- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Senior Professor
Contact information
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Research Activities
MSc - “A Study of the effectiveness of hand pump maintenance system in Sri Lanka - Special reference to Southern Province” - C.C.H.C Fernando, Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration, Sri Lanka in 2008.
MSc - “Causes and effects of delays in construction of water supply projects” - Perera W. D.A., University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka in 2010.
MSc - “Factors influencing the duration of road construction projects in Sri Lanka” - Pathiranage Y.L., University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka in 2010.
MSc - “Labour productivity in building construction industry” - Gunawardana P. D.H.D., University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka in 2011.
MSc - “Management of Projects with beneficiary participation: Case study - Rehabilitation internal estate roads” - Ekanayakage S.V., University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka in 2011.
MSc - “Cost monitoring and controlling practices of construction companies in Sri Lanka” - Weerasinghe S.B., University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka in 2012.
MSc – “Effectiveness of software applications in construction project management” - G. L. Manorathna, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, 2013
MSc - Factors affecting for Motivation of tradesmen of defence services - P. Gunasekara, Sri Lanka in 2015.
MSc - Effectiveness of Community participation in minor irrigation rehabilitation projects - H M J Herath, Sri Lanka 2015
MBA - “Cost effectiveness of non revenue water reduction” - Ranasinghe C.J, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka in 2010.
MBA - “Sri Lanka software export industry: an evaluation using the software export success model” - Dharmawardhana H. M. S. N, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka in 2010.
MBA - “Evaluating risk factors affecting financing of mini hydropower projects in Sri Lanka” - Rathnaweera P.H.S.B, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka in 2010.
MBA - “Improve the profitability of mono crop agriculture projects by developing as a integrated agriculture projects in Sri Lanka” done by Rajakaruna J.M.C.K, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka in 2010.
MBA – “Socio-Economic impacts of rural electrification in western region of Sri Lanka” - Gunatilake P. S., University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka in 2012
MBA – “Parent’s satisfaction on effective daycare centres” - Samantha M.P.M.G.W, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka in 2012
MBA – “trends of causes for variation orders in road construction projects in Sri Lanka” - Ranasinghe N P P P , University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka in 2012
MBA- Effectiveness of passive building techiniques in dry zone: A case study of an Eco lodge, R.V.D.N.D. Wijeratne
MSc – “Performance of green roofs in tropical climatic conditions” - S N Wijerathne, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka in 2012
MSc – “Mud-Concrete Paving block for pedestrian pavements in tropical climatic conditions” - H Galabada, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka in 2016
MSc – “Developing a natural Acoustic Barrier for Urban Areas” - M A D Senanayake , University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka in 2016
PhD –The Effectiveness of Alternative stabilizer for Mud Concrete Technology , C. D. Udawatte, 2018
PhD – In-situ Mud-Concrete as a material for load-bearing walls and sustainable building practices, F.R.Arooz, 2019
PhD Development of an Energy Rating System for Residential Buildings in Sri Lanka, S. M. Pathirana, 2019
PhD - Developing a roof slab Insulation system for tropical climatic conditions, K. Nandapala, 2016
• Sustainable design, • Sustainable materials, • Construction Management, • Thermal and sound Insulations, • Green technology
Education and Professional Affiliations
PhD, University of Moratuwa ,2004
Bachelors, University of Moratuwa ,2008
Member, Institution of Engineers(2005 To date)
Associated Member Society of Structural Engineers(2005 To date)
Green Associate Professional(2014 To date)
Member, Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science M. No-8572/C(2009 To date)
Member, Society of Consulting Engineers(2014 To date)
Followed a training on curriculum delivery in University of Putra, Malaysia
Completed a management training programme at University of Putra, Malaysia, 2011 October
Followed a workshop on “Practical use of ICTAD Conditions of Contracts”, Association of Consulting Engineers, Sri Lanka, 2013
Honours and Awards
Energy Globe Award - National Winner Sri Lanka (Received )
Award for Outstanding Research award with distinction, University of Moratuwa (Received )
JCI TOYP (Top outstanding young persons of Sri Lanka) award - Academic Leadership and Accomplishment for the year 2014 (Received )
Award for Outstanding Research award with distinction, University of Moratuwa (Received )
Award for Outstanding Research performance, University of Moratuwa (Received )
Hiran Tillekeratne Research award, University Grant Commission for the research carried out during the period from 2007 to 2009 (Received )
Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science- Postgraduate Research Merit Award (Received )
University of Moratuwa Award for the Best Civil Engineering Graduand in Construction Engineering & Management (Received )
University of Moratuwa Award for the Best Civil Engineering Graduand in Construction Engineering & Management (Received )
University of Moratuwa Award for the Best Civil Engineering Graduand in Transportation & Geotechnical Engineering. (Received )
Sir Lanka Associate for the Advancement of Science- Posgraduate Research Merit Award? (Received 2009)
University of Moratuwa Award for the Best Civil Engineering Graduand in Construction Engineering & Management (Received )
University of Moratuwa Award for the Best Civil Engineering Graduand in Building & Structural Engineering (Received )
University of Moratuwa Award for the Best Civil Engineering Graduand in Transportation & Geotechnical Engineering (Received )
Energy Globe Award - National Winner Sri Lanka (Received 2016)
Award for Outstanding Research award with distinction, University of Moratuwa. (Received 2014)
JCI TOYP (Top outstanding young persons of Sri Lanka) award - Academic Leadership and Accomplishment for the year (Received 2014)
Award for Outstanding Research award with distinction, University of Moratuwa (Received 2013)
Award for Outstanding Research performance, University of Moratuwa (Received 2012)
Hiran Tillekeratne Research award, University Grant Commission for the research carried out during the period from (Received 2009)
CVCD Excellence award - Most Outstanding Young Researcher in the field of Technology and related Sciences including Engineering, Architecture, Quantity Surveying and Information Technology - 2016 (Received 2016)
Award for Outstanding Research performance, University of Moratuwa. 2015 (Received 2015)
Award for Outstanding Research award with distinction, University of Moratuwa (Received 2016)
Most Outstanding Sri Lankans Awards, under the title of Best inventor award for Inventing Sustainable Design and Materials (Received 2017)
TWAS ( The World Academy of Science) Young scientist award? (Received 2017)
Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science ? Environment award (Individual category) for Sustainable Construction Materials in Sri Lanka? (Received 2017)
SUSRED award, National Science Foundation (Received 2017)
Presidential Merit Award in Public Works and Infrastructure Engineering for Self Compacted in-Situ Cast Mud Concrete Load Bearing Wall System (Received 2018)
Presidential Merit Award in Public Works and Infrastructure Engineering for Mud Concrete Block (Received 2018)
Presidential Merit Award in Public Works and Infrastructure Engineering for Mud Paving block (Received 2018)
Presidential Awards for Academic Publications (Received 2018)
Award for Outstanding Research award with distinction (Received 2017)
Environment Merit Award, Engineering Excellence Awards (Received 2018)
PH Thamoda Geegamage, HR Achini Ranaweera, Rangika U Halwatura,".As Good as New: A Study on Sri Lanka Consumers’ Secondhand Fashion Consumption.",Springer Nature Singapore,2024
R. U. Halwatura Malthi Rajapaksha, M. Kariyakarawana,".Enhancing Thermal and Daylight Performance of Historic Buildings with Passive Modifications; A Tropical Case Study.",KDU Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (KJMS),Colombo,2024,
GDC Jayakody, GY Jayasinghe, RU Halwatura, KGNH Weerasinghe,".Thermal Evaluation of Vertical Greeneries for Building Façade with Different Orientations and Shading Percentages by Design-builder Simulation.",International Forestry and Environment Symposium,Colombo,2023,
IGN Anuradha, APKK Ambagala, PD Dharmarathne, SU Liyanage, RU Halwatura, KAK Devapriya,".Value Engineering as a Pragmatic Value Enhancing Tool for Public Sector Construction Projects.",2022 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Moratuwa,2022,
R. U. Halwatura G. H. Galabada , P. D. Dharmarathne, Himahansi Galkanda,".Thermal performance and user perception on mud concrete floor compared to the other floors.",FARU Journal,Moratuwa,2022,
TANT Perera, GY Jayasinghe, RU Halwatura, HT Rupasinghe,".Modeling Building Envelop with Vertical Green Living Walls as an Urban Heat Island (UHI) Mitigation Strategy.",12th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management: Proceedings of the ICSECM 2021,Colombo,2022,657-664
Wasudha Prabodhani Abeyrathna, RIS Ariyarathna, RU Halwatura, FR Arooz, AS Perera, Arturas Kaklauskas,".Establishing initial hypothetical PLS-SEM for the challenges of converting existing office buildings to green buildings in Sri Lanka.",2022 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Moratuwa,2022,
RU Halwatura K Weerasinghe, GKP John,".PLANT SELECTION MATRIX FOR BUILDING INTEGRATED VEGETATION SYSTEMS THROUGH QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE APPROACH.",International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management,Colombo,2021,
Rangika Umesh Halwatura, Hewage Ruchira Perera, Rohantha Rukshan Jayasinghe,".Perceptions of Civil Engineering Undergraduates on Using Learning Management System (LMS) and Zoom Platform for Online Design Studio Teaching.",14th International Research Conference,Colombo,2021,
T Geegamage, HRA Ranaweera, RU Halwatura,".Second-Hand fashion consumption.",ERU,Moratuwa,2021,
Harsha Galabada, P Dhammika Dharmaratne, Himahansi Galkangda, Malsha Mendis, Renuka Nilmini, Rangika Umesh Halwatura,".Soil as an innovative sustainable flooring material.",2020 From Innovation to Impact (FITI),Colombo ,2020,
Nilusha Lakmali Rajashilpa, Tharanath Ambillapitiya, Rangika Umesh Halwatura,".Differentiations and Grading of Inventions and Innovations in Sri Lanka.",2020 From Innovation to Impact (FITI),Colombo ,2020,
Malsha Mendis, Hasini Perera, Hiran Amarasekera, Dhammika Dharmaratne, Randika Jayasinghe, Rangika Halwatura,".Preliminary investigation on ancient timber structures through microscopic analysis.",2020 From Innovation to Impact (FITI),Colombo ,2020,
Himahansi Galkanda, Harsha Galabada, P Dhammika Dharmarathna, Malsha Mendisv, Renuka Nilmini, Rangika Halwatura,".Enhance Biyagama water treatment plant sludge properties with natural and synthetic binders.",2020 From Innovation to Impact (FITI),Colombo ,2020,
KGNH Weerasinghe, KGDN Jayasinghe, RU Halwatura,".Development of Edible Vertical Gardening System and Societal Impact of Vertical Gardening through a Systematic Literature Review.",2020 From Innovation to Impact (FITI),Colombo ,2020,
GAHH Galkanda, RU Halwatura,".Feasibility of Incorporating Biyagama Drinking Water Treatment Plant Solid Sludge in a Construction Material Production Process.",9TH YSF SYMPOSIUM-2020,Colombo ,2020,
SAA Gunawardanaa, GAHH Galkanda, RU Halwatura,".Investigation of Fungus Growth and Moss Growth on Different Wall Care Putty Materials Along with Different Walling Materials.",2020 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Moratuwa,2020,
Harsha Galabada, Himahansi Galkanda, P Dhammika Dharmaratne, Rangika Umesh Halwatura,".Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Mud Concrete with Coconut Fiber Reinforcement.",2020 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Moratuwa,2020,
DMP Sudeshika, MS Mendis, RU Halwatura,".Investigation on the mechanical property variation on timber caused due to the thermal and chemical modification.",2020 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Moratuwa,2020,
Sitsabesan Suluxan, Isuru Nanayakkara, Rizna Arooz, Rangika Umesh Halwatura,".A Preliminary Study on Fabric Formwork for a Mud-concrete Slab System.",2020 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Moratuwa,2020,
SM Pathirana, RU Halwatura,".Effect of occupant behaviour on household energy efficiency in Sri Lanka.",Proceedings of the National Engineering Research Symposium (NERS 2020),Colombo ,2020,
DLDG Peiris, RMKM Rathnayake, GKP John, Nirma Swaris, RU Halwatura,".Utilization of Waste Plastic and Fly Ash/Bottom Ash as an Alternative to Natural Aggregates: Strength Properties.",Materials Circular Economy,,2024
Nirma Swaris, Rangika Umesh Halwatura, Dilanthi Amaratunga,".Policy coherence for resilience in Sri Lanka coherence of climate change adaptation (CCA) disaster risk reduction (DRR) and sustainable development goals (SDGs).",International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment,,2024
Rohantha Rukshan Jayasinghe, Wasudha Prabodhani Abeyrathna, Manuja Promodya Hendawitharana, Champika Liyanage, Karl Williams, Rangika Umesh Halwatura,".Overcoming policy gaps for effective plastic waste management: A case study of Dikkowita Fishery Harbour, Sri Lanka.",Marine Policy,,2024
Wasudha Prabodhani Abeyrathna, Isuri Shanika Ariyarathna, RU Halwatura, FR Arooz, AS Perera, Arturas Kaklauskas,".ANN prediction model to improve employees’ thermal satisfaction in tropical green office buildings.",Asian Journal of Civil Engineering,,2024
Harsha Galabada, PD Dharmaratne, SN Malkanthi, RU Halwatura,".Improvement of Earth into Concrete as an Eco-friendly Building Material–Effect of Soil Gradation and Chemical Admixtures.",ENGINEER,,2023
Rohantha Rukshan Jayasinghe, Gihan Prabuddhike Herath, Wasudha Prabodhani Abeyrathna, Manuja Promodya Hendawitharana, Champika Liyanage, Karl Williams, Rangika Umesh Halwatura,".Strength Properties of Recycled Waste Plastic and Quarry Dust as Substitute to Coarse Aggregates: an Experimental Methodology.",Materials Circular Economy,,2023
GDC Jayakody, KGNH Weerasinghe, GY Jayasinghe, RU Halwatura,".Economical sustainability of vertical greeneries in tropical climate.",Energy and Buildings,,2023
Dilini Uyanhewage, Rangika Halwatura, Seneviratne Somaratne,".Evaluation of the perceived palatability levels of grazing forages of wild asian elephants in Sri Lanka: Respodents of questionair survey.",Journal of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science,,2023
KGNH Weerasinghe, GKP John, HT Rupasinghe, RU Halwatura,".Building Integrated Vegetation Systems and their Sustainability Aspects; A Literature Review.",Vidyodaya Journal of Science,,2023
Isuri Shanika Ariyarathna, Methsika Kariyakarawana, Wasudha Prabodhani Abeyrathna, Nina Danilina, Rangika Umesh Halwatura,".Analysis of Operational Energy between Adaptive Reuse Historic Buildings (ARHB) and Modern Office Buildings: A Case Study in Sri Lanka.",Architecture,,2023
Thamoda Geegamage, Achini Ranaweera, Rangika Halwatura,".Pre-loved or hatred? Consumers’ perception of value towards second-hand fashion consumption in Sri Lanka.",Research Journal of Textile and Apparel,,2023
Nilanka Harshani Weerasinghe, Pasindu Kavishna Silva, Rohantha Rukshan Jayasinghe, Wasudha Prabodhani Abeyrathna, Gayanthi Krishani Perera John, Rangika Umesh Halwatura,".Reducing CO2 level in the indoor urban built environment: Analysing indoor plants under different light levels.",Cleaner Engineering and Technology,,2023
MS Mendis, PAU Ishani, RU Halwatura,".Impacts of chemical modification of wood on water absorption: a review.",Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science,,2023
R. Jayasinghe M.S. Mendis , Wasudha Abeyrathna, R.U. Halwatura, H.S. Amarasekara, R. Somadewa,".Accumulate and consolidate the traditional vernacular timber preservation technologies through a field survey.",Heliyon,,2023
Malthi Rajapaksha, PD Dharmaratneand RU Halwatura,".Dynamic, Clay, Secondary Walling for Heat Reduction, in Tropical Indoors.",ENGINEER,,2022
RU Halwatura, KABP Kodithuwakku,".Incorporating Sustainable Procurement Practices in the Construction Industry in Sri Lanka: Benefits and Challenges.",PM World Journal,,2022
Rohantha Rukshan Jayasinghe, Wasudha Prabodhani Abeyrathna, Daniel Lythgoe, Manuja Promodya Hendawitharana, Champika Liyanage, Karl Williams, Rangika Umesh Halwatura,".Analysis of the community behavioural patterns in management of household plastic waste due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Sri Lanka.",Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering,,2022
DILINI UYANAHEWAGE, Rangika Umesh Halwatura, Somaratne Seneviratne,".Plant selection matrix for classifying elephant forage plants in Sri Lanka using metadata: A Cluster and Classification-and-Regression Tree Approach.",Journal of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science,,2022
Kasun Nandapala Rangika Halwatura,".Operational feasibility of a hybrid roof insulation system with bamboo and vegetation: An experimental study in tropical climatic conditions.",Case Studies in Construction Materials,15,2021
TANT Perera, GY Jayasinghe, RU Halwatura, HT Rupasinghe,".Modelling of vertical greenery system with selected tropical plants in urban context to appraise plant thermal performance.",Ecological Indicators,128,2021
SAA Gunawardana, HH Galkanda, RU Halwatura, GY Jayasinghe,".Investigation of rain surface erosion and bonding strength of different wall care putty materials along with different walling materials.",Journal of Building Engineering,34,2021
Hewage Ruchira Perera, Rohantha Rukshan Jayasinghe, Rangika Umesh Halwatura,".Impact of Internal and External Factors in Building Energy Consumption under Tropical Climatic Condition.",Construction of Unique Buildings and Structures,,2021
Prasad Dhammika Dharmaratne, Harsha Galabada, Randika Jayasinghe, Renuka Nilmini, Rangika Umesh Halwatura,".Characterization of Physical, Chemical and Mechanical Properties of Sri Lankan Coir Fibers.",Journal of Ecological Engineering,22,2021
DMNA Dissanayake, MS Mendis, GY Jayasinghe, RU Halwatura,".A study on chemical insertion and physical property changes of sunken timber; Terminalia arjuna along with river water in Sri Lanka.",IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT),14,2020
HT Rupasinghe, RU Halwatura,".Benefits of implementing vertical greening in tropical climates.",Urban Forestry & Urban Greening,53,2020
Anupama Gunawardana, FR Arooz, A Peramunugamage, RU Halwatura,".Critical analysis of lecturer’s perception on integrating concepts of sustainability in university curricular.",Integrated Science Education Journal,1,2020
Shakila Pathirana, Rangika Halwatura, Asanka Rodrigo,".Sustainable approach to energy rating system for residential buildings.",Asian Journal of Civil Engineering,21,2020
Malsha S Mendis, Malthi Rajapaksha, Rangika U Halwatura,".Unleashing the Potentials of Traditional Construction Technique in Bioclimatic Building Designs: A Case of Ambalam Sri Lanka.",International Journal of Environmental Science and Development,11,2020
Himahansi H Galkanda, Rangika U Halwatura,".Analysis the Performance of Chemical and Physical Additives to Reduce Shrinkage of Drinking Water Treatment Sludge (DWTS).",International Journal of Environmental Science and Development,11,2020
Madujith Sagara Chandra, Kasun Nandapala, KAB Weerasinghe, Gayan Priyadarshana, BLS Wasana Liyanarathne, RU Halwatura,".An engineering approach towards the traditional beliefs in house construction.",Asian Journal of Civil Engineering,,2020
Kasun Nandapala, Madujith Sagara Chandra, RU Halwatura,".A study on the feasibility of a new roof slab insulation system in tropical climatic conditions.",Energy and Buildings,,2020
R.U. Halwatura, M.T.R. Jayasinghe, Thermal performance of insulated roof slabs in tropical climates, Energy and Buildings 40 (2008) 1153–1160.
R.U. Halwatura, M.T.R. Jayasinghe, Influence of insulated roof slabs on air conditioned spaces in tropical climatic conditions-A life cycle cost approach, Energy and Buildings 41 (2009) 678–686.
Pathiranage, Y. L. and Halwatura, R. U., Factors Influencing the Duration of Road Construction Projects in Sri Lanka, ENGINEER Journal, Vol. XXXIII, No. 04, pp 17-30, October 2010
B S S S Dareeju, J N Meegahage, R U Halwatura, Performance of Green Roof Against the Global warming, Annual Transactions of Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, pp. [297-302], 2011
R U Halwatura, G.H.E.Silva, H.A.D.Mahanama, P.M.S.Jayamanna, A.G.T.N.Jayaweera, Ecological Design Considerations in High-rise Buildings With References to CO2 Levels, Annual Transactions of Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, pp. [104-111], 2012
S.N.Wijerathne, R U Halwatura, Mitigating the Scale of Urban Heat Island Effect in Cities with Implementation of Green Roofs, Annual Transactions of Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, pp. [120-126], 2012
W. D. A Perera, R U Halwatura, Causes and effects of delays in construction of medium scale drinking water supply projects in Sri Lanka, Annual Transactions of Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, pp. [151-159], 2012
R. K. P. S. Gunatilake, R U Halwatura, Socio-Economic Impacts of Rural Electrification, Annual Transactions of Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, pp. [224-233], 2012
R U Halwatura, Effect of Turf Roof Slabs on Indoor Thermal Performance in Tropical Climates: A Life Cycle Cost Approach, Journal of Construction Engineering, Volume 2013, Article ID 845158, 10 pages.
R U Halwatura, N. P. N. P. Ranasinghe, Causes of Variation Orders in Road Construction Projects in Sri Lanka, ISRN Construction Engineering, Volume 2013, Article ID 381670, 7 pages, Volume 2013, Article ID 381670, 7 pages
R U Halwatura, Performance of Insulated Roofs with Elevated Outdoor Conditions Due to Global Warming, Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques, 2014, Volume 2, Issue 4, Pages: 134-142
Ranasinghe A.W.L.H and R.U. Halwatura, Performance of mud houses and contentment in Sri Lankan context, Annual sessions of Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, Volume I, Part B pp. [69-76], 2014
R. U Halwatura, Critical Factors Which Govern Labour Productivity in Building Construction Industry in Sri Lanka, PM World Journal, Vol. IV, Issue IV – April 2015, 1-13
R U Halwatura, EFFECTIVENESS OF CONTRACTORS ALL RISK (CAR) INSURANCE POLICIES IN ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS, Journal of Basic and Applied Research International, 9(1), pp 56-67, 2015.
M.A.D Senanayake, R U Halwatura, HUMAN PERCEPTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF NATURAL BARRIERS, Journal of Global Ecology and Environment, 3(1), pp39-55, 2015
C. Udawattha, R U Halwatura, Embodied Energy of Mud Concrete Block (MCB) Versus Brick and Cement Blocks, Energy and Buildings, 126 (2016) 28–35.
K. Nandapala, R. Halwatura, Design of a Durable Roof Slab Insulation System for Tropical Climatic Conditions, Cogent Engineering, Vol.3, P.1196526, Dec. 2016
Udawattha, C., & Halwatura, R. (2016). Thermal performance and structural cooling analysis of brick, cement block, and mud concrete block. ADVANCES IN BUILDING ENERGY RESEARCH, 2016.
Udawattha, C., & Halwatura, R. (2016) Life cycle cost of different Walling material used for affordable housing in tropics, Case Studies in Construction Materials, Volume 7, December 2017, Pages 15-29
Udawattha, C., H Galabada,, R U Halwatura, ( 2017) Mud concrete paving bock for pedestrian pavements, Case Studies in Construction Materials, Volume 7, Page 249-262
F.R. Arooz, , R.U. Halwatura, Mud-concrete block (MCB): mix design & durability characteristics, Case Studies in Construction Materials, Volume 8, June 2018, Pages 39–50
C Uadawattha, H Galkanda, I S Ariyarathne, G Y Jayasinghe, R U Halwatura, Mold growth and moss growth on tropical walls, Building and Environment, Volume137,Pages 268-279,2018
H Herath, R U Halwatura, G Y Jayasinghe, Modeling a tropical urban context with green walls and green roofs as an ruban adaptation strategy, Procedia Engineering, Volume 212, 691-698, 2018 .
H Herath, R U Halwatura, G Y Jayasinghe, Evaluation of green infrastructure effects on tropical Sri Lankan urban context as an adaptation strategy, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, Volume 29, page 212-222
C Uadawattha, R U Halwatura, Geopolymerized self-compacting mud concrete masonry units, Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2018
R.U. Galagoda , G.Y. Jayasinghea, R.U. Halwatura , H.T. Rupasinghe, The impact of urban green infrastructure as a sustainable approach towards tropical micro-climatic changes and human thermal comfort, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2018
C. Uadawattha, H. Galkanda, D. E. De Silva, R. U. Halwatura, Performance of natural polymers for Stabilizing earth blocks, Materialia, 2018
R.U. Halwatura , M.T.R. Jayasinghe, Comparative study of performance of different roofing types for indoor thermal comfort in residential buildings, Proceedings of the International Collaborative Graduate Symposium Between Saitama University, Japan and University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka 28 January-02 February 2008 University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
R.U. Halwatura , A.A.D.A.J. Perera, Risk in the use of asbestos roofing sheets in Sri Lanka, Environmental Science and Policy, Proceedings of the Annual Symposium, Kothalawala Defence University, Sri Lanka, December 2009.
R.U. Halwatura, B.S.S.S. Dareeju, K.A. Deshappriya, J.N. Meegahage, Indoor thermal performance of turf roof slabs, Proceedings of the 16th Annual symposium, Engineering research unit, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, November 2nd ,2010.
B.S.S.S. Dareeju, J.N. Meegahage, R.U. Halwatura, Influence of Grass Cover on Flat Reinforced Concrete Slabs in a Tropical Climate, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE-2010), Kandy, 13-14 December 2010, Sri Lanka.
S.N.Wijerathne, R.U.Halwatura, The Impact of Green Roofs on Urban Heat Island Effect, Proceedings of the International Conference on Building Resilience (ICBR 2011), 19th - 21st July 2011, Sri Lanka.
Dareeju, B.S.S.S., Meegahage, J.N., Halwatura, R.U., 2011, Indoor Thermal Performance of Green Roof in a Tropical Climate, Proceedings of the International Conference on Building Resilience (ICBR 2011), 19th - 21st July 2011, Sri Lanka.
S Bandara, Dr. R. U. Halwathura, project control in multi-project environment in Sri Lanka, IESL-SSMS Joint International Symposium on Social Management Systems, 14th – 16th September, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2011.
R.U Halwatura, K.C Tharanga, T.N Molagoda, R.M.P.N Rathnayaka, Effect of passive techniques in old buildings in Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the International Conference Structural Engineering, Construction and Management, 16th - 18th December 2011, Sri Lanka.
S.N.Wijerathne, R.U.Halwatura, Amplification of comfort and the air quality with green roof in cities, Proceedings of the International Conference Structural Engineering, Construction and Management, 16th - 18th December 2011, Sri Lanka.
A.W.L.H. Ranasinghe, R.U. Halwatura, User comfort on urban roads, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering Practices for Sustainable Development (ACEPS), 19th March 2012, Sri Lanka.
A.W.L.H. Ranasinghe, A.A.D.A.J. Perera, R.U. Halwatura, Occupant Satisfaction on Indoor Comfort in a Green Building, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering Practices for Sustainable Development (ACEPS), 19th March 2012, Sri Lanka.
R U Halwatura, M Rawshan, Effect of Greenery on CO2 concentration inside dwellings, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE-2012), 14th - 16th December 2012, Sri Lanka.
R U Halwatura, N M Nishad, Effects of greenery on city comfort and different microclimatic conditions, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE-2012), 14th -16th December 2012, Sri Lanka.
R U Halwatura, A W L H Ranasinghe, H M C C Somarathna, K A C Sampath, K G Jayathulaka, Feasibility study on a mud block with straw, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE-2012), 14th - 16th December 2012, Sri Lanka.
R U Halwatura, T L Jayathunga, Health and safety aspects in building construction industry in Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE-2012), 14th -16th December 2012, Sri Lanka.
R U Halwatura, V G N P Jayawardena, H M C C Somarathna, Identification of damages to building structures due to roots of trees, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE-2012), 14th - 16th December 2012, Sri Lanka.
R U Halwatura, J P S Chamila, A B V P R Somarathna, Influence of straw bale construction in air conditioning in tropical climatic condition, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE-2012), 14th - 16th December 2012, Sri Lanka.
J P S Chamila, R U Halwatura, Performance of straw bale construction in tropical climatic condition, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE-2012), 14th 16th December 2012, Sri Lanka.
S V Ekanayake, R U Halwatura, Success factors in donor funded projects: Case study on internal estate roads, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE-2012), 14th 16th December 2012, Sri Lanka.
Asmone A.S, S.R.M.S.R. Chandrathilake and R.U. Halwatura, Effect of Albedo on surface temperature of concrete interlocking paving blocks in mitigating urban heat lands, Proceedings on 4th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management, Kandy, December 13-15, 2013, pp 77-88.
Ranasinghe A.W.L.H and R.U. Halwatura, Effect of external factors within a green building – A case study, Proceedings on 4th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management, Kandy, December 13-15, 2013, pp 131-139.
M P K C Nandapala, R U Halwatura, Safety issues arising in communication towers, Proceedings on 4th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management, Kandy, December 13-15, 2013, pp 34-44.
K. Nandapala and R. U. Halwatura, “Mitigation of safety issues in telecommunication towers,” (Earl’s Regency Hotel, Kandy), pp. 34–44, Dec. 2013
Peramunugamage A, R.U.Halwatura, Current trends and patterns of Technology use in Higher Education, International Technical Meeting on e-Learning and Technical Communication, 5th & 6th December 2013, Sri Lanka.
Kumara A. S, K.D.Gunawardana, R.U Halwatura, An Empirical Study of the Impact of User Training and Attitude towards ERP implementation in selected Companies in Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the ITRU Research Symposium, 5th December 2013
G. Kuruppu, R U Halwatura, Effectiveness of Moodle Application on Technical Tertiary Education in Sri Lanka, Proceedings on 2013 IEEE International Conference on MOOC, Innovation and Technology in Education, Jaipur, India, December 20 - 22 2013, pp 362-365.
H.R.A.T Ranaweera, R.U Halwatura, Analysis of Tourism and Fashion Retailing; A Sri Lankan Perspective, Proceedings of 2nd international conference on marketing (ICOM 2014) 25th -26th February 2014 at Colombo, Page-92-100.
M P K C Nandapala, R.U Halwatura, Construction safety issues related to telecommunication tower, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment 2014, 12th - 15th, Sri Lanka, Volume 4, pages 101 - 111
M P K C Nandapala, R.U Halwatura, Prioritizing effective means of retrofitting flat slabs to meet public demands in order to promote sustainable built environment, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment 2014, 12th - 15th, Sri Lanka, Volume 1, pages 174 - 180
H.N. Hikkaduwa, R.U. Halwatura, Acceptance of Reed Bed Sewer Treatment System with Owner-Driven method, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment 2014, 12th - 15th, Sri Lanka, Volume 3, pages 89-97.
H.R.A.T Ranaweera, R.U Halwatura, Identifying consumer perceived values of tourism products, Proceedings of the 3rd International Economics Research Conference of the Sri Lanka Forum of University Economists, 19th - 20th December 2014, Page-195 - 201.
G. H. Galabada, K.M.H.C. Karunathilaka and R.U. Halwatura, Comparison of different types of pedestrian paving materials, Proceedings of Civil Engineering Department Research Symposium, 22nd October 2015, Page 25 - 28.
D.U.P Wickramasekara and R.U Halwatura, Investigation of Possible Vegetation for a Natural Sound Barrier, Proceedings of Civil Engineering Department Research Symposium, 22nd October 2015, Page 29-32.
M.K.D.L. Mirihagalla and R.U. Halwatura, Investigation of a possible natural or artificial barrier to reduce urban CO2 concentration, Proceedings of Civil Engineering Department Research Symposium, 22nd October 2015, Page 57-60.
Nadarajah, T. Halwatura, R.U[2015], Improving workability, strength and appearance in interlocking blocks using grinded paddy husk ash, FARU International Research Symposium 2015 – University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. p.158-172.
Arooz, F.R. Ranasinghe, A.W.L.H. Halwatura, R.U[2015], Mud – Concrete Block Construction, Community centers for war victim communites in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka, FARU International Research Symposium 2015 – University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. p.186-200.
Nandapala, K. Halwatura, R.U[2015], Developing a structurally sound and durable roof slab insulation system for tropical climates, FARU International Research Symposium 2015 – University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. p.201-214.
Galabada, H. Thoradeniya, B. Halwatura, R.U[2015], Public perception on urban outdoor construction and their materials, FARU International Research Symposium 2015 – University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. p.405-416.
A. C. A. Suja, R. U. Halwatura, Developing a Mud block for load bearing wall with 10% cement and low fines content, 5-6 April 2016, 2016 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon)IEEE,
Udawattha, C., Arooz, F. R., & Halwatura, R. U. (2016). Manufacturing framework and cost optimisation for Building Mud-Concrete Blocks. In Science for the people: Mobilizing Modern Technologies for Sustainable Development in Asia (pp. 326–331). Colombo, Sri Lanka: National Science Foundation, National Academy of Sciences of Sri Lanka
Arooz, F. R., & Halwatura, R. U. MUD-CONCRETE BLOCK - A sustainable building material for green construction in developing countries, National Green Conference 2016 at University of Kelaniya,
Udawattha, C., & Halwatura, R. U. The embodied energy and life cycle costing: A case study on basic dwellings in Sri Lanka, National Green Conference 2016 at University of Kelaniya,
Udawattha, C., & Halwatura, R. U. Life cycle cost and energy analysis of an Affordable house in Sri Lanka, WinC 2016 August 19 & 20, 2016 – Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Kuliyapitiya, Sri Lanka
Pathirana, S., & Halwatura, R. U. (2016), Investigating the adaptability of existing building energy rating systems to Sri Lankan residential buildings, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE-2012), 16th -18th December 2016, Sri Lanka.
Udawattha, C., Arooz, F. R., & Halwatura, R. U. (2016), Energy Content of walling materials- A comparison of Mud Concrete Blocks, Bricks Cabook and Cement Blocks in Tropics, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE-2012), 16th -18th December 2016, Sri Lanka.
Udawattha, C., Arooz, F. R., & Halwatura, R. U. (2016), New earth walling material: Integrating modern technology into ancient mud wall, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE-2012), 16th -18th December 2016, Sri Lanka.
C. Udawattha, R. Halwatura, Comparative Study of Embodied Energy in Different Walling Materials, in: Proceedings of the International Forestry and Environment Symposium 2016, Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka, 2016: p. 2016.
Arooz, F. R., Babilegedara, T. D., & Halwatura, R. U. (2017). Effect of Aggregate Percentage on Compressive Strength of Self-Compacting In-Situ Cast Mud - Concrete Load Bearing Walls (p. 48). Presented at the 3rd International MERCon 2017, University of Moratuwa,Sri Lanka: IEEE. Retrieved from www.mercon.mrt.ac.lk
Arooz, F. R., Udawattha, C., & Halwatura, R. U. (2017). Community empowerment through Mud-Concrete technology Sustainable building techniques to revitalise the war victim communities in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. In World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017, Hong Kong (Vol. 17). Hong Kong: Construction Industry Council and Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited. Retrieved from http://www.hkgbc.org.hk
Bandara, B. V. D. ., Arooz, F. R., & Halwatura, R. U. (2016). Investigation of thermal optimization of Mud-Concrete, Civil engineering research symposium-2016 (pp. 58–61). University of Mortuwa: Faculty of Engineering.
Bandara, D. M. H. ., Arooz, F. R., & Halwatura, R. U. (2016). Effect of Gravel size on strength of Mud-Concrete. Civil engineering research symposium-2016 (pp. 62–65). University of Mortuwa: Faculty of Engineering.
Pathirana, S., Sheranie, M., & Halwatura, R. U. (2017). Indoor thermal comfort and carbon dioxide concentration (p. 60). 3rd International MERCon 2017, University of Moratuwa,Sri Lanka: IEEE. Retrieved from www.mercon.mrt.ac.lk
Senanayake, I. K. G. S., Rupasinghe, H. T., & Halwatura, R. U. (2017). Mitigation of Traffic Induced Carbon Dioxide Concentration through Road-Side Greenery (p. 55). 3rd International MERCon 2017, University of Moratuwa,Sri Lanka: IEEE. Retrieved from www.mercon.mrt.ac.lk
C. Udawattha, D. Jayasinghe, and R. Halwatura, “Investigation of bottom ash as alternative stabilizer for Mud Concrete Block,” Annu. Int. Res. Conf. KDU, pp. 3–7, 2017.
N.H.V.T.N. Nanayakkara, C.D. Udawattha, R. U. (2017). Investigation on Elements and their fraction of Housing Construction Cost (p. 34). Presented at the 3rd International MERCon 2017, University of Moratuwa,Sri Lanka: IEEE. Retrieved from www.mercon.mrt.ac.lk
C. Udawattha, R. Halwatura, Character of Lime as an Alternative Stabilizer to Improve the Long Term Strength of Mud Concrete Block, in: 8th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management, ICSECM2017, 2017.
C. Udawattha, P. Dilshan, R. Halwatura, Use of fly ash as alternative stabilizer for Mud Concrete Block, in: The Annual International Research Conference of KDU, 2017: pp. 8–12.
S. M. Pathirana, R. U. Halwatura, An assessment of rooftop solar PV policies and domestic energy use: Scenario of Sri Lankan residential sector, FARU - 10th International Built Environment Research Conference , University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, 2017.
A Sirisena, R U Halwatura, H Herath, G Y Jayasinghe, Thermal performance of a green roof modular system fixed on gable roofs, Proceedings of International Forestry and Environment symposium, Volume 22, 2018
C Udawattha, H Galkanda, R U Halwatura (2018) A Study on Natural Rain Surface Erosion of Different Walling Materials in Tropics, 4th International MERCon 2018, University of Moratuwa,Sri Lanka: IEEE. Retrieved from www.mercon.mrt.ac.lk
C Udawattha, L Akmeemana, R U Halwatura ( 2018)Fly Ash-based Geopolymer Mud Concrete Block4th International MERCon 2018, University of Moratuwa,Sri Lanka: IEEE. Retrieved from www.mercon.mrt.ac.lk
U Karunathilake, R U Halwatura, S Pathirana ( 2018) Optimization of Thermal Comfort in Sri Lankan Residential Buildings, 4th International MERCon 2018, University of Moratuwa,Sri Lanka: IEEE. Retrieved from www.mercon.mrt.ac.lk
Mud concrete block - Patent No: 17616
A heat insulation system - Patent No: 17803
Mud paving block - Patent No: 17724
Self-compacting in-situ cast mud-concrete load bearing wall system - Patent No: 18762
Vegitated Roof Slab system - Patent No: 18761
Modular Formwork system for in-situ cast walls made out of self compacting soil-based materials - Patent No. 18879
Bamboo Heat Insulation Panels for Roof Slabs - Patent No. 18880
A vegetated wall panel system for double skin wall envelop - Patent no –19279
Rubber stabilized earth block for load bearing walls - Patent no – 19379
A vegetated roof tile system - Patent no – 19155
Fly Ash stabilized self-compacting earth blocks for load bearing walls - Patent no –19495
Mud Concrete insitu cast concrete wall systems
Possible stabilizers for Mud construction
Energy rating systems
The effect of confinement in Mud Construction
Double skin walls with vegetation
Green roofing systems for sloping roofs
vegetation as natural sound barrios
air quality