- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Process Engineering
- Professor
Contact information
Department of Chemical and Process Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Process Design and Integration -Undergraduate -2015
Energy and Environmental Biotechnology -Postgraduate -2015
Fundamentals of transport phenomena -Postgraduate -2015
Head -Head of the department ( To 2016)
Research Activities
waste water treatment, bioprocess modeling and simulation, solid waste treatment, resource recovery from wastes,
Education and Professional Affiliations
Bachelor's, UOM ,1993
Masters, UMIST-Uk ,1997
PhD, National University of Science and Technology (NTNU) ,2009
Bachelor's, Post doctoral fellowship- University of Liege. Belgium ,2012
PhD, University of Moratuwa ,
Bachelors, UMIST ,
Masters, NTNU ,
IESL( To date)
Associate member Institute of Engineers( To date)
Honours and Awards
Senate research award (Received )
Award for the student who scored the highest marks in the Chemical Engineering Design Project provided the student scores more than 65% and passes the final examination for the academic year 1989/90 (Received )
Final Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR) ? Network workshop , Winner or context award for the ?Best student Poster?, 31 March -1 April 2009, Berlin, Germany, by MBR ? Network and International Water association (IWA-London). (Received 2009)
Postdoc fellowship offered by Walloon Center of Industrial Biology, Jan ?Nov 2012, Liege, Belgium (Received 2012)
Award of Excellence in recognition of the Outstanding Research performances for the 3 years ending 31st December 2014 ? University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (Received 2014)
. Award of Excellence in recognition of the Outstanding Research Performances for the 3 years ending 31st December 2015 ? University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (Received 2015)
?NRC Merit Award for Scientific Publication -2014. International journal of Hydrogen Energy 2014, Vol 39, Iss 30, pp 16902-16913 (Received 2014)
E O E PEREIRA AWARD ? 2018 : The best technical paper presented at IESL annual session (Received 2017)
W. B. I. P. M. Fernando, D. H. Abeywardhana, ,". STUDY ON AN INTEGRATED CONSTRUCTED WETLAND SYSTEM FOR COLOUR REMOVAL OF TEXTILE DYEING EFFLUENT.",5th International research symposium on engineering advancements ,SAITM , Malabe,2015,pp 89-94
Ms. I.R. Samarathunga,". Investigation on sulphide inhibition of anaerobic digestion for sulphate rich wastewater. .",IESL Annual transactions,IESL auditorium,2015,pp. 247-25
,". Dynamic modelling and simulation of pilot scale anaerobic digestion plant treating source separated food waste and effect of recycling sludge. .",5th International Conference on Solid Waste Management ,Bangalore India,2015,
. Asadullah,".Optmization of adsorption –coagulation process for treatment of palm oil mill effluent (POME) using alternative coagulant. Proceedings of the.",Proceedings of the 5th International research symposium on engineering advancements ,SAITM Malabe,2015,
H.D.S.S Karunarathne ,".. Investigation of stability of anaerobic digestion of food waste in a plug flow reactor using matematical modeling and simulation.",Proceedings of the 5th International research symposium on engineering advancements,SAITM Malabe,2015,
WAS Hasangika, S Jaanuvi, HP Karunathilake, MMID Manthilake, PG Rathnasiri, AGT Sugathapala. ,".Potential of Plug Flow Digesters for Biogas,Production in the Sri Lankan Domestic Context .",MERCON,UOM,2015,
Eng. (Dr.) Deshai Botheju, (Dr.) P.G. Rathnasiri, Eng. (Dr) Kumuduni Abeysingha. ,".ORGANIZATIONAL FACTORS INFLUENCING SAFETY IN OIL AND GAS PROCESSING INDUSTRY: Focusing on the Impacts of Cost Cutting and Culture of Safety .",IESL Annual transactions,IESL,2015,
Eng. (ms). N.M.N.C. Marapana ,".Development of a Dynamic Mathematical Model for Biofilm based Microbial Fuel Cells.",IESL Annual transactions,IESL,2015,
B.K.T. Samarasiri , , Sinhara M.H.D. Perera , Yuzhi Liu , Christian Beenfeldt Isuru A. Udugama , Bing Li , P.G. Rathnasiri ,".Mechanisms involved in anaerobic digestion of desiccated coconut wastewater and related strategies to overcome lipid inhibition — A review .",Bioresource Technology Reports ,17,2022
A.L. Wickramaarachchi, P.G. Rathnasiri , M. Torrijos (Late) , Renaud Escudie and M. Narayana,".Optimization of high solids batch anaerobic co-digestion of lignocellulosic biomass and cow dung under mesophilic temperature conditions.",Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka ,50,2022
Imesha R. Samarathunga , Puhulwella G. Rathnasiri,".BIOLOGICAL SULPHATE REDUCTION IN ANAEROBIC TREATMENT OF AMMONIA-RICH SKIM LATEX WASTEWATER .",Environmental engineering and management journal,21,2022
W. A. M. A. N. Illankoon 1,* , Chiara Milanese 2,* , Alessandro Girella 2 , Puhulwella G. Rathnasiri 3 , K. H. M. Sudesh , Maria Medina Llamas , Maria Cristina Collivignarelli and Sabrina Sorlini ,".Agricultural Biomass-Based Power Generation Potential in Sri Lanka: A Techno-Economic Analysis.",Energies,15,2022
Rathnasiri G. Puhulwella, Laurent Beckersa,Frank Delvigne, Alina S. Grigorescu, Philippe Thonart, Serge Hiligsmann. Mesophilic biohydrogen production by Clostridium butyricum CWBI1009 in trickling biofilter reactor, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 39, Issue 30, 13 October 2014, Pages 16902–16913.
K.K.C.K. Perera, P.G. Rathnasiri, S.A.S. Senarath, A.G.T. Sugathapala, S.C. Bhattacharya, P. Abdul Salam. Assessment of sustainable energy potential of non-plantation biomass resources in Sri Lanka. Biomass and Bioenergy 29 (2005) 199–213
S.C. Bhattacharya,_, P. Abdul Salam, Hu Runqing, H.I. Somashekar, D.A. Racelis, P.G. Rathnasiri, Rungrawe Yingyuad, An assessment of the potential for non-plantation biomass resources in selected Asian countries for 2010. Biomass and Bioenergy 29 (2005)153–166
K.K.C.K. Perera, P.G. Rathnasiri, A.G.T. Sugathapala, Sustainable biomass production for energy in Sri Lanka, Biomass and Bioenergy 25 (2003) 541 – 556.
B.R.H. Peiris, P.G. Rathnasiri, J.E. Johansen, A. Kuhn and R. Bakke, ADM1 simulations of hydrogen production, Water Science & Technology, Vol 53 (2006), No 8 pp 129–137
P.G.Rathnasiri, J.E. Johansen, C. B. Drangeid and R.Bakke. Transient co-digestion plant behavior, 4th International Symposium, Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste, August 31- September 2, 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark
P.G. Rathnasiri, Carlos Dinamarca and R. Bakke, Membrane controlled micro-aeration in digesters. Baltic Biorefinery Symposium, 26-28 May, 2005, Aalborg University Esberg, Denmark.
B.R.H. Peiris, P.G. Rathnasiri, J.E. Johansen, A.Kuhn and R.Bakke, Hydrogen from food residues. Baltic Biorefinery Symposium, 26-28 May, 2005, Aalborg University Esberg, Denmark.
B. R. H. Peiris, P.G. Rathnasiri, J.E. Johansen, A. Kuhn and R. Bakke, ADM1 with modifications for Bio-hydrogen Simulations, The First International Workshop on the IWA Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1), Sep 2-4, 2005, Lyngby, Denmark.
Deshai Botheju., Rathnasiri P.G. and Bakke R. Biofilms on oxygen transfer membranes in membrane micro-aerated anaerobic digesters (MMAD). IWA Biofilm Technologies Conferences, Singapore, 8-10, January 2008.
Asadullah, P. G. Rathnasiri, Optimization of adsorption –coagulation process fortreatment of palm oil mill effluent (POME) using alternative coagulant, International Research Symposium on Engineering Advancements 2015 (RSEA 2015) SAITM, Malabe, SriLanka.
W.B.I.P.M. Fernando, D.H. Abeywardhana and P.G. Rathnasiri, Study on an integrated constructed wetland systemfor colourremovalof textile dying effluent.International Research Symposium on Engineering Advancements 2015 (RSEA 2015) SAITM, Malabe, Sri Lanka.
H. D. S. S Karunarathne and P. G. Rathnasiri, Investigation of stability of anaerobic digestion of food waste in a plug flow reactor using mathematical modeling and simulation. International Research Symposium on Engineering Advancements 2015 (RSEA 2015) SAITM, Malabe, Sri Lanka.
WAS Hasangika, S Jaanuvi, HP Karunathilake, MMID Manthilake, PG Rathnasiri, AGT Sugathapala, Potential of Plug Flow Digesters for Biogas Production in the Sri Lankan Domestic Context, .International multidisciplinary engineering research conference, MERCON-2015, University of Moratuwa Srilanka. April 7-8, 2015.
Rathnasiri, P.G., Embuldeniya, P., Siriweera, B. & Samarasiri, B.K.T., (2017) Analysis of biomethane production from food waste as a long term renewable energy option. Second Asia- Pacific Conference on Multidisciplinary Research, 30th of July 2017, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Colombo, International Center for Research & Development. pp. 68-74.
B.K.T. Samarasiri and P.G. Rathnasiri, Effect of enzymetic hydrolysis pretreatment on batch anaerobic digestion of wastewater generated in desiccated coconut processing plants. AD Tech –SAB 2018 : The 2nd International Conference on Anaerobic Digestion Technology , Sustainable alternative bioenergy for a stable life, 4-7 june 2018, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
P.G. Rathnasiri, Dynamic Modelling and Simulation of Pilot Scale Anaerobic Digestion Plant Treating Source Separated Food Waste and Effect of Recycling Sludge, Procedia Environmental Sciences, Volume 35, 2016, Pages 740-748.
P.G. Rathnasiri, Hayun and R. Bakke, Transient response and stability of anaerobic reactors following intermittent Feeding. 13th Symposium of the Engineering Research Unit (ERU), University of Moratuwa 10th October, 2007 at Hotel Taj Samudra, Colombo
P. G. Rathnasiri, M. A. D. I. C. Kularatna, A. A. P. de Alwis, Potential of biomethane as a transport fuel and development of pilot scale co-digestion plant for treating source separated canteen waste generated at University of Moratuwa. 13th Symposium of the Engineering Research Unit (ERU), University of Moratuwa 10th October, 2007 at Hotel Taj Samudra, Colombo
M.A.D.I.C. Kularatna, A.A.P.de Alwis, P.G. Rathnasiri, Review on upgrading and application of biogas as a vehicle fuel, 14th ERU Symposium , 2008.
P.G. Rathnasiri, A.A.P de Alwis, D.W. Nuditha and M.A.D.I.C. Kularatne, Development of New Pilot scale Co- Digestion Anaerobic Process for Solid Waste Exploring new spheres for a better future, 04 December 2009, Annual symposium 2009, organized by General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Srilanka.
Dilnayana, K.W.N., Kularathne M.A.D.I.C., Rathnasiri P.G., Joseph P.G. and De Alwis A.A.P Optimization of an anaerobic co-digestion process and use of Bio methane as a transport fuel National Energy Symposium, 4th -8th August 2010, organized by Srilanka SustainableEnergy Authority, Ministry of Power and Energy.
Nandadeva, B.D.G.P, Amarasinghe, A.D.U.S, Rathnasiri P.G. Simulation of Air Movement in a Cinnamon Chips Dryer using Computational Fluid Dynamics, Annual Transactions of IESL, pp. 127- 132, 2012
Karunarathne, H.D.S.S and Rathnasiri P.G. Study of inhibition in plug flow anaerobic digesters using mathematical modeling and simulation. Journal of the Institution of Incorporated Engineers, Sri Lanka, pp 12-15, 2013.
Pathiranage, S.P.R. and Rathnasiri P.G. Development of new kinetic model for meshophilic biohydrogen production in trickle bed reactor using Clostridium Butyricum CWBI1009. Annual Transactions of IESL, pp. 387-393, 2013.
Wijeyekoon, S.L.J Raamashangar, K., Rathnasiri, P.GEnhancement of Hydrolysis of Anaerobic Process by Peroxonation Pre-treatment. Annual Transactions of IESL, pp. 334-341, 2012.
Achala Godawita and Rathnasiri P.G. Optimization of diary waste water treatment process using combined experimental and mathematical modeling approach, IESL, Annual Transactions, 2014.
Asadullah, P.G.Rathnasiri. Optmizaation of adsorption –coagulation process for treatment of palm oil mill effluent (POME) using alternative coagulant. Proceedings of the 5th International research symposium on engineering advancements–25th April 2015,SAITM.
H.D.S.S Karunarathneand P.G. Rathnasiri. Investigation of stability of anaerobic digestion of food waste in a plug flow reactor using matematical modeling and simulation. Proceedings of the 5th International research symposium on engineering advancements – 25th April 2015, pp. 126-129, SAITM.
W.A.S. Hasangika, S. Jaanuvi, H.P. Karunathilake, M.M.I.D Manthilake, P.G Rathnasiri, A.G.T. Sugathapala. Potential of Plug Flow Digesters for Biogas Production in the Sri Lankan Domestic Context. MERCON, 2015.
Asadullah, P.G.Rathnasiri, M.Amin, D.C.J Warnasuriya, N.D, Weerawardane and W.H.M Wickramanayaka, K.C.Niranjan Fernando. Study on effect of different Bio chars as adsorbents for wastewater treatment, Annual Transactions of IESL, pp. 139-145, 2015.
N.M.N.C. Marapana and P.G. Rathnasiri, Development of a Dynamic Mathematical Model for Biofilm based Microbial Fuel Cells. Annual Transactions of IESL, pp. 331-339, 2015,
Deshai Botheju, P.G. Rathnasiri, Kumuduni Abeysingha. Organizational factors influencing safety in oil and gas processing industry: Focusing on the Impacts of Cost Cutting and Culture of Safety Annual Transactions of IESL, pp. 193-201, 2015,
I.R. Samarathunga and P.G. Rathnasiri. Investigation on sulphide inhibition of anaerobic digestion for sulphate rich wastewater.Annual Transactions of IESL, pp. 247-257, 2015.
W. B. I. P. M. Fernando, D. H. Abeywardhana, P. G. Rathnasiri. Study on an integrated constructed wetland system for colour removal of textile dyeing effluent.Proceedings of the 5th International research symposium onengineering advancements – 25th April 2015, pp. 89-94, SAITM.
I.R. Samarathunga, P.G. Rathnasiri, M.A.R Hansaka, U.G.Y.S. Kawinda . and R.Y.B Ananda. Effect of chemical oxygen demand (COD) to Sulfate (SO4-2) ratio on Sulfate Reduction in anaerobic digestion of sulfate rich wastewater, Annual Transactions of IESL, 2016.
B.K.T. Samarasiri, P.A.D. Mihiranga and P.G. Rathnasiri, Effect of Lipid Inhibition in Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment: A Case Study using Desiccated Coconut Wastewater. Annual Transactions of IESL, 2016.
Samarasiri, B.K.T., Samarakoon, S.W.S., Rathnasiri, P.G. & Gunawardena, S.H.P., (2017) Mechanistic model for electricity generation via biomethane production through anaerobic digestion of organic fraction of municipal solid waste generated in Sri Lanka. Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference, 31st of May 2017, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. New York, USA, IEEE Xplore. pp. 407-412.
Microbial Fuels, Technologies and Applications, Edited by Farshad Darvishi Harzevili and Serge Hiligsmann, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Book Chapter 15 on Perspectives of Microbial Fuels for Low – Income and Emerging Countries: Biogas Production