- Faculty of Architecture
- Department of Building Economics
- Professor
Contact information
Department of Building Economics
Faculty of Architecture
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
BE1403 - Construction Economics I -Undergraduate -2021
BE1302 - Principles of Management -Undergraduate -2021
BE4504 - Dissertation - Research Methodology -Undergraduate -2021
BE6401 - Research Methodology -Postgraduate -2021
BE6516 - Research Methodology -Postgraduate -2021
BE5416 - Project Study -Postgraduate -2021
BE1701/BE1502 - QS Project Study I / FM Project Study I -Undergraduate -2021
Master of Science in Construction Law and Dispute Resolution degree programme director -Masters programme coordination (2013 To date)
Director, Postgraduate Studies of the Faculty of Architecture -Postgraduate programme coordination (2013 To 2016)
Member of Senate -Member (2013 To date)
Member of Senate Higher Degrees Committee -Member (2013 To date)
Member of Board of Graduate Studies -Member (2015 To date)
Member of Senate Research Committee -Member (2013 To date)
Member of Board of Residence and Discipline -Member (2015 To date)
Member of By-Laws Committee -Member (2015 To 2017)
Architecture Faculty Representative of the Staff Development and Advisory Board -Member (2011 To 2020)
Architecture Faculty Representative in the Industrial Training Advisory Board -Member (2011 To date)
Member of Library Committee -Member (2014 To 2020)
Member of Standing Committee on Transcripts and Certificates -Member (2013 To 2017)
Member of Standing Committee on Dual/Joint Postgraduate Degrees of University of Moratuwa -Member (2013 To 2017)
Member of Research Advisory Committee to Director-Research -Member (2015 To date)
Head of the Department -Heading the Department (2015 To 2020)
Building Economics and Management Research Unit (BEMRU) Coordinator - Coordinator (2013 To date)
Quality and Accreditation Coordinator - Coordinator (2008 To 2014)
Research Coordinator -Research Coordinator (2011 To 2012)
Undergraduate Coordinator of B.Sc. (Hons.) in Facilities Management degree - Undergraduate Coordinator (2009 To 2012)
Member of the Architecture Faculty Board - Member (2009 To date)
Member of the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee - Member (2011 To date)
Member of Senate Standing Committee on Examination Offences - Member (2017 To 2020)
Member of the Planning and Development Committee - Member (2015 To 2017)
Member of Sub-Committee to Establish a More Effective Management Structure for PG Courses and Research - Member (2013 To 2013)
Member of Senate Sub-Committee to develop a proposal on Publications from Research Degrees - Member (2013 To 2013)
Chairman of the Programme Development Committee -Develop programmes under FGS (2021 To date)
Research Activities
Lean Construction;
Value Management;
Construction Supply Chain Management;
Operations Management
Lean Construction; Value Management; Construction Supply Chain Management; Performance Management and Continuous Improvement
Education and Professional Affiliations
Bachelor's, University of Moratuwa ,2000 Quantity Surveying
PhD, University of Wolverhampton ,2009 Performance Management
Head of the Department -Heading the Department (2015 to 2020)
Director, Postgraduate Studies of the Faculty of Architecture -Postgraduate programme coordination (2013 To 2016)
Honours and Awards
Outstanding Research Performance Award from University of Moratuwa - 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017 and 2018 (Received )
EMERALD Research Award: Built Environment Project and Asset Management Best Paper Award for the paper titled “Lean Enabling Human Capacity Building of Small and Medium Contractors in Sri Lanka”, presented at the Eighth World Construction Symposium 2019 (Received 2019)
FARU 2017 Highly Commended Research Paper Award for the paper titled ?An Investigation into Disaster Management Practices in Relation to Recent Disaster Events in Sri Lanka?, presented at the 10th FARU Conference on 09 December 2017. (Received 2017)
EMERALD Literati Award for “Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 2017 Outstanding Reviewer” (Received 2017)
EMERALD Research Award: Built Environment Project and Asset Management Highly Commended Paper Award for the paper titled ?Synergy between Lean and Value Engineering Concepts: Sri Lankan Construction Industry Perspective?, presented at the WCS2016 (Received 2016)
Mallawaarachchi, H., Karunasena, G., Sandanayake, Y.G.,".Optimizing the Efficiency of Resource Exchange in Industrial Symbiosis (IS), A Chapter in book titled “Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Responsible Consumption and Production”, edited by Walter Leal Filho, Pinar Gökçin Özuyar, Anabela.",Springer Publication,2020
Sandanayake Y.G. Gunatilake S. Waidyasekara K.G.A.S.,".The 8th World Construction Symposium 2019.",Ceylon Institute of Builders (CIOB),2019
Sandanayake Y.G. Gunatilake S. Waidyasekara K.G.A.S.,".The Seventh World Construction Symposium 2018.",Ceylon Institute of Builders (CIOB),2018
Sandanayake Y.G., Dissanayake D.M.D.T.B. and Chike Oduoza ,".Ensuring the Construction Supply Chain Resilience in Catastrophic Events.",IntechOpen Publication,2018
Sandanayake Y.G. Ramachandra T. Gunatilake S,".The Sixth World Construction Symposium 2017.",Ceylon Institute of Builders (CIOB) ,2017
Sandanayake Y.G., Karunasena G.I. and Ramachandra T.,".The Fifth World Construction Symposium 2016.",Ceylon Institute of Builders (CIOB),2016
Sandanayake Y.G., Fernando N.G. and Karunasena G.I. ,".The Fourth World Construction Symposium 2015.",Ceylon Institute of Builders (CIOB),2015
Arsecularatne, B.P. and Sandanayake, Y.G., ,".The choice of project governance modes to minimise contractors’ opportunistic behaviour.",The 9th World Construction Symposium,Online,2021,516-527
Gunawardana, K.A.P., Sandanayake, Y.G., Karunasena, G.I. Jayawickrama, T.S.,,".Problems and related causes of public procurement process to achieve sustainability in developing countries.",The 9th World Construction Symposium,Online,2021,458-470
Lawanga, P.W.A.H. Sandanayake, Y.G., ,".Lean design management practices associated with stakeholder management during pre-construction stage in Sri Lanka.",The 9th World Construction Symposium,Online,2021,392-402
Mallawaarachchi, H. Karunasena, G. Sandanayake, Y.G. Liu, C.,".Initiating industrial symbiosis (IS) networks in Sri Lanka: Insights from global projects.",The 9th World Construction Symposium,Online,2021,369-380
Sandagomika, N.M.G.H. Sandanayake, Y.G.,".A model for human capacity building of large- scale contractors to foster lean construction in Sri Lanka.",The 9th World Construction Symposium,Online,2021,14-26
Gunawardana K.A.P. Sandanayake Y. G. Karunasena G. Jayawickrama T. ,".Integrate Sustainability into the Public Procurement Process in Construction Industry.",1st IEOM India Conference,Online - India,2021,ID 042
Sandagomika, N.M.G.H. Sandanayake, Y.G.,".Human Related Challenges in Lean Implementation: A Case of Sri Lankan Large Scale Contractors.",the 4th IEOM European Rome Conference,Online - Rome,2021,ID 464
Nanayakkara N.B. Sandanayake Y.G. Ekanayake B.J.,".An Investigation of Corporate Social Responsibility of Construction Organisations in Disasters in Sri Lanka.",13th FARU International Research Conference,Virtual,2020,194-201
Mahinkanda, M.M.M.P., Sandanayake, Y.G. and Ekanayake, B.J.,".Bridging the TheoryPractice Gap in Value Management in Sri Lankan Construction Industry.",The 8th World Construction Symposium 2019,Colombo, Sri Lanka,2019,147-157
Ranadewa, K.A.T.O., Sandanayake, Y.G. and Siriwardena, M.L,".Lean enabling human capacity building of small and medium contractors in Sri Lanka.",The 8th World Construction Symposium 2019,Colombo, Sri Lanka,2019,400-410
Mallawaarachchi, H., Sandanayake, Y.G., Karunasena, G. and Liu, C.,".Optimising the industrial symbiosis (IS): The proposed redevelopment.",The 8th World Construction Symposium 2019,Colombo, Sri Lanka,2019,464-472
Mahinkanda M.P. and Sandanayake Y.G.,".The Theory-Practice Gap in Value Management – A Case Study in Sri Lankan Construction Industry.",Central Europe towards Sustainable Building (CESB 2019),Prague, Czech Republic,2019,Paper ID 012053
Abdeen F.N., Sandanayake Y.G. and Ramachandra T. ,".Supply Chain Management of Facility Operations and Maintenance Function in Apparel Sector.",The International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM 2019),Bangkok, Thailand,2019,2863-2874
Ranadewa, K.A.T.O., Sandanayake, Y.G. and Siriwardena, M.,".Enabling Lean among Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Contractors in Sri Lanka.",The 26th Annual Conference of the International. Group for Lean Construction (IGLC),Chennai, India,,2018,392–401
Bandara D.G.B.S., Sandanayake Y.G. and Ekanayake B.J. ,".Application of Value Engineering Concept to MEP Works in Sri Lankan Construction Industry: A Case Study.",The 10th International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC-10),Colombo, Sri Lanka,2018,502-510
Aparna Samaraweera, Sandanayake Y.G. and Wijerathna S.A.M.S. ,".An Investigation into Interpersonal Conflicts in Post-Contract Stage of Sri Lankan Construction Projects.",The 10th International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC-10),Colombo, Sri Lanka,2018,546-554
Ranadewa, K.A.T.O., Sandanayake, Y.G. and Mohan Siriwardena,".A SWOT Analysis for Construction SMEs: A Case for Sri Lanka.",The 7th World Construction Symposium 2018,Colombo, Sri Lanka,2018,1-12
Ekanayake B.J., Sandanayake Y.G. and Thanuja Ramachandra ,".Challenges in Hotel Building Refurbishment Projects in Sri Lanka.",The 7th World Construction Symposium 2018,Colombo, Sri Lanka,2018,145-154
Aparna Samaraweera, Sepani Senaratne and Sandanayake Y.G. ,".Basic assumptions of contractor’s sub culture in public sector building construction projects in Sri Lanka.",The 7th World Construction Symposium 2018,Colombo, Sri Lanka,2018,94-104
Heshani Wickramarachchi, Sandanayake Y.G. and Ekanayake B.J. ,".Total Quality Management Implementation in Sri Lankan Construction Industry: A Study of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises.",The 4th International Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2018,
Ranadewa K.A.T.O. Sandanayake Y.G. Mohan Siriwardena ,".What Does Developing Lean Capacity Mean?.",The Sixth World Construction Symposium 2017,Colombo, Sri Lanka,2017,485-494
Gunasekara P.T.N. Sandanayake Y.G. Ekanayake E.M.A.C.,".TRIZ-DR Model for Dispute Resolution in Construction Industry.",The Sixth World Construction Symposium 2017,Colombo, Sri Lanka,2017,466-475
Aparna Samaraweera Sepani Senaratne Sandanayake Y.G.,".Nature of Existence of Public Sector Construction Project Culture: An Exploratory Case Study.",The Sixth World Construction Symposium 2017,Colombo, Sri Lanka,2017,308-315
Ekanayake B.J. Sandanayake Y.G. ,".Ecological Footprint to Evaluate Environmental Sustainability of Apparel Sector Built Environments: The Sri Lankan Perspective.",The Sixth World Construction Symposium 2017,Colombo, Sri Lanka,2017,169-177
Mendis N.S.K. Rajini P.A.D. Samaraweera A. Sandanayake Y.G.,".Applicability of Safe Working Cycle (SWC) Concept to Sri Lankan Construction Industry.",International Research Conference 2017: Shaping Tomorrow’s Built Environment,University of Salford, United Kingdom,2017,151-164
Samaraweera A. Senaratne S. Sandanayake Y.G. ,".Three Perspectives of Public Sector Construction Project Culture: An Exploratory Case Study in Sri Lanka.",The 13th International Research Conference 2017,University of Salford, United Kingdom,2017,428-442
Karunarante T.L.W., Ahmed Iftekhar, Jayawickrama T.S., Maund Kim, Sandanayake Y.G. and Gajendran Thayaparan,".An Investigation into Disaster Management Practices in Relation to Recent Disaster Events in Sri Lanka.",The 10th FARU International Conference ,Sri Lanka,2017,154-165
Abdeen F.N. and Sandanayake Y.G. ,".Facilities Management Supply Chain: Collaboration of FM Functions, Flows and Parties in the Apparel Sector.",International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications,25(2),2022
Abdeen, F.N., Sandanayake, Y.G. and Ramachandra, T. ,".A framework for facilities management supply chain performance evaluation: case study of hotel buildings.",Facilities,40(3/4),2022
Chandanie H. Sepani Senaratne, Sandanayake Y.G. and Fernando N.G.,".Merging Academic Research and Industry Requirements for Innovative Construction Management Practices in Sri Lanka: A Study on Critical Success Factors.",International Journal of Construction Education and Research,18(1),2022
Sivanuja, T and Sandanayake Y.G.,".Strategies to Successfully Implement Industry 4.0 Concept for Predictive Maintenance in Facilities Management.",FARU Journal,09(02),2022
Ranadewa, K.A.T.O., Sandanayake, Y.G. and Siriwardena M.L.,".Enabling Lean through Human Capacity Building: An Investigation of Small and Medium Contractors.",Built Environment Project and Asset Management,,2021
Abdeen F.N. and Sandanayake Y.G.,".Facilities Management Supply Chain: Collaboration of FM Functions, Flows and Parties in the Apparel Sector.",International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications,,2020
Chandanie H. Sepani Senaratne, Sandanayake Y.G. and Fernando N.G.,".Merging Academic Research and Industry Requirements for Innovative Construction Management Practices in Sri Lanka: A Study on Critical Success Factors.",International Journal of Construction Education and Research,,2020
Mallawaarachchi B.H., Sandanayake Y.G., Karunasena G.I. and Chunlu Liu,".Unveiling the Conceptual Development of Industrial Symbiosis: Bibliometric Analysis.",Journal of Cleaner Production,Paper ID. 120618,2020
Udara Ranasinghe and Sandanayake Y.G., ,".ESCO Business Model for Energy Conservation in Sri Lanka.",International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy,16(4),2020
Sandagomika N.M.G.H. Sandanayake Y.G. Ekanayake B.J. ,".Drivers and Barriers of Using Internet of Things for Successful Lean Implementation in Construction Projects in Sri Lanka.",FARU Journal,7,2020
Thenuwara, W.C. and Sandanayake, Y.G.,".Agile Integrated Facilities Maintenance Approach to Apparel Sector.",Procedia Manufacturing,17,2018
Abdeen, N. and Sandanayake, Y.G.,".Facilities Management Supply Chain: Functions, Flows and Relationships.",Procedia Manufacturing,17,2018
Aparna Samaraweera, Sepani Senaratne and Sandanayake Y.G. ,".Nature of construction project cultures in the public sector: case studies in Sri Lanka.",Built Environment Project and Asset Management,8(5),2018
Aparna Samaraweera, Sepani Senaratne and Sandanayake Y.G. ,".Methodology to Extract Underlying Basic Assumptions of a Public Sector Construction Project Culture: An Exploratory Case Study.",International Journal of Construction Management,18(6),2018
Chandanie H. Sepani Senaratne, Sandanayake Y.G. and Nirodha Gayani Fernando ,".Academic Research in Emerging Knowledge Based Economies: The Case of Sri Lankan Construction Industry.",Built Environment Project and Asset Management,8(4),2018
Ekanayake B. J. and Sandanayake Y. G. ,".Applicability of Ecological Footprint for Environmental Sustainability Evaluation in Sri Lankan Apparel Sector Built Environments.",International Journal of Applied Engineering Research,12(17),2017
Aparna Samaraweera, Sepani Senaratne and Sandanayake Y.G.,".Conceptualising Construction Project Culture: Culture as a Root-Metaphor as Opposed to the Culture as a Variable.",International Journal of Construction Project Management,9(1),2017
Nilmini Weerasinghe and Sandanayake Y.G. ,".Collaborative Facilities Management Model: Sri Lankan Perspective.",Built Environment Project and Asset Management,7(3),2017
Pilanawithana N.M. and Sandanayake Y.G. ,".Positioning the Facilities Manager’s Role throughout the Building Lifecycle.",Journal of Facilities Management,15(4),2017
Aparna Samaraweera, Sepani Senaratne and Sandanayake Y.G.,".Methodology to Extract Underlying Basic Assumptions of a Public Sector Construction Project Culture: An Exploratory Case Study.",International Journal of Construction Management,,2017
Ekanayake E.M.A.C. and Sandanayake Y.G. ,".LiVE approach: Lean integrated Value Engineering for construction industry.",Built Environment Project and Asset Management,7(5),2017
Sandanayake Y.G., Anupa Manewa and Jacky Chung,".Sustainability: business drivers and managerial implications.",Built Environment Project and Asset Management,6(5),2016