- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Computer Science & Engineering
- Professor
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Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Computer Networks -Undergraduate -2021
Computer Security -Undergraduate -2021
Computer and Network Security -Undergraduate -2021
Information Security -Postgraduate -2021
Computer and Network Security -Postgraduate -2021
Operating Systems Security -Postgraduate -2021
Digital Forensics -Postgraduate -2021
System Audit and Vulnerability Assessment -Postgraduate -2021
Networks and Protocols -Postgraduate -2016
Information Security Theory and Practice -Postgraduate -2021
Information System Management -Postgraduate -2021
Cryptography and Security Mechanisms -Postgraduate -2020
Director, CITeS -Director, CITeS: Visionary leadership to CITeS and fulfillment of university ICT requirements to bring it to a world-class university (2015 To 2018)
Team Lead -Team Lead, MIS (LearnOrg) Project (2015 To 2023)
Director, Engineering Research Unit (ERU) -Visionary leadership to improve the research profile of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa, as a contribution for the effort of the university to become to a world-class university (2011 To 2013)
Director, Operations Technical Secretariat (OTS) -Management of University of Moratuwa OTS office operations and liaise with AHEAD Operation, Ministry of Higher Education (2021 To 2024)
Advisor - Advisor, MIS (LearnOrg) Project (2023 To date)
Research Activities
e-Learning and learning management systems
adaptive course development and learning objects
information systems development philosophies and life-cycles
blended university education
socio-technical aspects of information systems
information systems security
ICT infrastructure security
digital forensics
M.Sc. research project supervision (2005 to date)
MBA-IT research project supervision (2005 to date)
Final year (Computer Sci. & Eng.) project groups supervision and coordination (2000 to 2011)
MPhil research supervision (2013 to date)
PhD research supervision (2013 to date)
e-learning, Computer and network security, Information systems
Education and Professional Affiliations
PhD, Delft University of Technology ,2010 Thesis title: Designing Learning Objects for Adaptive Learning Environments
MPhil, University of Moratuwa ,2000 Thesis title: Requirement-based Policies for Electronic Message Distribution
Bachelors, University of Moratuwa ,1993 B.Sc.Eng.Hons. (Computer Science & Engineering)
Masters, Centre for Graduate Studies, Lanka Bible College, and Development Associates International ,2016 MA in Organisational Leadership
Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL)(2000 To date)
The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)(2003 To date)
The Computer Society Sri Lanka (CSSL)(2008 To date)
2000 – 2020: Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (served as a consultant during 2000-2003)
Director, Centre for Information Technology Services, University of Moratuwa (2015-2019)
Honours and Awards
Research Excellence Award 2015 (Received 2016)
Research Excellence Award 2012 (Received 2014)
Research Excellence Award 2013 (Received 2015)
Research Excellence Award 2014 (Received 2015)
Research Excellence Award 2016 (Received 2017)
NRC Research Grant (Received 2017)
Research Excellence Award 2018 (Received 2019)
Research Excellence Award 2020 (Received 2021)
Gamage, D., Perera, I., Fernando, M.S.D.,".To MOOC or Not to MOOC, that is the Problem: A Learners Perspective.",McWeadon Education, USA (IGI Global),2016
Jahankhani, H., Fernando, M.S.D., Nkhoma, M.Z.,".Information Systems Security: Cases of Network Administrator Threats.",IGI Global (Techniques and Applications for Advanced Information Privacy and Security: Emerging Organizational, Ethical, and Human Issues),2009
Fernando, M.S.D.,".Issues of e-learning in Third World Countries.",IGI Global (Information Resource Management Association, USA),2005
Udugahapattuwa, D. P. D., Fernando, M. S. D.,".An E-learning System Model to Enhance User Experience with Content Recommendation.",2024 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2024,
Udugahapattuwa, D. P. D., Fernando, M. S. D.,,".An intelligent model to enhance user experience in E-learning systems.",2024 International Research Conference on Smart Computing and Systems Engineering (SCSE),Colombo, Sri Lanka,2024,
Udugahapattuwa, D. P. D., Fernando, M. S. D.,".A Model for Enhancing User Experience in an E-Learning System: A Review on Student Behavior and Content Formatting.",2023 7th SLAAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SLAAI-ICAI-2023),Sri Lanka,2023,1-6
Ahamed U., Fernando S.,".Identifying the Impacts of Node Mobility on Network Layer Based Active and Passive Attacks in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: A Simulation Perspective.",Computing Science, Communication and Security 2nd International Conference (COMS2 2021),India,2021,262-275
Kelani Bandara, PLM, Bandara, HMND, Fernando, MSD,".Evaluation of Re-identification Risks in Data Anonymization Techniques Based on Population Uniqueness.",5th International Conference on Information Technology Research (ICITR),Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2020,
Gamage, D., Whiting, M.E., Perera, I., Fernando, S.,".Improving Feedback and Discussion in MOOC Peer Assessment Using Introduced Peers.",2018 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE),Wollongong, NSW, Australia,2018,357-364
Gamage, D., Fernando, S., Perera, I.,".Exploring MOOC Platform Designs and Pedagogy.",IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2018),Mumbai, India,2018,
Gamage, D., Perera, I., Fernando, S.,".Increasing Interactivity and Collaborativeness in MOOCs using Facilitated Groups: A Pedagogical Solution to meet 21st Century Goals.",EDUCON2018 – IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference,Spain,2018,
Gamage, D., Fernando, S., Perera, I.,".MOOCs in Sri Lankan higher education system: Exploring students’ perspective in a developing country.",Open Education Global Conference 2017 (OE Global 2017),The Netherlands,2018,
Subashini, K.K.P., Fernando, S.,".Survey on cyber security measures and their applicability in digital business ecosystem.",Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences, 2018,Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka,2018,
Dangalla S., Lakmal C., Wickramarathna C, Herath C., Dias G., Fernando S.,".Measuring the Correlation of Personal Identity Documents in Structured Format.",17th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2018),Singapore,2018,
Gamage, D., Whiting, M.E., Rajapakshe, T., Thilakarathne, H., Perera, I., Fernando, M.S.D.,".Improving Assessment on MOOCs Through Peer Identification and Aligned Incentives.",Learning at Scale 2017,Boston, MA, USA,2017,
Gunathilaka T. M.A.U., Fernando M. S. D,, Pasqual H.,".Identification of the Learning Behavior of the Students for Education Personalization.",2017 IEEE International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC),India,2017,
Subashini K. K. P., Fernando, S.,".Empowerment of Farmers Through ICT Literacy.",National IT Conference 2017 (NITC),Colombo, Sri Lanka,2017,
Liyanage, G., Fernando, S.,".A comprehensive secure email transfer model.",IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS),Peradeniya, Sri Lanka,2017,
Lakmal C., Dangalla S., Herath C., Wickramarathna C, Dias G., Fernando S.,".IDStack: The common protocol for document verification built on digital signatures.",National IT Conference 2017 (NITC),Colombo, Sri Lanka,2017,
Gamage, D., Perera, I., Fernando, M.S.D.,".What do star rates for MOOCs tell you? An analysis of pedagogy and review rates to identify effective pedagogical model.",24th International Conference on Computers in Education, Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education, India,India,2016,
Gamage, D., Perera, I., Fernando, M.S.D ,".Evaluating effectiveness of MOOCs using empirical tools: Learners perspective.",10th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2016),Valencia, Spain,2016,
Gamage, D., Perera, I., Fernando, M.S.D.,".MOOCs to Provide 21st Century Skills: Learners' Perspective.",10th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2016), Valencia,Valencia, Spain,2016,
Gamage, D., Perera, I., Fernando, S.,".Improving Effectiveness of MOOCs.",Doctoral Student Consortia of 24th International Conference on Computers in Education,India,2016,
Ariyadasa, Subhash,, Fernando, Shantha,, Fernando, Subha,,".SmartiPhish: A Reinforcement Learning-based Intelligent Anti-Phishing Solution to Detect Spoofed Website Attacks.",International Journal of Information Security,Vol. 22, Issue 6,2023
Ahamed U., Fernando S.,".Lightweight Security Mechanism to Mitigate Active Attacks in a Mobile Ad-hoc Network.",International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications,Vol. 68, No. 1,2022
Hettige, K. H. A., Fernando, M. S. D.,,".A survey on issues in cloud forensics with an experiment on time consumption.",International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences,Vol. 9, Issue 3,2022
Ariyadasa, Subhash Fernando, Subha,".PhishRepo: A Seamless Collection of Phishing Data to Fill a Research Gap in the Phishing Domain.",International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA),Volume 13, No. 5,2022
Ariyadasa, Subhash, Fernando, Subha,".Combining Long-Term Recurrent Convolutional and Graph Convolutional Networks to Detect Phishing Sites Using URL and HTML.",IEEE Access,10,2022
Ahamed, U., Fernando, S.,".Simulation of Network Layer-Based Security Attacks in a Mobile Ad-hoc Network.",Journal of Information Systems & Information Technology (JISIT),Vol. 6 No.1,2021
Ahamed, U., Fernando, S.,".Identifying the Impacts of Active and Passive Attacks on Network Layer in a Mobile Ad-hoc Network: A Simulation Perspective.",International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,Volume 11, Issue 11,2020
Ariyadasa, Subhash, Fernando, Subha, Fernando, Shantha,".Detecting Phishing Attacks using Combined Model of LSTM and CNN.",International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences,Volume 7, Issue 7,2020
Gamage, D., Perera, I., Fernando, S.,".Exploring MOOC User Behaviors Beyond Platforms.",International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET),Vol. 15, Issue 8,2020
Gamage, D., Perera, I., Fernando, S.,".MOOCs Lack Interactivity and Collaborativeness: Evaluating MOOC Platforms.",International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy,Vol. 10, No. 2,2020
Irugalbandara T.C., Fernando M.S.D.,".Context Aware Adaptive Mobile Learning Framework for Bottom of Pyramid People (BOP).",International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences,Volume 6, Issue 12,2019
Gunathilaka T.M.A.U., Fernando M.S.D., Pasqual H.,".Individual learning path personalization approach in a virtual learning environment according to the dynamically changing learning styles and knowledge levels of the learner.",International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences,Volume 5, Issue 5,2018
Balasooriya, A., Fernando, M.S.D.,".Next Generation Security Framework to Detect Botnets on Computer Networks.",IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology,Volume 5, Number 2,2013
Fernando, M.S.D., Sol, H.G, Dahanayake, A.N.W.,".The Usefulness of Learning Objects in Industry Oriented Learning Environments.",International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments,Vol. 3, No. 2,2012
Jahankhani, H., Fernando, M.S.D., Nkhoma, M.Z., Mouratidis, H.,".Information Systems Security: Cases of Network Administrator Threats.",International Journal of Information Security and Privacy,Volume 1, Issue 3,2007
Research and Publications Focus Areas:
e-learning related: Learning Management Systems, adaptive course development, learning objects, and university education
Computer and network security related: Firewalls, security policies, IT and infrastructure
Low-bandwidth networking: Proxying architectures, message distribution
Information systems related: development philosophies and life-cycles, socio-technical aspects, enterprise systems
PhD Thesis:
Fernando, M.S.D. (2010), “Designing Learning Objects for Adaptive Learning Environments”, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, ISBN/EAN: 978-90-5638-225-4
MPhil Thesis:
Fernando, M.S.D. (2000), “Requirement-based Policies for Electronic Message Distribution”, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
MA Thesis:
Fernando, M.S.D. (2016), “Improving Youth Commitment to Church Leadership”, Centre for Graduate Studies, Lanka Bible College, Sri Lanka, and Development Associates International
Publications prior to 2016
e-learning related publications:
Fernando, M.S.D. (2003), “Effective use of e-Learning in the Sri Lankan University Context: Strategies and Policies”, IEE Sri Lanka 10th Annual Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Fernando, M.S.D. (2004), “E-Learning and Quality University Environment: A better Mix of Technology based Learning and Administration with Traditional University Setting”, Conference Proceedings, IRMA International Conference 2004, New Orleans, LA, USA. ISBN: 1-59140-261-1.
Fernando, M.S.D. (2004), “Building a Framework for Evolutionary Course Development in Transitional Countries: An IT Aligned Learning Objects based Approach”, Conference Proceedings, ICCE2004: International Conference on Computers in Education, Melbourne, Australia. ISBN: 1-86335-573-1.
Fernando, M.S.D. (2004), “Designing Learning Objects for IT Industry Participation in Evolutionary Course Development for IT Universities in Transitional Countries”, Conference Proceedings, CISTM2004: Conference on Information Science, Technology Management, Alexandria, Egypt.
Fernando, M.S.D. (2005), “Issues of e-learning in Third World Countries”, in Ed. Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, DBA, Encyclopaedia of Information Science and Technology, Vol. III, 2005, (Chapter 300), pp. 1702-1707, Information Resource Management Association, USA. ISBN / eISBN: 1-59140-553-X / 1-59140-794-X. IGI Global.
Fernando, M.S.D., Dahanayake, A.N.W., Sol, H.G., (2005), “A Holistic Maturity Model for IT Aligned University Education: IA-LMM”, IASTED International Conference on Education and Technology, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. ISBN: 0889865817, 9780889865815.
Fernando, M.S.D. (2005), “E-learning and University Education: a Case Study on Blended Learning”, Conference Proceedings, 1st International Conference on Open Distance Learning, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Herath, H.M.W.P., Wijesooriya, W.M.R.P., Raveendra, S.J., Kumara, W.H.C.L., Fernando, S., Sarawanamutthu, K., (2006), “Dhanurrdha: Online synchronized Multimedia Deployer for LearnOrg Linux version”, Proceedings of the 8th International Information Technology Conference (IITC2006), Colombo, Sri Lanka, ISBN: 955-8974-04-8.
Fernando, M.S.D., Sol, H.G., Dahanayake, A.N.W. (2006), “Feasibility Survey on IT Industry Collaboration for Evolutionary Course Development in a Transitional Country”, Conference Proceedings, IRMA International Conference, Washington DC, USA.
Fernando, M.S.D., Sol, H.G., Dahanayake, A.N.W. (2006), “Adaptive IT Education through IT Industry Participation”, Conference Proceedings, IRMA International Conference, Washington DC, USA.
Perera, G.I.U.S., Fernando, M.S.D. (2006), “Generalized E-Learning Framework: Sri Lankan University Context”, Conference Proceedings, 12th ERU (Engineering Research Unit) Conference of University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. ISSN: 13991-3999.
Gunawardena, C.N., Fernando, M.S.D., Kulasekere, E.C., Lamontagne, M.D., Ekanayake, M.B., Thaiyamuthu, T., Jayatilleke, B.G. (2007), “Online Tutor Mentor Development through Community Building: A Case Study from a Transitional Nation”, Conference Proceedings, ICOOL 2007: 3rd International Conference on Open and Online Learning, Penang, Malaysia.
Sarveswaran, K., Fernando, M.S.D., Perera, G.I.U.S. (2007), “A Successful Growth of the e-Learning System at University of Moratuwa”, Conference Proceedings, 13th ERU (Engineering Research Unit) Conference of University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. ISSN: 13991-3999.
Sarveswaran, K., Fernando, M.S.D., (2008), “Role Based Competency Modeling for Learning-Content Development”, Conference Proceedings, 9th International IT Conference (IITC), Colombo, Sri Lanka. ISBN: 955-8974-04-8.
Gunewardena, C.N., Keller, P. S., Garcia, F., Faustino, G. L., Barrett, K., Skinner, J. K., Gibrail, R., Jayatilleke, B.G., Kumarasinha, M. C. B., Kulasekara, G.U., Fernando, S., (2011), “Transformative Education through Technology: Facilitating Social Construction of Knowledge Online through Cross-Cultural E-Mentoring”, The 1st International Conference on the Social Sciences and the Humanities, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
Fernando, M.S.D., Sol, H.G, Dahanayake, A.N.W. (2012), "The Usefulness of Learning Objects in Industry Oriented Learning Environments", International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments, April-June 2012, Vol. 3, No. 2, ISSN 1947-8518, eISSN 1947-8526. (SCOPUS, ACM-DL, INSPEC).
Gamage, D., Fernando, M.S.D., (2012), "Engaging interactivity in eLearning: Review of practices and challenges", 30th National Information Technology Conference (NITC), Colombo, Sri Lanka. ISSN: 2279-3895.
Gamage, D., Fernando, M.S.D., (2012), "An Interactivity framework to measure level of interactivity in eLearning", 19th Annual Technical Conference, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Sri Lanka Chapter, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Gamage, D., Fernando, M.S.D., (2012), "Measuring Interactivity level in eLearning Practices", International Conference in Business Information (ICBI2012), Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
Gamage, D., Fernando, M.S.D., (2012), “Impact of interactivity to eLearning in Sri Lanka", 5th Annual UCSC Research Symposium, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Gunawardena, C.N., Jayatilleke, B.G., Fernando, M.S.D., Kulasekere, E.C., Lamontagne, M.D., Ekanayake, M.B., Thaiyamuthu, T., (2012), “Developing Online Tutors and Mentors in Sri Lanka through a Community Building Model: Predictors of Satisfaction”, International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer 2012), Colombo, Sri Lanka. ISSN / eISSN: 2472-7598 / 2377-6854.
Gunawardhana, C.L.R., Hasanthika, H.M.M., Piyasena, T.D.G., Pathirana, S.P.D.P., Fernando, S., Perera, A.S., Kohomban, U., (2012), “Representation of Web-based Graphics and Equations for Visually Impaired”, National Engineering Conference, 18th ERU Symposium, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. ISSN: 13991-3999.
Kanaganayagam, I., Fernando, M.S.D., (2013), “Analysis of the Awareness of Collaborative e-Learning (CeL) in Sri Lankan University Education”, International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer 2013), Colombo, Sri Lanka. ISSN / eISSN: 2472-7598 / 2377-6854.
Kanaganayagam, I., Fernando, M.S.D., (2013), “A framework to Analyze the Effectiveness of Collaborative e-Learning (CeL) in Sri Lankan University Education”, National Engineering Conference, 19th ERU Symposium, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. ISSN: 13991-3999.
Gamage, D., Fernando, S., Perera, I., (2014), “Factors affecting to effective eLearning: Learners Perspective”, Scientific Research Journal (SCIRJ), Volume II, Issue V, May 2014, ISSN 2201-2796.
Kanaganayagam, I., Fernando, M.S.D., Jayasundara, R., (2014), “Analysis of the Effectiveness of Collaborative e-Learning (CeL) in Sri Lankan University Education”, World Conference on E-Learning (AACE E-Learn 2014), New Orleans, USA. ISBN: 978-1-939797-12-4.
Gamage, D., Perera, I., Fernando, S., (2014), “Improving eLearning to meet challenges in 21st century”, International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer 2014), Colombo, Sri Lanka. ISSN / eISSN: 2472-7598 / 2377-6854.
Gamage, D. Fernando, S,, Perera, I., (2014), “Effective eLearning through MOOC: Lessons learnt in selecting a MOOC”, The 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2014), Japan. ISBN: 978-4-9908014-1-0.
Gamage, D., Fernando, S., Perera, I., (2015), “Effectiveness of eLearning: Grounded Theory Approach”, Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon 2015), Moratuwa, Part No.: CFP15B72-ARTT, ISBN: 978-1-4799-1740-2.
Irugalbandara, T.C., Fernando, M.S.D., (2015), “Identifying Life Style Factors of Bottom-of-Pyramid People to Facilitate a Ubiquitous Learning Environment: Sri Lankan Experience”, 8th International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing (UMEDIA 2015), Colombo, Sri Lanka. ISBN: 9781467382717.
Gamage, D., Perera, I., Fernando, S., (2015), “Factors leading to an effective MOOC from participants perspective”, 8th International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing (UMEDIA 2015), Colombo, Sri Lanka. ISBN: 9781467382717.
Gamage, D., Perera, I., Fernando, S., (2015), “A framework to analyse effectiveness of e-learning in MOOC: Learners perspective”, 8th International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing (UMEDIA 2015), Colombo, Sri Lanka. ISBN: 9781467382717.
Gamage, D., Perera, I., Fernando, S., (2015), “Quality of MOOCs: A review of literature on effectiveness and quality aspects”, 8th International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing (UMEDIA 2015), Colombo, Sri Lanka. ISBN: 9781467382717.
Computer, network and information security related publications:
Peiris, P., Fernando, M.S.D., Dias, G.V., (2002), “Web Traffic Analysis for Content Prioritization”, Conference Proceedings, International Information Technology Conference (IITC), Colombo, Sri Lanka. ISBN: 955-8974-04-8.
Fernando, M.S.D., Dias, G.V. (2005), “A CERT for Sri Lanka? Challenges and Potential”, CSSL Proceedings, 24th National Information Technology Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
De Silva, M.B.G.S., Fernando, M.S.D. (2006), “Improving Linux Security”, Conference Proceedings, CHASE-2006 Conference on Hacking and Security, Lahore, Pakistan.
Fernando, M.S.D., Jahankhani, H., Nkhoma, M.Z. (2006) “Compromising Information Systems Security: Cases of Network Administrator Threats”, Conference Proceedings, 2nd International Conference on Global E-Security (ICGeS-06), University of East London, UK. ISBN-10: 0955000823, ISBN-13: 978-0955000829.
Jahankhani, H., Fernando, M.S.D., Nkhoma, M.Z., Mouratidis, H. (2007) “Information Systems Security: Cases of Network Administrator Threats”, International Journal of Information Security and Privacy, Volume 1, Issue 3, pp. 13-25. ISSN: 1930-1650, eISSN: 1930-1669. IGI Global. (Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index).
Jahankhani, H., Fernando, M.S.D., Nkhoma, M.Z. (2009) “Information Systems Security: Cases of Network Administrator Threats”, Book chapter : Techniques and Applications for Advanced Information Privacy and Security: Emerging Organizational, Ethical, and Human Issues, pp. 35-46. ISBN13: 9781605662107, ISBN10: 1605662100, EISBN13: 9781605662114, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-210-7. IGI Global.
Fernando, M.S.D., Jahankhani, H., Ranmuthugala, H., Lathsara, M.P.D., De Silva, M.B.G.S., Gamage, G. (2007), “Impact of IT on Fraud and Corruption: Learning from the case examples”, Conference Proceedings, 3rd International Conference on Global E-Security (ICGeS-07), University of East London, UK. ISBN-10: 095500084X, ISBN-13: 978-0955000843.
Fernando, M.S.D., Ranmuthugala, H., Lathsara, M.P.D., De Silva, M.B.G.S., Gamage, G. (2007), “Relationship of Information Systems Security to Corruption and Fraud”, ISACA Conference Proceedings, Conference on Information Systems Audit, Control and Governance, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Malalasena, B. A., Nimalaprakasan, S., Ramanan, S., Shayanthan, K., Gamage, C., and Fernando, M. S. D., (2009), “Privacy Enhanced Data Management for an Electronic Identity System”, in Proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Innovative Technologies in Intelligent Systems & Industrial Applications (CITISIA 2009), pages 358-363, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 2009. ISBN: 978-1-4244-2886-1.
Malalasena, B. A., Nimalaprakasan, S., Ramanan, S., Shayanthan, K., Gamage, C., and Fernando, M. S. D., (2009), “Versatile Privacy Preserving Electronic Identity Framework”, in Nanayakkara, V. and Gunasinghe, U. P., in editors, Proceedings of the 2009 CS&ES Conference (CSES 2009), pages 133-140, Colombo, Sri Lanka, July 2009. (ISBN 9-78-955-9027-32-4).
Samarasinghe, A., Gamage, C.D., Fernando, M.S.D., (2012), "Blackbox Recorder for Virtual Servers", 19th Annual Technical Conference, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Sri Lanka Chapter, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Balasooriya, A., Fernando, M.S.D., (2013), “Next Generation Security Framework to Detect Botnets on Computer Networks”, IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume 5, Number 2, April 2013 , ISSN : 1793-8244. (Index Copernicus, INSPEC). (presented at: 2nd International Conference on Security Science and Technology – ICSST 2013, Singapore).
Liyanage, G., Fernando, M.S.D., (2013), “Firewall Model for Cloud Computing”, 2013 IEEE 8th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Print ISSN: 2164-7011.
Balasooriya, A., Fernando, M.S.D., (2013), “Generalized Extensions for Botnet Detection”, National Engineering Conference, 19th ERU Symposium, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. ISSN: 13991-3999.
Low-bandwidth networking related publications:
Fernando, M.S.D., Wijesoma, W.S., Dias, G.V. (1995), “Multi-media Message Distribution in a Constrained Environment”, Conference Proceedings, Inet ’95 International Conference, Hawaii, USA
Fernando, M.S.D., Wijesoma, W.S., Dias, G.V. (1995), “A Strategy for Multi-media Message Routing and Delivery for the Less Privileged”, Conference Proceedings, SEARCC ’95 International Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Fernando, M.S.D., Wijesoma, W.S., Dias, G.V. (1996), “Expansion of Multi-media Message Distribution to Constrained Environments”, CSSL Proceedings 1996, 15th National Information Technology Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Fernando, M.S.D., Dias, G.V. (2002), “Link Cost Optimization through Link Utilization Maximization”, Conference Proceedings, IEE Sri Lanka 9th Annual Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Fernando, M.S.D., Dias, G.V. (2002),“An Architecture for Advanced Proxying based on User Requests”, (2002), Annual Conference, Engineering Research Unit, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Information systems related publications:
Peiris, P., Fernando, M.S.D. (2006), “Information Systems Governance in Sri Lankan Corporate Sector”, Conference Proceedings, 12th ERU (Engineering Research Unit) Conference of University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Perera, G.I.U.S., Fernando, M.S.D. (2007), “Bridging the gap - Business and information systems: A Roadmap”, published in proceedings of 4th ICBM conference, Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka, pp. 334-343
Perera, G.I.U.S., Fernando, M.S.D. (2007), “Enhanced Agile Software Development – Hybrid Paradigm with LEAN Practice”, Conference Proceedings, ICIIS2007: Second International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Perera, G.I.U.S., Fernando, M.S.D. (2007), “A Hybrid Software Paradigm – The Extended Agile Process with LEAN Integration”, Conference Proceedings, 13th ERU (Engineering Research Unit) Conference of University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Perera, G.I.U.S., Fernando, M.S.D. (2007), “Swift Decision Making for Agile Software Paradigm – A Proficient Guide”, Conference Proceedings, 13th ERU (Engineering Research Unit) Conference of University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Peiris, P., Fernando, M.S.D. (2007), “IT Governance in Sri Lankan Corporate Sector”, ISACA Conference Proceedings, Conference on Information Systems Audit, Control and Governance, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Nanayakkara, S., Perera, P., Sarveswaran, K., Perera, A., Fernando, M.S.D., (2009), “Challenges in Developing Management Information Systems - A Case From Government Sector”, Conference Proceedings, e-Asia 2009 International Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Vithana, K., Fernando, M.S.D., Dias, S.A.D., (2009), “A Service Platform for Subscription-Based Live Video Streaming”, Conference Proceedings, ICIS2009, Fourth IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Automation Systems, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Medagama, M., Dias, S.A.D., Fernando, M.S.D., (2009), “Transcoding based optimum quality video streaming under limited bandwidth”, Conference Proceedings, ICIS2009, Fourth IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Automation Systems, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Perera G.I.U.S., Fernnando, M.S.D., (2009), “Rapid Decision Making for Post Architectural Changes in Agile Development – A Guide to Reduce Uncertainty”, International Journal of Information Technology and Knowledge Management , July-December 2009, Volume 2, No. 2, pp. 249-256
Meharuban, M., Tennakoon, H.B., Fernando, M.S.D., (2011) “Automated Management Information System for Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Workshop”, National Engineering Conference, 17th ERU Symposium, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Jayathilake M.T.D.A., Fernando M. S. D., (2013), “Analysis of Factors Motivating Sri Lankan Organizations towards Green IT”, Scientific Research Journal (SciRJ), Volume I, Issue I, August 2013 Edition, pp 7-13, ISSN: 2201-2796
Jayathilake M.T.D.A., Fernando M. S. D., (2013), “Analysis of Green IT Adoption Trends among Green Awarded Organizations in Sri Lanka”, International Conference on Environment and Energy 2013, pp 205-218, ISBN: 978-955-4543-19-5
Nanayakkara, S., Perera, P., Fernando, S., (2014), “Universal Communication through Web Services for Heterogeneous Systems with Dynamic System Life Cycle”, International Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol. 5, Issue SPL-1, pp. 48-55, Jan-March 2014, ISSN: 0976-8491 (online), ISSN : 2229-4333 (print)
Thananjeyan, S., Fernando, M.S.D., (2015), “Green Information Technology Managerial Capabilities of IT Organizations in Sri Lanka”, Scientific Research Journal (SCIRJ), Volume III, Issue X, October 2015 Edition, pp 6-11, ISSN: 2201-2796
Rajapaksha, R.P.M.C., Jayawardena, K.G.T., Fernando, M.S.D., (2015), “A knowledge base approach for efficient home floor plan generation applying polygon based representation”, 8th International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing (UMEDIA 2015), Colombo, Sri Lanka. ISBN: 9781467382717.
Invited paper submissions and key-note speeches:
Fernando, M.S.D. (2005), “Digital Forensics - an Introduction”, ISACA Conference Proceedings, International Conference on Information Systems Audit, Control and Governance, Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Fernando, M.S.D., Piyadasa, A., (2008), “Potential for an ICT based Management System for a Public Transport Operator”, Invited paper on Road passenger Transport, SAARC Seminar on Public Road Passenger Transport in SAARC Countries, Mt. Lavinia, Sri Lanka