- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Earth Resources Engineering
- Professor
Contact information
Department of Earth Resources Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Geology -Undergraduate -2015
Optical Mineralogy and Petrology -Undergraduate -2014
Geophysics for Mineral Exploration -Undergraduate -2014
Structural ang Field Geology -Undergraduate -2013
GIS and Spatila Statistics -Undergraduate -2012
Design Project -Undergraduate -2012
Research Project -Undergraduate -2012
Geology ( Field Camp) -Undergraduate -2012
Mineral Exploration ( Field Camp) -Undergraduate -2012
Member -Member Faculty Higher Degrees Committee ( To date)
Head/ERE -Head of the Department (2016 To date)
Head of the Department - (2016 To 2019)
Research Activities
Education and Professional Affiliations
Bachelor's, Peradeniya University ,1994
MPhil, University of Moratuwa ,2006
PhD, Keele University UK ,2012
Institute of Geology Sri Lanka (2009 To date)
London Geological Society (2021 To date)
Head/ Department of Earth Resources Engineering
Fellow Member of London Geological Society UK
Honours and Awards
NRC Merit Awrds for Scientific Publication (Received 2015)
Outstanding Research Performence awards (Received 2016)
Best Reserch Presenter (Received 2017)
DKDA Ranaweera, RMK Ratnayake, HMR Premasiri,".Demarcation and Spatial Distribution of Urban Centres in Sri Lanka.",CRC Press,2022
Meeth Nimasha Lande Bandara, HM Ranjith Premasiri, BH Sudantha ,".GIS Powered an Automated Generic Flood Model for River Basins in Sri Lanka, .",6th International Conference on Information Technology Research (ICITR,Moratuwa Sri Lanka ,2021,
Nadeera Batapola, Nimila Dushyantha, Nalin Ratnayake, Ranjith Premasiri, B Abeysinghe, Oscar Dissanayake, Sudath Rohitha, Saman Ilankoon, Pannipitye Dharmaratne ,".Rare earth element potential in the beach placers along the southwest coast of Sri Lanka.",Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Moratuwa Sri Lanka ,2021,415-420
SPND Jayasooriya, SFRS Fernando, HNL Priyantha, AVP Vijitha, HMR Premasiri, GVI Samaradivakara,".Characterisation of sediment deposition of Bolgoda lake using acoustic and sampling methods.",Proceedings of International Symposium on Earth Resources Management & Environment 2021 (pp. 143-149),Moratuwa Sri Lanka ,2021,
Samarakoon, K.G.A.U., Chamilka, W.T.H., Areekaran, T., Dushyantha, N.P., Batapola, N.M., Premasiri, H.M.R., Ratnayake, N.P., & Abeysinghe, A.M.K.B,".Investigation of rare earth elements potential in iron ore deposits in Sri Lanka..",International Symposium on Earth Resources Management & Environment ,Moratuwa Sri Lanka ,2021,
Batapola, N.M., Ratnayake, N.P., Abeysinghe, A.M.K.B., Premasiri, H.M.R., Rohitha, L.P.S., Dushyantha, N.P., Ilankoon, I.M.S.K., Dissanayake, D.M.D.O.K., & Dharmaratne, P.G.R,".Exploration for potential sources of rare earth elements in Sri Lanka.",International Symposium on Earth Resources Management & Environment,Moratuwa Sri Lanka ,2021,21
• Vinoj, P.K.L., Kapilarathna, M.W.C.S., Samarakoon, S.M.P.S., Dushyantha, N.P., Batapola, N.M., Abeysinghe, A.M.K.B., Premasiri, H.M.R., Ratnayake, N.P,".Investigation of rare earth element potential in granitic rocks of Sri Lanka special reference to Thonigala granite, .",Proceedings of International Symposium on Earth Resources Management & Environment 2021 (pp. 143-149),Moratuwa Sri Lanka ,2021,128-134
Manatunga UI, Munasinghe N and ,".Development of a Methodology to Map Railway Lines and Surrounding Land Use Using UAVs.",ISERME 2017,Wadduwa Sri Lanka,2017,195-202
Liyanage WLDNK, Ranasinghe GHPGKM, Yapa SKSP, Weerawarnakula S, and Abeysinghe AMKB,".Geochemical Aspects of Calcite and Dolomite Deposits Around Rajawaka off Balangoda, Sri Lanka, and Suitability for Industry, .",ISERME 2017,Wadduwa Sri Lanka,2017,113-120
Bastion Pulle GS, Chandrapala SWTD, Rangana KHVG, Chaminda SP, Jayawardena CL ,".Effect of Physical and Mineralogical Properties of Aggregates on Strength and Durability of Asphalt Concrete.",ISERME 2017,Wadduwa Sri Lanka,2017,155-166
Lasan HLI, Weerasekara MN, Prashanth S, *Abeysinghe AMKB,and Samaradivakara GVI,".Applicability of Ground Penetration Radar (GPR) Technique to Optimize Soil Nail Wall Designs.",ISERME 2017,Wadduwa Sri Lanka,2017,121-126
Samarakkody1,2 SATI, Dharmaratne1 PGR, Hemalal1 PVA ,".Effect of Trenching on Blast-Induced Ground Vibration in Sri Lankan Metal Quarries.",ISERME 2017,Wadduwa Sri Lanka,2017,175
Ratnayake AS, Weththasinghe SM, Dushyantha N, and Ratnayake NP ,".Nearshore Sediment Dynamics in Sri Lanka.",ISERME 2017,Wadduwa Sri Lanka,2017,75
Munasinghe, N, Manathunga UI ,".UAV Remote Sensing for delineation of urban vegetation using object based image analysis .",22nd International Forestry and Environment Symposium 2017,Kaluthara Sri Lanka ,2017,107
RC Fernando,".Development of Warning System for Mitigation of Urban Flood Hazard.",Asian Remote Sensing Conference,Colombo,2016,
Aruna Weerasinghe, Preeni Fernando, Piyal Gunarathna ,".HIGH ACCURACY GPS FOR SOIL GEOCHEMICAL MAPPING IN PADDY FIELDS; A CASE STUDY IN KALUTARA, SRI LANKA.",Asian Remote Sensing Conference,Colombo,2016,
Niluka Munasinghe, U.I. Manatunga, N. Lakmal Deshapriya, S.L. Madawalagama and Lal Samarakoon ,". DEVELOPING METHODOLOGY TO MAP TREE CANOPY IN URBAN AREAS FROM LOW COST COMMERCIAL UAVS.",Asian Remote Sensing Conference,Colombo,2016,
T DahanayakeS TEnnakoon,".Development of Suitability Index for locating Rock quarrying Site in Sri Lanka .",International Forestry and Environment Symposium, ,Dambulla Sri Lanka ,2016,121
Lakmali EN, Deshapriya WGA, Jayawardene KGIA, Raviranga RMP, Ratnayake NP and Senanayake IP ,".Long Term Coastal Erosion and Shoreline Positions of Sri Lanks..",11th ERE,Colombo,2016,
Wickramasinghe KO, Wijerathna AVVP, Godawithana CAP, Weerawarnakula S and Abeysinghe AMKB. ,".Geochemical Aspects of Serpentine Bodies off Embilipitiya, Sri Lanks and their Effect on Human Health .",11th ERE,Colombo,2016,
Senarathna CSS, Godaliyadda DP, Disanayake KTD, Abeysinghe AMKB and Weerawarnakula S ,".Analysis of Geological Structures for Road Cut Failures: A Case Study Along Balangoda – Haputale Main Road.",11th ERE,Colombo,2016,
Hettiarachchi DAL, Fernando HRW, Nanthahoban E, Sameer STM, Abeysinghe AMKB and Samaradivakara GVI ,".Soil Nail Wall Design Optimization by Geotechnical Applications and Geophysical Techniques.",11th ERE,Colombo,2016,
Wijayarathne GWLW, Thavaneeshan S, Sameera BHAT, Sandamali IGV, Chaminda SP, Jayawardena CL and Samaradivakara GVI ,".– Effect of Physical and Mineralogical Properties of Aggregates on Quality of Asphalt Concrete.",11th ERE,Colombo,2016,
Sumanajith Kumara BA ,".Analysis of Spatial Distribution of Landslides in Ratnapura District Sri Lanka..",3rd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches,Colombo,2016,
Wijayarathne GWLW, Thavaneeshan S, Sameera BHAT, Sandamali IGV, Chaminda SP, Jayawardena CL, and Samaradivakara GVI,".– Effect of Physical and Mineralogical Properties of Aggregates on Quality of Asphalt Concrete.",ERE Conference 2016,Colombo,2016,
Hettiarachchi DAL, Fernando HRW, Nanthahoban E, Sameer STM, Abeysinghe AMKB, and Samaradivakara GVI,".Soil Nail Wall Design Optimization by Geotechnical Applications and Geophysical Techniques.",ERE Conference 2016,Colombo,2016,
Senarathna CSS, Godaliyadda DP, Disanayake KTD, , Abeysinghe AMKB and Weerawarnakula S ,".Analysis of Geological Structures for Road Cut Failures: A Case Study Along Balangoda – Haputale Main Road.",ERE Conference 2016,Colombo,2016,
Wickramasinghe KO, Wijerathna AVVP, Godawithana CAP, Weerawarnakula S, and Abeysinghe AMKB,".Geochemical Aspects of Serpentine Bodies off Embilipitiya, Sri Lanks and their Effect on Human Health .",ERE Conference 2016,Colombo,2016,
Lakmali EN, Deshapriya WGA, Jayawardene KGIA, Raviranga RMP, Ratnayake NP, and Senanayake IP ,".Long Term Coastal Erosion and Shoreline Positions of Sri Lanks.",ERE Conference 2016,Colombo,2016,
Niluka Munasinghe, U.I. Manatunga, N. Lakmal Deshapriya, S.L. Madawalagama and Lal Samarakoon ,".DEVELOPING METHODOLOGY TO MAP TREE CANOPY IN URBAN AREAS FROM LOW COST COMMERCIAL UAVS.",37th Asian Remote Sensing Conference,Colombo,2016,
Aruna Weerasinghe, Preeni Fernando, Piyal Gunarathna ,".USE OF HIGH ACCURACY GPS FOR SOIL GEOCHEMICAL MAPPING IN PADDY FIELDS; A CASE STUDY IN KALUTARA, SRI LANKA.",37th Asian Remote Sensing Conference,Colombo,2016,
Rashi Chandranath,".Development of Warning System for Mitigation of Urban Flood Hazard.",37th Asian Remote Sensing Conference,Colombo,2016,
Dissanayake SW, Pathirana GPNA, Sandaruwan MKS, Abeysinghe AMKB, and Weerawarnakula S,".Ground Penetration Radar Obseravtions at Kahagolla Landslide and Evaluation of Potential Failure Mechanism.",ISERME 2017 ,Wadduwa Sri Lanka ,2016,225-230
T. Dahanayake, S. Tennakoon ,".Development of Suitability Index for Locating Rock Quarrying Sites in Sri Lank.",21st International Forestry and Environment Symposium,Dambulla Sri LAnka ,2016,121
HPKSA Kumara, PS De Silva, MNP Dushshantha , WDS Madhusanka and S Weerawarnakula and AMKB Abeysinghe,".Geochemical Aspects of Serpentinite Bodies at Ginigalpelessa Off Ambilipitiya.",9thAnnual ERE Research Conference ,Colombo,2015,
UHBIU Angammana,ULDDM Gunasingha, RA Gunawardana, KGC Srilal, KVDNP Ranaweera, AMKBAbeysinghe,S Weerawarnakula,".Characterization of Beach Sand Deposits with Heavy Minerals Using Geo-Physical Techniques.",9thAnnual ERE Research Conference ,Colombo,2015,
CT Mampitiyaarachchi, RMIGNK Ranathunga, MZMRifad, UMC Thathkalana, AMKB Abeysinghe, HML Indrathilaka, ,".An Alternative Mitigation Method for Gerandi-Ella Reactivated Landslide.",9thAnnual ERE Research Conference ,Colombo,2015,
RGC Jaliya, AHTTB Thotahewa, CR Palihakkara, PRR Siriwardena, SP Chaminda, PGR Dharmaratne and IP Senanayake,".Delineation of Potential Sites for Gemstone Mining in Kuru Ganga Catchment, Ratnapura: A GIS Approach.",9thAnnual ERE Research Conference ,Colombo,2015,
RMAzoor, MTMRIC De J Seneviratne,R Saranya , P Thenugaadevy, GSM Gamage and NP Ratnayake,"., Performance Forecasting for the Beach Nourishment Project at Palliyawatta-Uswetakeiyawa Sri Lanka.",9thAnnual ERE Research Conference ,Colombo,2015,
,".Preparedness and countermeasures and risk of Earthquake Disaster in Sri Lanka.",Disasater ris seductiona nd Reconstruction ,Colombo,2015,
DPA Amarasinghe,".Anaanalysis of Lanslide along mountaneouse roads in Sri Lankaisk of Earthquake Disaster in Sri Lanka.",NAtional Conference on Geospatial Sciences and Disaster MAnagement,Colombo,2015,
IP senanayake; DMSM Dasanayake,".Devegetation caused by Rock quarrying over the last decade in Kalutara Sei Lanka ntaneouse roads in Sri Lankaisk of Earthquake Disaster in Sri Lanka.",NAtional Conference on Geospatial Sciences and Disaster MAnagement,Colombo,2015,
L.K.I. Madushani, K.V.V.S. Kudaligama, P.E. Kaliyadasa1, K.M.E.P. Fernando,".Effect of Some Leaf Characteristics on Determination of Leaf Chlorophyll Content of Hevea brasiliensis with SPAD-502 Chlorophyll Meter.",20th International Forestry and Environment Symposium ,Waiykkala Sri LAnka ,2015,43
IMSK Ilankoon, N Dushyantha, N Mancheri, PM Edirisinghe, SJ Neethling, N Ratnayake, S Rohitha, K Dissanayke, R Premasiri, B Abesinghe, PGR Darmaratne, N Batapola ,".Constraints to rare earth elements supply diversification: Evidence from an industry survey, Journal of Cleaner.", diversification: Evidence from an industry survey, Journal of Cleaner Production ,331,2022
GKM Rajapaksha, JK Clegg, KSA Arachchige, AVRS Coswaththa, GDNH Gunarathna, KMEP Fernando, HMR Premasiri, NMS Sirimuthu, CNK Patabendige, NMS Sirimuthu,".Detailed Chemical Analysis of Unusually Weathered Rocks.",Indian Journal of Science and Technology ,15-24,2022
B Arulmoly, C Konthesingha, A Nanayakkara, R Premasiri ,".Metamorphic Rocks for Manufactured Sand and Coarse Aggregate for Concrete and Mortar.",Magazine of Civil Engineering,113-5,2022
N Dushyantha, S Weerawarnakula, R Premasiri, B Abeysinghe,".Potential ecological risk assessment of heavy metals (Cr, Ni, and Co) in serpentine soil at Ginigalpelessa in Sri Lanka.",Arabian Journal of Geosciences ,14 (13),2021
NP Dushyantha, NP Ratnayake, HMR Premasiri, IMSK Ilankoon, PVA Hemalal, CL Jayawardena, Rohana Chandrajith, LPS Rohitha, AMKB Abeysinghe, DMDOK Dissanayake, PGR Dharmaratne, AS Ratnayake, NM Batapola ,".Leaching of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) from lake sediments around Eppawala phosphate deposit, Sri Lanka: A secondary source for REEs.",Hydrometallurgy,205,2021
Dushyantha, N., Batapola, N., Ilankoon, I. M. S. K., Rohitha, S., Premasiri, R., Abeysinghe, B. Ratnayake, N. Dissanayake, K,".The story of rare earth elements (REEs): Occurrences, global distribution, genesis, geology, mineralogy and global production.",Ore Geology Reviews,122:103521,2020
Lakshika Palamakumbure1, Amila Sandaruwan Ratnayake, H. M. Ranjith Premasiri, Nalin Prasanna Ratnayake,Jinadasa Katupotha, Nimila Dushyantha, Shanaka Weththasinghe1and W. A. Panchala Weerakoon ,".Sea-level inundation and risk assessment along the south and southwest coasts of Sri Lanka.",Geo-environmental Disasters,7-17,2020
Batapola, N.M. Dushyantha, N.P. Premasiri, H.M.R. Abeysinghe, A.M.K.B. Rohitha, L.P.S. Ratnayake, N.P. Dissanayake, D.M.D.O.K. Ilankoon, I.M.S.K. Dharmaratne, P.G.R,".A comparison of global rare earth element (REE) resources and their mineralogy with REE prospects in Sri Lanka.", Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,200,2020
A Branavan, KMC Konthesingha, SMA Nanayakkara, HMR Premasiri,".Optimizing Blending of Manufactured Sand with Offshore Sand Based on Physical and Virtue Characteristics.",Journal of Materials Science Research and Reviews,6-3,2020
Nimila Dushyantha, Nalin Prasanna Ratnayake · Amila Sandaruwan Ratnayake, · Rukshan M. Azoor. Shanaka Maduranga Weththasinghe, Indunil De J. Seneviratne, Nilupul Senarathne ,Ranjith Premasiri ,".Erosion processes driven by monsoon events after a beach nourishment and breakwater construction at Uswetakeiyawa beach, Sri Lanka.",, SN Applied Sciences,1,2019
HM Ranjith Premasiri,".Modelling of rock slope failures due to geological discontinuities to minimize risk from road cut failures.",, Journal of Geological Society of Sri Lanka ,19-2,2018
Kananathan Amalan, Amila Sandaruwan Ratnayake, Nalin Prasanna Ratnayake, Shanaka Maduranga Weththasinghe, Nimila Dushyantha, Nalika Lakmali, Ranjith Premasiri ,".Influence of nearshore sediment dynamics on the distribution of heavy mineral placer deposits in Sri Lanka.",Environmental Earth Sciences ,77-21,2018
Nalin Prasanna Ratnayake1 · Amila Sandaruwan Ratnayake1,2 · P. V. Keegle1 · M. A. K. M. Mallawa Arachchi1 ·H. M. R. Premasiri1 ,".An analysis of beach profile changes subsequent to the Colombo Harbor Expansion Project, Sri Lanka.",Environmental Earth Sciences ,77-24,2018
I.P Senanayake E.N Lakmali, W.G.A Deshapriya, K.G.A. Ishara Jayawardene, R.M.P Raviranga, N.P Ratnayake ,".Long term coastal erosion and shoreline positions of Sri Lanka.",Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences,3,2017
KMEP Fernando, KVVS Kudaligama,". Geo-informatics Techniques for Assessing Physiological Status and Productivity of RRIC 121 Genotype of Hevea brasiliensis (Rubber) under Different Harvesting Systems.",Journal of Tropical Forestry and Environment,6,2017
Prof KMEP Fernando Dr S Kudaligama,".Geo-informatics Techniques for Assessing Physiological Status and Productivity of RRIC 121 Genotype of Hevea brasiliensis (Rubber) under Different Harvesting System.",Tropical Forestry and EnvironmentSociety of Sri Lanka,6,2016
Peter Styles Victor Shrira,".OSL Dating and GPR Mapping of Palaeotsunami Inundation: A 4000-Year History of Indian.",Pure Appl. Geophysics ,176,2015
G Nanayakkara: RA Atalage,".Assessment of Geothermal Gradient in Bogala area Sri Lanka .",International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR),4,2015
Sumanajith Kumara, Tilak Hewawasam,".Morphological features and depositional patterns of gem-bearing sediments in the Kalu ganga basin, Sri Lanka.",Geological Society of Sri Lanka,17,2015
Fernando KMEP ,".Evaluation of productivity of potatoes in Nuwara Eliya and Badulla districts with the aid of GIS techniques.",Vidyodaya Journal of Science,,13,2010