- Faculty of Business
- Department of Decision Sciences
- Senior Lecturer Grade I
Contact information
Department of Decision Sciences
Faculty of Business
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Engineering Economics -Undergraduate -2017
Operations Research - II -Undergraduate -2020
Deep Learning Applications for Business -Undergraduate -2022
Technical Analysis -Undergraduate -2022
Research Activities
Operations Research
Education and Professional Affiliations
Bachelor, University of Moratuwa ,2002 Electrical Engineering
Masters, University of Moratuwa ,2010 Financial Mathematics
PhD, University of Canterbury ,2017 Management Science/Operations Research
Lecturer (Grade – II)
of Decision Sciences, Faculty of Business, University of Moratuwa
2007 – To Date
Candidate/Research assistant
of Management, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
2012 – March 2017
Service Engineer/Project Engineer
Industrial Solutions Ltd (a subsidiary of Hayleys Ltd, Sri Lanka)
2003-August 2007
Honours and Awards
I Mahakalanda, I Siriwardena,".Performance Evaluation of Digital Platform Business Models: A Study on Emerging Markets.",IGI Global.,2024
Mahakalanda, I., Demotte, P., Perera, I., Meedeniya, D., Wijesuriya, W., & Rodrigo, L.,".Deep learning-based prediction for stand age and land utilization of rubber plantation.",Academic Press,2022
Meedeniya, D. A., Mahakalanda, I., Lenadora, D. S., Perera, I., Hewawalpita, S. G. S., Abeysinghe, C., & Nayak, S. R,".Prediction of paddy cultivation using deep learning on land cover variation for sustainable agriculture..",Academic Press,2022
Mahakalanda, I., Dassanayake, S., Chandrasiri, D., Abeysingha, S., Vithanachchi, R., & Tharuka, N. ,".Geospatial Predictive Analytics Model for Urban Impervious Surface .",international conference on Mediterranean Geosciences Union,Marokko,2024,89-91
Pathirana, K. P. R. S., Jayasinghe, G. D. G. M. L., Ponnamperuma, J. A. W., Sarathchandra, H. R. C. A., Dassanayake, S. M., & Mahakalanda, I.,".Customer Behavior and Occupancy Patterns in Shopping Malls: Insights for Decision-Making and Future Prospects..",Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Colombo, Sri Lanka,2023,391-396
Comester, K. F. R. F., Gunathilake, P. G. M. P., Godakumbura, S. K., Begum, M. M. F. M., Amaranath, D. D. R. R., Mahakalanda, I., & de Silva ,".Predictive analytics for inventory optimization..",Business Research Unit (BRU),Colombo,Sri Lanka,2023,
Gunathilake, S.D.N.U.; Kasun, K.M.D.; Marasinghe, M.P.S.P.; Premawansha, D.M.A.B.; Mahakalanda, I.; Gamage, H.G.C.P.,".GIS-based classification of the land use of man-made reservoirs and ponds for agricultural use.",International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment ,ISAE,2022,124
WAC Gunarathna, I Mahakalanda and V Wickramasinghe,".Technical Competency Development Need Analysis for Naval Technicians.",15th International Research Conference,Colombo, Sri Lanka,2022,122
I Mahakalanda R D S Arunapriya,".An MILP-based Intra-firm Smart Resource Sharing Model.",2021 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2021,119-123
Edirisooriya, M., Mahakalanda, I. Yapa T. S. D., ,".Generalized framework for automated conversational agent via QFD..",Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Colombo, Sri Lanka,2019,(pp. 132-137).
Mahakalanda, I. ,".Financial Contracting for Hydro Generators in a Water Market. .",Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon,Colombo, Sri Lanka,2018,pp. 132-137
Mahakalanda I,".Intra-period Water Market Clearing Model for a Mixed-Use Single Reservoir Catchment.",International Conference on Computational Modeling & Simulation,Colombo, Sri Lanka,2017,
Mahakalanda, I., Dye, S., Read, E. G,".Financial Rights and Obligations for Water Delivery in Mixed-use Catchments.",NZSA & ORSNZ conference 2015,Christchurch, New Zealand,2015,
Dye S. Read E. G. Starkey S.R.,".Financial Hedging Instruments for Water Markets.",NZSA & ORSNZ conference,Hamilton, New Zealand,2014,
Mahakalanda, I., Dye, S., Read, E. G., Starkey, S.R,".Representing flow mixing demands in a multi-nodal CDDP model of a mixed used catchment.",In Piantadosi, J., Anderssen, R.S. and Boland J. (eds) MODSIM2013, 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand,Adelaide, Australia,2013,pp. 2506–2512
Thirimanna, T.H.S.R., Tilakeratne, C.D., Mahakalanda, I., Pathirathne, L,,".Portfolio selection using cointegration and modern portfolio theory: an application to the Colombo Stock Exchange.",ISM International Statistical Conference (ISM-1 2012),Johor Bahru, Malaysia,2012,
Mahakalanda, I., Dye, S., Read, E. G., Raffensperger, J.F.,".Intra-period market clearing for multi-use catchment via CDDP.",ORSNZ conference,Wellington, New Zealand.,2012,
Thirimanna, T. H. S. R., Tilakartane, C., Mahakalanda, I., Pathirathne, L.,".Portfolio selection using cointegration and modern portfolio theory: An application to the colombo stock exchange..",MATEMATIKA: Malaysian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics,29,2013