- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Professor
Contact information
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Fluid Mechanics -Undergraduate -2015
Hydraulic Engineering II -Undergraduate -2015
Hydraulic Design -Undergraduate -2015
Research Project -Undergraduate -2015
Comprehensive Design Project -Undergraduate -2015
Comprehensive Design Project -Undergraduate -2015
Adv. Engineering Hydrology and Watershed Mgmt -Postgraduate -2015
Adv. Methods in Road and Airfield Infrastructure Design -Postgraduate -2015
Advanced River Engineering and Estuary Hydraulics -Postgraduate -2016
Advanced Surface and Groundwater Hydrology -Postgraduate -2016
Research Project -Postgraduate -2020
Course Coordinator -MSc/PG Dip in Water Res. Eng. & Mgmt (2011 To date)
Member -Elections Committee (2012 To 2019)
Member/Department Representative -Timetable Committee (2012 To 2019)
Director/Centre Chairman - UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Centre for South Asia Water Management (UMCSAWM) - Overall Management of UMCSAWM and its activities, Coordinating and delivering International MSc program on SA WRME (2018 To date)
Lead Member/Chairperson -Departmental Accreditation Sub-committee (2021 To date)
Member/Research Group Representative -Departmental Planning and Development Sub-committee (2018 To date)
Member/Research Group Representative - Vision 2025 Departmental Sub-committee (2018 To 2020)
Member/Research Group Representative - Departmental Accreditation Sub-committee (2010 To date)
Member/Research Group Representative - Faculty Board of Studies (PGS) (2013 To date)
UNESCO Chairholder -UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Water Resources Management in South Asia at University of Moratuwa (2023 To date)
Member -Board of Residence & Discipline (2023 To date)
Research Activities
Surface and Groundwater Hydrology + Environmental Ecology
Nawarathne, R. M. A. R. (2011). Approach based on Integrated Water Resources Management for Attanagalu Oya Basin, Sri Lanka. Thesis completed for Graduate Diploma, City & Guilds, UK.
Samarasinghe, S. A. C. M. (2014). Impact on Water Quality Caused by the Construction of Roads: The case of Southern Highway. Post Graduate Diploma in Engineering (IESL PG Dip), Thesis supervised by: R. L. H. L. Rajapakse.
Munaver Jaman, 2014. Rainwater Harvesting Practices in Sri Lanka and an Investigation on Cost Effective Design Considerations for Wet and Dry Zones. Degree of Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering and Management, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, October 2014 (MSc Thesis)
Nawarathne, R. M. A. R. (2015). An Integrated Water Resources Management Approach for Attanagalu Oya Basin, Sri Lanka. Post Graduate Diploma in Engineering (IESL PG Dip), Thesis supervised by: R. L. H. L. Rajapakse.
Dissanayake, D.M.S.S, 2016 Study of Urban Water Demand and Distribution System Reliability – A Case Study of Maharagama Water Supply Scheme, Sri Lanka, Degree of Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering and Management, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, October 2016 (MSc Thesis)
Jigme Tshewang, 2016. Rainfall-Runoff Simulation Model Based on Water Balance Concept for Basinwide Water Resource Assessment – A Case Study in Upper and Lower Catchments of Deduru Oya Basin, Sri Lanka, Degree of Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering and Management, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, October 2016 (MSc Thesis)
Dissanayaka, C. R. 2017. Stream Flow Forecast and Reservoir Performance Assessment under Climate Change in Kelani Basin, Sri Lanka, Degree of Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering and Management, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, October 2017 (MSc Thesis)
Muhammad Kamran, 2017. The Effect of Watershed Subdivision and Antecedent Moisture Condition on HEC-HMS Model Performance in the Maha Oya Basin in Sri Lanka, Degree of Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering and Management, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, October 2017 (MSc Thesis)
Ahmad Mohi Uddin, 2018. Effect of catchment scale and comparison of loss and base flow methods available in HEC-HMS for continuous simulation for efficient water resource management in Kelani river basin, Sri Lanka, Degree of Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering and Management, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, October 2017 (MSc Thesis)
Ugyen Wangchuk, 2018. Suitability of abcd water balance model for assessment of water resources in Kelani basin and Kirindi basin in Sri Lanka, Degree of Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering and Management, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, October 2017 (MSc Thesis)
Dulan Nalaka Gunasekara, (2018). Application of 'abcd' Monthly Water Balance Model for Kalu Ganga and Gin Ganga Basins and its Application Potential for Water Resources Investigation. Degree of Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering and Management, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, October 2018 (MSc Thesis)
Mohammad Najim Nasimi (2019). Continuous Hydrological Modeling using Soil Moisture Accounting for Water Resources Assessment in Kelani River Basin, Sri Lanka. Degree of Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering and Management, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, September 2019 (MSc Thesis)
Rohit Adhikari (2019). Estimation of SCS Curve Number for Streamflow Modelling - A Case Study of Badalgama Watershed in Maha Oya Basin, Sri Lanka. Degree of Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering and Management, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, September 2019 (MSc Thesis)
Karma Yangzom Dorji (2019). The Effect of Antecedent Moisture Condition on HEC-HMS Model Performance: A Case Study In Kelani River Basin, Sri Lanka. Degree of Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering and Management, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, September 2019 (MSc Thesis)
Thilakarathne, J. A. S. I. (2019). A Case Study on Sustainable Restoration Approach for Cascade Pond Systems in Jaffna Municipal Council Area for Effective Flood Management. Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, September 2019 (MSc Thesis)
Hendawitharana, S. U. (2019). Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Rainfall and Drought and Development of a Drought Prediction Model by using Multi-model Ensembled Approach. Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, September 2019 (MSc Thesis)
Dahanayake, A. C. (2019). Basinwide Analysis of Water Resources and Pollute Transport Using a Distributed Parameter Model. Degree of Master of Philosophy in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, September 2019 (MPhil Thesis)
Yadav, D. K. (2020). Precipitation Trends Over the Three Climatic Zones of Mahaweli Basin and Evaluation of Climate Change Impacts on Streamflow Variability. Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, August 2020 (MSc Thesis)
Siriwardena, K. K. G. I. L. (2020). Evaluation of Climate Elasticity of Runoff Based on Observed Rainfall/ Streamflow Data and Simulated Future Streamflow using Swat Model in Kelani Ganga Basin. Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Dept of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, July 2020 (MSc Thesis)
Senadhinatha, N. M. A. (2020). Flood Forecasting Model using HEC-HMS for Nagalagam Street Hydrometric Station with Relative Impact of Antecedent Rainfall in Kelani River Basin. Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Dept of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, April 2020 (MSc Thesis).
Rubyhanusha, P. (2020). Estimation of Impact of Artificial Groundwater Recharge in Small Islands Using a Numerical Modelling Approach. Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, August 2020 (MSc Thesis).
Rashid, S. (2020). Analysis of Hydroclimatic Variability and Adequacy of Channel Flows in An Arid Zone in Pakistan. Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, August 2020 (MSc Thesis).
Pandit, B. (2020). Identification of suitable locations for Run-of-the-River hydropower generation using GIS and ABCD model in upper Kelani river basin in Sri Lanka. Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, August 2020 (MSc Thesis).
Kirupacaran, S. (2020). Analysis of Precipitation Trend and Streamflow Sensitivity to Precipitation in Maduru Oya River Basin with HEC-HMS Model Simulations. Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, July 2020 (MSc Thesis).
Kahaduwa, A. U. (2020). Evaluation of Basin Level Climate Change Impacts on Streamflow and Reservoir Operations. A Case Study on Deduru Oya Reservoir. Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, August 2020 (MSc Thesis).
Dahanayake, A. C. (2020). Basinwide Analysis of Water Resources and Pollute Transport Using a Distributed Parameter Model. Degree of Master of Philosophy in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, August 2020 (MPhil Thesis).
Choden, P. (2020). Assessment and Regionalization of hydrological model parameters in neighboring Pho chhu and Mo Chhu basins in Bhutan - A study on ABCD model. Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, August 2020 (MSc Thesis).
Wangmo, K. (2021). Evaluation of the Changes in The Climatic Parameters Affecting Water Resources in the Kelani River Basin, Sri Lanka. Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Dept of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, August 2021 (MSc Thesis).
Suja, A. (2021). The Effect of Topographical Data Resolution on Modelling Flood Events: A Study in Downstream of Kelani River Basin, Sri Lanka. Degree of Master of Philosophy in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, August 2020 (MPhil Thesis).
Sudeshika, P. (2021). Use of Satellite-based Data and Real-time Rainfall Data to improve Flood Predictions in the Lower Kelani River Basin. Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, August 2020 (MSc Thesis).
Ponnamperuma, N. (2021). Effect of Climatic Change on Water - Energy - Food Nexus in Mahaweli River Basin and a Prediction Model to Mitigate Negative Impacts. Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Dept of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, August 2020 (MSc Thesis).
Lakmali, J. W. R. (2021). Analysis of Rainfall Trend and Its Impact on Future Hydropower Generation - Case Study on Victoria Reservoir. Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Dept of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, August 2021 (MSc Thesis).
Sultana, T. (2022). Development of a Rainfall-Runoff-Inundation Model and Flood Monitoring System Based on Satellite Imagery for Kalu Ganga Basin, Sri Lanka. Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Dept of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, February 2022 (MSc Thesis).
Phuyal, U. (2022). Modelling Streamflow Variability in Dry and Wet Zone River Basins in Sri Lanka using Satellite Soil Moisture Data. Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Dept of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, February 2022 (MSc Thesis).
Phuyal, U. (2022). Modelling Streamflow Variability in Dry and Wet Zone River Basins in Sri Lanka using Satellite Soil Moisture Data. Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Dept of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, February 2022 (MSc Thesis).
Kothalawala, C. D. (2022). Evaluation of the Effect of Loss and Transform Methods on The Performance of HEC-HMS Model: A Case Study in Kelani River Basin, Sri Lanka. Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Dept of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, August 2022 (MSc Thesis).
Fernando, W. B. D. T. (2022). Impact of Climate Change and Socio-Economic Development on Water Allocation for Ecosystem-Water-Energy-Food Services: A Case Study on Mahaweli River Basin, Sri Lanka. Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Dept of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, August 2022 (MSc Thesis).
Fernando, W. B. D. T. (2022). Impact of Climate Change and Socio-Economic Development on Water Allocation for Ecosystem-Water-Energy-Food Services: A Case Study on Mahaweli River Basin, Sri Lanka. Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Dept of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, August 2022 (MSc Thesis).
Herath H. M. M. (2022). Management of Flood Risk with Spatial Planning. Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, August 2022 (PhD Thesis; Co-supervised).
Surface and Groundwater Hydrology, Watershed & Water Resources Management, Hydrological Modelling, Flood/Inundation/Drainage Analyses, Ecological Engineering/Modelling, Sediment Transport/Erosion Modelling, Basin-wide Nonpoint-source Pollution Management
Education and Professional Affiliations
Bachelors, University of Moratuwa ,1996 B.Sc. in Civil Engineering (First Class Honours)
PhD, Saitama University ,2005 Ph.D. in Environmental Science & Technology (Environmental Hydraulics/Ecological Engineering/Ecohydraulics/Ecohydrology)
Masters, Saitama University ,1999 M.Sc. in Civil & Environmental Engineering (Hydroscience & Geotechnology)
The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka(2011 To date)
MIE-SL, C.Eng.(2011 To date)
International Water Association (IWA)(2018 To 2021)
Senior Lecturer, Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering Division, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa
- Professor in Civil Engineering (December, 2019 – to date)
- Director/Centre Chairman (UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Centre for South Asia Water Management (UMCSAWM) (March, 2018 – to date)
- Senior Lecturer (Grade II) (September, 2010 – December, 2019)
- Senior Lecturer (Contract) (February, 2010 – August, 2010)
Specialist Researcher cum Adjunct Lecturer cum ADB RETA 7276/Team Member (December 2007 – December 2009)
- International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (UNESCO-ICHARM) under the auspices of UNESCO, Public Works Research Institute (PWRI), Japan.
- Disaster Management Policy Program (Masters Program at ICHARM), the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Tokyo.
- Asian Development Bank (ADB) Regional Technical Assistance (RETA) 7276: Supporting Investment in Water-Related Disaster Management (targeting Lower Mekong, Indonesia, Bangladesh, India).
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Postdoctoral Research Fellow (April, 2006 – November, 2007)
- Ecological Engineering Laboratory, Department of Environmental Science & Technology, Saitama University, Japan.
Invited Researcher at Ecological Engineering Laboratory, Saitama University cum WQ Testing/Sampling Engineer (October, 2005 – March, 2006)
- Ecological Engineering Lab, Department of Environmental Science & Technology, Saitama University, Japan.
- Environmental Testing Centre Ltd., Omiya City, Japan.
Planning Engineer for Jan De Nul (Belgian company) (January 2001 – September 2002)
- Planning & Production Unit, TOA-JAN DE NUL Joint Venture, Ubin & Tekon Island Recl. Project, Singapore (Over 1.0 bil. US$, 6-year project).
Research Engineer (December 1999 – December 2000)
- High Performance Concrete Research Laboratory (HPCRL), International Water Infrastructure Program (WIP), Department of Civil Engineering, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore (funding over 20 million SG$; 2-year project).
Senior Lecturer (University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka) – Provision of effective teaching, related administration duties and the promotion and engaging in research and scholastic activities appropriate to the effective performance of my academic duties including lecturing, tutoring, examining, and laboratory supervision. Routinely give academic supervision and instruction, carry out examination work, and perform administrative tasks and other duties. While rendering my full-time services to University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka as a lecturer in Hydraulic Engineering, I am also involved in tutoring students at several other higher educational institutes in Sri Lanka such as General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (KDU), in the past at International College of Business and Technology (ICBT), South Asian Institute of Technology and Management (SAITM) and presently taking part in various consultancy activities through Uni-Consultancy Services (UNIC, University of Moratuwa) and in my individual capacity (over and above my normal work-load at the University of Moratuwa).
· Director – UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Centre for South Asia Water Management (UMCSAWM), March 2018 to date.
· Course Coordinator/Selections Panel member (Local/International) for the M. Eng./ P.G. Diploma in Water Resources Engineering and Management, UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Centre for South Asia Water Management (UMCSAWM) which is the first-ever fulltime International Masters program in the Sri Lankan university system, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa (2012 – to date)
· Departmental Coordinator for the Construction Phase of UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Centre for South Asia Water Management (UMCSAWM) funded by South Asia Foundation (SAF), India (2010 – 2013)
· Departmental Coordinator/Committee Member for the Washington Accord (International Engineering Alliance), Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE/Engineering Council -UK), and The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) accreditation procedures for the B.Sc. Engineering (Hons.) Degree (2010 – to date)
· Member/ Departmental Development Committee, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa (2011 – to date)
· Member/ Undergraduate Curriculum Development Committee, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa (2011 – to date)
· Representative Member of the IESL (Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka) Civil Engineering Sub Committee for the new course curriculum development activities of the IESL Engineering Course (2011 – 2012)
Specialist Researcher (UNESCO-ICHARM) – Major responsibilities included further improving a large scale watershed model targeting basin-wide hydrologic & material cycle modelling for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), research on inundation modelling and disaster risk reduction, field experimentation, data collection and evaluation of land-use effects on river water quality, GIS applications in water management etc. In addition, I served as a resource person for various ADB, JICA and World Bank/UNESCO funded training programs hosted by ICHARM, including Flood Hazard Mapping Training, Comprehensive Tsunami Disaster Prevention Training and Local Emergency Operation Plan with Flood Hazard Map Training. It was a challenge to take part in training programs for the senior executives and trainers who have extensive field experience in their disciplines, mainly high ranking government officials with long term civil engineering and administrative backgrounds. I visited China, Korea, Australia and Singapore, representing ICHARM at various occasions and participating in research seminars as a presenter and resource person.
· Adjunct Lecturer (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Tokyo, attached to the Graduate Disaster Management Policy Program, the Masters program at the International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (UNESCO-ICHARM, Japan), teaching subjects and conducting practical classes to the international postgraduates, many of whom were senior and mid-career level engineers holding reputable managerial and administrative posts at various Civil Engineering related governmental organizations, especially from East- and South-Asian, African and South American countries. The main areas of research guidance included hydrology, watershed planning and management, advanced computer programming (FORTRAN/Visual Basic), watershed, water quality and quantity modelling, disaster mitigation and planning etc. In addition, I organized numerous field visits for students and also supervised the Master’s research works of three students, two from Bangladesh and another from China, focusing on issues related to ungauged river basin management, flood and inundation modelling and water quality degradation.
· Post-doctoral Research Fellow (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science –JSPS, Ecological Engineering Lab, Department of Environmental Science & Technology, Saitama University, Japan) - The research focus was on the “Use of Biological Methods for Sustainable Management and Restoration of Wetland and Lake Ecosystems”. In addition, field experimentation and laboratory tests were undertaken to study the effects of spates of different magnitudes on aquatic vegetations on a sandbar of a frequently disturbed river in Japan and fine sediment retention as affected by annual shoot collapse to understand the role of plants as ecosystem engineers in lowland streams. Main duties included management of funds and laboratory facilities, coordination of external authorities for scheduling field experiments and lab tests, guiding and tutoring undergrad/postgraduate students, etc.
· Senior Lecturer conducting practicals, experiments, research projects for postgraduate students, Project Supervisor of Research Projects for undergraduate students, performing administration duties and projects assigned by the department; participating in various committees and administrative assignments; participating in faculty development programmes, etc.
· Co-ordinator, EXMO2010 Faculty-wide University Exhibition, Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering Division, University of Moratuwa.
· Overall coordinator from the Ecological Engineering Division, Saitama University, Japan, for the research collaboration with The University of Newcastle & University of Canberra, Australia. Overall planning for research, logistic and funding arrangements, monitoring progress, extensive field visits for data collection and field verification at sites in Australia and Japan for the Lake Ecology and Wetland Management Program (2002 – 2007; ~60.0 Mil. JPY).
Honours and Awards
Pasindu, D., Rathnayaka, B., Rajapaksha, D., Siriwardana, C., & Rajapakse, L.,".The Role of Professionals Involved in the Built Environment in Contributing to Climate Change Adaptation in Sri Lanka.",Springer, Singapore,2023
Rajapaksha, D., Rathnayaka, B., Siriwardana, C., & Rajapakse, L.,".A Systematic Literature Review on Climate Change Adaptation Measures for Coastal Built Environment.",Springer, Singapore,2023
Fernando, N. & Rajapakse, L. ,".Research Roadmap on Building Resilience to the impacts of climate change and other disaster risks in Sri Lanka: Research Training Network on Tackling Climate Change as an Underlying Disaster Risk Driver (CCA-DRR).",University of Huddersfield (HUD), UK,2023
Karunarathna S. M. S. D., & Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. ,".Enhancing Streamflow Prediction in Sri Lankan River Basins using AI Models: A Comparative Study of Wet and Dry Zones.",Proceedings of Civil Engineering Research Symposium 2024 (CERS 2024),Department of Civil Engineering,2024,25-26
Jayawardane, P., Siriwardana, C., & Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. ,".Urban Flood Assessment Targeting Flood Risk Mitigation: A Case Study Focusing on Changing Environments.",Proceedings of Civil Engineering Research Symposium 2024 (CERS 2024),Department of Civil Engineering,2024,13-14
Pieris, M. N. N. K., & Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. ,".Evaluating the Impact of Trans-basin Water Transfer on Water Security in Sri Lanka: A Case Study of the Huruluwewa Catchment, Sri Lanka.",Proceedings of Civil Engineering Research Symposium 2024 (CERS 2024),Department of Civil Engineering,2024,67-68
Gayashan, K. M. K., & Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. ,".Investigation of the Transferability of Basin Hydrological Parameters in Sri Lanka�fs Wet Zone River Basins.",Proceedings of Civil Engineering Research Symposium 2024 (CERS 2024),Department of Civil Engineering,2024,41-42
Wijayaweera N, Gunawardhana L., and Rajapakse L.,".Investigating the use of Hydraulic Gradient as an Indicator in Landslide Susceptibility Analysis.",National Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in Sri Lanka: Science, Policy and Practice (DRRMSL - 2023), Centre for Disaster Management Research (CDMR),Centre for Disaster Management Research (CDMR) , General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (KDU), Sri Lanka,2023,
Jayaminda C, Gunawardhana L, Rajapakse Land Bamunawala J.,".Isohyetal Maps for the Assessment of Future Extreme Precipitation: A Case Study in the Kalu River Basin.",National Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in Sri Lanka: Science, Policy and Practice (DRRMSL - 2023), Centre for Disaster Management Research (CDMR),Centre for Disaster Management Research (CDMR) , General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (KDU), Sri Lanka,2023,
Malalgoda C, Amaratunga D, Haigh R, Fernando N and Rajapakse L.,".Development of a Research Road Map to Tackle Climate Change as an Underlying Disaster Risk Driver.",National Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in Sri Lanka: Science, Policy and Practice (DRRMSL - 2023), Centre for Disaster Management Research (CDMR),Centre for Disaster Management Research (CDMR) , General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (KDU), Sri Lanka,2023,
Punchihewa N.D, Sajitthan S, Hafsa M.M.F, Bamunawala J, and Rajapakse L.,".Flood Hazard Assessment of Kelani, Kalu, and Maha Oya River Basins in Sri Lanka under the Impacts of Climate Change.",National Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in Sri Lanka: Science, Policy and Practice (DRRMSL - 2023), Centre for Disaster Management Research (CDMR),Centre for Disaster Management Research (CDMR) , General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (KDU), Sri Lanka,2023,
R.L.H.L. Rajapakse.,".Flood Hazard Assessment in Major River Basins in Sri Lanka under the Impact of Climate Change.",Tackling Climate Change as an Underlying Disaster Risk Driver (CCDARR),Huddersfield University, United Kingdom,2023,
Ganegoda G.P.Y.R. and Rajapakse, R.L.H.L.,".Study on probabilistic rainfall thresholds for flood forecasting in selected wet zone basins in Sri Lanka.",In: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering Practices for Sustainable Development (ACEPS 2023), , University of Ruhuna-Department of Civil Engineering Annual Conference,Faculty of Engineering, Galle, Sri Lanka,2023,189-196
Mudalige, R. N. and Rajapakse, R.L.H.L.,".Methods and Applications for Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment in Kalu and Kirindi Oya River Basins and Impact on Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction.",In: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering Practices for Sustainable Development (ACEPS 2023), , University of Ruhuna-Department of Civil Engineering Annual Conference,Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Hapugala, Galle, 80000, Sri Lanka,2023,206-213
Wijekoon, W.M.R.T.Y. and Rajapakse, R.L.H.L.,".Spatial Distribution of Meteorological Droughts in the Maduru Oya Basin in The Dry Zone of Sri Lanka: Implications of Climate Change.",The 14th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE) 2023,Kandy, Sri Lanka,2023,250
Madusanka, W.D.P. and R.L.H.L. Rajapakse ,".Assessment of traditional water yield forecasting methods based on selected two dry zone basins in Sri Lanka.",Civil Engineering Research Symposium 2022,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2022,07 - 08
Wijekoon, W.M.R.T.Y. and R.L.H.L. Rajapakse,".Study on climate elasticity of runoff in Kalu and Kelani River basins in the wet zone of Sri Lanka.",Civil Engineering Research Symposium 2022,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2022,17 - 18
Mudalige, R.N. and R.L.H.L. Rajapakse,".Study on methods and applications for assessing climate change vulnerability in Kalu and Kirindi Oya River basins and consequences on surface water-groundwater interaction.",Civil Engineering Research Symposium 2022,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2022,35 - 36
Ganegoda, G.P.Y.R. and R.L.H.L. Rajapakse ,".Flood forecasting in selected wet zone basins using probabilistic rainfall thresholds.",Civil Engineering Research Symposium 2022,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2022,60 - 61
D. M. P. Sudeshika & R. L. H. L. Rajapakse ,".Impact of land-use change on Rainfall-Runoff-Inundation (RRI) modelling – A case study of Lower Kelani River Basin.",Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering Practices for Sustainable Development, ACEPS - 2021,Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Hapugala, Galle, 80000, Sri Lanka,2021,214--222
Rubuhanusha P., Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. ,".Significance of Spatial Variability in Preparation for Stream Flow Modeling in Maha Oya Basin, Sri Lanka .",5th International Multidisciplinary Engineering Research Conference - 2019 ERU,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2019,
Kahaduwa, A. U., Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. ,".Rainfall Variability and Effect of Different Spatial Interpolation Methods on Streamfloe Modeling in Kalu Ganga Basin, Sri Lanka .",5th International Multidisciplinary Engineering Research Conference - 2019 ERU,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2019,
Karunarathne H.M.A.D.S.S., Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. ,".Effect of Different Methods for Spatial Interpolation of Rainfall Data for Hydrological Modeling in Dry Zone Mi Oya Basin, Sri Lanka.",5th International Multidisciplinary Engineering Research Conference - 2019 ERU,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2019,
Dahanayake, A. C. and Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. ,".Water Quality Deterioration in the Malwathu Oya Basin, Sri Lanka and the Need for Physics-based Modelling.",5th International Multidisciplinary Engineering Research Conference - 2019 ERU,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2019,
Heraji, H., Rubyhanusha, P. and Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. ,".Groundwater Hydrology and Management in Small Islands and their Applicability to Small Islands in Maldives and Sri Lanka.",International Conference on Civil Engineering Applications – ICCEA 2019,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2019,
Kahaduwa, A. U. and Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. ,".Review of Climate Change Impacts on Reservoir Hydrology and Long-term Basin-wide Water Resources Management.",International Conference on Civil Engineering Applications – ICCEA 2019,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2019,
Thilakarathne, J. A S. I., Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. and Wijayaratna, T. M. N. ,".Effect of Climate Change on Monthly Pond Storage Variation - A Case Study in Jaffna, Sri Lanka.",International Conference on Civil Engineering Applications – ICCEA 2019,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2019,
Rashid, S. and Rajapakse, R. L. H. L.,".Hydraulic Modelling to Optimize the Available Channel Flows in an Arid Zone of Pakistan.",International Conference on Civil Engineering Applications – ICCEA 2019,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2019,
Pandit, B. and Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. ,".Applicability of ABCD Model for the Identification of Suitable Locations for Run-of-the-river Hydropower Generation in Upper Kelani River Basin in Sri Lanka.",International Conference on Civil Engineering Applications – ICCEA 2019,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2019,
Choden, P. and Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. ,".Assessment and Regionalization of Hydrological Model Parameters in Neighbouring Pho Chhu and Mo Chhu Basins in Bhutan - A Study based on ABCD Model.",International Conference on Civil Engineering Applications – ICCEA 2019,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2019,
Yadav, D. K. and Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. ,".Precipitation Trends over the Three Climatic Zones of Mahaweli Basin and Evaluation of Climate Change Impacts on Streamflow Variability.",International Conference on Civil Engineering Applications – ICCEA 2019,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2019,
Hendawitharana S.U., Priyasad M.K.D.D., Rajapakse R.L.H.L. ,".Comparative Study of Spatial and Temporal Variation of Drought Using Remotely Sensed Data - A Case Study for Kirindi Oya Basin.",ICSBE 2018,13-15 December; Kandy, Sri Lanka,2018,
A. C. Dahanayake ,".Effects of aquifer parameters, land use change and recharge characteristics on groundwater well drying up in wet and dry zones in Sri Lanka.",EWRI-ASCE IPWE 2016: 8th International Perspective on Water Resources and the Environment American Society of Civil Engineers /Environmental and Water,Colombo, Sri Lanka,2016,15
A. C. Dahanayake ,".An assessment on recharge characteristics and its effect on on groundwater well drying up in wet and dry zones in Sri Lanka.",ACEPS-2016: International Symposium on Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering Practices for Sustainable Development,University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka,2016,26-30
Ms. A C Dahanayake,".Application of a Process-based, Distributed, Hydrological and Material Transport Model to Assess Water Resources and Pollute Transport in Malwathu Oya Basin, Sri Lanka.",7th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE2016),Earls Regency, Kandy,2016,
L. Gunasinghe, L. Gunawardhana and L. Rajapakse,".Predictive Analysis of Landslide Susceptibility under Hydrological Aspects of Climate Change in Kegalle District, Sri Lanka.",IEEE Xplore,2023,2023
A. Uthpala, L. Gunawardhana and L. Rajapakse,".Development of a Land Cover Reclassification Scheme for Malwatu Oya Basin in Sri Lanka.",IEEE Xplore,2023,2023
A. W. Nab, H. Ratnasooriya, J. Bamunawala and L. Rajapakse,".Bridging the Gap: Advancing Hydrological Modelling for the Maduru Oya River Basin.",IEEE Xplore,2023,2023
C. Jayaminda, L. Gunawardhana and L. Rajapakse,".Rating Performances of Global Climate Models in Capturing Monsoon Rainfall Patterns in Sri Lanka.",IEEE Xplore,2023,2023
K. Gunasekara, L. Gunawardhana and R. L. H. L. Rajapakse,".The Potential Use of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture Estimates in Hydrological Modelling.",IEEE Xplore,2023,2023
G. Kaluarachchi and L. Rajapakse,".Improving the Accuracy of Low Resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEM) for Enhanced Performance in Hydrological Modelling.",IEEE Xplore,2023,2023
Nab, A.W., Kumar, V. & Rajapakse, R.L.H.L,".Innovative methods for rapid flood inundation mapping in Pul-e-Alam and Khoshi districts of Afghanistan using Landsat 9 images: spectral indices vs. machine learning models.",Model. Earth Syst. Environ.,November 2023 | Volume 9, Issue 4,2023
Kahaduwa, AU; Rajapakse, RLHL,".Review of climate change impacts on reservoir hydrology and long-term basin-wide water resources management.",Building Research & Information,50(5),2022
Herath, H. M. M., Wijesekera, N. T. S., and Rajapakse, R. L. H. L.,".Management of Flood Risk with Spatial Planning in the Sri Lankan Context.",In: Kang, T., Lee, Y. (eds) Proceedings of 2021 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Architecture. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering,201,2022
Uthpala, A. and L. Rajapakse,".Study on Climate Elasticity of Runoff in Kirindi Oya and Maduru Oya Basins in Sri Lanka.",IEEE Xplore,,2022
Wijekoon, T. and L. Rajapakse ,".Climate Elasticity of Runoff in Kalu and Kelani River Basins in the Wet Zone of Sri Lanka.",IEEE Xplore,,2022
Pasindu, D. and L. Rajapakse ,".Study on Adequacy of Traditional Water Yield Forecasting Methods focusing on two Dry Zone Basins in Sri Lanka.",IEEE Xplore,,2022
B. Mahenthiran and L. Rajapakse,".Water Resources Availability and Low Flow Discharge Analysis of Two Selected River Basins in the Dry Zone Under Changing Climate Conditions.",IEEE Xplore,,2021
C. Subramaniyam and L. Rajapakse,".Water Resources Availability and Low Flow Discharge Analysis of Two Selected River Basins in the Dry Zone Under Changing Climate Conditions.",IEEE Xplore,,2021
C. Punsara and L. Rajapakse,".Water Resources Availability and Low Flow Discharge Analysis of Kelani River Basin in Wet Zone under Changing Climate Conditions.",IEEE Xplore,,2021
P. Sudeshika and L. Rajapakse,".Impact of Digital Elevation Model on Rainfall-Runoff-Inundation modelling - A Case Study of Lower Kelani River Basin.",IEEE Xplore,,2021
Kahaduwa, A. U. and Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. ,".Review of Climate Change Impacts on Reservoir Hydrology and Long-term Basin-wide Water Resources Management.",Building Research & Information,Vol. 50, No. 5,2021
Siriwardena, K.K.G.I.L. and Rajapakse, R.L.H.L. ,".Evaluation of Climate Elasticity of Runoff based on Observed Rainfall, Streamflow and Simulated Future Streamflow using SWAT Model in Kelani Ganga Basin.",Engineer: Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka,54(3),2021
Kamran, M., Yousaf, W., Rajapakse, R. L. H. L., Kareem Awan, W., Riaz, M., Asif, N. M., Umar, M., and Shah, U. T.,".Innovative initiative for effective operation and monitoring using HEC?RAS modelling of Hakra Branch Canal System, Pakistan.",Irrigation and Drainage,Volume 70, Issue 3,2020
Hendawitharana S.U., Priyasad M.K.D.D., Rajapakse R.L.H.L. ,".Comparative Study of Spatial and Temporal Variation of Drought Using Remotely Sensed Data - A Case Study for Kirindi Oya Basin.",Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering,44,2020
A. C. A. Suja and R. L. H. L. Rajapakse ,".Evaluation of Topographic Data Sources for 2D Flood Modelling: Case Study of Kelani Basin, Sri Lanka.",Earth Environmental Science,612,2020
N. Ponnamperuma and L. Rajapakse ,".Holistic Behaviour of Urban Pond Systems for Flood Risk Mitigation- A Case Study in Metro Colombo Area.",IEEE XPlore MERCon 2020,2020,2020
P. Rubyhanusha and L. Rajapakse ,".Estimation of Impact of Artificial Groundwater Recharge in Small Islands Using a Numerical Modeling Approach.",IEEE XPlore MERCon 2020,2020,2020
P. Rubyhanusha and L. Rajapakse ,".Estimation of Impact of Artificial Groundwater Recharge in Small Islands Using a Numerical Modeling Approach.",IEEE XPlore MERCon 2020,2020,2020
Hendawitharana S.U., Priyasad M.K.D.D., Rajapakse R.L.H.L. ,".Comparative Study of Spatial and Temporal Variation of Drought Using Remotely Sensed Data - A Case Study for Kirindi Oya Basin.",Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering,44,2020
Kamran, M., Yousaf, W., Rajapakse, R. L. H. L., Kareem Awan, W., Riaz, M., Asif, N. M., Umar, M., and Shah, U. T. ,".Innovative initiative for effective operation and monitoring using HEC?RAS modelling of Hakra Branch Canal System, Pakistan.",Irrigation and Drainage,Volume 70, Issue 3,2020
- Peer Reviewed/Refereed Journal Publications
Kamran, M., Yousaf, W., Rajapakse, R. L. H. L., Kareem Awan, W., Riaz, M., Asif, N. M., Umar, M., and Shah, U. T. (2020) Innovative initiative for effective operation and monitoring using HEC‐RAS modelling of Hakra Branch Canal System, Pakistan. Irrig. and Drain., https://doi.org/10.1002/ird.2524.
Ponnamperuma, N. and L. Rajapakse, "Holistic Behaviour of Urban Pond Systems for Flood Risk Mitigation- A Case Study in Metro Colombo Area," 2020 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, 2020, pp. 48-53, doi: 10.1109/MERCon50084.2020.9185383.
Rubyhanusha, P. and L. Rajapakse, "Estimation of Impact of Artificial Groundwater Recharge in Small Islands Using a Numerical Modeling Approach," 2020 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, 2020, pp. 366-371, doi: 10.1109/MERCon50084.2020.9185243.
Hendawitharana S.U., Priyasad M.K.D.D., Rajapakse R.L.H.L. (2020) Comparative Study of Spatial and Temporal Variation of Drought Using Remotely Sensed Data - A Case Study for Kirindi Oya Basin. In: Dissanayake R., Mendis P. (eds) ICSBE 2018. ICSBE 2018. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 44. Springer, Singapore. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-9749-3_11, ISBN: 978-981-13-9749-3.
Dahanayake, A. C. and Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. (2019). Distributed Modelling of Water Resources and Pollute Transport in Malwathu Oya Basin, Sri Lanka, Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka (JNSF), 2019, 47(3): pp. 307-321. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/jnsfsr.v47i3.9281, (Registered E-ISSN: 2362-0161)..
Rubuhanusha P., Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. (2019). Significance of Spatial Variability in Preparation for Stream Flow Modeling in Maha Oya Basin, Sri Lanka 5th International Multidisciplinary Engineering Research Conference - 2019 ERU, University of Moratuwa, July 3 - July 5 2019, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP18B72-POD; ISBN: 978-1-5386-4418-8.
Kahaduwa, A. U., Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. (2019). Rainfall Variability and Effect of Different Spatial Interpolation Methods on Streamflow Modeling in Kalu Ganga Basin, Sri Lanka 5th International Multidisciplinary Engineering Research Conference - 2019 ERU, University of Moratuwa, July 3 - July 5 2019, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP18B72-POD; ISBN: 978-1-5386-4418-8.
Karunarathne H.M.A.D.S.S., Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. (2019). Effect of Different Methods for Spatial Interpolation of Rainfall Data for Hydrological Modeling in Dry Zone Mi Oya Basin, Sri Lanka 5th International Multidisciplinary Engineering Research Conference - 2019 ERU, University of Moratuwa, July 3 - July 5 2019, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP18B72-POD; ISBN: 978-1-5386-4418-8.
Dahanayake, A. C. and Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. (2019). Water Quality Deterioration in the Malwathu Oya Basin, Sri Lanka and the Need for Physics-based Modelling. 5th International Multidisciplinary Engineering Research Conference - 2019 ERU, University of Moratuwa, July 3 - July 5 2019, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP18B72-POD; ISBN: 978-1-5386-4418-8.
Dissanayaka, K. D. C. R. and Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. (2019). Long‑term precipitation trends and climate extremes in the Kelani River basin, Sri Lanka, and their impact on streamflow variability under climate change. Paddy and Water Environment, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10333-019-00721-6. Springer Publication ISSN: 1611-2490 (Print) 1611-2504 (Online) Impact Factor 1.379 (2003-2018), April 2019, Volume 17, Issue 2, pp 281–289.
Kamran, M. and Rajapakse, R.L.H.L. (2018). Effect of Watershed Subdivision and Antecedent Moisture Condition on HEC-HMS Model Performance in the Maha Oya Basin, Sri Lanka. International Journal of Engineering Technology and Sciences (IJETS) ISSN: 2289-697X (Print); ISSN: 2462-1269 (Online) Vol.5 (2), pp. 22-35. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15282/ijets.5.2.2018.1004.
Perera G.M.C.A. and Rajapakse, R.L.H.L. (2018). Daily and Monthly Lumped Parameter Hydrologic Models for Analysis of Small Watersheds in Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the 2019 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon 2018), Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, 30th May – 01st June 2018, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP18B72-POD; ISBN: 978-1-5386-4418-8, pp. 372-377.
Wijesekera, N.T.S. and Rajapakse, R.L.H.L. (2012). Mathematical Modelling of Watershed Wetland Crossings for Flood Mitigation and Groundwater Enhancement – Case of the Attnagalu Oya River Basin, ENGINEER - The Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka (July, 2013).
Rajapakse, H., Inomata, H. and Fukami, K. (2010). Diffuse Source Particulate-matter Pollution Modeling in a Semi-Urbanized Agricultural Basin in Japan using Process-based WEP and an Erosion-transport Model. Water Practice & Technology © IWA Publishing 2010 (doi:10.2166/wpt.2010.051)
Asaeda, T., Rajapakse, L. and Kanoh, M. (2009). Fine sediment retention as affected by annual shoot collapse: Sparganium erectum as an ecosystem engineer in a lowland stream. River Research and Applications (DOI: 10.1002/rra.1322).
Asaeda, T. & Rajapakse, L. (2008). Effects of spates of different magnitudes on a Phragmites japonica population on a sandbar of a frequently disturbed river. River Research and Applications 24: 1310-1324.
Asaeda, T., Rajapakse, L. & Fujino, T. (2008). Applications of organ-specific growth models; modeling of resource translocation and the role of emergent aquatic plants in element cycles. Ecological Modeling 215: 170-179.
Asaeda, T., Yamamuro, M., Siong, K., Rajapakse, H. and Sanderson, B. (2008). Nutrient sources for charophytes and Najas marina in Myall Lake, Australia, indicated by carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios. In: Managing large lakes of the world: health, integrity and risks (Ed.: Jones, Jack. Red., Faaborg, Janice, Proceedings of the 30th Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, 12-18 August 2007, Montreal, Canada). Verhandlungen IVL 30: 401-405.
Asaeda, T., Sharma, P. & Rajapakse, L. (2008). Seasonal patterns of carbohydrate translocation and synthesis of structural carbon components in Typha angustifolia. Hydrobiologia 607: 87-101.
Sanderson, B. G., Asaeda, T., Rajapakse, L. & Redden, A. M. (2008). Mechanisms affecting biomass and distribution of charophytes and Najas marina in Myall Lake, New South Wales, Australia. Hydrobiologia 608: 99-119.
Asaeda, T., Rajapakse, L. & Sanderson, B. (2007). Morphological and reproductive acclimations to growth of two charophyte species in shallow and deep water, Aquatic Botany 86: 393-401.
Rajapakse, L., Asaeda T., Williams, D., Roberts, J., & Manatunge, J. (2006). Effects of water depth and litter accumulation on morpho-ecological adaptations of Eleocharis sphacelata. Chemistry and Ecology 22: 47-58.
Asaeda, T., Manatunge, J., Rajapakse, L. & Fujino, T. (2006). Growth dynamics and biomass allocation of Eleocharis sphacelata at different water depths: observations, modelling, and applications. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 2: 31-39.
Asaeda, T., Rajapakse, L., Manatunge, J. & Sahara, N. (2006). The effect of summer harvesting of Phragmites australis on growth characteristics and rhizome resource storage. Hydrobiologia 553: 327-335.
Shilla, D. A., Asaeda, T., Siong K., Rajapakse L., & Manatunge, J. (2006). Phosphorus concentration in sediment, water and tissues of three submerged macrophytes in Myall Lake, Australia. Wetlands Ecology and Management 14: 549-558.
Asaeda, T., Fujino, T., Rajapakse, L., Sanderson, B. and Redden, A. (2005). Gyttja production by charophytes and its roles in the interaction with other submerged species in an oligotorphic lake. Japan Society of Civil Engineering (JSCE) Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 49: 1208-1212.Proceedings of Local Symposia
Heraji, H., Rubyhanusha, P. and Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. (2019). Groundwater Hydrology and Management in Small Islands and their Applicability to Small Islands in Maldives and Sri Lanka. Proc. of the International Conference on Civil Engineering Applications – ICCEA 2019. 25th~26th July 2019, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Moratuwa 10400, Sri Lanka.
Kahaduwa, A. U. and Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. (2019). Review of Climate Change Impacts on Reservoir Hydrology and Long-term Basin-wide Water Resources Management. Proc. of the International Conference on Civil Engineering Applications – ICCEA 2019. 25th~26th July 2019, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Moratuwa 10400, Sri Lanka.
Thilakarathne, J. A S. I., Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. and Wijayaratna, T. M. N. (2019). Effect of Climate Change on Monthly Pond Storage Variation - A Case Study in Jaffna, Sri Lanka. Proc. of the International Conference on Civil Engineering Applications – ICCEA 2019. 25th~26th July 2019, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Moratuwa 10400, Sri Lanka.
Rashid, S. and Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. (2019). Hydraulic Modelling to Optimize the Available Channel Flows in an Arid Zone of Pakistan. Proc. of the International Conference on Civil Engineering Applications – ICCEA 2019. 25th~26th July 2019, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Moratuwa 10400, Sri Lanka.
Pandit, B. and Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. (2019). Applicability of ABCD Model for the Identification of Suitable Locations for Run-of-the-river Hydropower Generation in Upper Kelani River Basin in Sri Lanka. Proc. of the International Conference on Civil Engineering Applications – ICCEA 2019. 25th~26th July 2019, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Moratuwa 10400, Sri Lanka.
Choden, P. and Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. (2019). Assessment and Regionalization of Hydrological Model Parameters in Neighbouring Pho Chhu and Mo Chhu Basins in Bhutan - A Study based on ABCD Model. Proc. of the International Conference on Civil Engineering Applications – ICCEA 2019. 25th~26th July 2019, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Moratuwa 10400, Sri Lanka.
Yadav, D. K. and Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. (2019). Precipitation Trends over the Three Climatic Zones of Mahaweli Basin and Evaluation of Climate Change Impacts on Streamflow Variability. Proc. of the International Conference on Civil Engineering Applications – ICCEA 2019. 25th~26th July 2019, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Moratuwa 10400, Sri Lanka.
Thilakarathne, J.A.S.I., Wijayaratna, T.M.N. and Rajapakse, R.L.H.L. (2018). Holistic Behavior of Urban Pond Systems for Flood Risk Mitigation - A Case Study in Jaffna Municipal Council Area. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment 2018 (ICSBE 2018). Kandy, Sri Lanka, 13th – 15th December 2018. (ISBN 978-955-589-192-9).
Hendawitharana S. U., Priyasad, M. K. D. D., and Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. (2018). Comparative Study of Spatial and Temporal Variation of Drought using Remotely Sensed Data - A Case Study for Kirindi Oya Basin. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment 2018 (ICSBE 2018). Kandy, Sri Lanka, 13th – 15th December 2018. (ISBN 978-955-589-192-9).
Hendawitharana , S. U., Priyasad, M. K. D. D. & Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. (2018). Sub-basin scale Drought Forecasting with Standard Precipitation Index by using Remotely Sensed Precipitation and LSTM. 18th International Conference on Advances of ICT for Emerging Regions 2018 (ICTer), Colombo.
Dissanayaka, K.D.C.R. and Rajapakse, R.L.H.L. (2018). Climate Extremes and Precipitation Trends in Kelani River Basin, Sri Lanka and Impacts on Streamflow Variability under Climate Change. 2nd International Conference on Climate Change 2018 (ICCC 2018), 15th~16th February, 2018, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Perera, G.M.C.A. and Rajapakse, R.L.H.L. (2018). A study on use of daily and monthly lumped parameter hydrologic models for analysis of Maha Oya river basin. In: University of Ruhuna-Department of Civil Engineering Annual Conference. Sixth International Symposium on Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering Practices for Sustainable Development (ACEPS 2018). 15th March 2018, Galle, Sri Lanka.
Sasanka, P.W.H. and Rajapakse, R.L.H.L. (2018). A Study on Suitability of Four Parameter ‘abcd’ Hydrologic Model to Simulate Rainfall Runoff in Selected Watersheds in Sri Lanka. In: University of Ruhuna-Department of Civil Engineering Annual Conference. Sixth International Symposium on Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering Practices for Sustainable Development (ACEPS 2018). 15th March 2018, Galle, Sri Lanka.
Palihawadana, L.N. and Rajapakse, R.L.H.L. (2018). A Comparative Analysis of Model Performance of Two Lumped Parameter Hydrologic Models in Estimating Rainfall Runoff in Small Watersheds in Sri Lanka and their Applicability in Water Resource Management. In: University of Ruhuna-Department of Civil Engineering Annual Conference. Sixth International Symposium on Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering Practices for Sustainable Development (ACEPS 2018). 15th March 2018, Galle, Sri Lanka.
Kamran, M. and Rajapakse R. L. H. L. (2017). Effect of watershed subdivision and antecedent moisture condition on HEC-HMS model performance in the Maha Oya Basin, Sri Lanka. In: proceedings of the 5th International Young Researchers Workshop on River Basin Environment & Management, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Kuantan, Malaysia, 28~29 October 2017.
Dahanayake, A.C. and Rajapakse, R.L.H.L. (2017). Sustainable Solutions for the Drying Up of Groundwater Wells - A Case Study in a Selected Watershed in Dampe, Sri Lanka. In: UMCSAWM Water Conference 2017, UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Centre for South Asia Water Management (UMCSAWM), 19th January 2017, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (ISBN: 978-955-9027-61-4).
Dissanayake, D.M.S.S and Rajapakse, R.L.H.L., 2017. Sustainable Solutions for the Drying-up of Groundwater Wells in a Selected Watershed in Dampe Village, Sri Lanka. In: UMCSAWM Water Conference 2017, UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Centre for South Asia Water Management (UMCSAWM), 19th January 2017, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (ISBN: 978-955-9027-61-4).
Jayasinghe, S. N. and Rajapakse R. L. H. L., 2017. Hydrological Modelling Approach for Flood and Water Pollution Control in an Ungauged Catchment: Case Study- Erewwala Catchment in Bolgoda River Basin, Sri Lanka. In: UMCSAWM Water Conference 2017, UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Centre for South Asia Water Management (UMCSAWM), 19th January 2017, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (ISBN: 978-955-9027-61-4).
Dahanayake, A.C. and Rajapakse, R.L.H.L., 2016. Application of a Process-based, Distributed, Hydrological and Material Transport Model to Assess Water Resources and Pollute Transport in Malwathu Oya Basin, Sri Lanka. In: University of Moratuwa, University of Peradeniya and University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka, Seventh International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment 2016 (ICSBE 2016), 16th-18th December 2016, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
Dahanayake, A.C. and Rajapakse, R.L.H.L., 2017. Sustainable Solutions for the Drying-up of Groundwater Wells in a Selected Watershed in Dampe Village, Sri Lanka. In: UMCSAWM Water Conference 2017, UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Centre for South Asia Water Management (UMCSAWM), 19th January 2017, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (ISBN: 978-955-9027-61-4).
Dissanayake, D.M.S.S. and Rajapakse, R.L.H.L., 2017. Sustainable Solutions for the Drying-up of Groundwater Wells in a Selected Watershed in Dampe Village, Sri Lanka. In: UMCSAWM Water Conference 2017, UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Centre for South Asia Water Management (UMCSAWM), 19th January 2017, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (ISBN: 978-955-9027-61-4).
Dahanayake, A.C. and Rajapakse, R.L.H.L., 2016. Effects of Aquifer Parameters, Land Use Change and Recharge Characteristics on Groundwater Well Drying Up in Wet and Dry Zones in Sri Lanka. In: American Society of Civil Engineers/Environmental and Water Resources Institute, Eighth International Perspective on Water Resources and the Environment (IPWE 2016). Colombo, Sri Lanka, 4th – 6th January 2016.
Dahanayake, A.C. and Rajapakse, R.L.H.L., 2016. Drying Up of Groundwater Wells and Sustainable Development Options for Preservation of Groundwater in Sri Lanka. In: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Saitama University, Japan, Fourth International Symposium on Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering Practices for Sustainable Development (ACEPS 2016). Galle, Sri Lanka, 3rd March 2016.
M. A. A. R. Dilhara and R. L. H. L. Rajapakse, 2016. Assessment of Groundwater Resource Utilization in Wet and Dry Zone Aquifers in Sri Lanka and Quantifying Recharge Losses due to Urbanization and Land-use Change. Proceedings of Civil Engineering Research Symposium 2016 (CERS 2016), Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, 8th December, 2016.
Rajapakse, R.L.H.L. (2013). Flood Forecasting and Management in Sri Lanka; where more pragmatic approaches and technical considerations are needed. ICHARM Special Session on Closing Gap Between Research And Practice in Water Resources and Disaster Management: SRJCR 2013, Conference on Sri Lanka - Japan Collaborative Research 2013, 29th - 31st March, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
Mayooran S., Manarathna S.P., Gogulan N., Rajapakse R. L. H. L. (2011). An Aquifer Characteristic Analysis for Identifying Groundwater Resource Development Alternatives in the Wet Zone of Sri Lanka, Symposium on Civil Engineering Research for Industry – 2011, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, December 2011.
Rajapakse, H., Inomata, H., & Fukami, K. (2009). Nonpoint Source Pollution Modeling in Yata River Basin, Japan; Process-based approach for assessing excess fertilizer effects and implications for basinwide management. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of the Japan Society on Water Environment (JSWE), pp. 25-26, Tokyo, Japan, 14-15 September 2009.
Hemantha Rajapakse, Hironori Inomata, Kazuhiko Fukami (2009). Diffuse-source Particulate Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pollution Modeling in Yata River Basin in Japan using Process-based WEP model coupled with a Sediment Erosion-transport Model. Proceedings of the JSHWR 2009: Annual Research Session of the Japanese Society of Hydraulics and Water Resources, pp., Kanazawa, Japan, 19-21 August.
Hemantha Rajapakse, Hironori Inomata, Kazuhiko Fukami, Iizumi Yohiko & Tsuyoshi Kinouchi (2008). “The Impact of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizer Loading on River and Subsurface Water Quality in Yata River Basin, Japan: An Integrated, Basin-wide Modeling Approach”. Proceedings of the JSHWR 2008: Annual Research Session of the Japanese Society of Hydraulics and Water Resources, pp. 58-59, Tokyo, Japan, 26-28 August.
Rajapakse, H. L. & Jayawardena, A. W. (2008). “The Role of Dams in Sri Lanka from Ancient Times to the Present”, Proceedings of the International Seminar on Role of Dams, Annual Session of the Japan Dam Engineering Centre, pp. 55-60, Tokyo, Japan, April 23, 2008.
Lalith Rajapakse, Takashi Asaeda, Takeshi Fujino & Jagath Manatunge (2005). “Growth and survival strategies of Eleocharis sphacelata in response to different water regimes”. Proceedings of the 5th Annual Research Session of Sri Lanka Students’ Association in Japan, pp. 18-23, Tokyo, Japan, 04th September 2005.
Lalith Rajapakse, Takashi Asaeda, Takeshi Fujino & Jagath Manatunge (2005). “Adaptations in growth and survival strategies of Eleocharis sphacelata in response to different water regimes”, Proceedings of the JSCE 2005 7th International Summer Symposium, pp. 323-326, Tokyo, Japan, 30 July 2005 (Incl. Oral presentation).
Takashi Asaeda, Takeshi Fujino, Lalith Rajapakse, Brian Sanderson & Anna Redden (2005). “The relationship between production of gyttja and Charophytes in an oligotrophic lake and the effects of depth gradient”. Proceedings of the 49th Water Engineering Conference, Kokushikan University, Tokyo, Japan, 07-15 March 2005.
Takashi Asaeda, Lalith Rajapakse, Manatunge Jagath & Takeshi Fujino, 2004. “Effects of environmental differences on the growth of emergent plants”. Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan (JES51), Kushihiro, Hokkaido, Japan, 25-29 August 2004.
Lalith Rajapakse, Takashi Asaeda, Jagath Manatunge & Anna Redden, 2004. “Contribution of submerged macrophytes in the formation of gyttja and nutrient cycling in Myall Lake, NSW, Australia”. Proceedings of the 4th Annual Research Session of Sri Lanka Students’ Association in Japan, pp. 22-28, Tokyo, Japan, 17th October 2004 (Incl. Oral presentation).
Rajapakse, L., Sato, K. & Adachi, K. (1999). "An approach based on telemeter data to mitigate land subsidence during drought seasons in Saitama basin". Proceedings of the 54th Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 341-345, 22-26 Sept. 1999, Hiroshima, Japan (Incl. Oral presentation).
Rajapakse, L., Sato, K. & Adachi, K. (1999). "Groundwater control and mitigation of land subsidence during drought seasons by means of telemeter data transmission system in Saitama, Japan". Proc. of the International Symposium on Groundwater in Environmental Problems, pp. 47-50, 12-14 January 1999, Chiba University, Japan (Incl. Oral presentation).
Papers presented at International Workshops
Rajapakse, H., Inomata, H., & Fukami, K. (2009). Diffuse Source Particulate-matter Pollution Modeling in a Semi-Urbanized Agricultural Basin in Japan using Process-based WEP and an Erosion-transport Model. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Integrated Watershed Management (IWA-DIPCON 2009), pp. 194-195, Seoul, Korea, 12-15 October 2009.
Asaeda, T., Rajapakse, L. and Kanoh, M. (2009). Retention rate of fine sediments due to the annual shoot collapse; Sparganium erectum as an ecosystem engineer in a lowland stream. Proceedings of the 12th European Weed Research Society (EWRS) International Symposium on Aquatic Weeds, pp. , Jyväskylä, Finland, 24-28 August 2009.
Chavoshian, A., Miyake, K., Sugiura, T., Hai, P. T., & Rajapakse, H. (2009). Charting ICHARM’s strategy for integrated flood risk management in the Lower Mekong River Basin. Proceedings of the 7th Annual Mekong Flood Forum (AMFF-7), Bangkok, Thailand, 13-14 May 2009.
Rajapakse, H., Inomata, H., & Fukami, K. (2008). Effects of surplus fertilizer loading on stream and subsurface water quality in Yata River Basin, Japan: An integrated, basin-wide modeling approach. Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference of the Asia Pacific Association of Hydrology and Water Resources (APHW), Beijing, China, 03-05 November 2008.
Lalith Rajapakse, Takashi Asaeda, & Takeshi Fujino (2007). “Adaptations of Eleocharis sphacelata to water regime: Modeling of growth, morpho-ecological traits and decomposition to identify management needs”, Proceedings of TAAL 2007: The 12th World Lakes Conference, Jaipur, India, 28 October-2 November 2007.
Takashi Asaeda, Lalith Rajapakse & Takeshi Fujino (2006). “Modelling of the Resource Allocation of the Above- and Belowground Biomass of Eleocharis sphacelata; Emergent Plants in Wetlands and Implications of their Surviving Strategies”, Proceedings of ICEM 2006: International Conference on Ecological Modelling, pp. , Yamaguchi, Japan, 28 August-01 September, 2006.
Asaeda, T., Sanderson, B., Redden, A. & Rajapakse, L. (2006). “Nutrient cycles and vegetation characteristics of gyttja layer in Lake Myall, Australia”, Proceedings of SWS 2006: Annual Session of Soil and Water Society, pp. , Cairns, Australia, 09-14 July, 2006.
Takashi Asaeda, Takeshi Fujino, Lalith Rajapakse (2006). “Effects of flood patterns on the growth of Phragmites japonica - Applications for flood plain management”, Proceedings of ICLEE 2006: International Conference on Ecological Restoration in East Asia 2006, International Consortium of Landscape and Ecological Engineering, pp. , Osaka, Japan, 16-18 June 2006.
Lalith Rajapakse, Takashi Asaeda, Takeshi Fujino & Jagath Manatunge (2005). “Adaptations in growth and survival strategies of Eleocharis sphacelata in response to different water regimes”, Proceedings of the JSCE 2005: 7th International Summer Symposium of the Japanese Society of Civil Engineering, pp. 323-326, Tokyo, Japan, 30 July 2005
Asaeda, T., Sanderson, B., Redden, A., Manatunge, J., Rajapakse, L. & Fujino, T. (2005). “Distribution of charophytes and other submerged macrophytes in Myall Lake, Australia, and its role in nutrient cycling”. Proceedings of the ASLO 2005: Summer Meeting of the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, pp. , Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 19-24 June 2005.
Takashi Asaeda, Brian Sanderson, Anna Redden, Jagath Manatunge, & Lalith Rajapakse, 2004. “Distribution of Charophytes and other submerged macrophytes in Myall Lake and its role in the nutrient cycling”. Proc. of the ASPAB 2004: 19th Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Physics and Aquatic Botany, Adelaide, Australia, 5-8th December 2004.
Lalith Rajapakse, Takashi Asaeda, Jagath Manatunge, Kian Siong, Daniel Shilla, Anna Redden and Brian Sanderson, 2004. “The role of Charophytes in production and nutrient cycling in Myall Lake, NSW, Australia”. Proceedings of IRGC 2004: the 4th Symposium of the International Research Group on Charophytes on Extant and Fossil Charophytes, pp. 50, Robertson, Australia., 25-27 September 2004.
Anna Redden, Takashi Asaeda, Lalith Rajapakse, Jagath Manatunge, Brian Sanderson and Joanne Wilson (2005). “Seasonal distribution and biomass of Charophytes in Myall Lake, a large and shallow near-pristine lake in NSW, Australia”. Proceedings of IRGC 2004: the 4th Symposium of the International Research Group on Charophytes, pp. 53, Robertson, Australia. 25-27 September 2004.
Takashi Asaeda, Brian Sanderson, Anna Redden, Jagath Manatunge and Lalith Rajapakse, 2004. “Distribution and abundance of Charophytes and other submerged macrophytes in relation to gyttja thickness and light availability”. Proceedings of IRGC 2004: the 4th Symposium of the International Research Group on Charophytes on Extant and Fossil Charophytes, pp. 11, Robertson, Australia, 25-27 Sept, 2004.
Takashi Asaeda, Lalith Rajapakse, Jagath Manatunge, 2004. “Growth and morphological adaptations of Eleocharis sphacelata to different water depths and climatic conditions”. Proceedings of INTECOL 2004: the 7th International Wetlands Conference, pp. 19, UTRECHT, The Netherlands, 25-30 July 2004.
Theses Submitted
RAJAPAKSE Hemantha Lalith, “Growth and morphological characteristics of littoral zone sedge species and their adaptations to water depth: A comparative study and implications for river restoration and ecosystem management”. A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University, Japan (September 2005).
Rajapakse R. L. H. L., “Groundwater Control and Mitigation of Land Subsidence During Drought Seasons by means of Telemeter Data Transmission System in Saitama, Japan”. A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University, Japan (September 1999).
Rajapakse R. L. H. L., Hapuarachchi, C. L., Weerasekera, I. R. A., “Buckling of slender piles and lateral reaction of the media”. A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science of Engineering in Civil Engineering at University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (June 1996).
Other Academic Achievements
Keynote Lectures, Invited Speeches etc.
Rajapakse, R.L.H.L. (2019). Resource Person for 3-Day Training program on Environmental and Social Safeguard for University Non-academic Staff, “Drainage Management Options and Best Management Practices (BMP) for Minimum/Low Impact Development (M/LID) Alternatives”, Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development Operation April 3 - 5, 2019, AHEAD Office - 4th floor Etisalat Building Rotunda Garden, Colombo- 03.
Rajapakse, R.L.H.L. (2018). Resource Person for the 2-Day International Workshop on Hydrologic Modelling using HEC-HMS & HEC-RAS, Organized by Water Forum/Library & Publication Committee of Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL). Section C (Engineering. Architecture. Surveying) of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS) and Ecosphere Resilience Research Centre, University of Sri Jayewardenepura at the International Water Management Institute, Battaramulla on 15 Oct 2018.
Rajapakse, R.L.H.L. (2014). Integrated Surface Water and Groundwater Modelling Approach for Flood Mitigation and Sustainable Watershed Management, International Forum for Mathematical Modelling (IFMM 2014), Workshop on Introduction to Modelling in Water Resources. Research & Development Centre for Mathematical Modelling Department of Mathematics University of Colombo; 13th March 2014, Sri Lanka.
Rajapakse, R.L.H.L. (2014). Impact of Hydrology on Planning of Mitigatory Actions on Flood Control Drainage & Irrigation. Professional Development Training Program on Implementation, Operation & Maintenance, Monitoring & Evaluation of Flood Control, Drainage & Irrigation in Sri Lanka. Workshop organized by Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) at the Central Bank Training Institute, 16th April 2014, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Rajapakse, R. L. H. L. (2013). Invited Speech/Resource Person for the Professional Development Training Program on Implementation, Operation & Maintenance and Evaluation of Flood Control, Drainage & Irrigation Schemes with Emphasis of Quality Control in Sri Lanka, 02-13 December 2013, AIT Training Program to Bangladesh Delegation, AIT Extension Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.
Rajapakse, H. L. (2009). National Water Resources Management Policy for Sustainable Economic Development in Sri Lanka; Better Late Than Never. Keynote Lecture delivered at the 9th Annual Research Session of the SLSAJ (Sri Lankan Students’ Association in Japan). SLSAJ RS/RJ 2009 at the premises of the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Japan, Tokyo, Japan. (08 November 2009, Tokyo, Japan).
Rajapakse, H. (2009). Modelling for NPS Management: Process based modelling of agricultural nonpoint-source pollution at watershed scale; Application to Yata River Basin in Japan and implications for management. Invited presentation at the International Workshop on Non-point Source Management in Rural Area and Saemangeum Watershed. DIPCON 2009 Special Workshop co-organized by Korea Rural Community Corporation and Korea INWEPF (International Network for Water and Ecosystem in Paddy Fields), Seoul, Korea, 13 October 2009.
Rajapakse, H. (2009). River Basin Management in Japan: Past, Present and Future Directions. Invited Lecture at the Special Session at the World City Water Forum (WCWF) 2009 co-organized by Asian Development Bank/Asia-Pacific Water Forum (APWF) KnowledgeHubs on Basin Water Resources & Water Quality Management at the Launch of Knowledge Hub on Water Quality Management in River Basins (K-water, Korea), Incheon, Korea, 18-21 August 2009.
Rajapakse, H. L. 2008. “The Role of Dams in Sri Lanka from Ancient Times to the Present: Historical Development and Changing Perspectives to Serve Diverse Development Needs”, Invited Lecture at the International Seminar on Role of Dams, co-organized by Japan Dam Engineering Centre, National Institute of Water Resources Engineering & Water Resources and Environmental Management Centre; held at Japan Dam Engineering Centre, Tokyo on April 23, 2008.
Theses Supervised
Dahanayake, A. C. (2019). Basinwide Analysis of Water Resources and Pollute Transport Using a Distributed Parameter Model. Degree of Master of Philosophy in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, September 2019 (MPhil Thesis).
Hendawitharana, S. U. (2019). Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Rainfall and Drought and Development of a Drought Prediction Model by using Multi-model Ensembled Approach. Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, September 2019 (MSc Thesis).
Thilakarathne, J. A. S. I. (2019). A Case Study on Sustainable Restoration Approach for Cascade Pond Systems in Jaffna Municipal Council Area for Effective Flood Management. Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, September 2019 (MSc Thesis).
Karma Yangzom Dorji (2019). The Effect of Antecedent Moisture Condition on HEC-HMS Model Performance: A Case Study In Kelani River Basin, Sri Lanka. Degree of Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering and Management, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, September 2019 (MSc Thesis).
Rohit Adhikari (2019). Estimation of SCS Curve Number for Streamflow Modelling - A Case Study of Badalgama Watershed in Maha Oya Basin, Sri Lanka. Degree of Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering and Management, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, September 2019 (MSc Thesis).
Mohammad Najim Nasimi (2019). Continuous Hydrological Modeling using Soil Moisture Accounting for Water Resources Assessment in Kelani River Basin, Sri Lanka. Degree of Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering and Management, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, September 2019 (MSc Thesis).
Dulan Nalaka Gunasekara, (2018). Application of 'abcd' Monthly Water Balance Model for Kalu Ganga and Gin Ganga Basins and its Application Potential for Water Resources Investigation. Degree of Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering and Management, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, October 2018 (MSc Thesis).
Ugyen Wangchuk, 2018. Suitability of abcd water balance model for assessment of water resources in Kelani basin and Kirindi basin in Sri Lanka, Degree of Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering and Management, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, October 2017 (MSc Thesis).
Ahmad Mohi Uddin, 2018. Effect of catchment scale and comparison of loss and base flow methods available in HEC-HMS for continuous simulation for efficient water resource management in Kelani river basin, Sri Lanka, Degree of Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering and Management, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, October 2017 (MSc Thesis).
Muhammad Kamran, 2017. The Effect of Watershed Subdivision and Antecedent Moisture Condition on HEC-HMS Model Performance in the Maha Oya Basin in Sri Lanka, Degree of Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering and Management, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, October 2017 (MSc Thesis).
C. R. Dissanayaka, 2017. Stream Flow Forecast and Reservoir Performance Assessment under Climate Change in Kelani Basin, Sri Lanka, Degree of Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering and Management, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, October 2017 (MSc Thesis).
Jigme Tshewang, 2016. Rainfall-Runoff Simulation Model Based on Water Balance Concept for Basinwide Water Resource Assessment – A Case Study in Upper and Lower Catchments of Deduru Oya Basin, Sri Lanka, Degree of Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering and Management, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, October 2016 (MSc Thesis).
Dissanayake, D.M.S.S, 2016 Study of Urban Water Demand and Distribution System Reliability – A Case Study of Maharagama Water Supply Scheme, Sri Lanka, Degree of Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering and Management, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, October 2016 (MSc Thesis).
Nawarathne, R. M. A. R. (2015). An Integrated Water Resources Management Approach for Attanagalu Oya Basin, Sri Lanka. Post Graduate Diploma in Engineering (IESL PG Dip), Thesis supervised by: R. L. H. L. Rajapakse.
Munaver Jaman, 2014. Rainwater Harvesting Practices in Sri Lanka and an Investigation on Cost Effective Design Considerations for Wet and Dry Zones. Degree of Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering and Management, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, October 2014 (MSc Thesis)
Samarasinghe, S. A. C. M. (2014). Impact on Water Quality Caused by the Construction of Roads: The case of Southern Highway. Post Graduate Diploma in Engineering (IESL PG Dip), Thesis supervised by: R. L. H. L. Rajapakse.
Nawarathne, R. M. A. R. (2011). Approach based on Integrated Water Resources Management for Attanagalu Oya Basin, Sri Lanka. Thesis completed for Graduate Diploma, City & Guilds, UK.Others
Rajapakse R. L. H. L. (2016). Session Chair: Session on Surface Water Hydrology. 8th International Perspective on Water Resources and the Environment (IPWE) Conference at the Cinnamon Grand Hotel, January 4th ~ 6th, 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Rajapakse, H. (2009). Session Chair: Session 16-Diffuse Pollution Modelling-1. The 13th International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Integrated Watershed Management (IWA-DIPCON 2009), Seoul, Korea, 12-15 October 2009.
Rajapakse L. (2008). Session Chair: The 08th Annual Research Session of SLSAJ (Sri Lankan Students’ Association in Japan) – RS/RJ 2008. Tokyo, Japan, 06 November 2008.
Rajapakse L. (2006). Session Co-chair: The 06th Annual Research Session of SLSAJ (Sri Lankan Students’ Association in Japan) – RS/RJ 2006. Tokyo, Japan, 30 September 2006.
Academic Journal Review and Sub-editorship
Assistant to the Subject Editor for international journals, Landscape and Ecological Engineering, Wetlands Ecology and Management, Limnology (2004-2007)
Reviewer for the international journals aforementioned and River Research and Applications, Water Science and Technology, Hydrobiologia, Aquatic Botany, Wetlands Ecology and Management, Limnology (2005-to date)