- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Professor
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Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
CE2013-Structural Mechanics II -Undergraduate -2018
CE3112-Structural Analysis II -Undergraduate -2018
CE4432-Design of Large Structures -Undergraduate -2018
CE4922-Research Project -Undergraduate -2018
CE2022-Design of steel structures (Wind Loading) -Undergraduate -2018
CE4912-Comprehensive Design Project -Undergraduate -2018
CE5149-Structural Dynamics and Control -Postgraduate -2019
Project Director , STHRD Project, MOE - I am on sabbatical leave from 07.06.2021 to 05.06.2022 to serve as a project Director of Science and Technology Human Resource Development Project, Ministry of Education (2021 To 2022)
Project Director, STHRDP Project, MOE - I am on special leave from 06.06.2022 to 05.06.2024 to serve as Project Director of Science and Technology Human Resource Development Project, Ministry of Education (2022 To 2024)
Director General (Acting), SLIATE - I served as a Director General (acting) in Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological Education (2023 To 2024)
Research Activities
Wind hazard assessment for Sri Lanka (2017) -W.L.S. Maduranga
Development of low cost online Structural health monitoring system for Civil Engineering infrastructures using wireless smart sensors (2018)- P. Vishnu
Detection and estimation of damage in framed structures using experimental modal data(2018)-W.A.R.K. De Silva
Larger strain measurements
Structural dynamics and control (Earthquake and Wind engineering)
Structural health monitoring
Bridge Engineering and management
Structural strengthening
Sustainable material, design and construction
Education and Professional Affiliations
Bachelors, University of Moratuwa ,1998 B.Sc. (Hons) First Class in Civil Engineering. (Class rank is 2 out of 100)
Masters, University of Tokyo ,2001 M.Eng.: Civil (structural) Engineering Title : Measurement of strain filed of continua by image analysis.
PhD, University of Tokyo ,2004 Ph.D. : Civil (structural) Engineering Title : Failure and thermo-mechanical behaviour of rubber and its seismic isolation bearings.
Cooperate member Institutions of Engineers(2011 To date)
Cooperate member, Society of Structural Engineers(2017 To date)
University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (October 2007 - present)
· Senior Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering
University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka (April 2005 - September 2007)
· Senior Lecturer, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka (Dec.2004 – March 2005)
· Temporary Senior Lecturer, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
G.C. Engineering Inc, Houston, USA. (Oct. 2004 – Nov. 2004)
· Bridge Engineer
University of Tokyo, Japan
· Ph.D. Candidate at the Department of Civil Engineering (Oct.2001 – Sep.2004)
· M.Eng. Candidate at the Department of Civil Engineering. (Oct.1999 – Sep.2001)
Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau, Sri Lanka (Sep. 1998 – Sep. 1999), (April 1998 – Aug. 1998)
· Civil Engineer
University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (April 1998 – Aug. 1998)
· Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Civil Engineering.
Structural Engineer for design of cable propping system in banana plantation at Dole Lanka (Pvt) Ltd (Jan. 2017)
Structural Engineer for investigation and proposing rectification methodologies for the defects in the selected structures in Southern Transport Development Project (STDP) section from Kottawa to Kurundugahahathakma (JICA funded sections- inspection of structures after three years from completion) for Road Development Authority, Sri Lanka (Jan. 2016)
Structural Engineer for investigating structural soundness and proposed renovation methodologies for eight storied reinforced concrete ward complex building at Negombo base hospital for ministry of health, Western Provincial Council (July, 2015)
Structural Engineer for structural assessment and proposed renovation methodologies for 100 years old five storied Gafoor building at Main Street, Colombo 01, Sri Lanka for Urban Development Authority (May 2013)
Structural Engineer for strengthening of steel mezzanine floor in factory building in Horana, Sri Lanka for Industrial Stainless Steel Fabrication (Pvt) Ltd., (Aug. 2012)
Structural Engineer for submitting proposal for structural rectification of steel factory building at Horana, Sri Lanka for Heritage Premier Foods (Pvt) Ltd., (June 2012)
Structural Engineer for structural assessment and proposed renovation methodologies for Helena Balika Maha Vidyalaya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka for Western Provincial Engineering Organization (Jan, 2012)
Design Engineer, rectification proposal for cracked box-culvert in Southern Transport Development Project, China Harbour Cooperation, Sri Lanka (2011)
Design Engineer, proposal and design of jetty of Kapprathota fishery harbour, Sri Lanka (2010)
Design Engineer, analysis and design of 40 m and 60 m self supported steel towers for Tantri Trailors (pvt) Ltd., Sri Lanka, (2010)
Design Engineer, structural assessment and improvements to metal underpasses (soil-steel bridges) in the ADB funded section of Southern Transport Development Project, Sri Lanka (2010)
Structural Engineer, structural assessment and strengthening of cracked pre-stressed concrete beams in a floor of an Inland Revenue Department Building at Colombo due to light plane blast, Sri Lanka (2010)
Structural Engineer, Structural assessments of foundation of Airtel towers at Ranjurawa, Adikarigama, Rozella and Hulandawa, 2009
Structural Engineer, assessment of quality of construction work of partially completed 38 storied Emperor Tower at Kollupitiya, Sri Lanka, 2009
Structural Engineer for 550 million South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) sponsored cultural centre at Matara, an elevated five storey building complex designed, 2009
Resource person for conducting training programme on Use of Structural Design and Construction for Quality Assurance of Buildings for Western Provincial Engineers and Technical Officers, 2008
Editor, Modulus, Journal of Society of Structural Engineers Sri Lanka (2018)
Technical advisor for Presidential commission of inquiries (PCI) on corruption (2017)
Expert Structural Engineer for investigation and proposing rectification methodologies for the defects in the selected structures in Southern Transport Development Project (STDP) section from Kottawa to Kurundugahahathakma (JICA funded sections- inspection of structures after three years from completion) for Road Development Authority, Sri Lanka (Jan. 2016).
Member, Technical advisory committee on NDT inspection, Sri Lanka Accreditation Board for Conformity assessment (SALB) (2014- To date)Member, Organization committee and Technical advisory committee of 4th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management (ICSECM) -2013 held in Kandy Sri Lanka.
Member, Committee on Development of Sri Lankan National Annexes to Euro codes, Sri Lanka Standard Institution (SLSI), Sri Lanka (2013- to date).
Member, Sub-committee, Development of earthquake resistant design guidelines for buildings in Sri Lanka, Disaster Management Centre, Sri Lanka (2012- to date).
Member, Technical advisory committee, Disaster Management Centre, Sri Lanka (2011 – to date).
Member, Building and planning committee, Department of Civil Engineering University of Moratuwa (Jan. 2011 – to date).
Course co-ordinator, M.Eng in Structural Engineering Designs, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa (2010/11).
Editorial board member, CIDA Journal, published by Ministry of construction, Engineering services, Housing & common amenities (2010 – to date)
Member, Technical Committee, National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC), Sri Lanka. (Jan. 2010 – to date)
Academic Advisor, Faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa (Oct. 2007 – to date)
Committee Member, Technical Evaluation Committee, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna (Feb. 2006 – Oct. 2007).
Committee Member, Building and Land Committee, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna (Feb. 2006 – Oct. 2007)
Academic Warden, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, (June 2006 – Oct. 2007).
Coordinator, Curriculum Revision, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, (2006).
Student Counsellor, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna (June 2005 – Oct. 2007).
Honours and Awards
Gold Medal for the best paper (A statistical based approach for demarcating a wind loading map for Sri Lanka), Annual Sessions-2017 (Received 2017)
Award of Excellence in recognition of the Outstanding Research Performances (Received 2011)
Monbusho scholarship to pursue Ph.D. programme at the University of Tokyo(2001) (Received 2001)
Monbusho scholarship to pursue Master of Engineering programme at the University of Tokyo(1999) (Received 1999)
Rex Cross Moraes Memorial Award for the best Civil Engineering student in Construction(1998) (Received 1998)
Udara Sachinthana Perera, MGI Tharaka, AU Weerasuriya, CS Lewangamage, R Ruparathna, R Mallawaarachchi,".Suitable Passive Design Strategies for Residential High-rise Buildings in Sri Lanka.",2023 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2023,101-106
S Sankeeth, BS Kumara, HGH Damruwan, HMST Herath, CS Lewangamage, KR Koswattage,".Comparative Study on the Mechanical Properties of Concrete by Substituting Cement with Sugarcane Bagasse Ash.",2023 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2023,155-160
Phapetha Thadsanamoorthy, Hasitha Damruwan Hidallana Gamage, Chamindalal Sujeewa Lewangamage,".A Field-Validated Numerical Prediction Model for Railway-Induced Ground-Borne Vibrations.",2023 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2023,608-613
PH Kandamby, CS Lewangamage, AU Weerasuriya,".Influence of Upstream Mature Trees on Wind Loading on the Gable Roof of a Low-Rise Building—A Wind Tunnel Study.",12th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management: Proceedings of the ICSECM 2021,Kandy, Sri Lanka,2022,69-81
Meddage, D.P.P., Ekanayake, I.U., Weerasuriya, A.U., Lewangamage, C.S.,".Tree-based regression models for predicting external wind pressure of a building with an unconventional configuration.",MERCon 2021 - 7th International Multidisciplinary Moratuwa Engineering Research,University of Moratuwa,2021,257-262
Vishnu, P., Kirishikesan, K., Lewangamage, C.S., Jayasinghe, M.T.R.,".Using sub-giga hertz technology in high sampling rate wireless monitoring systems used in high-rise buildings.",MERCon 2021 - 7th International Multidisciplinary Moratuwa Engineering Research,University of Moratuwa,2021,269-274
Bryan E Thevarajah, MTR Jayasinghe, CS Lewangamage, Tim J Ibell,".Embodied Energy and Carbon Footprint of Two Storied Refuge Space with Lightweight Load Bearing Panels.",2020 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Via Online Zoom,2020,19-24
P Vishnu, S Radershan, CS Lewangamage, MTR Jayasinghe,".Synchronized Sensing and Network Scalability of Low-Cost Wireless Sensor Networks for Monitoring Civil Infrastructures.",2020 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Via Online Zoom,2020,337-342
P Vishnu, CS Lewangamage, MTR Jayasinghe, KJC Kumara,". Development of Low-Cost Wireless Sensor Network and Online Data Repository System for Time Synchronous Monitoring of Civil Infrastructures.",2020 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Via Online Zoom,2020,72-77
P Bogahawaththa, W R De Silva, CS Lewangamage,".Spot Damage Estimation of Framed Structures Using Modal Data.",2019 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Sri Lanka,2019,19-24
W R De Silva, CS Lewangamage, MTR Jayasinghe,".Detection and estimation of damage in framed structures using modal data.",2019 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Sri Lanka,2019,680-685
K.Thiruvasagar, P.Banugoban , P.Vishnu , K.J.C.Kumara, C.S. Lewangamage ,".Low Cost Real Time Temperature Monitoring System for Concrete using Wireless Sensors.",11th international research conference, Sir John Kothelawala Defence University ,Colombo,2018,
P. Vishnu, C.S. Lewangamage , K. J. C. Kumara, M. T. R. Jayasingh , A.Darby D. N. T. M. Siriwardhana,". Using sub-gigahertz wireless technology for real-time structural health monitoring system for high rise buildings.",9th international conference on sustainable built environment(ICSBE),Kandy,2018,
P.A.H. Madusanka, C.S. Lewangamage ,".Use of Winkler model for understanding seismic performance of medium rise apartment buildings under SSI effect”, Proceedings of special session on Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology.",8th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management (ICSECM),Colombo,2017,56-61
W.L.S. Maduranga, C.S. Lewangamage ,".A statistical based approach for demarcating a wind loading map for Sri Lanka.",Society of Structural Engineers Sri Lanka (SSESL),Colombo,2017,18-24
M.D.G.M. Appuhamy, C.S. Lewangamage ,".Experimental investigation on effect of rebar corrosion on flexural behaviour of RC beams.",8th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management (ICSECM),Colombo,2017,56-61
A.P.S. Dias, C.S. Lewangamage,".Soil structure interaction effects on structural response of different structural forms (A case study).",IESL Transactions 2016,Colombo,2016,63-69
P.H. Kandamby, C.S. Lewangamage,".Applicability of the Srilankan National Annex to the Eurocode1 on wind loading.",IESL Transactions 2016,Colombo,2016,71-78
P.M.D.J.S. Perera, C.S. Lewangamage,".Experimental Investigation on flexural behaviour of bamboo reinforced concrete slab panels.",IESL Transaction 2015,Colombo,2015,125-131
C.S. Lewangamage, N. Prakash, B.C.R Jayanath,".Finite element modelling of reinforced concrete beams strengthened for flexure with CFRP.",4th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management (ICSECM), Sri Lanka,Colombo,2013,1-13
C.S. Lewangamage, C.K. Rankoth, D.M.D.N Sanjeewani,".Experimental study on reinforced concrete columns partially confined with CFRP.",4th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management (ICSECM),Colombo,2013,1-11
M.A.J.D Karunaratne, C.S. Lewangamage,".Traffic induced vibration effects on pedestrians on steel brides in Sri Lanka (a case study.",4th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management (ICSECM),Colombo,2013,210-220
H.G.S.R Kularathna, C.S. Lewangamage, M.T.R. Jayasinghe ,".Development of national guidelines for seismic analysis and design of engineered buildings in Sri Lanka.",4th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management (ICSECM),Colombo,2013,50-62
J.A. Desmond, A.M.L.N Gunathiliake, C.S. Lewangamage,".Seismic analysis of three legged lattice telecommunication towers for Sri Lankan conditions.",4th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management (ICSECM),Colombo,2013,63-73
A.M.L.N Gunathiliake, C.S. Lewangamage, M.T.R Jayasinghe,".Analysis of four leg telecommunication towers for seismic loading using Response spectrum method.",4th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management (ICSECM), Sri Lanka,Colombo,2013,74-83
S.K.A. Gunaratne, C.S. Lewangamage,".Seismic performance assessment of reinforced concrete framed buildings in Sri Lanka (a case study).",4th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management (ICSECM),Colombo,2013,107-118
C.K.Rankoth, C.S. Lewangamage, M.T.R.Jayasinghe,".Behaviour of reinforced concrete columns confined with CFRP (Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer).",2nd International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE),Colombo,2012,
B.C.R. Jayanath, C.S. Lewangamage, T M.T.R.Jayasinghe, Prakash Nadesparan,".Ultimate capacity prediction of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymers (CFRP) strengthened reinforced concrete flexural elements based on debonding failure.",2nd International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE),Colombo,2012,
A.M.L.N.Gunathilaka, C.S. Lewangamage, M.T.R.Jayasinghe,".Analysis and design of telecommunication towers for earthquake loading in Sri Lanka for sustainability.",2nd International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE),Colombo,2012,
C.S. Lewangamage, M.T.R Jayasinghe,".Report on Recent Developments of Wind Code in Sri Lanka.",7th workshop on Regional Harmonization of Wind loading and Wind Environmental Specifications in Asia-Pacific economies (APEC-WW 2012),Vietnam,2012,
I.H.S Renuka, C.S. Lewangamage,".Structural aspects of post-tsunami domestic constructions in Sri Lanka.",Annual research journal of SLSAJ (Japan),Japan,2011,65-71
K.A.T.C Kodikara U.D. Morawaka I.A.P.M.P Gunathilake C.S. Lewangamage,".Traffic induced vibration analysis of existing steel bridge in Padeniya-Anuradhapura road.",17th ERU symposium, University of Moratuwa,Colombo,2011,224-226
Abarna Sivarajah, Malith Lakshita, Anushka Abeysinghe, C.S. Lewangamage,".Strengthening of reinforced concrete slabs using Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP).",17th ERU symposium, University of Moratuwa,Colombo,2011,205-207
H.G.S.R Kularathna, D.N.T.M Siriwardana, W.N. Sudarshana, C.S. Lewangamage,".Structural assessment and rehabilitation options for Yudaganawa Dagoba in Buttala, Sri Lanka.",17th ERU symposium, University of Moratuwa,Colombo,2011,210-211
Suganya Paskaran, Manori Perera, Dhanushaka Kumara, MTR Jayasignhe, Chintha Jayasinghe C.S. Lewangamage,".Study on cracks developed in Dematamal Vihararaya, Uva Province, Sri Lanka.",International Conference on Structural Engineering, Construction and Management (ICSECM),Colombo,2011,
H.G.S.R Kularathna, D.N.T.M Siriwardana, W.N. Sudarshana, C.S. Lewangamage,".Rehabilitation of Yudaganawa Dagoba in Buttala, Sri Lanka.",International Conference on Structural Engineering, Construction and Management (ICSECM),Colombo,2011,
Abarna Sivarajah, Malith Lakshita, Anushka Abeysinghe, C.S. Lewangamage,".Ultimate strength prediction for reinforced concrete slab externally strengthened by Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP).",nternational Conference on Structural Engineering, Construction and Management (ICSECM),Colombo,2011,
B.C.R. Jayanath, C.S. Lewangamage, M.T.R. Jayasinghe ,".Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams using Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRP).",IESL transactions 2011,Colombo,2011,57-61
B.C.R. Jayanath, C.S. Lewangamage, M.T.R. Jayasinghe,".Experimental Study on Use of FRP for Enhancement of Shear Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Beams.",ERU symposium, University of Moratuwa,Colombo,2010,28-30
N.S. Pathirana, C.S. Lewangamage, M.T.R. Jayasinghe,".Experimental Study on Confinement of Axially Loaded Square Columns with CFRP.",ERU symposium, University of Moratuwa,Colombo,2010,31-33
P.D.R Perera, C.S. Lewangamage, M.T.R. Jayasinghe,".An Experimental Study on Flexural Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Externally Bonded FRP.",ERU symposium, University of Moratuwa,Colombo,2010,34-36
K.B.K Shanaka, W.A.S Gunathilaka, C.S. Lewangamage, M.T.R. Jayasinghe,".A Study on Structural Behaviour of Corrugated Soil- Steel Bridge Structure (Long Span) in Southern Highway for Different Depth of Soil Cover.",ERU symposium, University of Moratuwa,Colombo,2010,40-42
W.M.S. Gunathilaka, K.B.K Shanaka, W.A.S Gunathilaka, C.S. Lewangamage, M.T.R. Jayasinghe,".A Study On Present Situation, Construction Procedures, Sensitivity Towards the Fill Height and Possible Failure Scenarios of Corrugated Soil-Steel Bridge Using PLAXIS.",ERU symposium, University of Moratuwa,Colombo,2010,43-45
S.A.D. Induprabha, R.P.G.K.S. Rajapakha, K.D.Y.E. Siriwardana, M.T.R. Jayasinghe, C.S. Lewangamage,".Finite Element Modeling of Short Span Soil-Steel Bridge Structures Used in Southern Highway in Sri Lanka.",ERU symposium, University of Moratuwa, 2010,Colombo,2010,69-71
C.S. Lewangamage, M.T.R Jayasinghe,".Rehabilitation of blast damaged pre-stressed concrete beams with Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP).",International Conference on Sustainable Built Environments (ICSBE),Colombo,2010,
A.U. Weerasuriya, C.S. Lewangamage, M.T.R Jayasinghe,".Comparison of five wind codes in Sri Lankan contex.",6th workshop on Regional Harmonization of Wind loading and Wind Environmental Specifications in Asia-Pasific economies (APEC-WW 2010),South Korea,2010,
C.S. Lewangamage, A.U. Weerasuriya, M.T.R Jayasinghe,".Wind Engineering in Sri Lanka- past, present and future.",of 5th workshop on Regional Harmonization of Wind loading and Wind Environmental Specifications in Asia-Pasific economies (APEC-WW 2009),Taiwan,2009,
Y.N.N Sanjeewa, C.S. Lewangamage, M.T.R Jayasinghe,".Behaviour of cement stabilized reinforced block masonry subjected to in plane lateral loads.",15th ERU symposium, University of Moratuwa,Colombo,2009,
C.S. Lewangamage, Menike T.M.C.H, Pushpakumara P.K.P, Sureshkumar .G, Rathnayake R.M.M.R, Imali B.G.N, Amaraweera K.,".Development of an expert system for bridge management in Sri Lanka.",3rd Academic Session, University of Ruhuna,Galle,2006,
Lewangamage C.S, Fujino Y,".Failure characteristics of bonded rubber blocks under tensile loads.",JSCE’s 59th annual meeting, Japan,Japan,2004,
Lewangamage C.S, Abe M, Fujino Y, Yoshida J,".Design Criteria for Seismic Isolation Rubber Bearings.", 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Canada,Canada,2004,
Lewangamage C.S, Abe M, Fujino Y, Yoshida J,".Thermo-mechanical Behavior of high damping rubber.",Thermo-mechanical Behavior of high damping rubber,Japan,2003,
Lewangamage C.S, Abe M, Fujino Y, Yoshida J,".Thermo-mechanical constitutive model for rubber.",JSCE’s 58th annual meeting, Japan,Japan ,2003,
Lewangamage C.S, Abe M, Fujino Y, Yoshida J,".Experimental investigation and modeling of temperature dependency behavior of high damping rubber.",International conference on Advanced Techniques in Experimental Mechanics `03, Nagoya, Japan,Japan,2003,
Yoshida Y., Abe M., Lewangamage C.S, Fujino Y,".Temperature dependent mechanical behavior of high damping rubber and its modeling.",of IUMRS-ICAM2003, Yokohama, Japan,Japan,2003,
Lewangamage C.S Abe M Fujino Y Yoshida J,".Failure behavior of laminated rubber bearings.",of 11th Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium, Tokyo, Japan,Japan,2002,
Lewangamage C.S, Abe M, Fujino Y, Yoshida J,".Guidance for safety evaluation of laminated rubber bearings.",4th International Summer Symposium, JSCE, Kyoto, Japan,Japan,2002,
Lewangamage C.S, Abe M, Fujino Y,".Experimental Investigation of temperature dependency on rubber behaviour.",JSCE’s 57th annual meeting, Sapporo, Japan,Japan,2002,
Lewangamage C.S, Abe M., Fujino Y., Yoshida Y.,".Characteristics of rubber used in seismic isolation by digital and thermal image analysis.",SPIE’s 9th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and materials, San-Diego, USA,USA,2002,
Lewangamage C.S, Abe M., Fujino Y.,".A failure Criterion for Rubber.",JAEE’s Annual Meeting, Tokyo, Japan,Japan,2001,
Lewangamage C.S, Abe M., Fujino Y., Yoshida Y.,".Measurement of strain field of continua by image analysis.",3rd International Summer Symposium, JSCE, Kyoto, Japan,Japan,2001,
Lewangamage C.S, Abe M., Fujino Y. ,". Measurement of strain fields of rubber bearings by image analysis.",JSCE’s 56th annual meeting, Kumamoto, Japan,Japan,2001,
Yoshida Y., Abe M., Fujino Y, Lewangamage C.S,".Experimental investigation of mechanical properties of laminated rubber bearings using image processing techniques.",7th International Seminar on Seismic Isolation, Passive Dissipation and Active Control of Vibrations of Structures, Assisi, Italy,Italy,2001,
Jayasinghe, M.T.R., Lewangamage C.S, Fernando, K.K.J.S. , Wijayapriya, R.A,".Passive solar techniques for Sri Lanka.",Research for Industry, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,Sri Lanka,1997,
1. Nisala Prabhath, Buddhika Sampath Kumara, Vimukkthi Vithanage, Amalka Indupama Samarathunga, Natasha Sewwandi, Hidallana-Gamage H Damruwan, Sujeewa Lewangamage, Kaveenga Rasika Koswattage,".Investigation of pozzolanic properties of sugarcane bagasse ash for commercial applications.",ACS omega, American Chemical Society,Vol. 08 (13),2023
D.P.P. Meddage, C.S. Lewangamage , A.U. Weerasuriya,".On the deviation of mean pressure coefficients in wind loading standards for a low-rise, gable-roofed building with boundary walls.",Structures,36/February 2022,2022
D.P.P. Meddage, I.U. Ekanayake, A.U. Weerasuriya, C.S. Lewangamage, K.T. Tse, T.P. Miyanawala, C.D.E. Ramanayaka,".Explainable Machine Learning (XML) to predict external wind pressure of a low-rise building in urban-like settings.",Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics,226,2022
AMLN Gunathilaka, CS Lewangamage, MTR Jayasinghe,".Development of design guideline for the baseplate thickness of lattice towers.",Innovative Infrastructure Solutions,6 (4),2021
A.M.L.N Gunathilaka, C.S Lewangamage , M.T.R Jayasinghe,".Effects of Subsoil Characteristics on the Earthquake Loading of Steel Lattice Telecommunication Towers in the South Asia.",Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering (EJSE) ,Vol. 2018-2,2018
WLS Maduranga, CS Lewangamage,".Development of Wind Loading Maps for Sri Lanka for use with Different Wind Loading Codes.",ENGINEER,Vol. LI, No. 03,2018
C.S. Lewangamage, C.K. Rankoth, M.T.R. Jayasinghe ,".A study on reinforced concrete columns partially confined with Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP).",ENGINEER,Vol. L, No.04,2017
A.M.N.L. Gunathilaka, C.S. Lewangamage, M.T.R. Jayasinghe ,".Seismic performance of self supporting lattice towers with different sub-soil conditions.",Civil Engineering and Architecture Research,Vol.3, No.06,2016
S. Srisangeerthnan, C.S. Lewangamage, S.S. Wickramasuriya, ,".Tropical Cyclone Damages in Sri Lanka.",Wind Engineers, JAWE,Vol.40, No.03,2015
C.S. Lewangamage, H.G.S.R Kularathna ,".An approach to seismic analysis and design of engineered buildings in Sri Lanka.",ENGINEER,Vol. XLVIII,2015
A.M.N.L Gunathilaka, C.S. Lewangamage, M.T.R Jayasinghe ,".Earthquake performance of free standing four legged Greenfield tower.",ENGINEER,Vol. XLVII, No.02,2014
K.B.K Shanaka, C.S. Lewangamage, M.T.R. Jayasinghe,".A Study on Structural Stability and Suitability of Corrugated Long Span Soil-Steel Bridges.",Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering (EJSE) ,Vol.11(1),2011
Lewangamage C.S., M.T.R Jayasinghe, B.C.R Jayanath ,".Rehabilitation of blast damaged pre-stressed concrete beams using Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRP).",ICTAD, Vol. IX,2011
Yoshida J., Abe M., Fujino Y, Lewangamage, C.S,".Measurement method for continua by image processing.",Journal of Structural Engineering,ASCE, Vol.130 (8),2004
Yoshida J., Lewangamage, C.S., Abe M., Fujino Y,".Temperature dependent mechanical behaviour of high damping rubber and its modelling.",Trans Mater Res Soc. Japan,Vol. 29 (8),2004
Lewangamage, C.S. Yoshida J. Abe M. Fujino Y ,".Strain field measurements of rubber by image analysis and design criteria for laminated rubber bearings.",Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,Vol. 33 (4),2004
Yoshida J., Abe M., Lewangamage, C.S., Fujino Y ,".Failure behaviors of rubber materials and their modeling.",Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering,JSCE, No.731/I-63,2003
Yoshida J. Abe M. Lewangamage, C.S. Fujino Y ,".Construction of measurement system for continua by image processing technique.",JSCE, No.710/I-60,2003
Passive solar techniques for Sri Lanka, Undergraduate report, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, 1998.