- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Earth Resources Engineering
- Professor
Contact information
Department of Earth Resources Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Hydrogeology -Undergraduate -
Geology Field Camp -Undergraduate -
Mineral exploration Field camp -Undergraduate -
Engineering Geology -Undergraduate -
Hydrogeology -Undergraduate -
Sturctural and field geology -Undergraduate -
Optical Mineralogy and Petrology -Undergraduate -
Soil Mechanics and Geology I -Undergraduate -
Soil Mechanices and Geology II -Undergraduate -2015
Research Project -Undergraduate -
Research Project -Undergraduate -
Design Project -Undergraduate -
Natural Disaster Mitigation -Undergraduate -2012
Engineering Geology -Postgraduate -2016
Head/ Dept. of ERE -Administraion work (2013 To 2016)
Coordinator/ MSc/PG Dip in Mining and Mineral Exploration -Course Coordinator (2012 To 2017)
Cordinator part time course Geology - Course cordinator (2017 To date)
Coordinator Part Time course in Geology - Course Coordinator (2017 To date)
Coordinator of the AHEAD/DOR Project - Project Coordinator - Potential of Rare Earth Elements (REE) in Sri Lankan onshore and offshore terrains and development of extraction techniques under the Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and development (AHEAD). (2019 To 2021)
Project Coordinator IRQUE -Project Coordinator ERE/UOM Improvement of Relevance and Quality of Undergraduate Education in Sri Lanka (IRQUE Project) World Bank Funded National Project. (2007 To 2008)
Research Activities
Mineral Exploration
Engineering Geology
Geology, Mineral Exploration, Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology
Education and Professional Affiliations
Bachelor's, University of Peradeniya ,1993
Masters, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) BKK ,1996
PhD, Saga University ,2004
Institute of Geology (IGSL)(2009 To date)
Geological Society of Sri Lanka (GSSL)(1994 To date)
Honours and Awards
Chartered Geologist (Received 2016)
Outstanding Research Performances during the year 2021 (Received 2021)
Best Paper Award ACEPS 2012 (Received 2012)
2003 Student Award of Excellence (Received 2003)
MONBUSHO Research Scholarship – 2000 (Received 2000)
University Scholarship Meritorious performance at the Special science Degree Examination (Received 1993)
University Scholarship - Meritorious Performance at General Science Qualifying Examination (Received 1990)
Mahendran M1, Maduranga UKD1, Amarasinghe AAYDT1, Abeysinghe AMKB*1, Ratnayake NP1, Premasiri HMR1, Dushyantha NP2, Batapola NM1, Dilshara RMP1,".Comparative Analysis of Vertical Metal Zonation in Ginigalpelessa and Indikolapelessa Serpentinite Complex.",ISERME2024,Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan,2024,98-105
Wickramasinghe KGKG, Arachchige RANUR, De Zoysa DYB, Premasiri* HMR, Abeysinghe AMKB, Ratnayake NP, Batapola NM, Dilshara RMP,".Assessing the Applicability of Geophysical Methods for Exploring Vein Type Mica Deposits – A Case Study in Matale District, Sri Lanka.",ISERME2024,Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan,2024,106-111
Benjamin1 R, Anojithan1 M, Lokugamhewa 1 SW, Ratnayake1* NP, Abeysinghe1 AMKB, Premasiri1 HMR, Dushyantha2 NP, Batapola1 NM, Dilshara1 RMP,".Characterization of Heavy Minerals in Nilaveli and Batticaloa Beach Stretches.",ISERME2024,Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan,2024,112-117
Herath HMIA, Piyumangi WAM, Kanishta KPMK, *Abeysinghe AMKB, Ratnayake NP, Premasiri HMR, Batapola BDNM, and Dilshara RMP,".Assessing the Potential of Critical Metals and Rare Earth Elements in Lateritic Soils of the Southwestern Region of Sri Lanka.", ISERME 2023,Colombo, Sri Lanka,2023,102-107
Arunapriya GGDPI, Liyanage AGSI, Kishanth S, *Premasiri HMR, Ratnayake NP and Abeysinghe AMKB,".Applicability of GPR Technique for Earthen Dam Failures.", ISERME 2023,Colombo, Sri Lanka,2023,69-76
De Silva NJC, Malinda KMDRP, Elankeeran T, Dilshara RMP, Batapola BDNM, *Ratnayake NP, Premasiri HMR, and Abeysinghe AMKB,".Heavy Metal Contamination in the Water of a Semi-Urban Lake – Bolgoda Lake, Sri Lanka.", ISERME 2023,Colombo, Sri Lanka,2023,96-101
Rathnasekara RMNL, Edirisuriya EATD, Sajithkanth T, *Premasiri HMR, Ratnayake NP, and Abeysinghe AMKB,".Assessment of Unusual Rock Weathering in Samanalawewa Area in Sri Lanka.", ISERME 2023,Colombo, Sri Lanka,2023,42
Pubudi Dilshara1 , Sandun Senarath2 , Nalin Ratnayake1 , B. Abeysinghe1 , Ranjith Premasiri1 , Nimila Dushyantha3 , Amila Ratnayake3 , Nadeera Batapola1,".Assessment of Ni phytomining potential in Ginigalpelessa serpentinite deposit, Southeast Sri Lanka.",MerCon 2023,Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2023,
Nadeera Batapola, Nalin Rathnayake, B Abeysinghe, Ranjith Premasiri, Sudath Rohitha, Nmila Dushyantha, I.M. Saman K Ilankoon, Oscar Dissanayake, Pannipitye Dharmaratne,".Rare Earth Element Enrichment in Intrusive Rocks of Sri Lanka as a Potential Low-Grade Source.",MerCon 2022,Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2022,
Nadeera Batapola, Nimila Dushyantha, Nalin Ratnayake, Ranjith Premasiri, B. Abeysinghe, Oscar Dissanayake, Sudath Rohitha, Saman Ilankoon and Pannipitye Dharmaratne,".Rare earth element potential in the beach placers along the southwest coast of Sri Lanka. .",2021 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon) ,colombo,2021,
Vinoj PKL, Kapilarathna MWCS, Samarakoon SMPS, Dushyantha NP, Batapola NM, Abeysinghe AMKB, Premasiri HMR and Ratnayake NP ,".Investigation of Rare Earth Element Potential in Granitic Rocks of Sri Lanka Special Reference to Thonigala Granite. .",International Symposium on Earth Resources Management & Environment (ISERME 2021), ,colombo,2021,128-134
Samarakoon KGAU, Chamilka WTH, Areekaran T, Dushyantha NP, Batapola NM, Premasiri HMR, Ratnayake NP and Abeysinghe AMKB ,". Investigation of Rare Earth Elements Potential in Iron Ore Deposits in Sri Lanka.",International Symposium on Earth Resources Management & Environment (ISERME 2021), ,colombo,2021,121-127
Lasan LI, Weerasekara MN, Prashanth S, Abeysinghe AMKB, Premasiri HMR and Samaradivakara GVI,".Applicability of ground Penetrating Redar (GPR) Techque to optimize soil nail wall designs.",Internaional Symposium on Earth resources & enviroment,The Blue Water, Wadduwa, Sri lankas,2017,121-126
Dissanayake SW, Pathirana GPNA, Sandaruwan MKS, Abeysinghe AMKB, Premasiri HMR and Weerawarnakula S,".ground Penetration Rader Observations at Kahagolla landslide and Evaluation of Potential Failure Mechanism.",International symposium on Earth Resources Manegemenal,The Blue Water, Wadduwa, Sri lankas ,2017,225-230
Dissanayake SW, Pathirana GPNA, Sandaruwan MKS, Abeysinghe AMKB, Premasiri HMR and Weerawarnakula S,".ground Penetration Rader Observations at Kahagolla landslide and Evaluation of Potential Failure Mechanism.",International symposium on Earth Resources Manegement & Environment,The Blue Water, Wadduwa, Sri lankas ,2017,225-230
Senarathna CSS, Godaliyadda OP, Disanayaka KTD, *Premasiri HMR, Abeysinghe AMKB and Weerawarnakula S,".Analysis of Geological Structures for Road Cut Failures: A Case Study Along Balangoda - Haputale Main Road, .",10th Annual Conference ERE,Colombo,2016,pp 81-86.
Pubudi Dilshara a, Bandara Abeysinghe a, Ranjith Premasiri a, Nimila Dushyantha b,*, Nalin Ratnayake a, Sandun Senarath c, Amila Sandaruwan Ratnayake b, Nadeera Batapola a,".The role of nickel (Ni) as a critical metal in clean energy transition: applications, global distribution and occurrences, production-demand and phytomining.",Asian Earth Sciences,259 (2024) 105912,2024
K.W.D. Sanjeewa, Udeni P. Nawagamuwa and A.M.K.B. Abeysinghe,".Effects of Geological and Geotechnical Characteristics on Cut-Slope Stability of Residual Formations in the Hilly Terrain of Sri Lanka A Case Study from Central Expressway (Section 3).",ENGINEER - Vol.LVII, No. 02, pp. [09-29], 2024,ENGINEER - Vol.LVII, No. 02, 2024,2024
Pubudi Dilshara1 · Nalin Ratnayake1 · Bandara Abeysinghe1 · Ranjith Premasiri1 · Nimila Dushyantha2 · Sandun Senarath3 · Amila Sandaruwan Ratnayake2 · Nadeera Batapola1,".Soil‑to‑resource approach to assess the Ni hyperaccumulating potential of native plant species for phytomining at Ginigalpelessa serpentinite deposit, Sri Lanka.",Arabian Journal of Geosciences,(2024) 17:90,2024
Nimila Dushyantha a,b,* , Nalin Ratnayake a , Ranjith Premasiri a , Nadeera Batapola a , Hemalal Panagoda a , Chulantha Jayawardena a , Rohana Chandrajith c , I.M. Saman K. Ilankoon d , Sudath Rohitha a , Amila Sandaruwan Ratnayake b , Bandara Abeysinghe a , Kithsiri Dissanayake a , Pubudi Dilshara a,".Geochemical exploration for prospecting new rare earth elements (REEs) sources: REE potential in lake sediments around Eppawala Phosphate Deposit, Sri Lanka .",Journal of Asian Earth Sciences ,243 (2023) 105515,2023
Nadeera Batapola1 · Nalin Ratnayake1 · Bandara Abeysinghe1 · Ranjith Premasiri1 · Nimila Dushyantha2 · I. M. Saman K. Ilankoon3 · Rohana Chandrajith4 · Sudath Rohitha1 · Kithsiri Dissanayake1 · Pannipitiye Dharmaratne1 · Amila Sandaruwan Ratnayake2 · Pubudi Dilshara1,".The potential of REEs in the Eppawala Phosphate Deposit, Sri Lanka: REE enrichment, mineralization, and economic signifcance.",Environmental Earth Sciences ,(2023) 82:446 ,2023
C.J. Nanayakkara a , N.P. Dushyantha b,* , N.P. Ratnayake a , H.M.R. Premasiri a , A.M.K.B. Abeysinghe a , N.M. Batapola a , R.M.P. Dilshara a , N. Partheepan a , M.Y. Kumarapperuma a,".Risk evaluation and remedial measures for heavy metal contamination in lagoonal sediments of the Negombo Lagoon, Sri Lanka after the X-Press Pearl maritime disaster .",Regional Studies in Marine Science, 67 (2023) 103200,2023
NM Batapola1, NP Dushyantha2*, NP Ratnayake1, HMR Premasiri1, H Panagoda1, CL Jayawardena1, R Chandrajith3, IMSK Ilankoon4, LPS Rohitha1, AS Ratnayake2, JB Koongolla5, AMBK Abeysinghe1, DMDOK Dissanayake1 and RMP Ratnayake1,".Risk assessment of heavy metals in the freshwater lake sediments around Eppawala phosphate deposit, Sri Lanka.",J.Natn.Sci.Foundation Sri Lanka,2023 51 (4): 573 - 587,2023
Nimila Dushyantha 1,2,*, I. M. Saman K. Ilankoon 3,* , N. P. Ratnayake 1 , H. M. R. Premasiri 1 , P. G. R. Dharmaratne 1 , A. M. K. B. Abeysinghe 1 , L. P. S. Rohitha 1 , Rohana Chandrajith 4 , A. S. Ratnayake 2 , D. M. D. O. K. Dissanayake 1 and N. M. Batapola ,".Recovery Potential of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) from the Gem Mining Waste of Sri Lanka: A Case Study for Mine Waste Management.",minerals,Volume 12 Issue 11,2022
I.M.S.K. Ilankoon , N.P. Dushyantha , N. Mancheri, P.M. Edirisinghe, S.J. Neethling, N. P. Ratnayake, L.P.S. Rohitha, D.M.D.O.K. Dissanayake, H.M.R. Premasiri, A.M.K. B. Abeysinghe, P.G.R. Dharmaratne, N.M. Batapola ,".Constraints to rare earth elements supply diversification: Evidence from an industry survey.",Journal of Cleaner Production ,331 (2022),2022
Nimila Dushyantha, Sarath Weerawarnakula, Ranjith Premasiri, Bandara Abeysinghe, Nalin Rathnayake, Nadeera Batapola and Meththa Ranasinghe ,".Potential ecological risk assessment of heavy metals (Cr, Ni and Co) in serpentine soil at Ginigalpelessa in Sri Lanka,.",Arabian Journal of Geoscience,14:1255,2021
N.P. Dushyanthaa, N.P. Ratnayake, H.M.R. Premasiri, I.M.S.K. Ilankoon, P.V.A. Hemalal , C.L. Jayawardena, Rohana Chandrajith, L.P.S. Rohitha, A.M.K.B. Abeysinghe, D.M.D.O. K. Dissanayake, P.G.R. Dharmaratne, A.S. Ratnayake, N.M. Batapola ,".Leaching of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) from lake sediments around Eppawala phosphate deposit, Sri Lanka: A secondary source for REEs,.",Hydrometallurgy,205(2021) 105751,2021
Nimila Dushyantha., Nadeera Batapola., I.M.S.K. Ilankoon., Sudath Rohitha., Ranjith Premasiri., Bandara Abeysinghe., Nalin Ratnayake., Kithsiri Dissanayake,".The story of rare earth elements (REEs): occurrences, global distribution, genesis, geology, mineralogy and global production. .",Ore Geology Reviews,122,2020
N.M. Batapola, N.P. Dushyantha, H.M.R. Premasiri, A.M.K.B Abeysinghe, L.P.S Rohitha, N.P. Ratnayake, D.M.D.O.K. Dissanayake, I.M.S.K. Ilankoon, P.G.R. Dharmaratne ,".A comparison of global rare earth element (REE) resources and their mineralogy with REE prospects in Sri Lanka. .",Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,200,2020