- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Earth Resources Engineering
- Senior Lecturer Grade I
Contact information
Department of Earth Resources Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Mine Surveying Field Camp -Undergraduate -2016
Design Project -Undergraduate -2016
Research Project -Undergraduate -2016
Mine Ventilation -Undergraduate -2016
Marine Exploration Geophysics and Offshore Mining -Undergraduate -2016
Design Project -Undergraduate -2016
Mine Surveying -Undergraduate -2016
Mine Surveying -Undergraduate -2017
Mine Surveying Field Camp -Undergraduate -2017
Engineering Design Project -Undergraduate -2017
Scientific Writing & Presentation Skills -Undergraduate -2017
Oceanography Field Visit -Undergraduate -2017
Research Project -Undergraduate -2017
Offshore Mining & Project Design -Undergraduate -2017
Tunnel Engineering and Design -Undergraduate -2017
Engineering Design Project [L2] -Undergraduate -2017
Marine Surveying -Undergraduate -2017
Mine Surveying -Undergraduate -2017
Mine Surveying Field Camp -Undergraduate -2017
Engineering Design Project -Undergraduate -2017
Scientific Writing & Presentation Skills -Undergraduate -2017
Oceanography Field Visit -Undergraduate -2017
Research Project -Undergraduate -2017
Marine Surveying -Undergraduate -2017
Introduction to Engineering Design and Workshop Technology -Undergraduate -2017
Team Lead | Coordinator -Compilation of the IESL Accreditation Document for the Department (2015 To 2016)
Departmental Industrial Training Coordinator -Departmental Industrial Training Coordinator (2015 To date)
Departmental Final Year Research Coordinator - Student grouping for research projects, assigning of them to the academic staff members who become main supervisors, Induction of students on the evaluation criterion and other all relevant important matters including safe laboratory procedures, project proposal evaluation coordination, conduct of viva with the help of all staff, final presentation evaluation coordination, utilization of the Research Seminar Time on Thursdays by inviting our students coming from overseas those who are reading for PhD to deliver research talks to our students with the help of ERE Student Society, helping with students to enhance their presentation skills. (2016 To date)
Representing Head of the Department -Participation to the Meeting of Vice Chancellor of UoM with all Heads and Senior Administrative Staff on 08.08.2017, representing Head-ERE, as per the request made by him. Summarizing of all important points of the meeting and sending of a quick summary update to the Head-ERE, immediately after the meeting. (2017 To date)
Representing Head of the Department -Participation to the Leave & Awards Committee Meeting of UoM [Meeting No.: 384], held on 28th June 2018, representing Head-ERE, as per the request made by him, and summarizing of the relevant minutes to him. NOTE: The commenced year can not be selected as 2018 as it is NOT available in the system, hence I have selected the nearest possible year in the system, which is 2017. (2017 To date)
Co-Editor for ERE International Symposium[ISERME 2018] -Working together with other Co-Editor: Dr AMKB. Abeysinghe and the team, in organizing all the relevant activities to compile the Symposium Proceedings, editing of the papers, and also getting organized the presentations for the Symposium. (2017 To date)
Designer - ERE Podium -Designing of a modern Podium with all the necessary facilities for the department , as requested by the Head - ERE. (2017 To 2018)
Coordinator - Guest Lecture - Coordination of two Guest Lectures by two of our former academics who lives in Australia, and delivered their lectures at the Dept. of ERE during their short breaks in Sri Lanka: On 15th May 2018 by Dr HS. Welideniya AND On 06th July 2018 by Eng. Indisha Senanayake. (2017 To 2018)
Representing Head of the Department -Participation to the Meeting of Heads of Departments of UoM [Meeting No.: 01/2019], held on 07th January 2019, representing Head-ERE, as per the request made by him, summarizing and sending of all the relevant minutes to him by an Email immediately after the meeting, while he was on an official visit to China. (2019 To date)
Academic Coordinator - ERE Semester SIX -Effective communication with the Director -UGS, Head-ERE, ERE Academic Staff relevant to Sem.6 modules, and the Student Batch Rep., coordination of student registration for the semester, finalizing of examiner-moderator list for the semester and online submission of the same, coordination of the field camps/ field work, circulation of updates on setting and marking of examination papers of Sem.6, collection of mark sheets from the examiners, conduct of departmental examination board meeting, and submission of marks to the Examination & Registration Division of UoM on time. (2019 To date)
Actg. Head - Dept. of Earth Resources Engineering - Administrative responsibilities of the Department of ERE, and effective contribution to the overall development of the department. (2019 To date)
Head of Department - (2019 To 2022)
Research Activities
1. Dredge Mine Reconciliation
2. Microwave preheating techniques for economic recovery of minerals from rocks
3. Ground vibration analysis due to piling and mining activities
4. Ground subsidence due to tunneling
5. Durability of rocks under tropical conditions
6. Groundwater exploration
Education and Professional Affiliations
PhD, The University of Queensland ,2010 Dredge Mine Reconciliation in Heavy Minerals Sand Mining
MPhil, University of Moratuwa ,2006 Artificial Weathering of Gneisssic Rocks
Masters, University of Moratuwa ,2002 M.Eng in Geotechnical Engineering, Dept. of Civil Eng., UoM
Bachelors, University of Moratuwa ,1998 B.Sc[Eng.][Hons.] in Mining & Mineral Engineering, Dept. of Mining & Mineral Eng., UoM
The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka [IESL](2000 To date)
Sri Lankan Geotechnical Society [SLGS](2002 To date)
Honours and Awards
Construction of Kotagala Road Tunnel Project for which I was the Project Manager won the National Construction Awards 2017. I compiled all the documentation needed for the awards application, with the kind permission of the University. (Received 2017)
Bandara RMCND., Rajapaksha RMCP., Kavirathne BB., Chaminda SP., Hemalal PVA., Dharmaratne PGR.,".Software assisted bench blast optimization.",International Symposium on Earth Resources Management & Environment[ISERME 2017],The Blue Water, Wadduwa, Sri Lanka.,2017,177 - 181
Jayakodi JDSU., Weliwita BY., Nishanthan S., Abeysinghe AMKB., Rohitha LPS., Vijitha AVP.,".Applicability of pre-heating techniques for recovery of garnet from garnet biotite gneiss.",International Symposium on Earth Resources Management & Environment[ISERME 2017],The Blue Water, Wadduwa, Sri Lanka.,2017,85-92
Ebell DA., Rajamohan V., Jasinthan P., Dassanayake ABN., Wickrama MADMG.,".Optimization of the distance between twin tunnels by stress analysis.",International Symposium on Earth Resources Management & Environment[ISERME 2017],The Blue Water, Wadduwa, Sri Lanka.,2017,129 - 136
Lasan LHI., Weerasekara MN., Prashanth S., Abeysinghe AMKB., Premasiri HMR.,".Applicability of ground penetrating radar[GPR] techniques to optimize soil nail wall designs.",International Symposium on Earth Resources Management & Environment[ISERME 2017],The Blue Water, Wadduwa, Sri Lanka.,2017,121 - 126
Chandrasena RTPIU., Madushanka GHSP., Amalan K., Chaminda SP., Jayawardena CL.,".Fluctuations in groundwater level and corresponding earth resistivity changes.",International Symposium on Earth Resources Management & Environment[ISERME 2017],The Blue Water, Wadduwa, Sri Lanka.,2017,67 - 72
Kariyawasam, K.M.G.S., Dauglas, D.L.P.M., Amali, N.P.G., Chaminda, S.P., Hemalal, P.V.A., and Jayawardane, C.L.,,".Slope stability analysis and design of open pit mine slopes for limestone mine at Aruwakkalu, Puttalam, Sri Lanka.",ERE 2016 Conference on Earth Resources Management, Colombo, Sri Lanka,,2016,41-46
? Hettiarachchi, D.A.I., Fernando, H.R.W., Nanthahoban, E., Sameer, S.T.M., Abeysinghe, A.M.K.B., Premasiri, H.M.R.,".Soil nail wall design optimization by geotechnical applications and geophysical techniques.",ERE 2016 Conference on Earth Resources Management, Colombo, Sri Lanka,,2016,87-92
Wijayaratne, G.W.L.W., Thavaneeshan, S., Sameera, B.H.A.T., Sandamali, I.G.V., Chaminda, S.P., Jayawardena, C.L., Premasiri, H.M.R. ,".Effect of Physical and Mineralogical Properties of Aggregates on Quality of Asphalt Concrete.",ERE 2016 Conference on Earth Resources Management, Colombo, Sri Lanka,,2016,93-99
Wijesinghe, L.V., Ineshka, W.S.S., Sutharsini, S., Jayawardena, C.L.,".Integration of Direct and Indirect Techniques to Optimize Subsurface Exploration.",ERE 2016 Conference on Earth Resources Management, Colombo, Sri Lanka,,2016,101-107
Eng. W.A.A.W. Bandara,".Sri Lankans Built First Road Tunnel, Under-passing a Live Railway Track.",110th Annual Sessions of the IESL | Civil Eng. - Geo Technical Engineering,,2016,43-50
Kizil, M., Knights, P.,".A Cost Effective Method to Enhance Dredge Mine Reconciliation in Heavy Minerals Mining Industry .",Marine Geo-resources and Geotechnology,27,2010