- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Materials Science and Engineering
- Senior Lecturer Grade II
Contact information
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Polymer Process Control and Instrumentation -Undergraduate -2018
Aircraft Materials and Manufacturing -Undergraduate -2019
Fundermentals of Machine Element Design -Undergraduate -2019
Polymer Process Control and Instrumentation -Undergraduate -2019
Machine Design -Undergraduate -2020
Aircraft Materials and Manufacturing -Undergraduate -2020
Polymer Process Control and Instrumentation -Undergraduate -2020
Fundermentals of Machine Element Design -Undergraduate -2020
Aircraft Materials and Mannufacturing -Undergraduate -2021
Fundermentals of Machine Element Design -Undergraduate -2021
Polymer Process Control and Instrumentation -Undergraduate -2022
Mechanical Behaviour of Materials -Undergraduate -2022
Polymer Process Control and Instrumentation -Undergraduate -2023
Fundermentals of Machine Element Design -Undergraduate -2023
Aircraft Materials and Manufacturing -Undergraduate -2022
Mechanical Behaviour of Materials -Undergraduate -2023
Instrumentation and Control Engineering in Materials Processing -Undergraduate -2023
Aircraft Materials and Manufacturing -Undergraduate -2023
Materials Modelling -Undergraduate -2024
Polymer Process Control and Instrumentation -Undergraduate -2024
Fundermentals of Machine Element Design -Undergraduate -2024
Biomaterials -Postgraduate -2024
Mechanical Behaviour of Materials -Undergraduate -2024
Instrumentation and Control Engineering in Materials Processing -Undergraduate -2024
Continuum Scale Numerical Simulation of Material Systems -Undergraduate -2024
Computational Materials Modelling -Postgraduate -2024
Final Year Project Co-ordinator - MT4203 - Research Project Co-ordinator (2019 To 2022)
Lab - in - Charge - Lab - in charge of Foundry Laboratory of Department of Materials Science and Engineering. (2019 To date)
Symposium Chair -Chairperson in hosting the department symposium " Materials Engineering Symposium on Innovations for Industry" MESII 2020, MESII 2021 and MESII 2022 on 27th February 2020 and 14th December 2021. (2019 To 2022)
Working Commitee Member - Center for Bio-Medical Innovation, University of Moratuwa -Collaborating / Assisting Bio-Medical Research relevant to modelling and mechanics of materials - Member of Musculoskeletal Research Group - Lead in Projects - Working Commitee (2019 To date)
Faculty Mentoring Group Co-ordinator -Co-ordinating and Administration of Mentoring activities for Semester-1 students within the department. (2021 To 2022)
Technology Management - MN4042 Co-ordinator - Administration duties with the visiting lecturer and coordinating with the faculty office in conducting the module. (2022 To date)
Nominee of the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for University Ethics Review Committee -Coordinating matters pertaining to ethics review (2022 To date)
Semester 2 Practical Co-Ordinator (Outside Departments) - Schedule and co-ordinate practical work to be done for external department (service modules) (2021 To date)
Semester 4 Practical Co-ordinator -Schedule and co-ordinate practical work to be done for within the department (2022 To date)
Semester 8 Practical Co-ordinator -Schedule and co-ordinate practical work to be done for within the department (2022 To date)
Total Quality Management - MT4023 Coordinator -Administration duties with the visiting lecturer and coordinating with the faculty office in conducting the module. (2023 To date)
Department Timetable Coordinator -Prepare timetables for all the semesters based on the semester offering lists and through coordination with other departments (2023 To date)
Department Representative of Engineering Research Unit (ERU) of University of Moratuwa -To disseminate the knowledge gained through research carried out at the Faculty of Engineering to the Scientific Community at large, and to promote research among Faculty members and Graduate Students. (2024 To date)
Research Activities
Mechanics of Advanced Materials - Computational and Experimentation work
Bio Materials Application in Biomedical Engineering
Finite Element Analysis and Simulation using User Subroutines
Use of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics of Advanced Materials
Influence of Low Amplitude High Frequency Pulsed Current on the Deformation Characteristics of Low and Medium Carbon Steel - Undergraduate (2019)
Molecular insight on the Mechanical Properties of Metallic Glasses for Bio-Medical Applications (2019)
Characterization and Modelling of Thermo Mechanical Behaviour of Solid Tires with Graphite as a Heat Transfer Enhancer - Postgraduate Research (MPhil) (2019 - 2021)
Fabrication of Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar Apparatus to Study Uniaxial High Strain Rate Behaviour of Aluminum Undergraduate (2019)
Prediction of true Compressive Flow Stress of AA6063 Alloy through Ultrasonics Attenuation - Undergraduate (2019) - Co Supervisor
Investigation of Thermo-Mechanical Behavior in Polymer based Mallet Compound with Graphite - Undergraduate (2020)
Design and Fabrication of Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar Apparatus to Investigate High Strain Rate Mechanical Behavior of Low Carbon Steel. - Undergraduate (2020)
Design and Development of External Fixators by Composite Materials for Orthopaedic Bio-Mechanics Applications - Center for Bio-Medical Innovation of University of Moratuwa in Collaboration with Imperial College, London , UK - 2020
Effect of Corrosion Surface Topography on Fatigue Life of Low Carbon Steel - Co - Supervisor (Undergraduate) (2018)
Characterization and Numerical Modelling of the Deformation of Biological Soft Tissue for Tissue Engineering - Undergraduate (2021).
Design and Fabrication of Bi-Axial Tensile Testing Machine to Characterize Polymer Composites - Undergraduate (2021).
Investigation of Electroplasticity Effect on Plain Carbon Steel under Pulsed Electric Current - MSc ( Full Time ) (2022 - Ongoing)
Numerical Prediction of Curing Status of Graphite-based Tire Compounds under Vulcanization - Undergraduate (2022)
Non-Destructive Approaches for Evaluating Young’s Modulus in Human Bones Using Impulse Excitation (Undergraduate 2023)
Development of Bioactive/Resorbable Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer based Intramedullary Nail – Experimental and Numerical Study (MPhil) (2023 - Ongoing)
Mechanics of Advanced Materials - Experimentation and Computational Studies
Bio Materials Application in Biomedical Engineering,
Finite Element Analysis and Simulation using USer Subroutines
Application of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence on Mechanics of Advanced Materiasl
Education and Professional Affiliations
Bachelors, The Open University of Sri Lanka ,2011 Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering - First Class Honors (GPA - 3.94 out of 4.0) / Won OP Kulshreththa Gold Medal for the best student of the Faculty of Engineering Technology.
PhD, Loughborough University - United Kingdom ,2016 Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering for thesis titled - " Computational Analysis of Shear Band Initiation Propagation of Zr/Cu based Bulk Metallic Glasses". The research was carried out for 4 years in the Mechanics of Advanced Materials Research Group of Wolfson School of Mechanical/Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering of Loughborough University, UK. Supervisors: Professor Anish Roy (Professor in Mechanics of Materials and Processes) Professor Vadim V. Silberschmidt (Professor of Mechanics of Materials, Head of the Group Mechanics of Advanced Materials) External Examiner : Professor Xiaoyu Luo, Glasgow University, UK Internal Examiner : Professor Changqin Liu
Institute of Physics, United Kingdom(2016 To 2020)
Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka(2012 To date)
Young Scientist Forum / National Scienece and Technology Commision(2019 To date)
Engineering Council, Sri Lanka(2020 To date)
1).Chairman of Finite Element Analysis and Simulation Center (FEAS) Center
2). Senior Lecturer (Higher Grade) - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology.
3). Unit Author - "Engineering Mechanics" / Course book for B.Tech (Eng.) Degree program
4). Mechanical Design Engineer - Semiconductor Industry ( Engineering designs for Sony, Applied Materials, Intel..etc)
5). Post Doctoral Researcher - Wolfson School of Mechanical / Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University, UK.
6). Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher - Wolfson School of Mechanical / Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University, UK.
7). Undergraduate Teaching Assistant - Wolfson School of Mechanical / Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University, UK.
8). Undergraduate Teaching Assistant - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Technology, The Open University of Sri Lanka.
Appointment as a resource person for 3 day training sessions on Finite Element Analysis and Simulation for Engineers of Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) on 10th, 16th and 17th of January 2025 at CEB, Generation Headquarters, New Kelani Bridge, Kolonnawa.
Appointed as a member of the Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) for Procurement under AHEAD Project - Hydrogel-based footwear solutions for diabetic patients by AHEAD Project Operations Technical Secretariat (OTS), University of Moratuwa (2022 Sep 28)
Development of a Compound for Electrical Insulation Mat (Product Development) for DSI Samsons Group (2022 Feb 23)
Numerical Simulation of heat transfer mechanism of Epoxy-based Si Wafer within a vacuum chamber (2021 - July 27)
Development of a Numerical Prediction tool for Rubber Curing Simulation for Global Rubber Industry (GRI) Sri Lanka (with Mr S Weragoda (Senior Lecturer))
Appointed as a member of the Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) for Procurement of Design, Prototyping and Pilot Plant Fabrication of Latex Auto Filling and Tray Conveyor System by Rubber Research Institute (RRI) Sri Lanka (2021 - April - 30)
Environmental Impact Assessment of Express Pearl Maritime Disaster National Project - Thermal Modelling Team (Finite Element Analysis Center, University of Sri Jayawardenapura, University of Moratuwa) - 2021
Invited Resource Person in the curriculum development of the Bachelor of Science Honor in Polymer Products Manufacturing and Industrial Management External Degree Program, offered by the Department of Polymer Science, University of Sri Jayawardanepura, for the module - Practical Aspects of Finite Element Analysis.
Invited reviewer for the manuscript titled " Biopolymer Innovations in Oculoplastic Surgery: Reconstruction of Eyelid, Lacrimal, and Orbital Structures" by the journal - Exploration of BioMat-X (Editor in Chief - Prof Maryam Tabrizian), by ARES Systems. (Manuscript number 2024-00025) (2024 September 20)
Participated as an expert witness for a cable testing consultation between ACL cables PLC. and one of its clients on 2024 August 22. Witnessed the fire test procedure for fire resistance cables conducted according to BS8491 standard and aided us in this consultation to complete the test report to the client.
Invited as a participant for IERS2024 ( Second International Engineering Research Symposium 2024) conference organized by National Engineering Research and Development Center, Sri Lanka on 2024 August 12 held at Lotus Tower, Colombo.
Appointed as a PhD Proposal Reviewer - Faculty of Technology, University of Sri Jayawardanepura - " Engineering Thermoplastic
Elastomers through Industrial Waste and Biobased Feedstock Utilization:
Materials for Circular Economy" - 2024 Aug 2
Co-supervisor of the Master of Philosophy Degree titled A Forensic Analysis on the Ricochet Behavior and Ricochet Impact Marks of 9 mm x 19 mm Bullets on Plywood, Medium Density Fiber Melamine Board (MDF) and Hardboard Targets; Empirical Study, Faculty of Graduate Studies, General Sir John Kotelawala - 2023
Invited Reviewer for the Manuscript titled - "First Principles-Based Finite Element Analysis of Zigzag Phosphorene Nanosheets" from the Journal - Applied Physics A - 2024 January 30
Invited Reviewer for the Manuscript titled - "Investigating Quench Crack Susceptibility in Disc Springs: A Microstructural Analysis of Martensitic Evolution and Its Implications" from the Journal - Applied Physics A - 2024 January 16
Invited resource person to conduct "Course of Applied Finite Element Analysis for Engineers/Scientists and Technologists" organized by FEAS center and Plastic and Rubber Institute, Sri Lanka on November 30, December 1,7 and December 8.
Invited Reviewer for the Manuscript titled - "A Comprehensive Study of Mechanical Properties in Armchair Phosphorene Nanotubes Using DFT-Based Finite Element Analysis" from the Journal - Applied Physics A - 2023 November 22.
Invited as a participant for IERS2023 ( International Engineering Research Symposium 2023) conference organized by National Engineering Research and Development Center, Sri Lanka on 2023 November 2 held at Waters Edge.
Appointed as the Examiner for the MSc research project (Part time MEng) conducted by Department of Mechanical Engineering - An Investigation of Mould Parts Deformation and Failure Analysis during Solid Tire Manufacturing Process for Mr JAI Sanjeewa- 2023 Oct 27
Invited Reviewer for the Manuscript titled - "Theoretical Analysis of Mechanical Properties in Natural Fibres: A Case study of Ichu and Cabuya" from the Journal - Applied Physics A - 2023 October 9.
Invited lecture on the "Use of Finite Element Analysis and its Applications" to the members of Incoporated Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IIESL) at Sri Lanka Rubber Research Institutue (RRISL) as the Chairman of the Finite Element Analysis and Simulation Center - 2023 Sep 23
Appointed as the Chairperson for the MSc (Major Component Research) final examination - Synthesis of Chitosan/Hydroxyapatite Nanocomposite Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Applications - 2023 Aug 11
Invitee for Industry Consultative Meeting by the Industry Interaction Cell for the Faculty of Computing and Technology, University of Kelaniya on 28th July 2023 at Taj Samudra - Crystal Ballroom.
Invited guest lecturer on "Finite Element Analysis" for the undergraduates of the Department of Applied Computing, Faculty of Computing and Technology, University of Kelaniya for their UG module - Materials Simulation, on 27 and 28th of July 2023.
Invited as a panellist for the webinar - "Sri Lanka Spotlight: Product Optimization using Finite Element Simulation and its Future Directions" by Technobiz Virtual Events. on 2023 May 20. TechnoBiz with headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand is recognized as an International Resource Center for Industries and Technologies with global services of "Professional Education and Business Services".
Appointed as the Member of the Scientific Committee of "International Conference on Mechanics of Biomedical Materials and Devices 2023" organized by Laboratory of Mechanics of Biocompatible Materials and Devices, Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Russia (2023 April 5).
Appointed as the Moderator for the Examination Paper " Mechanical Behavior of Materials" for the Department of Materials Technology, Faculty of Technology, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Mihintale (2023 March 17th)
Chairman of Finite Element and Simulation Center (FEAS) (2022-2023)
Nominated as a reviewer of competitive research grants by the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the Project Title - "Development of
prostheses and dental filling materials from nanotechnologically modified
Eppawala apatite and polymer nanocomposites and feasibility study for
manufacturing" (2022 December)
Appointment as a PhD Examiner to evaluate the thesis on the title - " A Forensic based Empirical Study on Analysis of the Ricochet Behavior and Ricochet Impact Marks of Kalashnikov Bullets" by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 02ns June 2022
Invited Session Chair (Product Design Session) to the SLIIT International Conference on Engineering and Technology (SICET 2022) of the Faculty of Engineering, Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology, Malabe Sri Lanka, 11th Feb 2022.
Undergraduate Project Co-Supervisor - Department of Mechatronics Engineering / Sri Lanka Technological Campus - Thesis Title - "Implementation of Predictive Maintenance Strategy using Machine Learning Approach" - January 2022
Invited Examiner for research progress evaluation of MPhil candidate - Mr Thisara Pathirana on the topic of "Development and Characterization of Chameleon inspired Hybrid Quadrupedal Mobile Robot" of the Faculty of Engineering Technology, The Open University of Sri Lanka - 23rd December 2021
Invited Session Chair of the Undergraduate Research Project Showcase at Research Week 2021 held on 30 November - 4th December 2021 organized by Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Moratuwa.
Invited member for the scientific review committee of the annual international research symposium 2021 by the University of Vocational Technology to be held on 14th December 2021.
Invited Reviewer for 12th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management (ICSECM 2021) for the paper titled "Simulation of Pedestrian Walking Behaviour on Foot Bridge" - 24th November 2021
Invited Member to represent 'Industrial Advisory Board' of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Open University of Sri Lanka - 4th November 2021
Invited Reviewer for the 10th annual scientific research sessions 2021 (ASRS 2021) organized by the Faculty of Applied sciences, the South Eastern University of Sri Lanka in the field of Chemistry (Material Science) for the submission - Effect of Delay in Quenching on Hardness of High Carbon Steel.
Invited Moderator for the Webinar Series conducted by the Plastics and Rubber Institute of Sri Lanka (PRISL) on the topic of "Numerical Simulation - Engineer's Playground" - on 30th January 2021
Faculty board paper presented on " Portable Clean Room" to the Faculty of Engineering, the University of Moratuwa on the Faculty Board on January 2021 (467th Faculty Board Minutes) to develop microelectronics, micro-fabrication technologies.
Invited resource personnel for the Webinar Series conducted by the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Peradeniya; on the topic of "Applications of Numerical Simulations in Industrial / Design Engineering - A Practical Approach " on 09th Dec 2020.
Awareness session on "The use of Finite Element Analysis" for the Nautical Engineering Design Team of The Colombo Dockyard Pvt. Ltd, Sri Lanka on 4th Oct 2020
Awareness session on the "Numerical Simulation Technology in Science and Engineering" for the Research and Development Team of the Ministry of Defence (MOD), Sri Lanka on 24th Sep 2020
Invited Reviewer on the paper title "Dissolved Contaminant Transport in Homogeneous and Differently Layered Geosystems: an Experimental and Numerical Investigation" for 9th Young Scientist Forum Symposium on 2020 March.
Invited Lecture - "Use of Finite Elements for Designing Products" for the Graduate ship course in Polymer Technology conducted by Plastic and Rubber Institute of Sri Lanka (PRISL) on 6th July 2019.
Invited Lecture for "Short Course on Finite Element Analysis, Simulations and Applications" by Finite Element Analysis and Simulation (FEAS) Center on Jan 2019 / Jul 2019.
Invited Guest Speaker at the technical session on the topic of "Finite Element Analysis towards Sri Lankan Industry" at the graduation ceremony of SFS Academy / the sign event of MOU between FEAS centre and SFS Academy on August 29 2019 at BMICH
Invited Guest Speaker at the awareness session on the topic of "Finite Element Analysis towards Sri Lankan Industry" to the group of exporting companies on October 3rd 2019 at the National Chamber of Exporters (NCE) Colombo.
Invited Referee of Technical Papers for the Journal "ENGINEER" by the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka - " Studying the communication delay of the soft finger controlled over the internet", December 2019.
Invited Reviewer for the research proposal evaluation for the award of Degree of Master of Philosophy (MPhil) by Faculty of Engineering Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, OUSL -"The Fatigue Performance of High Strength Steel Railway Bridges based on Fracture Mechanics Approach" , October 2019
Invited Reviewer for the research proposal evaluation for the award of Degree of Master of Philosophy (MPhil) by Faculty of Engineering Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, OUSL - "Modelling / Experimental Characterisation, Improving Chameleon Inspired Robot Locomotion Platform". April 2020
Invited Reviewer for the technical papers on "Open University Research Sessions 2020" or OURS 2020. - "Development of Smart Pedestal Fan" , "Design and development of a floral form cutting machine to improve process efficiency", "Automotive side mirrors to visualize blind spots", July 2020
Honours and Awards
PhD Full Scholarship (Received 2012)
Best Student of the Faculty of Engineering Technology, Gold Medal Award (Received 2011)
Third place for best poster presentation (Received 2014)
Second place for Eng Nimal Chandrasena Award for best paper presented by young members (Received 2011)
Travel Bursary to attend 8th International Symposium on Mechanics of Materials and Structures (ISMMS 2015) Augustow, Poland (Received 2015)
Travel Bursary to attend Advances in Micromechanics of Materials (MICROMECH 2014) Rzeszow, Poland (Received 2014)
Senate Research Short Term Grant - UOM - (SRC/ST/2018/34) (Received 2019)
Senate Research Long Term Grant - UOM - (SRC/LT/2019/34) (Received 2019)
Senate Research Short Term Grant - UOM - (SRC/ST/2021/07) (Received 2021)
Senate Research Long Term Grant - UOM - (SRC/LT/2021/21) (Received 2021)
Award for Outstanding Research Performance - 2020 (Received 2021)
Award for Outstanding Research with a Distinction - 2021 (Received 2022)
Travel and Accommodation Bursary to attend Stakeholder meeting of IProTect grant funded by NIHR UK, held at Imperial College, London, United Kingdom (Received 2024)
Best Paper Award in the Track of Materials Science and Engineering at 10th International Conference of Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (Received 2024)
Award for Outstanding Research Performance - 2022 (Received 2024)
,".Engineering Mechanics - Course Materials for B.Tech Engineering Degree.",The Open University of Sri Lanka,2018
V.Nekouie, A.Roy, V.V Silberschmidt,".Bulk Metallic Glasses: Mechanical Properties and Performance.",Springer International,2015
M.D.P Arachchi, D.M.C Sandaru, A.A.G.A Abeygunawardane, Suranga Rajapakse, H.S Sitinamaluwa.,".Graphene Oxide-Based Nanofluid for Heat Transfer Applications.",Moratuwa Enigneering Research Conference (Mercon 2024),University of Moratuwa,2024,330-335
J.P.T.C.K. Jayalath, H.W.M.M. Muthumali, A.A.G.A. Abeygunawardane, E.A.S.T. Edirisinghe, P.H. Dissanayake,".Evaluation of Dynamic Young’s Modulus of Human Bones through Impulse Excitation Method.",Moratuwa Enigneering Research Conference (Mercon 2024),University of Moratuwa,2024,211-216
G. Aravinda Abeygunawardane, Sajith Edirisinghe, S.G Yasawardene,".Experimentation of Human Skeletal Muscle (Rectus Femoris) of Sri Lankan Test Subjects under Tensile Loading.",International Conference of Mechanics of Biomaterials and Medical Devices,PERM National Research Polytechnique University, Russia,2023,63
M.K.D.T Dhanushka, Gayan Aravinda Abeygunwardane, G.I.P De Silva,".Effect of Pulsed Current Frequency on Electroplasticity in Plain Carbon Steel: An Experimental Study.",Moratuwa Enigneering Research Conference (Mercon 2023),University of Moratuwa,2023,
H.G.S. Rangana, W.K.G. Ishara, V. Sivahar and G.A. Abeygunawardane,".Quantitative estimation of residual stresses in quenched steel through ultrasonic parameters.",International Conference on Innovation and Emerging Technologies (ICIET),Colombo,2022,
Abeygunawardane AAGA , Edirisinghe EAST, Karunarathne A , Ariyarathne D, Dissanayake PH, Yasawardene SG,".Mechanical Characterization Human Muscle Tissue –A Preliminary Study.",134th International Medical Congress, Sri Lanka Medical Association,Colombo,2021,
Dinelka Somaweera, Gayan Aravinda Abeygunawardane, Sampath Weragoda, Vigneshwaran Sivahar,".Mechanical and Thermal Characterization of Sri Lankan Vein Graphite Powder.",Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon) 2021,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2021,664-669
Dinelka Somaweera, Aravinda Abeygunawardane, Sampath Weragoda, Sisira Ranathunga,".Effect of Vein Graphite Powder on Mechanical, Curing, and Thermal Properties of Solid Tire Vulcanizate.",International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing (ICRAM 2021) ,Kolhapur, India,2021,
Kuenzang Jurmey, Nishan Sharma Ghimire Vigneswaran Sivahar, Gayan Aravinda Abeygunawardane, Miyuru Piyathilake,".Prediction of True Compressive Flow Stress of AA 6063 Through Ultrasonic Attenuation.",Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon) 2020,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2020,193-198
Nayanathara Hendeniya; Gayan Aravinda Abeygunawardena; Indika De. Silva; Shiranga Wickramasinghe,".The Tensile Electroplasticity of Low Carbon Steel with Low Amplitude Pulse Current.",Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon) 2020,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2020,165-169
Bandara L, Rangana P, Piyathilaka M, Abeygunawardane A, Sivahar, doi: 10.1109/MERCon.2019.8818808.,".Effect of Corrosion Surface Topography on Fatigue Life of Low Carbon Steel.",Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon) 2019,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2019,599-604
Alessandro Schiavone, Abeygunawardane A, V.V Silberschmidt,".Crack growth in notched specimen under repetitive impact.",International Symposium on Mechanics of Materials and Structures (ISMMS),Augustow, Poland,2015,
Vahid Nekouie, Abeygunawardane A., Anish Roy, V.V Silberschmidt ,".Indentation study of mechanical behaviour of Zr-Cu based metallic glass .",International Conference on Advanced Problems in Mechanics (APM 2015),St. Petersburg, Russia,2015,
Vahid Nekouie, Abeygunawardane A, Anish Roy, V.V Silberschmidt,".Study of Mechanical Deformation of a Zr-Cu based BMG: Experiments and Numerical Studies.",11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI),Barcelona, Spain,2014,
Vahid Nekouie, Abeygunawardane A, Anish Roy, V.V Silberschmidt,".Elastic-Plastic properties of BMG: Indentation and Numerical Studies.",Advances in Micromechanics of Materials (MICROMECH 2014),Rzeszow, Poland,2014,
Vahid Nekouie, Abeygunawrdane A, Anish Roy, V.V Silberschmidt,".Mechanical Behaviour of Zr based Metallic Glass in Indentation.",20th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nano-structured Materials (ISMANAM 2013),Torino, Italy,2013,
Gayan Aravinda Abeygunwardane, Sampath Weragoda, Nadun Senevirathna, Eranga Hansinee.,".Characterization of curing status of commercial tire compounds with vein graphite powder and its particle sizes—Experimental and computational study.",Journal of Applied Polymer Science,141/28,2024
Nelum K. Wijekoon, Gayan A. Appuhamillage, Rohan S. Dassanayake, Renuka N. Liyanage a, Dulanjaya Mapage a, Achintha Wijenayake, Eshani L. Lokuge, Suranga M. Rajapaksha, Gayan A. Abeygunawardane, N.D.D. Danuka Senarath.,".Facile Fabrication of 3D-Printed Cellulosic Fiber/Polylactic Acid Composites as Low-Cost and Sustainable Acoustic Panels.",Sustainable Chemistry for the Environment,8,2024
Abeygunawardane, A.A.G.A, Edirisinghe, E.A.S.T, Karunarathne, A., Ariyarathne H.T.D.W., Dissanayake, P.H., Yasawardane, S.G., ,".Passive Mechanical Characterization of Human Skeletal Muscle Rectus Femoris of Sri Lankan Test Subjects.",ENGINEER ,55,2022
P.L.N Fernando, Aravinda Abeygunawardane, PCI Wijesinghe, Parakrama Dharmarathne, Pujitha Silva,".An Engineering Review of External Fixators.",Medical Engineering and Physics,98,2021
Dinelka Somaweera, Aravinda Abeygunawardane, Sampath Weragoda, Sisira Ranathunga,".Effect of Vein Graphite Powder on Mechanical, Curing, and Thermal Properties of Solid Tire Vulcanizate.",Materials Today : Proceedings,,2021
V. Nekouie A . Bell,".Experimental and computational analysis of initiation and propagation of shear bands in bulk metallic glasses.",Materials Research Express,,2019
A.Schiavone, V.V Silberschmidt,".Crack Initiation and propagation in ductile specimen with notches: Experimental and numerical study.",Acta Mechanica,,2015
V.Nekouie, U.Kuhn, Anish Roy, V.V Silberschmidt,".Indentation-induced deformation localisation in Zr-based metallic glass.",Journal of Alloys and Compound,,2013
" Molecular Insight on the Mechanical Properties of Metallic Glasses for Bio - Medical Applications " by Peiris H, G.A Abeygunawardane, H.Sitinamaluwa. - a research report. Funded by Senate Research committee (SRC) grant of University of Moratuwa on 2019.
Unravelling the Mysteries of Finite Element Analysis - An Article from SLAMERP (Sri Lanka Association of Manufacturers and Exporters of Rubber Products) - Unravelling the mysteries of Finite Element Analysis (slamerp.lk)
Presentation on "Product Optimization using Finite Element based Simulations and Its Future Directions" organized by TechnoBiz pvt LtD, on their "Sri Lanka Spotlight" program.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60w4GIcarOE&t=323s