. Premalal, S. C. Premaratne,".Customer Behavior Analysis for Social Media.",International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS),1,2017
MAM. Aazeer, MFHM. Adheeb, MSF. Fayaza, KF.Muhiminah,".Resolution independent 2D cartoon video conversion.",Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications,7,2016
A.S.C.I Piyumalie, L.L.T Pubudini, B.U.S Senarathne, K.M Thilakarathne,".A Tool for Video Forgery Detection in Video Sequences.",Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science,6,2015