- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Professor
Contact information
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Soil Mechanics and Geology I -Undergraduate -2015
Soil Mechanics and Geology II -Undergraduate -2014
Geotechnical Engineering -Undergraduate -2014
Geotechnical Design -Undergraduate -2013
Research Project -Undergraduate -2013
Comprehensive Design Project -Undergraduate -2013
Computational Geotechnical Engineering -Undergraduate -2013
Engineering Properties of Soils -Postgraduate -2016
Ground Improvement Techniques -Postgraduate -2016
Design and Construction of Shallow Foundations -Postgraduate -2020
Design and Construction of Deep Foundations -Postgraduate -2020
Senior Treasurer -Senior Treasurer, Civil Engineering Society (2013 To 2017)
Subcommittee member -A committee member of the department accreditataion subcommittee (2014 To date)
Course coordinator -Course coordinator of M.Eng/P.G. Diploma in Foundation Engineering and Earth Retaining Systems (2013 To 2019)
Member -Member of Board of Studies (2015 To date)
Course coordinator - Course coordinator of M.Sc./P.G. Diploma in Geotechncal Engineering Course (2019 To date)
Research Activities
Full-time MSc students Mr. M. P. Amarasinghe Mr. Bandara A. M. D. C. Mr. C. Sanjei Mr. S. Premkumar Part-time MSc students Mr. Amil Samarasinghe Mr. Madanayaka T. A. Mr. Herath H.M.C.D. Ms. Nawarathna T. H. K. Mr. Hewagama S. K. Ms. Wijayawardhana H. M. J. T. Mr. Senarathne D. E. N. Mr. Gunasena U. G. P. P.
Soil structure interaction modelling, Soil dynamics, Retaining walls and deep excavations, Foundations
Education and Professional Affiliations
Bachelor's, University of Moratuwa ,2001
Masters, The University of Tokyo ,2004
PhD, The University of Tokyo ,2008
The Institution of Engineers(2011 To date)
Iinternational Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotecnical Engineering(2009 To date)
Geotechnical consultant for Supporting Electricity Supply Reliability Improvement Project (SESRIP) Package 4, Construction of
33kV Tower Lines and Gantries
Geotechnical consultant for Construction of Central Expressway, Package 2 from Meerigama to Rilloluwa
Geotechnical consultant for Kandy City Waste Water Management Project, JICA Funded
Honours and Awards
Presidential award for outstanding research publication (Received 2016)
V Silva,".Finite element analysis of a deep excavation supported using a secant pile wall: a case study.",MERcon,Moratuwa,2023,521-526
K Wijesooriya,".Study on the partial replacement of soft soils under shallow foundation.",MERcon,Moratuwa,2023,672-677
FSA Ansar,".A study on the mobilization of negative skin friction along end bearing piles installed through layered soils.",Smart Geotechnics for Smart Societies,Kazakhstan,2023,1580-1585
C. N. Liyanage,".A Study on Axial Performance of Helical Piles in Residual Soils.",MERCON,University of Moratuwa,2022,
Gowshikan A.,".Effect of a shear key on the behaviour and stability of cantilever type retaining walls.",MERCON,University of Moratuwa,2022,
C.Sanjei, L. I. N. de Silva,".Numerical modeling of geocell reinforced sand considering the actual geometry of geocell.",4thInternational Conference on New Developments in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering,Nicosia, Cyprus,2016,599-608
C.Sanjei, L. I. N. de Silva,".Feasibility study of shallow foundation on geocell reinforced soil in Sri Lanka.",IESL Transactions,,2016,
C Sanjei, LIN De Silva,".Numerical modelling of the behaviour of model shallow foundations on geocell reinforced sand.",2016 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),IEEE,2016,216-221
M. B. C. Hemadasa, U. P. Nawagamuwa,".Effect of Bentonite and Polymer Drilling Fluids on Skin Friction of Bored Piles.",Engineer Journal,Vol. 55-4, 9-15.,2022
MP Amarasinghe, LIN De Silva, C Gallage ,".The effect of lateral confinement on the settlement characteristics of shallow foundations on sand.",Int. J. GEOMATE ,15(51),2018
Chiaro, G., Koseki, J. & De Silva, L.I.N. ,".Modelling the Effects of Static Shear on the Undrained Cyclic Torsional Simple Shear Behavior of Liquefiable Sand.",SEAGS Geotechnical Engineering Journal,48(4),2017
K. H. S. M. Sampath . L. I. N. De Silva . M. S. A. Perera,".Effective usage of poker vibrator for compacting quarry dust: an application to ground improvement in shallow foundation design.",Geomech. Geophys. Geo-energ. Geo-resour. DOI 10.1007/s40948-016-0041-3,,2016
De Silva, L. I. N., Koseki, J. Gabriele, C. ,".A stress–strain description of saturated sand under undrained cyclic torsional shear loading.",Soils and Foundations,55(3),2015
De Silva, L. I. N., Koseki, J., Wahyudi, S. ,".Stress-dilatancy relationships of sand in the simulation of volumetric behavior during cyclic torsional shear loadings.",Soils and Foundations,54(4),2014
Chiaro G., Koseki J. & De Silva L.I.N. ,".A density- and stress-dependent elasto-plastic model for sands subjected to monotonic torsional shear loading.",SEAGS Geotechnical Engineering Journal,44(2),2013
Research Publications in Refereed Journals
2. De Silva, L. I. N., Koseki, J., Sato, T. and Wang, L. (2005): “High capacity hollow cylinder apparatus with local strain measurements”, Geotechnical Special Publication, ASCE, 156, pp. 16-28.
3. Chiaro, G., Koseki, J. & De Silva, L.I.N. (2013): “A density- and stress-dependent elasto-plastic model for sands subjected to monotonic torsional shear loading”, Geotechnical Engineering Journal, SEAGS, Special Issue on Modelling Aspects of Soil Behaviour, 44(2): pp. 18-26.
4. De Silva, L. I. N., Koseki, J. Gabriele, C.(2015): “A cyclic elasto-plastic model to describe liquefaction behavior of saturated sand”, Soils and Foundations, 55(3), pp.559-574
5. De Silva, L. I. N., Koseki, J. Gabriele, C.: “A cyclic constitutive model to describe drained cyclic behaviour of saturated sand”, will be submitted for possible publication in Geotechnique Journal.
Research Publications in Refereed Conferences/Symposia
2. L. I. N. De Silva & J. Koseki (2012):”Modelling of sand behavior in drained cyclic shear “, Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Transportation Geotechnics ii, Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN 978-0-415-62135-9, IS Hokkaido, Japan, pp. 686-691.
3. De Silva, L. I. N., Koseki, J., Sato, T., Kiyota, T. and Honda, T.(2008): “Quasi-elastic bulk modulus of sand based on volume change and local deformation measurement of hollow cylindrical specimen”, Proc. of the 4th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials (IS-Atlanta 2008), USA, pp. 105-111.
4. De Silva, L. I. N., Koseki, J., Sato, T.(2006): “Effects of different pluviation techniques on deformation property of hollow cylinder sand specimens”, Proc. of the International Symposium on Geomechanics and Geotechnics of Particulate Media, Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN 0-415-41097-5, Ube, Yamaguchi, Japan, pp. 29-33.
5. Kiyota, T., De Silva, L. I. N., Sato, T. and Koseki, J. (2006): “Small strain deformation characteristics of granular materials in torsional shear and triaxial tests with local deformation measurements”, Soil Stress - Strain Behavior: Measurement, Modeling and Analysis, A collection of Papers of the Geotechnical Symposium in Rome, Series: Solid Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 146, pp. 557-566.
6. Tsutomu NAMIKAWA, Junichi KOSEKI ,Laddu Indika Nalin DE SILVA (2011): “Three-dimensional Modelling of Stress-Strain Relationship of Sand Subjected to Large Cyclic Loading”, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Santiago, Chile, January 2011, published in CD-ROM
7. L. I. N. De Silva and Junichi Koseki (2011): “Modelling of Drained and Undrained Cyclic Shear Behavior of Sand”, Proceedings of 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, ISSMGE, Hong Kong, China, published in CD-ROM.
8. De Silva, L. I. N. (2011): “Development of High Capacity Torsional Shear Apparatus for the Measurement of Small Strain Deformation Properties of Soils”, Geotechnical Journal, Sri Lanka Geotechnical Society, ISSN 1391-6149, Volume 5, Number 1, December, pp. 1-8.
9. Chiaro, G., De Silva, L. I. N., Kiyota, T., and Koseki, J.(2011): “An elasto-plastic model to describe the undrained cyclic behavior of saturated sand with initial static shear”, Proc. of 5th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials (IS-Seoul 2011), Seoul, South Korea, September 1-3, Volume 2, pp. 1026-1033.
10. Premkumar, S., De Silva, L. I. N. (2012): “Quantitative Risk Assessment of Ancient Earth dams in Sri Lanka: Preliminary Assessment of Nachchaduwa Dam as a Case Study”, Proceedings of Annual Transactions of IESL, Volume 1, Part B, pp. 76-84.
11. Premkumar, S., De Silva, L. I. N. (2012): “Development of a Risk Assessment Framework for Safety Evaluation of Earthen Dams in Sri Lanka”, Proceedings of Annual Transactions of IESL, Volume 1, Part B, pp. 85-94.
12. Chiaro, G., Koseki, J. & De Silva, L.I.N. (2012): “An elasto-plastic model for liquefiable sands subjected to torsional shear loadings”, In: Proc. of 2nd International Symposium on Constitutive Modeling of Geomaterials: Advances and New Applications, October 15-16, Beijing, China, pp.519-526.
13. Gopinath Kathiravelu, Bavendan P., Warnapura S. P., De Silva L. I. N.(2012): “Lateral Displacements of Commonly Found Gravity Retaining Aalls in Sri Lanka due to Seismic Action”, Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment, Kandy, Sri lanka.
14. Madanayaka A., De Silva L. I. N., Dharmarathne P. G. R. (2012): “Study on Ground Vibration Due to Rock Blasting of Metal Quarry: A Case Study”, Proc. of CERIS 2012 Symposium, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, pp. 26-31.
15. Kumarasiri , C., De Silva L.I.N., Abeykoon, S. (2012): “Evaluation of Soil Liquefaction in Sri lanka- Adynamic Approach Using Geotechnical Investigation Data”, Proc. of CERIS 2012 Symposium, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, pp. 32-37.
16 . Koorala S. K. D. C. P., Kumara M. K. S. N., Edirisinghe E. A. L., De Silva, L. I. N.(2012): “Investigation on Uplift Capacity of Shallow Foundations on Cohesionless Soil”, Proc. of CERIS 2012 Symposium, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, pp. 22-25.
17. Kumarasiri, H. C., De Silva, L. I. N., Abayakoon, S. B. S. (2011): “Liquefaction Potential in Sri Lanka-Preparing A Liquefaction Hazard Map Using Geotechnical Investigation Data, Proceedings of Annual Transactions IESL, Volume 1, Part B, pp. 110-117
18. Chiaro, G., Koseki, J. and De Silva, L. I. N. (2011): “Modeling the cyclic undrained behavior of sand with initial static shear stress”, Bulletin of Earthquake Resistance Structures, Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Volume 44, March 2011, pp. 87-99.
19. Premkumar, S., De Silva, L. I. N.(2011): “Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential of Western and Eastern Coastal Areas in Sri Lanka”, Proceedings of IESL-SSMS Joint International Symposium on Social Management Systems, Colombo, Sri Lanka, September 14 – 16, pp. 703-709.
20. Chiaro, G., Kiyota, T., De Silva, L. I. N., Sato, T. and Koseki, J.(2010): “Undrained cyclic torsional shear behavior of saturated sand with static shear”, Bulletin of Earthquake Resistant Structures, Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Volume 43, pp. 161-172.
21. Chiaro, G., Kiyota, T., De Silva, L. I. N., Sato, T. and Koseki, J.(2009): “Extremely large post-liquefaction deformations of saturated sand under cyclic torsional shear loading”, Proc. of Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Satellite Conference, 17th ICSMGE, Alexandria, Egypt, CD-ROM, Paper-ID:03, October 2-3, pp. 1-10.
22. Chiaro, G., Kiyota, T., De Silva, L. I. N., Sato, T. and Koseki, J. (2009): “Effect of static shear stress on undrained cyclic behavior of saturated sand”, Bulletin of Earthquake Resistant Structures, Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Volume 42, 2009, pp. 63-71.
23. Kulathilaka, S. A. S. and De Silva, L. I. N.(2003): “Optimum geometrical shapes for gravity retaining structures”, Proceedings of the 97th Annual Session of the Institute of Engineers, Sri Lanka, pp. 101-110.
Research Publications in Non - Refereed Conferences/Symposia
1. De Silva, L. I. N., Sato, T. and Koseki, J. (2008):”Modeling of drained cyclic shear behavior of sand”, Proc. of the 10th International Summer symposium, JSCE, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 73-76.
2. De Silva, L. I. N., Sato, T., Kiyota, T., Honda, T. and Koseki, J. (2007): “Use of electronic balance in measurement of small volumetric strain of hollow cylinder sand specimens”, Proc. of the 9th International Summer Symposium, JSCE, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 167-170.
3. De Silva, L. I. N., Sato, T. and Koseki, J. (2006): ”Variations of shear strain along height and perimeter of hollow cylinder specimens during cyclic torsional shear loadings”, Proc. of the 8th International Summer symposium, JSCE, Nagoya, Japan, pp. 143-146.
4. De Silva, L. I. N., Sato, T., Koseki, J. and Wang, L.(2004): ”Local and external measurement of quasi-elastic deformation properties of dry Toyoura sand in torsional shear and triaxial tests”, Proc. of the 6th International Summer Symposium, JSCE, Saitama, Japan, pp. 221-224.
5. Koseki, J., De Silva, L. I. N. (2008): “Improved modeling of cyclic shear stress-strain relations of sand and its effect on accumulation of volumetric strains (in Japanese)”, Proc. of the 43rd Annual Conference of JGS, Japan(2008).
6. Koseki, J., De Silva, L. I. N. (2008): “Modeling of dilatancy property and simulation of undrained cyclic shear behavior of dense Toyoura sand (in Japanese) ”, Proc. of the 63rd Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, JSCE, Japan, in CD ROM.
7. Mulmi, S., Nakajima, S., De Silva, L. I. N., and Koseki, J. (2007): “Shear stress-strain response analysis of backfill soil of model retaining wall using shaking table”, Proc. of the 9th International Summer symposium, JSCE, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 151-154.
8. Kiyota, T., De Silva, L. I. N., Sato, T. and Koseki, J. (2005): “Small deformation characteristics of gravel in torsional shear and triaxial tests with local deformation measurements”, Proc. of the 40th Annual Conference of JGS, Japan, CD-ROM.
9. Koseki, J., Sato, T. and De Silva, L. I. N. (2005): “Improvement of local deformation measurement for hollow cylindrical specimens in torsional shear and triaxial tests”, Proc. of the 40th Annual Conference of JGS, Japan, CD-ROM.
10. Seto Wahyudi, Gabriele Chiaro, L. I. N. De Silva and Junichi Koseki (2010): “Stess-Dilatancy Behavior of Loose Sand during Drained Cyclic Torsional Shear Loading”, Submitted for the possible publication in the proceedings of 12th International Summer Symposium, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Hokkaido, Japan, pp. 183-186..
11. De Silva., L. I. N., Premkumar, S., Sujeevan, N., Nainanayaka, N. P. A. R. K. (2010): “Liquefaction Potential of Sand Deposits in Sri Lanka”, Proceedings of 16th ERU Symposium, Sri Lanka, pp. 15 -17.
Research Monographs
1. Deformation Characteristics of Sand Subjected to Cyclic Drained and Undrained Torsional Loadings and Their Modelling, PhD Thesis, University of Tokyo, Japan (2008).
2. Locally measured quasi-elastic deformation properties of geomaterials under torsional shear and triaxial loadings, Master of Engineering thesis, University of Tokyo, Japan (2004).
3. Optimum Geometric Shapes for Gravity type Retaining Structures, Undergraduate project report, University of Moratuwa (2002).