- Faculty of Information Technology
- Department of Computational Mathematics
- Senior Lecturer Grade II
Contact information
Department of Computational Mathematics
Faculty of Information Technology
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Essentials of Mathematics -Undergraduate -2016
Calculus -Undergraduate -2016
Calculus & Statistical Distributions -Undergraduate -2016
Advanced Topics in Mathematics -Undergraduate -2016
Mathematics and Statistical Foundation, Postgraduate Certificate in Data Analysis and Pattern Recognition -Postgraduate -2016
Essentials of Mathematics -Undergraduate -2017
Calculus -Undergraduate -2017
Calculus & Statistical Distributions -Undergraduate -2017
Computational Mathematics -Undergraduate -2017
Advanced Topics in Mathematics -Postgraduate -2017
Mathematics and Statistical Foundation, Postgraduate Certificate in Data Analysis and Pattern Recognition -Postgraduate -2018
Calculus -Undergraduate -2018
Calculus -Undergraduate -2018
Computational Mathematics -Undergraduate -2018
Advanced Topics in Mathematics -Undergraduate -2018
Computational Mathematics -Undergraduate -2019
Advanced Topics in Mathematics -Undergraduate -2019
Mathematical Modeling -Undergraduate -2019
Mathematics for Artificial Intelligence, MSc/PG Diploma in Artificial Intelligence -Postgraduate -2019
Fundamentals of Mathematics & Statistics -Undergraduate -2017
Essentials of Mathematics -Undergraduate -2020
Calculus -Undergraduate -2020
Calculus & Statistical Distributions -Undergraduate -2020
Advanced Topics in Mathematics -Undergraduate -2021
Mathematics for Artificial Intelligence, MSc/PG Diploma in Artificial Intelligence -Postgraduate -2021
Quality Coordinator - Department of Computational Mathematics - (2016 To date)
Research Coordinator - Department of Computational Mathematics - (2019 To 2022)
Coordinator of M.Sc in Artificial Intelligence - (2022 To date)
Secretary, 6th International Conference on Information Technology Research (ICITR 2021) - (2021 To 2021)
Director - Information Technology Research Unit, Faculty of Information Technology - (2023 To date)
Chair, 6th International Conference on Information Technology Research (ICITR 2023) - (2023 To 2023)
Secretary, 7th International Conference on Information Technology Research (ICITR 2022) - (2022 To 2022)
Research Activities
Mathematical Modeling
Fuzzy Mathematics & Decision Making
Computational Mathematics
Numerical Methods for Differential Equations
Numerical Optimization
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Mathematical Modeling
Education and Professional Affiliations
PhD, University of Colombo ,2016 , Mathematical Modeling
Bachelors, University of Ruhuna ,2010 , Mathematics (Special), First Class
National Science Foundation (NSF)(2013 To date)
Life Member of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS)(2016 To date)
November 2020 - Present
Lecturer (Transitional) - Department of Computational Mathematics, Faculty of Information Technology, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
November 2018 - November 2020
November 2015 - November 2018
August 2012 - July 2015
Temporary Tutor - Department of Mathematics, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka
December 2010 - June 2012
Honours and Awards
HETC QIG/W3 grant (World Bank) to follow the PhD degree from year (Received 2015)
Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) accreditation for Learning, Teaching and Assessing, July 2017, England. (Received 2017)
Excellence in Outstanding Research Performance Award with Distinction (Received 2018)
Excellence in Outstanding Research Performance Award with Distinction (Received 2020)
Best Paper Award - Data Science & Data Driven Application Track (Received 2021)
I.T.S. Piyatilake and S.S.N. Perera,".Chapter 8: Developing a Multiparametric Risk Index for Dengue Transmission, Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Infectious Diseases.", Springer International Publishing,2020
I.T.S. Piyatilake and S.S.N. Perera,". Chapter 7: Mathematical Model to Quantify Air Pollution in Cities, Recent Advances in Applications of Computational and Fuzzy Mathematics.", Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., Springer,2018
Amarasekara M.D.C., Rajapaksha R.A.D.P, Jayarathna H.M.D.T., Karunarathna H.M.G.K., Piyatilake I.T.S. and Wijesiriwardana C.P.,".Developing a System to Transliterate Singlish Twitter Posts to Sinhala.",4th International Conference on Innovations in Info-business & Technology (ICIIT 2023),Informatics Institute of Technology, Sri Lanka,2023,144-150
Nandasiri K.N.M.S., Ananda K.G.L.S., Maduranga D.V.S., Bandara K.D.H.S., Wijesiriwardena C.P. and Piyatilake I.T.S. ,".Developing An Automated System to Analyzing the Software Developers Interest Using Twitter Data.",4th International Conference on Innovations in Info-business & Technology (ICIIT 2023),Informatics Institute of Technology, Sri Lanka,2023,94-101
Karunarathne A.W.S.P. and I.T.S. Piyatilake,".Modeling Sri Lankan GDP using Macroeconomic Indicators: An Approach Using Principal Component Analysis.",8th International Conference on Information Technology Research (ICITR 2023),University of Moratuwa,2023,56
I.T.S. Piyatilake and S.S.N. Perera,".Development of Fuzzy Risk Assessment Index for Natural Disasters.",International Conference on Mathematical Modeling, Applied Analysis and Computational Intelligence (ICMMAACI-2022),India,2022,76
S.T.D.M. Silva, I.T.S. Piyatilake and S.S.N. Perera ,".Developing a Fuzzy Operator Based Model to Capture Transmission Risk of COVID-19.",International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Science 2021,Faculty of Science, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka,2021,48
M.S.H. Perera and I.T.S. Piyatilake ,".Ranking Countries According to Transmission Risk of COVID- 19 Using Grey Relation Analysis.",International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Science 2021,Faculty of Science, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka ,2021,44
A.W.S.P Karunarathne and I.T.S. Piyatilake,".Determining Flood Risk Vulnerability Using Factor Analysis Approach.",2021 6th International Conference on Information Technology Research (ICITR),University of Moratuwa,2021,67
D.D.N. De Silva, H.W.M.K. Vithanage, S.A. Xavier, I.T.S. Piyatilake and S. Fernando,".Parameterized Wavelets for Convolutional Neural Networks.",2020 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC),Portugal,2020,170-176
A.W.S.P. Karunarathne and I.T.S. Piyatilake,".Decision Supportive Index to Rank the Countries According to the Transmission Risk of COVID-19: A Fuzzy Mathematical Approach.",4th SLAAI - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SLAAI-ICAI-2020),The Open University of Sri Lanka,2020,
R.S.M. Kularathne, I.T.S. Piyatilake, S.S.N. Perera,".Developing a weather index using fuzzy multi-criteria approach.",AIP Conference Proceedings,Advances in Applicable Mathematics - ICAAM2020,2020,1–12
R.R.H. Fernandopulle, I.T.S. Piyatilake and S.S.N. Perera,".Simulations of Seasonal Infulenza with Time Varying Parameters .",International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing (ICMMSC-2020),India,2020,31
R.S.M. Kularathne, I.T.S. Piyatilake and S.S.N. Perera,".Developing a Weather Index Using Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Approach .",Advances in Applicable Mathematics - ICAAM 2020,India,2020,126
D.D.N De Silva., H. Vithanage, S. Fernando, and I.T.S Piyatilake,".Multi-path Learnable Wavelet Neural Network for Image Classification.",Twelveth International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2019),Netherlands,2019,
I.T.S. Piyatilake and S.S.N. Perera,".Simulation Model to Study the Effect of Physical Activities on Human Thermoregulation Process.",International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computations (ICMMC-2018),South Asian University, New Delhi, India,2018,
I.T.S. Piyatilake, S.S.N. Perera and S.D.P. Jayasundara ,".The Effect of Physical Activities on the Temperature Variation in the Skin: A Mathematical Modeling Approach.",International Conference on Computational Modeling and Simulation 2017 (ICCMS 2017),University of Colombo, Sri Lanka,2017,150-153
I.T.S. Piyatilake and S.S.N. Perera ,".Mathematical model to study the effect of meteorological conditions on pollutant dispersion due to oil refining process in sri lanka.",International Conference on Advances in Applicable Mathematics (ICAAM 2017),India,2017,107
I.T.S. Piyatilake and S.S.N. Perera,".Simulation model to capture the future trend of air quality in urban Colombo.",International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Computation (ICOMAC 2017),India,2017,
Lakjayani H.P. and Piyatilake I.T.S.,".Ranking the Zones in Urban Colombo According to Air Quality: A Statistical Modeling Approach.",3rd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches (ICMA) - 2016,University of Sri Jayewardenepura,2016,97
I.T.S. Piyatilake, S.S.N. Perera and S.K. Boaralugoda,".Rank the Cities Based on Air Quality: A Decision Support Modeling Approach.",4th Annual International Conference on Computational Mathematics, Computational Geometry & Statistics (CMCGS 2015),Global Science and Technology Forum, Singapore,2015,82
I.T.S. Piyatilake, S.S.N. Perera and S.K. Boaralugoda,".Sensitivity of Pollutant Dispersion in Air with Respect to External Variables.",International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics and Its Applications in Physical and Biological Sciences (CNDAPBS-2014),Darjeeling, India,2014,39
I.T.S. Piyatilake, S.S.N. Perera and S.K. Boaralugoda,".Modeling Pollutant Dispersion from Petroleum Refining Process in Sri Lanka.",4th International Symposium of SEUSL,South Eastern University, Sri Lanka,2014,409
I.T.S. Piyatilake, S.S.N. Perera and S.K. Boaralugoda,". Wavelet Analysis of the Concentration of Air Pollutants in Colombo Fort, Sri Lanka.", Annual Research Symposium, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka,2013, 153
I.T.S. Piyatilake, S.S.N. Perera and S.K. Boaralugoda,". Analyzing Pollutant Dispersion from Petroleum Refining Process in Sri Lanka: A Mathematical Modeling Approach.", HETC Symposium, Colombo, Sri Lanka,2013, 153
K.D. Prasangika, L.A.L.W. Jayasekara, I.T.S. Piyatilake, A.I.P. Samarasinghe and P.H. Fonseka ,". Risk Factors of the Childhood Asthma in the Colombo Municipal Council Area: Bayesian Approach on Logistic Regression Model.", 9th Ruhuna Science Symposium, University of Ruhuna,2013, 26
I.T.S. Piyatilake , L.A.L.W. Jayasekara , A.I.P. Samarasinghe and P.H. Fonseka ,". Identifying Risk Factors of Childhood Asthma Among 5-12 Years Old Children in the Colombo Municipal Council Area.", 9th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna,2012, 26
S.T.D.M. Silva, I.T.S. Piyatilake and S.S.N. Perera ,".Developing a Fuzzy Operator Based Model to Capture Transmission Risk of COVID-19.",Journal of Innovation Sciences and Sustainable Technologies,2(2),2022
R. Mahendran, S. Pathirana, I.T.S. Piyatilake, S.S.N. Perera and M.C. Weerasinghe,".Assessment of Environmental Variability on Malaria Transmission in a Malaria-Endemic Rural Dry Zone Locality of Sri Lanka: The Wavelet Approach.",PLoS ONE,15 (2),2020
I.T.S. Piyatilake and S.S.N. Perera,".Fuzzy Multidimensional Model to Cluster Dengue Risk in Sri Lanka.",BioMed Research International,Vol. 2020, Article ID. 2420948,2020
I.T.S. Piyatilake and S.S.N Perera,".Simulation Model to Capture the Future Trend of Air Quality in Urban Colombo.",International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,Vol. 118(6),2018
I.T.S. Piyatilake and S.S.N. Perera,".Mathematical Model to Study the Effect of Meteorological Conditions on Pollutant Dispersion Due to Oil Refining Process in Sri Lanka.",International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,117 (12),2017
I.T.S. Piyatilake, S.S.N. Perera and S.K. Boralugoda,".Developing a Decision Support Index to Quantify Air Quality: A Mathematical Modeling Approach.",Journal of Basic Applied Research International,13(2),2016
I.T.S. Piyatilake, S.S.N. Perera and S.K. Boralugoda ,".Sensitivity Analysis of Pollutant Dispersion From Petroleum Refining Process Using Advection Diffusion Equation: A Mathematical Modeling Approach.",International Journal of Current Research,8,2016
I.T.S. Piyatilake, S.S.N. Perera and S.K. Boralugoda,".Mathematical Model to Quantify Air Quality: Indirect Measurement Approach.",British Journal of Applied Science & Technology,11 (5),2015