- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Materials Science and Engineering
- Senior Lecturer Grade I
Contact information
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Engineering Materials -Undergraduate -2015
Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Materials -Undergraduate -2015
Optical and Electron Microscopy -Undergraduate -2015
Advance Instrumental Techniques in Materials Science -Postgraduate -2015
Department representative/ Quality Assurance Cell -Coordination of quality assurance activities of the department (2015 To 2018)
Semester 5 academic coordinator -Semester Academic Coordination (2015 To date)
Department Representative/ Career Guidance Unit -Coordinate Career Guidance related activities in the department (2015 To date)
Semester 6 Academic Coordinator - Semester Academic Coordination (2016 To date)
Timetable committee-Chairman - Preparation of academic and exam timetables for faculty of Engineering (2023 To date)
Industrial Training Coordanator - Department coordinator for industrial Training (2016 To date)
Department Representative- Timetable committee - Preparation of Academic Timetables for Modules offered by the department (2017 To 2022)
Course Coordinator/ M.Sc in Materials Science - Course coordinator (2024 To date)
Member/ Industrial Relations and Career Guidance Committee -Industrial Relations and Career Guidance activity at faculty level (2024 To date)
Member/ Faculty PG BoS for Tought Cources - Course coordinator of M.Sc/PG Dip in Materials Science (2024 To date)
Research Activities
Thin Films
Education and Professional Affiliations
Bachelors, University of Colombo ,2002
PhD, University of Toledo ,2008
IEEE(2017 To date)
Young Scientist Forum(2018 To date)
Honours and Awards
Award of Excellence, Outstanding Research Performances (Received 2018)
Award of Excellence, Outstanding Research Performances (Received 2019)
Award of Excellence, Outstanding Research Performances (Received 2020)
Award of Excellence with Distinction, Outstanding Research Performances (Received 2021)
MMD Samintha, DRC Thalayarathna, JJ Mahanthe, D Attygalle, Imalka Munaweera, DAS Amarasinghe, L Karunanayake, VSC Weragoda,".Room Temperature Signal Enhancement of ZnO Nanoparticle Gas Sensor through Photoexcitation.",2024 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2024,406-411
Pulinda K Kanchana, Isurika U Weerasinghe, Shanari Rathnayake, L Karunanayake, DAS Amarasinghe, AMPB Samarasekara, D Attygalle, VSC Weragoda,".A Novel Nonlinear Theoretical Framework for Composite Theory: Case Study with PP-MCC Composite.",2024 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2024,542-547
DRC Thalayarathna, MMD Samintha, D Attygalle, DA S Amarasinghe,".Capacitive Response Study of ZnO Based Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Ultraviolet Photodetector.",2024 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2024,472-476
SP Mudalige, PVGI Sanjeewa, DAS Amarasinghe, D Attygalle, AMPB Samarasekara, SC Weeragoda,".Unlocking Composite Property Secrets with SEM.",2023 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2023, 638-641
PSS Panawala, SP Mudalige, DAS Amarasinghe, D Attygalle, AMPB Samarasekara, VSC Weragoda,".Unveiling the Barrier: A Simulation Study on Face Mask Filtration.",2023 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2023,322-327
SP Mudalige, PVGI Sanjeewa, DAS Amarasinghe, D Attygalle, AMPB Samarasekara, SC Weeragoda,".Unlocking Composite Property Secrets with SEM.",2023 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2023, 638-641
PSS Panawala, Pulinda K Kanchana, DAS Amarasinghe, D Attygalle, AMPB Samarasekara, VSC Weragoda,".Feasibility Assessment of Obtaining Kinetic Parameters for Independent Simultaneous First-Order Reactions Using Friedman Isoconversion Analysis.",2023 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2023,556-561
H. S. Herath G. I. Janith V. S. C. Weragoda D. A. S. Amarasinghe D. Attygalle A. M. P. B. Samarasekara,".Direct Current Resistivity Based In-situ Cure Monitoring Technique for Amine Cured Epoxy Resins.",2022 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2022,1-5
HS Herath, GI Janith, VSC Weragoda, DAS Amarasinghe, D Attygalle, AMPB Samarasekara,". Dinesh Attygalle Direct Current Resistivity Based In-situ Cure Monitoring Technique for Amine Cured Epoxy Resins.",2022 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Moratuwa,2022,1-5
DP Egodage, Roshan Dodampola, A Ratnakumar, Sampath C Weragoda, DAS Amarasinghe, AMPB Samarasekara, Dinesh Attygalle,".Study on Thermal Endurance of Plasticizer in Locally Manufactured Electrical Cable Insulation.",2022 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Moratuwa,2022,1-5
Sandanuwan, T., Hendeniya, N., Amarasinghe, D.A.S., Attygalle, D., Weragoda, S.,".The effect of atmospheric pressure plasma treatment on wetting and absorbance properties of cotton fabric.",2nd International Conference on Aspects of Materials Science and Engineering, ICAMSE 2021,Chandigarh; India,2021, 5065-5068
Gunarathna, R.N.P., Sandanuwan, T., Amarasinghe, D.A.S., Attygalle, D., Weragoda, S.C., Hendeniya, N.,".Moisture transportation in polyester fabrics by plasma printed wicking channels.",7th International Multidisciplinary Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference, MERCon 2021; ,Moratuwa; Sri Lanka,2021,534-537
Fernandopulle, A.D., Karunanayake, L., Samarasekara, A.M.P.B., Amarasinghe, D.A.S.,,".Document details - MCC-based Transducer Material to Detect Relative Humidity.",MERCon 2020,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2020,205-209
Fernandopulle, A.D., Karunanayake, L., Samarasekara, A.M.P.B., Amarasinghe, D.A.S.,,".Document details - MCC-based Transducer Material to Detect Relative Humidity.",MERCon 2020,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2020,205-209
Aruna Kumarasiri D.A.S. Amarasinghe,".Surface Wettability Analysis of Nichrome Alloy Based on the Measurements of Sessile Droplet Contact Angles.",MERCon 2020,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2020,160-164
Thisara Sandanuwan S Amarasinghe Sampath C Weragoda Bandula Ranaweera Kamani Rathnayake Wageesha Alankara,".Shelf Life Extension of Cavendish Banana Fruit Using Cold Plasma Treatment.",MERCon 2020,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2020,182-186
GI Janith, HS Herath, N Hendeniya, D Attygalle, DAS Amarasinghe, V Logeeshan, PMTB Wickramasinghe, YS Wijayasinghe,".Advances in surface plasmon resonance biosensors for medical diagnostics: An overview of recent developments and techniques.",Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis Open,2,2023
Brinthan Kanesalingam, W Ashane M Fernando, Sandeep Panda, Chulantha Jayawardena, Dinesh Attygalle, DAS Amarasinghe,".Harnessing the Capabilities of Microorganisms for the Valorisation of Coal Fly Ash Waste through Biometallurgy.",Minerals,13,2023
Kapilraj Natkunarajah, Koneswaran Masilamani, Sithambaresan Maheswaran, Barbara Lothenbach, D.A.S. Amarasinghe, Dinesh Attygalle,,".Analysis of the trend of pH changes of concrete pore solution during the hydration by various analytical methods.",Cement and Concrete Research,Volume 156,2022
G.I. Janith, H.S. Herath, G.L.M. Ariyadasa, K.C. Hewagama, D.A.S. Amarasinghe, D. Attygalle, V.S.C. Weragoda, ,".Mn-doped tin oxide based sensor for selective ethanol detection.",Materials Today Procedings,56,2022
Nayanathara Hendeniya, Thisara Sandanuwan, Dinesh Attygalle, D.A.S. Amarasinghe, Sampath Weragoda, Bandula Ranaweera, Kamani Ratnayake, Malki Lalanka,,".Non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma: An alternative method to enhance the seed quality in long bean-KPN (Vigna unguiculate L.) seeds.",Materials Today: Procedings,Volume 56, Part 4,2022
Chamalki Madhusha, Kumudu Rajapaksha, Imalka Munaweera, Madhavi de Silva, Chandani Perera, Gayan Wijesinghe, Manjula Weerasekera, Dinesh Attygalle, Chanaka Sandaruwan, Nilwala Kottegoda,".A Novel Green Approach to Synthesize Curcuminoid-Layered Double Hydroxide Nanohybrids: Adroit Biomaterials for Future Antimicrobial Applications.",ACS omega,6(14),2021
Fernandopulle, A.D., Karunanayake, L., Amarasinghe, D.A.S., Samarasekara, A.M.P.B., Attygalle, D.,".Humidity sensing potential of a microcrystalline cellulose sheet.",Cellulose Chemistry and Technology,55(5-6),2021
Puja Pradhan, Puruswottam Aryal, Abdel-Rahman Ibdah, Prakash Koirala, Jian Li, Khagendra P Bhandari, Geethika K Liyanage, Randy J Ellingson, Michael J Heben, Sylvain Marsillac, Robert W Collins, Nikolas J Podraza,".Real Time Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Analysis of First Stage CuIn1− xGaxSe2 Growth: Indium-Gallium Selenide Co-Evaporation.",Materials,11,2017
Zhengqi ShiAhalapitiya H. Jayatissa,".Kesterite-based next generation high performance thin film solar cell: current progress and future prospects.",Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,Vol 28,2,2017
Puruswottam Aryal, Abdel‐Rahman Ibdah, Puja Pradhan, Prakash Koirala, Nikolas J Podraza, Sylvain Marsillac, Robert W Collins, Jian Li,".Parameterized complex dielectric functions of CuIn1-xGaxSe2: applications in optical characterization of compositional non-uniformities and depth profiles in materials and solar cells.",Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications,Vol 24, 9,2016
Puruswottam Aryal, Puja Pradhan, Abdel-Rahman A. Ibdah, Krishna Aryal, Vikash Ranjan, Sylvain Marsillac, Nikolas J. Podraza, and Robert W. Collins ,".Real Time, In-line, and Mapping Spectroscopic Ellipsometry for Applications in Cu(In1-xGax)Se2 Metrology .",Progress in Photovoltaics,4,2014
Prakash Koirala, Dinesh Attygalle, Puruswottam Aryal, Puja Pradhan, Jie Chen, Sylvain Marsillac, Andre S Ferlauto, Nikolas J Podraza, Robert W Collins,".Real time spectroscopic ellipsometry for analysis and control of thin film polycrystalline semiconductor deposition in photovoltaics.",Thin Solid Films,571,2014