- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Process Engineering
- Senior Lecturer Grade II
Contact information
Department of Chemical and Process Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering -Undergraduate -2018
Plant and Equipment Design 1 -Undergraduate -2019
Plant and Equipment Design 2 -Undergraduate -2018
Research Methodology -Undergraduate -2018
Research Project -Undergraduate -2019
Comprehensive Design Project I -Undergraduate -2019
Clean Technology -Undergraduate -2019
Sustainable Process Industry -Postgraduate -2019
Sustainable Process Development Techniques -Postgraduate -2020
Plant and Equipment Design 1 -Undergraduate -2020
Industrial Training -Undergraduate -2019
Industrial Training -Undergraduate -2020
Clean Technology -Undergraduate -2021
Department Industrial Training Coordinator -Coordinating with the industrial places and the Industrial Training Division to provide industrial placements for departmental undergraduate Industrial Training program since year 2019 (2019 To date)
Track Chair - Chemical and Process Engineering Track in MERCon 2019 - Coordination with the reviewers for the manuscript review process in Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference 2019 (MERCon 2019) (2019 To 2020)
Faculty Exhibition Committee Member -Coordination of department activities in National Engineering Exhibitions. (2019 To 2022)
Member - Engineering Research Unit (ERU) -Represent the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering at Engineering Research Unit - Faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa (2020 To 2023)
Member - Planning & Development Committee -Represent the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering at Planning & Development Committee - University of Moratuwa (2021 To 2023)
Course Coordinator - MSc/PG Diploma in Sustainable Process Engineering -Course Coordination duties for the MSc/PG Diploma course in Sustainable Process Engineering since year 2021 (2021 To date)
Publication Chair - Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon) -Working as the Publication Chair of the Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon) in year 2021 and 2022 (2021 To 2022)
The Editor of Engineering Research Unit (ERU) - Faculty of Engineering - Editing of ERU meeting minutes and editorial duties of MERCon conference (2022 To 2023)
Member in Faculty Board of Studies (BOS) for Post-Graduate Taught Courses -Attend the monthly Board of Studies (BOS) meeting of Faculty of Engineering for Post-Graduate Taught Courses since year 2021 (2021 To date)
Session Chair - Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon) -Worked as the Session Chair for Chemical and Process Engineering Track at Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon) in the year 2023 (2023 To 2023)
Coordinator - Department Industry Consultative Board (DICB) -Working as the Coordinator of the Department Industry Consultative Board (DICB) for the Department of Chemical and process Engineering since year 2023 (2023 To date)
Research Activities
Process simulation for sustainable chemical processes and related LCA
Life Cycle Assessment of bio-fuel and sustainable energy production processes
Environmental Impact assessment and Carbon footprint evaluation of consumer products
CO2 capture and Airborne Pollution Control using industrial solid waste materials
Research Thesis supervision for MSc in Sustainable Process Engineering Thesis Title: INVESTIGATION OF CO2 SEQUESTRATION POSSIBILITY VIA AQUEOUS PHASE MINERAL CARBONATION USING INDUSTRIAL WASTE MATERIALS Student Name: Ms. S.G. Nanayakkara (159259T)
Research Thesis supervision for MSc in Sustainable Process Engineering Thesis Title: INVESTIGATION OF MULTICOMPONENT HEAVY METALS ADSORPTION CAPABILITY USING RAW COIR DUST AND PROCESSED COIR PITH Student Name: Mr. A.M.P.C. Amarasinghe (159251L)
Life Cycle Assessment, Environmental Impact assessment, CO2 Capture and Airborne Pollution Control, Biofuel Production, Solid Waste Recovery and Reuse
Education and Professional Affiliations
Bachelor's, University of Ruhuna ,2010 Bachelor Science in Engineering
Masters, Thammasat University ,2015 Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
PhD, Thammasat University ,2019 PhD in Chemical Engineering
Associate Member of Institution of Engineers in Sri Lanka (AMIESL)(2010 To date)
Affiliate Member of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers IMECE (2009 To 2013)
Member of Engineering Council, Sri Lanka (MECSL)(2010 To date)
Member of Young Scientists Forum (YSF) of National Science & Technology Commission (NASTEC)(2019 To date)
Registered Scientist of the National Science Foundation (NSF)(2019 To date)
Graduate Teaching Assistant at School of Bio-Chemical Engineering Technology, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University, Thailand
Lecturer (Probationary) at Department of Chemical & Process Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka - From May 2013 to April 2019
Lecturer (Contract) in Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka - From March 2013 to May 2013
Production Manager in Swadeshi Industrial Works PLC, Kandana, Sri Lanka - From September 2010 to March 2013
Working as a Reviewer for the Journal of Cleaner Production - From 2018 to date
Honours and Awards
Best Research Paper Award - 3rd Place in Vidulka National Energy Symposium 2013 - Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority (Received 2013)
Best Research Paper Award at 24th International Forestry and Environment Symposium (Received 2019)
Piyumali Mewanthika Jayasundara and Mahinsasa Rathnayake,".Fruit and Vegetable Waste Utilization and Sustainability Book Chapter 10 - Environmental impacts and sustainability assessment of fruit and vegetable waste valorization through life cycle assessment (includes an overview of life cycle assessment).",Elsevier Academic Press,2023
B.A. Wickramathilaka, G.A.M.S.P. Gunarathna, S.M.N.D. Martino, and M. Rathnayake,".Biodiesel Production Using Rendered Oil From Waste Chicken Skin.",International Conference on Innovation and Emerging Technologies 2023,Colombo, Sri Lanka,2023,126
M Rathnayake, U L L Manujitha, and U P R Madhuhansi,".Synergistic effects of ultrasonication for dyeing process efficiency improvement of selected fabric types: An experimental design and analysis.",Proceedings of the International Engineering Research Symposium (IERS 2023),Water's Edge Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka,2023,225-234
Ashika Dilshani, Prasad Amarasinghe, and Mahinsasa Rathnayake,".Multicomponent Heavy Metals Adsorption by Raw Coir Dust and Processed Coir Pith: Experimental Investigation and Life Cycle Analysis.",Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon) 2022,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2022,1 - 6
W. Gayashani, I. Jayaweera, M. Rathnayake,".Life Cycle Energy Utilization, Economic Feasibility, and Climate Change Impact Assessment for End-Use Options of Waste Plastic Pyrolysis Oil in Sri Lanka.",Proceedings of the International Research Conference of the SLTC Research University, Sri Lanka 2022,SLTC Research University, Sri Lanka,2022,118 - 120
Thejanie Jayasekara and Mahinsasa Rathnayake,".Techno-Economic Assessment of Struvite Phosphorus Recovery from Sewage Sludge Treatment in Sri Lanka.",International Conference on Advances in Computing and Technology (ICACT–2021),Online Conference,2021,98-103
Abeysuriya D. I.; De Silva K.I.; Wijesekara N.S.H.; Sethunga G. S. M. D. P.; and Rathnayake M.,".Process Simulation-based Life Cycle Mass Flow Analysis for Fuel-grade Bioethanol Production from Water Hyacinth.",Proceedings of the Multidisciplinary International Research Symposium of Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (ISymRU 2021),Virtual Conference,2021,
Poornima Wanninayake; Mahinsasa Rathnayake; Dilantha Thushara; and Sanja Gunawardena,".Optimization of Hemicellulose Recovery from Rice Straw for Biorefinery: Dilute Acid Pretreatment at Reduced Temperatures.",2021 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2021,
Senadeera K.R., Jayasinghe T.K., Jayasundara P.M., Nanayakkara G., Rathnayake M.,".Investigation of CO2 Sequestration Possibility via Indirect Mineral Carbonation using Waste Coal Fly Ash.",Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),Online Conference (Infovaya),2020,pp. 119-123
Jayasekara T., Surendra Y.W., Rathnayake M.,".Evaluation of global warming and toxicity potentials from chemical fertilizer application for maize cultivation in Sri Lanka.",International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment,Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna,2020,pp. 49
Rajinika K.T., Senevirathne C.J.W., Rathnayake M.,".Life cycle assessment on climate change impacts from sugarcane cultivation in Sri Lanka and their mitigation potentials through effective utilization of crop residues.",International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment,Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna,2020,pp. 48
Senadeera, K.R., Adhikari, P.D., Rathnayake, M.,".Assessment of airborne emissions and impact potentials from Norochcholei coal power plant.",7th Ruhuna International Science and Technology Conference,Faculty of Science, University of Ruhuna,2020,pp.22
Jayasundara, P.M., Jayasinghe, T.K., Rathnayake, M.,".Process Simulation-based Net Energy Analysis for Future Bioethanol Production as Commercial Biofuel from Waste Rice Straw in Sri Lanka.",24th International Forestry and Environment Symposium 2019,Jetwing Blue Hotel, Negombo,2019,pp.120
Rathnayake, M, Tangtermsirikul, S., Pisanu Toochinda, P.,".Low temperature sulfur dioxide capture using fly ash as solid sorbent.",Pure and Applied Chemistry International Conference (PACCON 2017),Bangkok, Thailand,2017,pp.384-389
Rathnayake, H.H.M.P. and Dilshan, S.K.D.H.S. ,".Process Simulation for Bio-Ethanol Dehydration by Azeotropic Distillation and Extractive Distillation .",Annual Sessions of IESL,Colombo, Sri Lanka,2016,pp. 203 - 210
Mahinsasa Rathnayake, Pumiwat Vacharapong, Somnuk Tangtermsirikul, and Pisanu Toochinda,".CO2 capture using Fly Ash and Bottom Ash as solid sorbent .",Annual Conference on Engineering and Information Technology (ACEAIT) ,Osaka, Japan,2015,pp. 73-83
Narayana, M., Vidanage, P.W., and Rathnayake, H.H.M.P.,".Linear prediction of wind speed variation on a wind power plant in Sri Lanka.",Annual Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka,Colombo, Sri Lanka,2014,pp. 285-29
L.R.L.M., Mallawarachchi, K.S., and Rathnayake, H.H.M.P.,".Review of conversion technologies of waste PET into useful energy.",Vidulka National Energy Symposium, Sustainable Energy Authority,Colombo, Sri Lanka,2014,
Rathnayake, H.H.M.P., and Malinga, R.M.C.,".Modeling, simulation and optimization of a heat exchanger network for maximum energy efficiency and minimum cost.", Vidulka National Energy Symposium, Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority,Colombo, Sri Lanka,2013,
Dulanji Imalsha Abeysuriya, GSMDP Sethunga, and Mahinsasa Rathnayake,".Process simulation–based scenario analysis of scaled-up bioethanol production from water hyacinth.",Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery,,2023
Poornima Wanninayake, Mahinsasa Rathnayake, Dilantha Thushara, and Sanja Gunawardena,".Conversion of rice straw into 5-hydroxymethylfurfural: review and comparative process evaluation.",Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery,12,2022
P.M. Jayasundara; T.K. Jayasinghe; and M. Rathnayake,".Process Simulation Integrated Life Cycle Net Energy Analysis and GHG Assessment of Fuel-Grade Bioethanol Production from Unutilized Rice Straw.",Waste and Biomass Valorization,13,2022
Ashika Dilshani, Ashan Wijayananda, and Mahinsasa Rathnayake,".Life cycle net energy and global warming impact assessment for hydrogen production via decomposition of ammonia recovered from source-separated human urine.",International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,47 / 57,2022
Thejanie Jayasekara, Yasindu Wickrama Surendra, and Mahinsasa Rathnayake,". Polylactic Acid Pellets Production from Corn and Sugarcane Molasses: Process Simulation for Scaled-Up Processing and Comparative Life Cycle Analysis.",Journal of Polymers and the Environment,30,2022
Rathnayake, M., Chaireongsirikul, T., Svangariyaskul, A., Lawtrakul, L. and Toochinda P.,".Process simulation based life cycle assessment for bioethanol production from cassava, cane molasses, and rice straw.",Journal of Cleaner Production,190, pp.24-35,2018
Rathnayake, M., Julnipitawong, P., Tangtermsirikul, S. and Toochinda, P.,".Utilization of coal fly ash and bottom ash as solid sorbents for sulfur dioxide reduction from coal fired power plant: Life cycle assessment and applications.",Journal of Cleaner Production,202, pp.934-945,2018
Rathnayake, M., 2015. Process Simulation for CO2 and SO2 Capture by Using Fly Ash as Solid Sorbent (Master Degree Thesis, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University).
Rathnayake, M., 2019. Life cycle assessment of bioethanol production and solid sorbent for airborne pollution control processes (PhD Dissertation, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University).