- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Process Engineering
- Professor
Contact information
Department of Chemical and Process Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
B Sc Engineering, Department of Chemical and Process Engineering -Undergraduate -
MSc/PG Dip in Sustainable Process Development, Department of Chemical and Process Engineering -Postgraduate -
Research Activities
Process plant development for environmental protection; Loss Prevention in the chemical industry
Education and Professional Affiliations
Bachelors, University of Moratuwa ,1994
Masters, University of Moratuwa ,1999
PhD, Loughborough University ,2003
Corporate Member of the Institution of Engineers IESL( To date)
Honours and Awards
Award of Excellence in recognition of the Outstanding Research Performances for the three year ending on 31st December 2013 (Received 2015)
Award of Excellence in recognition of the Outstanding Research Performances for the three year ending on 31st December 2014 (Received 2015)
Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Titular Fellowships 2015: Wighton Titular Fellowship in Engineering (Received 2015)
Award of Excellence in recognition of the Outstanding Research Performances for the three year ending on 31st December 2015 (Received 2016)
Award of Excellence with Distinction in recognition of the Outstanding Research Performances during the year 2016 (Received 2017)
Award of Excellence with Distinction in recognition of the Outstanding Research Performances during the year 2017 (Received 2018)
Rathnasekara, P. K. and Gunasekera, M. Y., 2020, Estimation of Occurrence Frequencies of Chemical Plant Equipment Failure Accident End Events During Preliminary Design Stage, 2020 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), 6th International Multidisciplinary Engineering Research Conference, 28th July 2020, pp.136-141. DOI: 10.1109/MERCon50084.2020.9185386.
Gunasekera, M. Ahmed, S. Khan, F., 2020, Integration of process safety in equipment design: A framework for academic learning activity, Education for Chemical Engineers, 30, 32-39.
Anuradha, H.B.B., Gunasekera, M.Y., Gunapala, O., 2020, Comparison of chemical routes based on inherent safety, health and environmental impacts of accidental and daily operational releases, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 133, 358-368.
Fernando, M.K.S. Silva S.A.B. and Gunasekera, M.Y., 2019, Hydrolysis of Ethyl Acetate using Acid Treated Activated-Carbon Catalyst, Proceedings of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) Annual Sessions 2019, pp 453-457.Gunasekera, M., Khan, F. and Ahmed, S., (2018), Learning Process Safety Principles through Practice, Process Safety Progress, DOI:10.1002/prs.11942.
De Silva, K.G.V.K., Gunasekera, M. Y. and De Alwis, A.A.P., (2017), Derivation of a societal risk acceptance criterion for major accident hazard installations in Sri Lanka, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 111, 388-398.
Warnasooriya, S., Gunasekera, M.Y., 2017, Assessing inherent environmental, health and safety hazards in chemical process route selection. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 105: 224-236, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.psep.2016.11.010.
Anuradha, H.B.B., Gunasekera, M. Y. and Gunapala O., 2017, Assessing the Impact on Environment, Health and Safety due to Releases from Chemical Process Routes, Proceedings of Annual sessions of the Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL), Part B, 277-284.
Bamunusingha, B.A.N.N., De Silva, E.C.L, and Gunasekera, M. Y., 2016, Performance of ion exchange resin as solid catalyst for the esterification of acetic acid with ethanol, Journal of National Science Foundation Sri Lanka, 44 (1): 83-93.
Gunasekera, M. Y., 2016, Minimization of Water Use in the Paddy Parboiling Process, Proceedings of the Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Symposium organized by Manufacturing Engineering Association, University of Peradeniya on 22 Oct 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Kandanapitiya K. K. C. W. and Gunasekera, M. Y., 2015, Modelling of Reactive Distillation for Acetic Acid Esterification, Engineer, Journal of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, Vol. XLVIII, No. 04, pp 17-23.
De Silva, K. G. V. K., Gunasekera, M. Y., De Alwis A. A. P., 2015, Selection of endpoints for acute effects due to exposure to toxic chemicals in Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL), Annual Sessions 2015, Vol. 1 Part B, Technical Papers, pp 183-191.
De Silva E.C.L, Bamunusingha B.A.N.N. and Gunasekera M. Y., 2014, Heterogeneous Kinetic Study for Esterification of Acetic Acid with Ethanol, Engineer, Journal of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, Vol. XLVII, No. 01, pp 9-15.
Nadeeshani E., Gunasekera, M. Y., 2014, Life Cycle Inventory Analysis for Parboiled Rice Production in Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL), Annual Sessions 2014, Vol. 1 Part B, Technical Papers, pp 147-153.
Gunasekera, M. Y., 2011, Fugitive Emissions from Mixing Equipment, Journal of Society for Social Management Systems, Paper Code SMS11-2001, http://management.kochi-tech.ac.jp/?content=journalpaper.
Karunaratne, H. W. G. I. and Gunasekera M. Y, 2009, Removal of pollutants in soak wastewater resulting from parboiling of paddy, ENGINEER, The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL), Vol.XXXXII, No.04, pp 112-121.
Gunasekera, M. Y., and De Alwis A. A. P., 2008, Process industry accidents in Sri Lanka: Analysis and basic lessons learnt, Process Safety and Environment Protection, Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, 86(B): 421-426.
Amarasinghe, B.M.W.P.K., Jayasinghe P.A. and Gunasekera, M.Y., 2007, Adsorption of Cibacron Blue Dye from Aqueous Solutions onto HCl Treated Waste Biomass, ENGINEER, The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, Vol.XXXX, No.03, pp. 07-15.
Gunasekera M. Y. and Edwards, D. W., 2006, Assessing the inherent atmospheric environmental friendliness of chemical process routes: An unsteady state distribution approach for a catastrophic release, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 30: 744-757.
Gunasekera M. Y. and Edwards, D. W., 2006, Chemical process route selection based upon the potential toxic impact on the aquatic, terrestrial and atmospheric environments, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 19: 60-69.
Gunasekera M. Y. and Edwards, D. W., 2005, Potential impact on vegetation in the terrestrial environment due to catastrophic releases from a chemical process plant, Proceedings of the 7th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Glasgow, July 10th-14th, 2005.
Gunasekera M.Y. and Edwards D.W., 2003, Estimating the environmental impact of catastrophic chemical releases to the atmosphere: an index method for ranking alternative chemical process routes, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, 81(B): 463-474.
Gunasekera M.Y. and Edwards D.W, 2001, Towards estimating the environmental impacts of airborne releases from chemical plant, Proceedings of the 6th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Melbourne, Australia.