- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Senior Lecturer Grade II
Contact information
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Structural Mechanics II -Undergraduate -2019
Structural Analysis I -Undergraduate -2019
Design of Concrete Structures II -Undergraduate -2018
Building Engineering -Undergraduate -2019
Research Project -Undergraduate -2018
Comprehensive Design Project -Undergraduate -2018
Design of Water Retaining Structures -Postgraduate -2020
Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures -Postgraduate -2022
Masonry Design -Postgraduate -2021
Computer Analysis of Structures -Postgraduate -2022
Design with Fibre Composites -Postgraduate -2022
Tall Buildings and Services -Postgraduate -2022
Member -Accreditation Committee in the Department of Civil Engineering (2020 To 2024)
Track Co-Chair of the Structural Engineering & Building Materials Track of Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference 2020 (MERCon 2020) -Assigning reviewers for the papers, reviewing papers, helping the organizing committee to take decision on papers, appointing session chairs, etc. (2020 To date)
Assistant Coordinator -Field Familiarization Program 2020 held by the Department of Civil Engineering (2020 To date)
Member, Organizing Committee -International Conference on Civil Engineering and Applications 2019 (ICCEA 2019), which will be held at Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa in 25th-26th July 2019 (2019 To 2019)
Member, Curriculum Development Committee -development of curriculum for the four-year full time Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Civil Engineering) degree program offered by SAITM as per the guidelines of Sri Lanka Quality Framework (SLQF) Level 6 and Engineering Program Accreditation Manual, Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL) (2016 To 2017)
Member in the organizing committee and the coordinator -Special Session on “Ancient Built Environment in Sri Lanka” of the International Research Symposium on Engineering Advancements (IRSEA) 2016, held by Faculty of Engineering, SAITM, Malabe, Sri Lanka (June 2016) (2016 To 2016)
Member in the organizing committee and the coordinator -“Math Relay” competition of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Management (STEM) 2015 event, held by Faculty of Engineering, SAITM, Malabe, Sri Lanka (October 2015) (2015 To 2015)
Member in the organizing committee -Robotic’s Chalange 2015 event, held by Faculty of Engineering, SAITM, Malabe, Sri Lanka (May 2015) (2015 To 2015)
Member in the organizing committee -Research Symposium on Engineering Advancements (RSEA) 2015, held by Faculty of Engineering, SAITM, Malabe, Sri Lanka (April 2015) (2015 To 2015)
Track Co-Chair of the Structural Engineering & Building Materials Track of Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference 2021 (MERCon 2021) - Assigning reviewers for the papers, reviewing papers, helping the organizing committee to take decision on papers, appointing session chairs, etc. (2021 To date)
Track Co-Chair of the Structural Engineering & Building Materials Track of Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference 2022 (MERCon 2022) - Assigning reviewers for the papers, reviewing papers, helping the organizing committee to take decision on papers, appointing session chairs, etc. (2022 To date)
Track Co-Chair of the Structural Engineering & Building Materials Track of Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference 2023 (MERCon 2023) - Assigning reviewers for the papers, reviewing papers, helping the organizing committee to take decision on papers, appointing session chairs, etc. (2023 To date)
Track Co-Chair of the Structural Engineering & Building Materials Track of Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference 2024 (MERCon 2024) -Assigning reviewers for the papers, reviewing papers, helping the organizing committee to take decision on papers, appointing session chairs, etc. (2024 To date)
Research Activities
Finite element modelling and analysis
Structural dynamics and health monitoring
Structures under blast and impact loading
Facade engineering and protective glazing
Truss type steel bridges
Design of water retaining structures
Sustainable Building Materials
Engineering aspects of the ancient built-environment
Degree: MSc. by Research – Full Time (funded by a SRC grant), Topic: Investigate an Economical Truss Type Pedestrian Bridge for Sri Lanka, Date of commence: 15th February 2019, Date of Ending: December 2020
Degree: MSc. by Research – Full Time (funded by a SRC grant), Topic: Investigate vibration effects on buildings due to train movements, Date of commence: 24th July 2020, Date of Ending: 24th July 2021,
Finite element modelling and analysis
Structural dynamics and health monitoring
Structures under blast and impact loading
Facade engineering and protective glazing
Truss type steel bridges
Design of water retaining structures
Sustainable Building Materials
Engineering aspects of the ancient built-environment
Education and Professional Affiliations
PhD, Queensland University of Technology (QUT) ,2015 , Thesis Title - Response of Laminated Glass Panels to Near Field Blast Events
Bachelors, University of Moratuwa ,2010
Institution of Engineers(2010 To date)
October 2018 - Present Senior Lecture, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Katubedda, Sri Lanka Key Accomplishments: · Teach subjects such as Design of water retaining structures, Structural Mechanics II, Structural Analysis I, Building Engineering, etc. · Supervise undergraduate and postgraduate research students
· Conduct structural engineering consultancy work
January 2018 – September 2018 Senior Lecture, Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, Sri Lanka Technological Campus (SLTC), Padukka, Sri Lanka Key Accomplishments: · Performed as the program coordinator of the BSc Civil Engineering Degree Program · Taught subjects related to Structural engineering such as Mechanics of Materials I & II, Strength of Materials, Structural Analysis I & II, Engineering Mathematics and research projects · Evaluated the performance of students based on the exams, course works and assignments
January 2015- December 2017 Senior Lecture, Department of Civil & Infrastructure Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine (SAITM), Malabe, Sri Lanka Key Accomplishments: · Taught subjects related to Structural engineering such as Mechanics of Materials I & II, Strength of Materials, Structural Analysis I & II, Engineering Mathematics and research projects · Evaluated the performance of students based on the exams, course works and assignments · Involved in the development of curriculum for the 4 year full time B.Sc. Engineering (Civil Engineering) degree program offered by SAITM · Performed as a member in the organizing committee of the annual International Research Symposium on Engineering Advancements (IRSEA) organized by the Faculty of Engineering, SAITM
July 2011- December 2014 Postgraduate Research Scholar, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia
Key Accomplishments: · Researched on areas such as blast and impact loads, strain rate effect, building facades and finite element (FE) analysis · Obtained a competent knowledge on LS-DYNA FE code · Obtained a competent knowledge on bibliographic databases, database management software and other searching facilities · Improved academic writing and other English language skills |
July 2012- December 2014 Sessional Staff Member, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia
Key Accomplishments: · Taught subjects related to civil engineering such as Finite element analysis, Concrete design, structural dynamics, Geotechnical engineering, Hydraulic engineering and Water & Waste water engineering · Improved teaching and communication skills · Evaluated the performance of students based on course works and assignments |
March 2011- June 2011 Research Assistant (Structural Engineering), University of Moratuwa, Katubedda, Sri Lanka
Key Accomplishments: · Researched on areas such as truss type steel bridges and FE modelling · Obtained a competent knowledge on SAP2000 FE code · Tested physical models of truss type steel bridges
October 2010- February
2011 Research Assistant (Hydraulic Engineering), University of Moratuwa, Katubedda, Sri Lanka Key Accomplishments: · Researched on areas such as river flow characteristics, sand mining and sediment transportation · Obtained a competent knowledge on HECRAS computer code |
October 2008- March 2009 Trainee Engineer (Water Supply Project at Polonnaruwa), International Construction Consortium (ICC)
Key Accomplishments: · Involved in construction of water towers, pipe laying and valve fixing · Prepared bar schedules and pipe laying reports · Obtained an experience in working with different levels of people such as project managers, site engineers, consultants, sub-contractors and labours |
Coordinator of the MSc in Structural Engineering taught course conducted by the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa (July 2021 – February 2024)
Structural assessment of the two Buildings at St� Lucia Vidyalaya, Kotahena and Submission of a Structural Condition Survey Report (November 2020 to date)
Study on feasibility of expanding present building at fisheries ministry, Maligawatta with three additional floors (July 2020 � March 2021)
Investigation of Structural Soundness of Eight Storied Criminal Investigation Department (CID) Building at Colombo (February � September 2020)
Structural assessment and investigate the possibility constructing an auditorium at the roof top of the Five storey main building of the Sri Lanka Social Security Board, Rajagiriya (July �September 2019)
Structural assessment of the water tank, aggregate panels and the damaged pre-stressed beams at the roof level of the old building at the labour department, Narahenpita (August 2019 to date)
Member of the Technical Evaluation Committee of the Construction of the �Proposed Renovation of Entrance Glass Fa�ade at Department of Census and Statistics�. (July 2019 to date)
Member of the Technical Evaluation Committee of the project of �Amendments to National Building Research Organization (NBRO) Head Office Building: Design, Supply and Installation of Glass Curtain Walls� (July 2019 to date)
Structural assessment of the Eight storey building at Gampaha Base Hospital, Gampaha (July �September 2019)
Structural assessment of �R. Premadasa� Cricket Stadium, Colombo Sri Lanka (June 2019)
10. Structural assessment of overhead tank and water collecting sump at Brandix factory, Ratmalana (June 2019)
11. Investigating the severity of vibrations occurred in the Hayleys Fabric PLC, Nartupana Estate, Neboda (November 2018)
Conducted the session on “Cladding Design and Response of Structures under Blast and Impact Loading” in the workshop “SUPER-TALL BUILDINGS: ENGINEERING ASPECTS OF COLOMBO’S CHANGING SKYLINE” at Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) Wimalasurendra Auditorium in 20th June 2019
Conducted the lecturers of the session on “Design of Water Retaining Structures with Euro Codes” in the Training programme on “Euro Codes for Design, Construction and Quality Assurance of Buildings and Highway Structures” which was conducted at Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa in March-May 2019
Honours and Awards
QUT Postgraduate Award (QUTPRA) scholarship (Received 2011)
Civil Engineering & Build Environment (CEBE) Top Up scholarship (Received 2011)
Vipushnan, R., Jayasinghe, M. T. R., Platt, S. L., Hidallana-Gamage, H. D.,".Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Borax-Treated Bambusa vulgaris (Sri Lankan Bamboo).",Springer,2022
Hidallana-Gamage, H. D,".Response of laminated glass panels to near field blast loads.",Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia,2015
TWMC Wanigasooriya, HD Hidallana-Gamage, K Baskaran,".Development of a Finite Element Model of Glass Balustrade Under Soft Body Impact Test.",2024 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2024,682-687
S Sankeeth, BS Kumara, HGH Damruwan, HMST Herath, CS Lewangamage, KR Koswattage,".Comparative Study on the Mechanical Properties of Concrete by Substituting Cement with Sugarcane Bagasse Ash.",2023 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2023,155-160
P. Thadsanamoorthy; H. D.Hidallana Gamage; C. S. Lewangamage,".A Field-Validated Numerical Prediction Model for Railway-Induced Ground-Borne Vibrations.",2023 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2023,608-613
Jayaweera, G. C. S., Hidallana-Gamage H. D., & Baleshan, B.,".Case Studies on Blast Behaviour of Glass Façades: Sri Lanka Easter Bombings.",2022 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.,University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka,2022,
Madhushani, W. L. A. C., Hidallana-Gamage H. D. & Baskaran, K.,".Investigation of the Feasibility of Prestressed Concrete (PC) over Conventional Reinforced Concrete (RC) in Water Retaining Structures.",2022 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.,University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka,2022,
Thadsanamoorthy, P., Hidallana-Gamage, H. D., & Lewangamage, C.S.,".Numerical Analysis of Ground Brone Vibration Due to the Passage of High Speed Trains.",12th International Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction Management 2021 (ICSECM 2021),Kandy, Sri Lanka.,2021,
Ganaatheban Mohanakkumaran, H.D. Hidallana-Gamage, Rasika Indrajith,".Investigate the Applicability of Different Structural Configurations for Bridge/ Via duct Pier in Local Expressway.", 2021 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2021,286-291
M.L.L.N. Liyanage, H.D. Hidallana-Gamage,".Improve the Lateral Stability of Variable Height Steel Truss Type Pedestrian Bridges in Sri Lanka.", 2021 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka,2021,380-385
G. C. S. Jayaweera, H. D. Hidallana-Gamage, W. P. R. Indrajith,".Development of Design Guidance for Circular Reinforced Concrete Columns Incorporating Crack Width.", 2021 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka,2021,148-153
Fowza, M. J. F., & Hidallana-Gamage, H. D. ,".Study on Use of Glass in Sri Lankan Construction Industry.",Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2020,107-112
Bogahawaththa, P. B. M. R., Madhuranga, K. P., Baskaran K., & Hidallana-Gamage, H. D.,".Study on Concrete Filled Steel Circular and Square Tubes.",Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2020,42-47
Mohamed-Zenith, M. M. & Hidallana-Gamage, H. D.,".Structural Defects in Domestic Buildings & Propose Guidelines for a Safe and Economical Design.",Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2020,343-347
Thadsanamoorthy, P. & Hidallana-Gamage, H. D.,".Intensity of Ground Vibration During the Passage of Trains: A Case Study.",Society of Structural Engineers (SSE),Colombo, Sri Lanka,2020,
Bogahawaththa, P. B. M. R., Hidallana-Gamage, H. D. & Baskaran, K.,".Investigate an Economical Truss Type Steel Pedestrian Bridges for Sri Lanka.",International Conference on Civil Engineering and Applications 2019 (ICCEA 2019),Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2019,
Sumanasinghe, Y., Jayasinghe M. T. R. & Damruwan, H. G. H.,".Euro Code Loads and the Implications for the Structural Design of Box Culverts in Sri Lanka.",International Conference on Civil Engineering and Applications 2019 (ICCEA 2019),Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2019,
Eric, T. B., Gunawardana, S. G. W., Hasalanga, H. H. H., Jayasinghe M. T. R. & Damruwan, H. G. H. ,".Rapidly Constructed Two Storey Thermally Comfortable Houses for Tropical Climates with Light Weight Loadbearing Concrete Panels.",International Conference on Civil Engineering and Applications 2019 (ICCEA 2019),Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2019,
Atapattu S. I. S., Amaraweera A., Siyambalapitiya S. D. L. H., Weeraratne H. U. A., Nabrees T. L., & Hidallana-Gamage H. D,".Analysis of the Meeliyadda Bridge Failure in Kurunegala.",6th International Research Symposium on Engineering Advancements (IRSEA),SAITM, Malabe, Sri Lanka,2016,21-26
Colombage R. N., Hettigoda A. H., Thilakarathna P. H. L. U., Waidyawardhana V. K. C., & Hidallana-Gamage H. D,".Study on Ancient mansions (Walawwas) in Sri Lanka.",6th International Research Symposium on Engineering Advancements (IRSEA),SAITM, Malabe, Sri Lanka,2016,27-32
Wanigadewa G. H. V. M. T., Perumpulliarachchi P. P., Gallege D. S., Hemakumara S. P., Krishanth T., & Hidallana-Gamage H. D.,".Modelling and Analysis of the Ancient Chapter House Lovamahapaya.",6th International Research Symposium on Engineering Advancements (IRSEA),SAITM, Malabe, Sri Lanka,2016,33-39
Hidallana-Gamage, H. D., Thambiratnam, D. P., & Perera, N. J. ,".Response of a building envelope system to near field blast events.",5th international conference on structural engineering, mechanics and computation,Cape Town, South Africa,2013,
Baskaran, K., Karunarathna, W. W. N., & Hidallana-Gamage, H. D. ,".Finite Element Analysis of Truss Type Steel Bridges.",105th IESL Annual Session,Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka, Colombo, Sri Lanka,2011,
Baskaran, K., Karunarathna, W. W. N., Hidallana-Gamage, H. D., Lolitha, H.W.S., & Chathurika, D.J.,".Analysis of Truss Type Steel Bridges.",Annual Symposium 2010 ,General Sir John Kotelawala Defense University, Sri Lanka. ,2010,
Baskaran, K., Karunarathna, W. W. N., Hidallana-Gamage, H. D., Lolitha, H.W.S., & Chathurika, D.J.,".Analysis of Truss Type Steel Bridges in Sri Lanka.",IESL Young Members Forum 2010,Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka, Colombo, Sri Lanka,2010,
KAP Wijesinghe, Chamila Gunasekara, David W Law, HD Hidallana-Gamage, Nandula Wanasekara, Lijing Wang,".Thermal and acoustic performance in textile fibre-reinforced concrete: An analytical review.",Construction and Building Materials,412,2024
Nisala Prabhath, Buddhika Sampath Kumara, Vimukkthi Vithanage, Amalka Indupama Samarathunga, Natasha Sewwandi, Hidallana-Gamage H. Damruwan, Sujeewa Lewangamage, and Kaveenga Rasika Koswattage,".Investigation of Pozzolanic Properties of Sugarcane Bagasse Ash for Commercial Applications.",ACS Omega 2023,8/13,2023
Thisari Munmulla, Satheeskumar Navaratnam, HD Hidallana-Gamage, Quddus Tushar, Thusiyanthan Ponnampalam, Guomin Zhang, MTR Jayasinghe,".Sustainable approaches to improve the resilience of modular buildings under wind loads.",Journal of Constructional Steel Research,211,2023
T. Munmulla, H. D. Hidallana-Gamage, S. Navaratnam, T. Ponnampalam, G. Zhang, M. T. R. Jayasinghe,".Suitability of modular technology for house construction in Sri Lanka: a survey and a case study.",Buildings,13 (10),2023
Munmulla, T.; Navaratnam, S.; Thamboo, J.; Ponnampalam, T.; Damruwan, H.-G.H.; Tsavdaridis, K.D.; Zhang, G.,".Analyses of Structural Robustness of Prefabricated Modular Buildings: A Case Study on Mid-Rise Building Configurations.",Buildings,12/8,2022
Hidallana-Gamage, H. D., Thambiratnam, D. P., & Perera, N. J.,".Blast response of flexible façade systems and the influence of the negative phase.",Construction and Building Materials,154,2017
Hidallana-Gamage, H. D., Thambiratnam, D. P., & Perera, N. J.,".Influence of interlayer properties on the blast performance of laminated glass.",Construction and Building Materials,98,2016
Hidallana-Gamage, H. D., Thambiratnam, D. P., & Perera, N. J.,".Numerical modelling and analysis of the blast performance of laminated glass panels and the influence of material parameters.",Engineering Failure Analysis,45,2014
Hidallana-Gamage, H. D., Thambiratnam, D. P., & Perera, N. J.,".Influence of structural sealant joints on the blast performance of laminated glass panels.",Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (ASCE),,2014
Hidallana-Gamage, H. D., Thambiratnam, D. P., & Perera, N. J.,".Design guidance for blast resistant glazing.",Journal of Architectural Engineering (ASCE),,2014
Hidallana-Gamage, H. D., Thambiratnam, D. P., & Perera, N. J.,".A comparison of two dimensional and three dimensional modelling approaches.",The International Journal of Engineering and Science,2(8),2013
Hidallana-Gamage, H. D., Thambiratnam, D. P., & Perera, N. J.,".Failure analysis of laminated glass panels subjected to blast loads.",Engineering Failure Analysis,36,2013