- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Earth Resources Engineering
- Senior Lecturer Grade I
Contact information
Department of Earth Resources Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
ER 3012 – MINERAL ENGINEERING 1 -Undergraduate -2016
ER 4042 – MINERAL ENGINEERING 1I -Undergraduate -2016
ER 4092 – PLANT PERFORMANCE -Undergraduate -2016
Member -Time table Committee (2015 To date)
Research Activities
Education and Professional Affiliations
Bachelor's, Moratuwa University ,2002
Masters, Moratuwa University ,2005
MPhil, Moratuwa University ,2009
PhD, University of Moratuwa ,2016
PDip(Statistics), Sri Jayawerdenapura ,2004
Institution of Engineers Sri Lankaa(2008 To date)
Geological Society of Sri Lanka(2003 To date)
Geological Society of Sri Lanka(2008 To date)
Honours and Awards
Jayasinghe JMHD, Gunathilake WADA, Lakshan MGK,".Development of a model to evaluate the settling time of mineral particles. .",ERE,,2016,
Hemalal PVA, Rohitha LPS, Ratnayake NP.,".Producing Raw Silica from Sri Lanka Vein Quartz Suitable for High End Glass Industry..",GSSL,,2016,
Azarudeen MHM, Piranavan S, Krishnakumar S, Rohitha LPS and Weerawarnakula S, 2016.,".Removal of iron Oxides in Meetiyagoda Kaolin by chemical leaching to improve whiteness..",ERE,,2016,
N.P. Dushyantha , , N.P. Ratnayake , H.M.R. Premasiri , I.M.S.K. Ilankoon , P.V.A. Hemalal , C.L. Jayawardena , Rohana Chandrajith , L.P.S. Rohitha , A.M.K.B. Abeysinghe , D.M.D.O. K. Dissanayake , P.G.R. Dharmaratne , A.S. Ratnayake , N.M. Batapola ,".REEs) from lake sediments around Eppawala phosphate deposit, Sri Lanka: A secondary source for REEs .",Hydrometallurgy,205,2021
N.M.Batapolaa N.P.Dushyanthaa H.M.R.Premasiria A.M.K.B.Abeysinghea L.P.S.Rohithaa N.P.Ratnayakea D.M.D.O.K.Dissanayakea. I.M.S.K.Ilankoonc P.G.R.Dharmaratnea,".Rare earth element potential in the beach placers along the southwest coast of Sri Lanka.",IEEE,,2021
Mushmika Patikiri Arachchige; Sudath Rohitha; Kithsiri Dissanayake; Prabawa Lakshitha; Rajatha Kusumsiri ,".Upgrading Low-Grade Graphite Tailing into High-Grade Graphite Using Agglomeration.",IEEE,,2021
Chathuranga Jayathilake L.P.s Rohitha D.M.D.O.K Dissanayake Indika Rushan Kanishka Dilshan,".Extraction of Copper from Seruwila Copper Magnetite Deposit.",IEEE,,2020
N.M.Batapolaa N.P.Dushyanthaa H.M.R.Premasiria A.M.K.B.Abeysinghea L.P.S.Rohithaa N.P.Ratnayakea D.M.D.O.K.Dissanayakea. I.M.S.K.Ilankoonc P.G.R.Dharmaratnea,".A comparison of global rare earth element (REE) resources and their mineralogy with REE prospects in Sri Lanka.", Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,122,2020
N.M.Batapolaa N.P.Dushyanthaa H.M.R.Premasiria A.M.K.B.Abeysinghea L.P.S.Rohithaa N.P.Ratnayakea D.M.D.O.K.Dissanayakea. I.M.S.K.Ilankoonc P.G.R.Dharmaratnea,".The story of rare earth elements (REEs): Occurrences, global distribution, genesis, geology, mineralogy and global production.", Ore Geology Reviews,200,2020