- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Textile & Apparel Engineering
- Senior Lecturer Grade II
Contact information
Department of Textile & Apparel Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Concept Development and Project Proposal of final major project in Fashion/Textile -Undergraduate -2015
Fashion Industry Investigative Report -Undergraduate -2015
The Business of Fashion -Undergraduate -2015
Design Development and Problem Solving of final major project in Fashion/Textile -Undergraduate -2015
Product Strategy and Production Planning -Undergraduate -2015
Design Realization 2 -Undergraduate -2014
Introduction to Product strategy -Undergraduate -2015
Business and Marketing -Undergraduate -2014
Realisation and Evaluation of final major project in Fashion/Textile -Undergraduate -2015
Chief Examiner - Aptitude Test- Fashion Design and Product Development (2021 To 2024)
Orientation Member - (2024 To 2024)
Research Activities
Consumer Behavior
Sensory Marketing
Sensory Touch
Green marketing (upcycling and recycling)
Fashion Marketing
MSc. (Major component of research) - Consumer Values Towards Second-Hand Fashion Consumption (2022)
MBA-Psychological Characteristics of Women Entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka (2022)
MBA- The impact of switching barriers on consumer intention to purchase ecofriendly products (On going)
MBA- Factors influencing sustainable organic product consumption in Sri Lanka (On going)
Consumer Behavior, Sensory Marketing, Design Issues in Marketing
Education and Professional Affiliations
PhD, Queensland University of Technology ,2019
Masters, University of Westminster ,2011
Bachelors, University of Moratuwa ,2009
Fellow, The Higher Education Academy, United Kingdom (FHEA) (2018 To date)
Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education (CTHE) University of Colombo(2014 To date)
Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA),United Kingdom(2014 To date)
Member of Sri Lank Association for Improving Higher Education Effectiveness (SLAIHEE) (2015 To date)
Teaching Advantage, Queensland University of Technology, Australia(2018 To date)
Member of Advance HE Connect (2018 To date)
Alumnus, Queensland University of Technology (2019 To date)
Member of University of Westminster Alumni Association (2011 To date)
Senior Lecturer (Grade II): Department of Textile and Clothing Technology, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka-October 2019- Current
Visiting Fellow: Division of Research and Innovation, Queensland University of Technology, Australia, October 2019- Current
Lecturer (Probationary): Department of Textile and Clothing Technology, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka- February 2014-October 2019
Lecturer (On Contract): Department of Textile and Clothing Technology ,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka- October 2012-February 2014
Visiting Lecturer: Department of Textile and Wearable Arts, University of Visual and Performing Art, Sri Lanka- October 2014-2015
Editor: The Open University, Sri Lanka- March 2012-2015
Consultant- The Open University, Sri Lanka-2016
Welfare Ambassador: Division of Research and Commercialization, Queensland University of Technology, Office of Commercial Services, Australia - May 2107
Design Intern: Brandix Center of
Inspirations, Ekala,Sri Lanka : March 2008-October 2008
Scientific reviewers of 9th International Conference of Management and Economics (ICME), 2020.
Participated to: Focus Group Discussion- on the study of mapping creative industries in Sri Lanka, conducted by The Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka (IPS), on 30th October, 2019
Member of Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Special Interest Group (SGI), Market Shaping and Innovation (MASHIN) from 2019
Panel chair of Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, 2018
Scientific Reviewer of Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy, 2017, hosted by RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, 2017
of the Panel of Judges for Singer CATS Designer Awards, Sri Lanka-2012,
External resource person collaborated with Ministry of Textile and Industry Commerce for creativity development of handloom textile designs in Uva Province, 2012/2013 Sri Lanka
Honours and Awards
Prize for Australian and NewZealand Marketing Academy(ANZMAC) Best Paper Award (Received 2018)
Highly Commended Award (Received 2018)
Prize for Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Doctoral Colloquim, Best Doctroal Proposal,Early Stage (Received 2017)
L.S Wanigathunga Gold MedalL[Highest scoring undergrduate student of Fashion Design and Product Development Course (Received 2010)
Finalist at the Triumph Inspirational Award - Sri Lanka (Received 2008)
Outstanding research award (Received 2020)
Best Paper Award - Psychological Characteristics of Women Entrepreneurship: A Systematic Literature Review (Received 2022)
Thamoda Geegamage, Achini Ranaweera, Rangika Halwatura ,".As Good as New: A Study on Sri Lanka Consumers’ Secondhand Fashion Consumption.",Springer ,2024
E G Jinasena, H R A T Ranaweera,".Psychological Characteristics of Women Entrepreneurship: A Systematic Literature Review.",13th International Conference on Business and Information ICBI 2022,Sri Lanka,2022,242-259
D J P S D Pathirana, H R A T Ranaweera,".Online Fashion Promotion During the Time of Crisis (COVID-19) In the Context of Sri Lankan Fashion Industry.",13th International Conference on Business and Information ICBI 2022,Sri Lanka,2022,
B R P Mendis, H R A T Ranaweera,".Exploring Consumer Perception towards Batik clothing in the Sri Lankan market.",13th International Conference on Business and Information ICBI 2022,Sri Lanka,2022,
B R P Mendis, H R A T Ranaweera,".Exploring Consumer Perception towards Batik clothing in the Sri Lankan market.",13th International Conference on Business and Information ICBI 2022,Sri Lanka,2022,
L C J Siriwardana, H R A T Ranaweera,".Local Fashion Consumer's Purchasing Behavior in the Post- Pandemic Era.",13th International Conference on Business and Information ICBI 2022,Sri Lanka,2022,
Thamoda Geegamage, H.R Achini Ranaweera, Rangika .U Halwathura,".Consumer Values Towards Second-hand Fashion Consumption.",21st Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference,Australia ,2021,
Hewage, V.H and Ranaweera, H.R.A.T ,".Exploring the Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement on Sri Lankan Fashion Industry.",International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI) 2021 Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka,Sri Lanka,2021,36-45
W. T. S. Kaushalyaa, H. R. A. T. Ranaweera ,".Understanding Sri Lankan Consumers’ Perception towards Celebrity Endorsement .",10th International Conference on Management and Economics,Sri Lanka,2021,
HRAT Ranaweera,".What you touch,touches you: The impact of haptics on consumer brand impressions.",19th Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC)-Doctoral Colloquium,Australia ,2017,
HRAT Ranaweera,".The Impact of Haptics on Consumer-Perceived Brand Benefits.",18th Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) -Doctoral Colloquium,Australia ,2016,
PD Welagedara, HRAT Ranaweera,".An investigation study of up-cycled fashion consumption in Sri Lanka.",4th International Conference on Management and Economics,Sri Lanka,2015,
HRAT Ranaweera, RU Halwatura,".Identifying Consumer Perceived Value of Tourism Product.",3rd International Economic Research Conference of the Sri Lanka Fourm of University Economists,Sri Lanka,2014,195-201
H.R.A.T Ranaweera, R.U Halwatura,".Analysis of Tourism and Fashion Retailing; A Sri Lankan Perspective.",2nd International Conference on Marketing,Sri Lanka,2014,92-100
Herath HMSH, HRAT Ranaweera,".An Investigation of the Trend Orientation of Sri Lankan Value Fashion Retailers and Consumers.",The 3rd International Economics Research Conference of the Sri Lanka Forum of University Economists,Sri Lanka,2014,181-186
Kalavila Pathirage Nilmini Bhagya, Priyanka Virajini Medagedara Karunaratne, Gayathri Madubani Ranathunga, Achini Ranaweera,".Fashion niche market strategies: a systematic literature review.",ournal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal,,2024
GA Perera, A Ranaweera,".Fashion localism: evaluation and extensions of utility in Sri Lankan fashion brands.",Research Journal of Textile and Apparel,,2022
Achini T. Ranaweera, Brett A. S. Martin, Hyun Seung Jin,".What you touch, touches you: The influence of haptic attributes on consumer product impressions.",Psychology and Marketing ,38,2021