- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Senior Lecturer Grade II
Contact information
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Thermodynamics of Heat Engines & Work Transfer -Undergraduate -2022
Social/Community Project -Undergraduate -2022
Aerodynamics -Undergraduate -2022
Aerodynamics -Undergraduate -2022
Energy Technology & Environment -Undergraduate -2022
Heat and Mass Transfer -Undergraduate -2021
Heat Transfer & Applications -Postgraduate -2021
Energy Sources -Postgraduate -2021
Wind Energy -Postgraduate -2022
Research Activities
Nanoscale heat transfer
Post Graduate Research Supervision PhD: Title- A Study of Thermoelectric Properties of Nanostructures with Constriction (Ongoing) MPhil: Title- Investigation of Aerodynamics of Flapping Wings (Ongoing) MSc: Title- Study on Viscous and Thermal Properties of Nanofluids through Classical Molecular Dynamic Simulations (Completed)
Nanoscale heat transfer
Education and Professional Affiliations
Bachelors, University of Moratuwa ,2009
Masters, University of Moratuwa ,2012
PhD, University of Auckland ,2018
Honours and Awards
Sanju Ariyarathne, Mahela Prasanna, Nadun Wijesinghe, Saliya Jayasekara, Nalaka Samaraweera,".Design and Optimization of Blades of a Small-Scale H-Rotor Darrieus-Type VAWT using Q-Blade.",2024 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2024,223-229
Pulasthi Dabare, Lakshitha De Silva, Chathura Ranasinghe, Nalaka Samaraweera,".A CFD Approach To Evaluate Performance of Pedestal Fan Blades.",2024 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2024,181-186
Kumeesha De Silva, Sadeep Maduranga, Vikum Chamika, Lakshitha De Silva, Asitha L Kulasekera, Nalaka Samaraweera, Nirosh D Jayaweera,".Design and Experimental Characterization of a Soft Bending Actuator for Morphing Aerofoils.",2023 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2023,
Pasan Henadeera, Chamara Somarathna, Wenusara Satheekshana, Yohan Withanage, Nalaka Samaraweera,".Ultra-Low Thermal Conductivity of Laterally Arranged Nanowire Arrays Through Constriction Engineering.",2023 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2023,
Dasun L Jayasooriya, Chathusha V Punchi Wedikkara, Hiran Kavindu Hakmana Kodithuwakku, Nalaka Samaraweera,".A Design Framework for Subsonic Low-Speed Wind Tunnels.",2023 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2023,
Lakshitha De Silva Nalaka Samaraweera Nirosh Jayaweera Thusitha Sugathapala,".A Computational Study of the Aerodynamics of Plunging and Pitching Motions of Airfoils.",2022 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2022,1-6
K Samaraweera AGT Sugathapala,".Application of Vortex Lattice Method and Free Wake Method to Model Ideal Flow around an Impetuously Translated Flat Plate.",The Institution of Engineers,Colombo,2011,
N Samaraweera KAB Pathirathna HED De Silva AGT Sugathapala,".Development of darrieus-type vertical axis wind turbine for stand-alone applications.",International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment,Kandy,2010,
Wenusara Satheekshana, Pasan Henadeera, Chamara Somarathna, Nalaka Samaraweera, Galhenage Asha Sewvandi,".Reduced thermal conductivity of constricted graphene nanoribbons for thermoelectric applications.",Carbon Trends,17,2024
Pasan Henadeera Nalaka Samaraweera Chathura Ranasinghe Anusha Wijewardena,".Surface and Constriction Engineering of Nanoparticle Based Structures Towards Ultra-Low Thermal Conductivity as Prospective Thermoelectric Materials.",Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering,27/01,2023
Chamara Somarathna Nalaka Samaraweera Saliya Jayasekara Kapila Perera,".A molecular dynamics study of thermal conductivity and viscosity in colloidal suspensions: From well-dispersed nanoparticles to nanoparticle aggregates.",Applied Thermal Engineering,229,2023
Chamara Somarathna Nalaka Samaraweera Saliya Jayasekara Kapila Perera,".Microscopic thermal characteristics of parallelly arranged nanowires in a liquid: the role of interface thermal resistance, solid-like liquid layer, and the restricted phonon transport.",Physica Scripta,98/9,2023
P Henadeera N Samaraweera C Ranasinghe A Wijewardane,".Ultra-low thermal conductivity of nanoparticle chains: A nanoparticle based structure for thermoelectric applications.",Journal of Applied Physics ,130 (6), 064301,2021
N Samaraweera KL Chan K Mithraratne,".Reduced thermal conductivity of nanotwinned random layer structures: a promising nanostructuring towards efficient Si and Si/Ge thermoelectric materials.",Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics ,51 (20), 204006,2018
N Samaraweera JM Larkin KL Chan K Mithraratne,".Modal analysis of the thermal conductivity of nanowires: examining unique thermal transport features.",Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter ,30 (22), 225301,2018
N Samaraweera JM Larkin KL Chan K Mithraratne,".Reduced thermal conductivity of Si/Ge random layer nanowires: A comparative study against superlattice counterparts.",Journal of Applied Physics ,123 (24), 244303,2018
KKMNP Samaraweera MACK Gunarathna KAL Kollure,".An inviscid model for unsteady flow in multiply connected domains.",European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids ,41,2013