- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Senior Lecturer Grade I
Contact information
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Faculty Higher degrees committee representative -To Make all the recommendations for all the matters regarding Post Graduate Courses and research degrees. Organizing the monthly TLM research seminar Promoting higher degrees among undergraduates (2017 To 2020)
Faculty Academic Committee Representative - (2020 To 2023)
Academic coordinator semester 3 - (2016 To date)
Academic coordinator semester 4 - (2016 To date)
P&D Committee Member - (2024 To date)
Research Activities
Education and Professional Affiliations
PhD, University of Calgary ,2016 Civil Engineering
Masters, University of Moratuwa ,2008 Transport and Logistics Management
Bachelors, University of Moratuwa ,2007 Civil Engineering
Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka(2007 To date)
The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (2020 To date)
Senior lecturer (2015 – present)
Department of Transport and Logistics Management,
Faculty of Engineering,
University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
Teaching and research Assistant (2009-2015)
Schulich School of Engineering
University of Calgary, Canada
Lecturer (2008-2009)
Department of Transport and Logistics Management
University of Moratuwa - Sri LankaHonours and Awards
Outstanding research performance award (Received 2019)
Outstanding research performance award (Received 2020)
Outstanding research performance award (Received 2021)
Best paper Award: the Transport and Logistics track at the MERCon 2018 conference (Received 2018)
Arunika Jasmine, Varuna Adikariwattage, Rafhan Rifan,".Continuous Approximation Approach to Determine the Optimal Service Area for a Drone Port in Urban Air Logistics.",International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics,Bremen, Germany,2024,
Dimuth Indeewara Varuna Adikariwattage Alexandre G de Barros Malith Ratwatta,".A Novel Methodology to Incorporate Uncertainty in the Estimation of Flight Schedule Block Time.",Transportation Research Board 102nd Annual Meeting,Washington DC, United States,2023,
K.K.C.L. Kannangara; V.V. Adikariwattage; C.S.A. Siriwardana,".Development of a Cost-Optimized Model for Evacuation Route Planning for Tsunamis.", 2022 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2022,
Kethaka Galappaththi Varuna Adikariwattage,".Multi Criteria Decision Support Tool for Planning Intermediate Waypoints for En-Route Air Traffic Routes.",24th Air Transport Research Society World Conference,Sydney, Australia,2021,
Varuna Adikariwattage, T.D.N Madushani,".Modeling the Level of Service of Passenger Walking in Transport Terminals.",14th International Conference of EASTS,Hiroshima, Japan,2021,
Varuna Adikariwattage, Mahekha Dahanayaka,".Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Passenger Air Travel Demand to Sri Lanka.",14th International Conference of EASTS,Hiroshima, Japan,2021,
Kulunu Munasingha, Varuna Adikariwattage,".Discrete Event Simulation Method to Model Passenger Processing at an International Airport.",2020 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2020,401-406
Weerasekara, S,. Adikariwattage, V., Abeyrathna, N.,".Optimization methodology for departure slots at slot coordinated passenger airports based on processing element bottlenecks.",15Th WCTR, May 26-31, 2019,Mumbai, India.,2019,
S. Galagedera, H. Pasindu and V. Adikariwattage,".Analysis of Aircraft Veer off Probability at Runway High Speed Exits.",2019 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2019,527-532
D.M.M.S. Dissanayaka, V. Adikariwattage, and H.R Pasindu,".Evaluation of Emissions from Delayed Departure Flights at Bandaranaike International Airport (BIA).",11th Asia Pacific Transportation and the Environment Conference (APTE 2018),Malang, Indonesia,2018,
Rafhan Rifan, Varuna Adikariwattage,".Evaluation of Regulatory Gap in UAS Operations in Sri Lanka.",2018 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2018,
Adikariwattage Varuna, S.C. Wirasinghe, Alexandre G. de Barros, J. Ruwanpura,".Fleet Optimization for Aircraft Deicing Trucks.",9th International Transportation Specialty Conference,Edmonton, Alberta ,2012,
VV Adikariwattage, JMSJ Bandara,".Transportation network analysis and applications in disaster management.",14TH ERU SYMPOSIUM, 2008,University of Moratuwa,2008,
V.V Adikariwattage, J.M.S.J. Bandara,".Transportation Network Vulnerability Assessment as a Measure of Preparedness for Disaster Situations.",International Infrastructure Renewal and Reconstruction (IIIRR),Calgary, Canada,2008,
Bawantha Rathnayaka, Dilan Robert, Varuna Adikariwattage, Chandana Siriwardana, Lasantha Meegahapola, Sujeeva Setunge, Dilanthi Amaratunga,".A Unified Framework for Evaluating the Resilience of Critical Infrastructure: Delphi Survey Approach.",International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction,110,2024
Ovini WITHANACHCHI Varuna ADIKARIWATTAGE,".Evaluation of Variability in Boarding Time Under Different Boarding Strategies used for Airline Passenger Boarding Process.",Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies,14,2022
Rafhan Rifan Varuna Adikariwattage Alexandre De Barros,".Identification of Urban Air Logistics Distribution Network Concepts.",Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board,Volume 2677, Issue 2,2022
Sameera Galagedera, HR Pasindu, Varuna Adikariwattage,".Evaluation of the impact of runway characteristics on veer-off risk at rapid exit taxiways.",Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives,12,2021
Sameera Galagedera, Varuna Adikariwattage, HR Pasindu,".Evaluation of Rapid Exit Locations Based on Veer-Off Risk for Landing Aircraft.",Sustainability,13/9,2021
DMMS Dissanayaka, V Adikariwattage, HR Pasindu,".Evaluation of CO? Emission from Flight Delays at Taxiing Phase in Bandaranaike International Airport (BIA).",Transportation Research Procedia,48,2020
DMMS Dissanayaka, VV Adikariwattage, HR Pasindu,".Evaluation of CO2 Emission at Airports from Aircraft Operations within the Landing and Take-Off Cycle.",Transportation Research Record,2674,2020
SDB Galagedera, HR Pasindu, VV Adikariwattage,".Evaluation of operational risk factors at runway high speed exits.",Transportation research procedia,48,2020
Amani Karunathilake, Varuna Adikariwattage,".A Framework for evaluating the potential for using air-maritime integration in modern supply chains.",Transportation research procedia,48,2020
V Adikariwattage, Alexandre G de Barros, SC Wirasinghe, Janaka Ruwanpura,".Airport classification criteria based on passenger characteristics and terminal size.",Journal of Air Transport Management,24,2012
Sanjeewa Wickramaratne, Janaka Ruwanpura, Upul Ranasinghe, Samanthi Walawe?Durage, Varuna Adikariwattage, SC Wirasinghe,".Ranking of natural disasters in Sri Lanka for mitigation planning.",International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment,,2012