- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Earth Resources Engineering
- Professor
Contact information
Department of Earth Resources Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Principles of RS and GIS -Undergraduate -2015
Digital Image Processing and Photogrammetry -Undergraduate -2015
Space Technology and Navigation Systems -Undergraduate -2015
Extraction Metallurgy -Undergraduate -2015
Mine Safety and Legislations -Undergraduate -2015
M.Sc Research Dissertation -Postgraduate -2015
Member of the Students Liaison Committee -Student academic matters (2013 To 2016)
Head of Department - Academic and Administration work (2001 To 2004)
Research Activities
Education and Professional Affiliations
Bachelors, University of Moratuwa ,1991 Mining and Minerals Engineering
Masters, University of Colombo ,2017 Master of Business Administration
Other, Open University ,1992 Diploma in Management
Masters, University of Colombo ,1992 PG Diploma in Computer Technology
PhD, Seoul National University ,2000 Electrochemical Engineering
Masters, Open University ,2016 Environmental Sciences
Bachelors, Buckingham share New University ,2019 LLB
Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka(2007 To date)
SLAAS(2014 To date)
Geo-Informatics Society of Sri Lanka (2005 To date)
Honours and Awards
People Leader Awards Engineering (Received 2016)
President’s Award for Scientific Publications (Received 2016)
DMDOK Dissanayake CB Dissanayake PR Weerakoon,".Natural resources of Sri Lanka.",National Science Foundation ,2018
DMDOK.Dissanayake,".Geological Map of Silawatturai -Tantirimale.",Geological Survey and Mines Bureau,2009
DMDOK Dissanayake ,".Geological Map of Talaimannar-Palampiddi .",Geological Survey and Mines Bureau,2009
DMDOK Dissanayake Wuditha Premadasa,".New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia.",Instutute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo,2008
DMDOK Dissanayake ,".Geological Map of Kathiraveli-Kalkudai .",Geological Survey and Mines Bureau,2008
DMDOK Dissanayake,".Geological Map of Padiyathalawa-Tampaddi.",Geological Survey and Mines Bureau,2008
DMDOK Dissanayake,".Geological Map of Mankulam - Kokilai.",Geological Survey and Mines Bureau,2008
Sujahath M.S.M, Senarathna H.D.K, Saranga K.H.G.R, Dissanayaka D.M.D.O.K,".Forecasting the Impact of Land Utilization on Flood Vulnerability through Machine Learning and Remote Sensing in Athuraliya and Akuressa Divisional Secretariat of Sri Lanka.",ISERME2024 Proceedings,Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University Japan,2024,
N.P. Dushyantha, N.M. Batapola1, N.P. Ratnayake, H.M.R. Premasiri, I.M.S.K.Ilankoon, A.M.K.B. Abeysinghe, L.P.S. Rohitha, D.M.D.O.K. Dissanayake, R.M.P.Dilshara, P.G.R. Dharmaratna,".LEACHING POTENTIAL OF RARE EARTH ELEMENTS (REES) FROMEPPAWALA PHOSPHATE DEPOSIT, SRI LANKA FOR SUSTAINABLECRITICAL METALS RECOVERY.",39th Technical Session of Geological Society of Sri Lanka, 2023,Oak Ray Regancy, Gatambe,2023,6
Gamsavi Kanakasundaram, D.M.D.O.K.Dissanayake, Chaminda Samarasoority,".Remote Sensing and GIS Approach to Monitor the Land-Use and Land-Cover Change in Kaduwela Metropolitan Area.", Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2022,
Nadeera Batapola, Nalin Ratnayake,B. Abeysinghe,Ranjith Premasiri, Sudath Rohitha, Nimila Dushyantha,I.M. Saman K. Ilankoon, Oscar Dissanayake and Pannipitye Dharmaratne,".Rare Earth Element Enrichment in Intrusive Rocks of Sri Lanka as a Potential Low-Grade Source.", Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2022,
Dassanayake1 SM, Jayawardena2 CL and Dissanayake2 DMDOK,".Decision Tree Regression Approach for Detecting Spatiotemporal Changes of Vegetation Cover in Surface Water Bodies.",International Symposium on Earth Resources Management and Environment ,University of Moratuwa,2021,21
DMDOK Dissanayake, WPWS Witharana, DHL Prabatha,RS Madushanka, and LPS Rohitha ,".Extraction of Rare Earth Elements from Monazite in Pulmoddai Deposit .",International Symposium on Earth Resources Management and Environment ,University of Moratuwa,2021,34
DMDOK Dissanayake, NM Batapola, Rathnayake NP, AMKB Abesinghe, HMR Premasiri, LPS Rohitha,Dushyantha NP,IMSK Ilankoon and PGR Dharmarathne,".Exploration for Potential Sources of Rare Earth Elements in Sri Lanka.",International Symposium on Earth Resources Management and Environment ,University of Moratuwa,2021,30
Dissanayake DMDOK, SP Munagamage, BGWMDHK Wickramasinghe, I Asvini, LPS Rohitha, NP Dushyantha,".Hydrometallurgical Approach to Investigate the Recovery Potential of Gold Available in Waste PCBs.",International Symposium on Earth Resources Management and Environment ,University of Moratuwa,2021,29
Nadeera Batapola, Nimila Dushyantha, Nalin Ratnayake, Ranjith Premasiri, B Abeysinghe, Oscar Dissanayake, Sudath Rohitha, Saman Ilankoon, Pannipitye Dharmaratne,".Rare earth element potential in the beach placers along the southwest coast of Sri Lanka.", Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2021,415-420
Mushmika Patikiri Arachchige, Sudath Rohitha, Kithsiri Dissanayake, Prabawa Lakshitha, Rajatha Kusumsiri,".Upgrading Low-Grade Graphite Tailing into High-Grade Graphite Using Agglomeration.", Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2021,421-426
Kithsiri Dissanayake ,".Recovery of Copper from Concentrated Seruwila Copper Magnetite Ore from Chloride Electrolyte in the Presence of Hydrochloric Acid.",Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Moratuwa University ,2020,
Kithsiri Dissanayake , Kumudu Kurugama, Charitha Ruwanthi ,".Ecological Evaluation of Urban Heat Island Effect in Colombo City, Sri Lanka Based on Landsat 8 Satellite Data,.",Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Moratuwa University ,2020,
Kithsiri Dissanayake, Sudath Rohitha, Chathuranga Jayathilake,Indika Rushan, Kanishka Dilshan,".Extraction of Copper from Seruwila Copper Magnetite Deposit.",Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Moratuwa University ,2020,
DMDOK Dissanayke, NM Batapola, HMR Pramasiri, AMKB Abeysinghe, NP Ratnayake, IMSK Ilankoon, PGR Dharmarathne ,".REE Potential in Carbonatite Deposits: A case Study of Eppawala Carbonate .",International Symposium on Earth Resources Management and Environment ,Moratuwa University ,2020,14
DMDMOK Dissanayake ( Kithsiri Dissanayake), KAKM Kurugama, TPC Ruwanthi, K Jeyakanth,".Remote Sensing Analysis of Urban Heat Island Effect in Colombo City from 2001-2019 .",International Symposium on Earth Resources Management and Environment ,Moratuwa University ,2020,17
DMDOK Dissanayake ( Kithsriri Dissanayake) PHAU Rasanjalee, S Delaksana, MD Sampath, NP Dushyantha, NM Batapola, LPS Rohitha,".Feasibilty of Extraction of Cerium dioxide ( CeO2) from Monazite at Pulmoddai.",International Symposium on Earth Resources Management and Environment ,Moratuwa University ,2020,18
DMDOK Dissanayke( Kithsiri Dissanayake) KGI Udayakanatha, SADK Chameera, S Kologin, LPS Rohitha ,".Selective Precipitation of Lanthanum and Neodymium oxide from Pulmoddai monazite, Sri Lanka.",International Symposium on Earth Resources Management and Environment ,Moratuwa University ,2020,21
WAM Fernando, MLM Aswe,MWVS Premaratna, M Suthakar,".Tsunami Modelling and Risk Assesment of hambanthota, Sri Lanka using Integrated Remote Sensing Techniques.",ERE Research Conference,University of Moratuwa,2015,80-87
NM Batapola , NP Dushyantha, NP Ratnayake , HMR Premasiri , H Panagoda , CL Jayawardena R Chandrajith , IMSK Ilankoon , LPS Rohitha , AS Ratnayake , JB Koongolla , AMBK Abeysinghe DMDOK Dissanayake and RMP Ratnayake,".Risk assessment of heavy metals in the freshwater lake sediments around Eppawala phosphate deposit, Sri Lanka.",Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka,51/4,2023
Nadeera Batapola, · Nalin Ratnayake, Bandara Abeysinghe, Ranjith Premasiri,· Nimila Dushyantha,·I. M. Saman K. Ilankoon, · Rohana Chandrajith, · Sudath Rohitha ,Kithsiri Dissanayake, Pannipitiye Dharmaratne,·Amila Sandaruwan Ratnayake · Pubudi Dilshara ,".The potential of REEs in the Eppawala Phosphate Deposit, Sri Lanka: REE enrichment, mineralization, and economic significance.",Environmental Earth Sciences,82/446,2023
Nimila Dushyantha , Nalin Ratnayake , Ranjith Premasiri , Nadeera Batapola , Hemalal Panagoda , , Chulantha Jayawardena , , Rohana Chandrajith , I.M. Saman K. Ilankoon , Sudath Rohitha, , Amila Sandaruwan Ratnayake , Bandara Abeysinghe , Kithsiri Dissanayake , Pubudi Dilshara,".Geochemical exploration for prospecting new rare earth elements (REEs) sources: REE potential in lake sediments around Eppawala Phosphate Deposit, Sri Lanka.",Journal of Asian Earth Sciences ,234,2023
I.M.S.K. Ilankoon , N.P. Dushyantha , N. Mancheri , P.M. Edirisinghe , S.J. Neethling , N. P. Ratnayake , L.P.S. Rohitha , D.M.D.O.K. Dissanayake , H.M.R. Premasiri , A.M.K. B. Abeysinghe , P.G.R. Dharmaratne , N.M. Batapola,".Constraints to rare earth elements supply diversification: Evidence from an industry survey .",Journal of Cleaner Production,331 (2022) 129932,2022
Nimila Dushyantha, I. M. Saman K. Ilankoon , N. P. Ratnayake , H. M. R. Premasiri , P. G. R. Dharmaratne , A. M. K. B. Abeysinghe , L. P. S. Rohitha , Rohana Chandrajith , A. S. Ratnayake , D. M. D. O. K. Dissanayake and N. M. Batapola,".Recovery Potential of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) from the Gem Mining Waste of Sri Lanka: A Case Study for Mine Waste Management.",Journal of Minerals,2022, 12, 141,2022
DMDOK Dissanayake ( Kithsiri Dissanayake) KALM Kurugama ,".Urbanization of Colombo City and Its Impact on Land Surface Temperature from 2001-2019.",American Journal of Environmental Protection,10 (3),2021
DMDOK Dissanayake( Kithsiri Dissanayake),".Properties of Compressed Interlock Earth Blocks Manufactured from Locally Available Lateritic Soil for Low Cost Housing Projects.",Advanced Engineering Forum,39,2021
D.M.D.O.K. Dissanayake ( Kithsiri Dissanayake) N.M. Batapolaa N.P. Dushyanthaa,? H.M.R. Premasiria A.M.K.B. Abeysinghea L.P.S. Rohithaa N.P. Ratnayakea,b I.M.S.K. Ilankoonc P.G.R. Dharmaratne,".A comparison of global rare earth element (REE) resources and their mineralogy with REE prospects in Sri Lanka.",Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,200,2021
N.P. Dushyantha , N.P. Ratnayake , H.M.R. Premasiri , I.M.S.K. Ilankoon , P.V.A. Hemalal , C.L. Jayawardena , Rohana Chandrajith , L.P.S. Rohitha , A.M.K.B. Abeysinghe , D.M.D.O.K. Dissanayake , P.G.R. Dharmaratne , A.S. Ratnayake , N.M. Batapola ,".Leaching of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) from lake sediments around Eppawala phosphate deposit, Sri Lanka: A secondary source for REEs .",Hydrometallurgy,205,2021
D.M.D.O.K.Dissanayake,".Investigation of Groundwater Prospecting Zones of the Giri River Catchment of the Himachal Pradesh and Its Quality Suitability for Human Consumption.",Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science,10(4),2021
D.M.D.O.K.Dissanayake,".Investigation of Groundwater Prospecting Zones of the Giri River Catchment of the Himachal Pradesh and Its Quality Suitability for Human Consumption.",Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science,10(4),2021
Chanushi Amodya , DMDOK Dissanayake , HMR Premasiri,".Evaluation of the Multi-Criteria Approach on Rail Route Planning .",Remote Sensing & GIS,Volume 12, Issue 3, 2021,2021
Kithsiri Dissanayake Nimila Dushyanthaa Nadeera Batapolaa I.M.S.K. Ilankoonb Sudath Rohithaa Ranjith Premasiria Bandara Abeysinghea Nalin Ratnayake ,".The story of rare earth elements (REEs): Occurrences, global distribution, genesis, geology, mineralogy and global production.",Ore Geology Reviews,122,2020
D.M.D.O.K. Dissanayakea N.M. Batapolaa N.P. Dushyanthaa, H.M.R. Premasiria A.M.K.B. Abeysinghea L.P.S. Rohithaa N.P. Ratnayakea, I.M.S.K. Ilankoon P.G.R. Dharmaratnea,".A comparison of global rare earth element (REE) resources and their mineralogy with REE prospects in Sri Lanka.",Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,200,2020
D.M.D.O.K. Dissanayake I.P. Senanayake B.B. Mayadunna W.L. Weerasekera,".An approach to delineate groundwater recharge potential sites in Ambalantota, Sri Lanka using GIS techniques.",Geoscience Frontiers,7,2016
D.M.D.O.K. Dissanayake I.P. Senanayakea,, U.G.A. Puswewal,".Analysis of the abundance of abandoned tanksin Hambantota District, Sri Lanka using GIS techniques.",The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and SpaceSciences,15,2012
I.P. Senanayake, D.M.D.O.K. Dissanayake2 , U.G.A. Puswewala,".Site Suitability Analysis for Reservoirs in Suriyawewa by Using GIS Techniques.",Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS,Volume 3, Issue 2,2012