- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Senior Professor
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Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Research Activities
Numerical analysis of soil-structure interaction
Communicating data quality in a GIS environment
Determination of landslide hazard
Tsunami effect on coastal soils
Numerical implementation of creep model for soils
Numerical analysis of soil-structure interaction, Communicating data quality in a GIS environment, Determination of landslide hazard , Tsunami effect on coastal soils, Numerical implementation of creep model for soils
Education and Professional Affiliations
PhD, University of Manitoba ,1991 Area: Applied Mechanics
Bachelors, University of Moratuwa ,1982 Specialization: Civil Engineering
Masters, Asian Institute of Technology ,1986 Area: Structural Engineering
Member Sri Lankan Geotechnical Society(1992 To date)
Member International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering(1992 To date)
Fellow, Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka(2010 To date)
Honours and Awards
V. Yathushan and U.G.A. Puswewala,".Effectiveness of Pozzolanic Leaf Ashes and Plastics on Geotechnical Characteristics.",International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation,Vol. 12, No. 2,2022
Theses and Monographs:
Puswewala, U.G.A., Infinite elements for quasi-statics of multi-layered saturated porous elastic half-spaces", M.Eng. Thesis, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, April 1986.Puswewala, U.G.A., Constitutive relations for frozen soils and ice: a review", Inter-departmental report, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, December 1987.
Puswewala, U.G.A., Computational modelling of structure-frozen soil/ice interaction", Ph.D. Dissertation, The University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, September 1991.
International Journals and Conferences:
Karasudhi, P., and Puswewala, U.G.A., A finite element by singular contraction for saturated elastic half-spaces", Proceedings, 11th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics, May-June 1987, Edmonton, Alberta, pp. A220-221.Karasudhi, P., Karunasena, W.M., and Puswewala, U.G.A., An infinite element algorithm for multilayered saturated halfspaces", Proceedings, U.S.-Korea Joint Seminar/Workshop on Critical Engineering Systems, Vol 1 (ed. C.-K. Choi and H.-S. Ang), May 1987, Seoul, Korea, pp. 207-216.
Puswewala, U.G.A., and Rajapakse, R.K.N.D., Axisymmetric fundamental solutions for a completely saturated porous elastic solid", International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol 26, No 5, 1988, pp. 419-436.
Puswewala, U.G.A., and Rajapakse, R.K.N.D., Axisymmetric load and flow sources in the interior of a poroelastic half space", presented at The Applied Mechanics and Engineering Sciences Conference, June 1988, Berkeley, California.
Rajapakse R.K.N.D., and Puswewala, U.G.A., Response of a rigid plate anchor in a poro-elastic medium", Proceedings, Annual Conference and the 9th Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Vol 3, June 1989, St. John's, Newfoundland, pp. 270-282.
Puswewala, U.G.A., and Rajapakse, R.K.N.D., Numerical modeling of structure-ice/frozen soil interaction", Journal of the Cold Regions Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol 4, No 3, 1990, pp. 133-151.
Puswewala, U.G.A., and Rajapakse, R.K.N.D., Penetration rates of a rigid core in an ice plate", Constitutive Laws for Engineering Materials: Recent Advances and Industrial and Infrastructural Applications, (ed. C.S. Desai et. al.), ASME Press, New York, NY, 1991, pp. 763-766.
Puswewala, U.G.A., and Rajapakse, R.K.N.D., A finite element code to evaluate creep of footings on frozen soils", Proceedings, 13th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics, June 1991, Winnipeg, Manitoba, pp. 798-799.
Puswewala, U.G.A., Rajapakse, R.K.N.D., Domaschuk, L., and Lach, R., Finite element modelling of pressuremeter tests and footings on frozen soils", International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Vol 16, 1992, pp. 351-375.
Puswewala, U.G.A., and Rajapakse, R.K.N.D., Computational analysies of creep in ice and frozen soil based on Fish's unified model", Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol 20, 1993, pp.120-132.
Puswewala, U.G.A., Rajapakse, R.K.N.D., Domaschuk, L., and Shields, D.L., Creep response of laterally loaded piles in ice and permafrost", Geotechnique, Vol 43, No 2, 1993, pp. 223-240.
Puswewala, U.G.A., Rathnasiri, R.M., and Rathnajothy, T., Shear Characteristics of Some Unsaturated Residual Soils", Proceedings, Twelfth Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (12ARC), Singapore, August 2003 pp. 69-73.
Rathnasiri, R.M., and Puswewala, U.G.A. The Effect of Variation of the Location of Water Table on the Stability of Slopes", Proceedings, Second Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference, ISSMGE, Romania, 2003, pp.95-96.
Puswewala, U.G.A., and Madurapperuma, M.A.K.M., Numerical Implementation of a Constitutive Model for Soil Creep", Proceedings, 16th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, ISSMGE, Osaka, Japan, Sept. 2005, pp. 947-950.
Indraratne, B., Khabbaz, H., Puswewala, A., and Bandara, W.A.A.W., Effects of Tsunami on Coastal Ground Conditions and Appropriate Measures for Rail Track Rehabilitation", Documented keynote address at: International Symposium on Tsunami Reconstruction with Geosynthetics, AIT Campus, Pathumthani, Thailand, Dec. 2005.
Tharanganie, B.G.N., and Puswewala, U.G.A., Unsaturated Shear Strength and Matric Suction Characteristics of a Sri Lankan Residual Soil", Proceedings, Third Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference, ISSMGE, Osaka, Japan, Sept. 2005.
Jayakody, J.A.S., Puswewala, U.G.A., and Bandara, K.R.M.U., Problems of Land Use/Cover Change Detection with Ordinary Resolution Satellite Data", Proceedings of the 10th Anniversary International Symposium, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, July 2006, pp.184-190.
Samaradivakara, G.V.I., Puswewala, U.G.A., and Dharmaratne, P.G.R., Weathering of Gneissic Rocks of Sri Lanka", Proceedings, SLGSSR07 (International Conference on Soils and Rock organized by Sri Lanka Geotechnical Society), August 2007, Colombo.
Madurapperuma, M.A.K.M., and Puswewala, U.G.A., Numerical Implementation of a Constitutive Model for Soil Creep", Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Vol. 3, No. 10, 2008, pp. 1857-1874.
Local Journals and Conferences:
Puswewala, U.G.A., Gunatilaka, I.R.P., Hapuarachchi, C.L., and Nandasena, R.M., Influence of linings on stress and deformations in rock around tunnels", Proc. 6th Annual Symposium, ERU, Univ. of Moratuwa, Dec. 2000, pp. 154-167.Ratnajothy, T., and Puswewala, U.G.A., Matric suction characteristics of some residual soils of Sri Lanka", Transactions 2001, The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, Vol.1 Part B, 2001, pp. 159-169.
Gunatilaka, I.R.P., and Puswewala, U.G.A., Influence of tunnel shape, liner thickness and rock stiffness on the stress and deformation in rock surrounding elliptical tunnels", Transactions 2001, The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, Vol.1, Part B, 2001, pp. 170-185.
Kodagoda, S.S.I., and Puswewala, U.G.A., Numerical modeling of rock-socketed piles", Proc. 7th Annual Symposium, ERU, University of Moratuwa, November, 2001, pp. B1-B12.
Ratnajothy, T., Puswewala, U.G.A., and Kulathilaka, S.A.S., Matric suction characteristics of unsaturated residual soils at Naketiya landslide site", Proc. 7th Annual Symposium, ERU, University of Moratuwa, November, 2001, pp. B13-B22.
Weerasinghe, K.M., Gunaratne, M., Ratnaweera, H.G.P.A., Puswewala, U.G.A., and Arambepola, N.M.S.I., Analytical determination of landslide potential using fuzzy sets and other statistical techniques", Proc. 7th Annual Symposium, ERU, University of Moratuwa, November, 2001, pp. B23-B31.
Kodagoda, S.S.I., and Puswewala, U.G.A., Numerical modelling of pile-rock interface in rock-socketed piles", Transactions 2002, The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, Vol.1, Part B, 2002, pp. 62-72.
Kugan, R., Puswewala, U.G.A., Kulathilaka, S.A.S., and Peiris, T.A., Peaty Clay Improvement with Pre-fabricated Vertical Drains", Transactions 2003, The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, Vol. 1, Part B, Oct. 2003, pp. 69-76.
Rathnasiri, R.M., Puswewala, U.G.A., and Peiris, T.A., Slope Stability Analysis using Unsaturated Shear Strength Properties", Transactions 2003, The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, Vol. 1, Part B, Oct. 2003, pp. 77-85.
Rathnasiri, R.M., Peiris, T.A., and Puswewala, U.G.A., Deformation Analysis in Model Soil Slope Studies", 9th Annual Symposium, ERU, University of Moratuwa, December, 2003.
Kugan, R., Puswewala, U.G.A., Kulathilaka, S.A.S., and Peiris, T.A., Consolidation Testing of Peaty Clay", 9th Annual Symposium, ERU, University of Moratuwa, December, 2003.
Tharanganie, B.G.N., and Puswewala, U.G.A. Unsaturated Shear Strength and Matric Suction Characteristics of a Residual Soil", Transactions 2004, The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, Oct. 2004, pp. 169-174.
Puswewala, U.G.A., and Tharanganie, B.G.N., Development of Soil-Water Characteristic Curve for a Residual Soil using Triaxial and Pressure-plate Apparatus", Proceedings, 11th Annual Symposium, ERU, University of Moratuwa, Sept. 2005, pp.129-137.
Madurapperuma, M.A.K.M., and Puswewala, U.G.A., Sensitivity Analysis of Soil Creep by using a Constitutive Soil Creep Model", Proceedings, 11th Annual Symposium, ERU, University of Moratuwa, Sept. 2005, pp. 273-283.
Bawa, M.T.A., and Puswewala, U.G.A., Numerical Modelling of an Axially Loaded Pile in Layered Media", Transactions 2005, The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, Oct. 2005.
Ketheeswaravenayagan, R., Puswewala, U.G.A., and Fernando, M.B.S., Finite Element Prediction of Settlement and Pore Pressure for Soft Soil from Colombo-Katunayaka Expressway", Transactions 2006, The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, Oct. 2006, pp. 127-134.
Samaradivakara, G.V.I., Dharmaratne, P.G.R., and Puswewala, U.G.A., Weakening of Some Physical Properties of Fresh Gneissic Rocks Subjected to Artificial Weathering", Transactions 2006, The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, Oct. 2006, pp. 127-134.
Jayakody, J.A.S., Puswewala, U.G.A., and Bandara, K.R.M.U., Problems of Land Use/Cover Change Detection with Ordinary Resolution Satellite Data", Proceedings of the International Symposium 2006 held at Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, July 2006.
Premasiri, H.M.R., Wijeyesekera, D.S., Weerawarnakula, S., and Puswewala, U.G.A., Formation of Hot Water Springs in Sri Lanka", Engineer Journal, Nov. 2006, pp. 1-7.
Seneviratne, H.M.U., and Puswewala, U.G.A., Equivalent Elastic Properties of Asphalt Concrete for Road Pavements", Transactions 2007, The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, Oct. 2007, pp. 50-58.
Ketheeswaravenayagan, R., and Puswewala, U.G.A., Numerical Modelling of Deformation in Pre-loaded Embankment over Weak Soil", Engineer Journal, Vol. XXXX, No. 4, 2007, pp. 94-101.
Other Local Publications / Presentations:
Ratnajothy, T., and Puswewala, U.G.A., Modification of the conventional laboratory tri-axial testing apparatus to test unsaturated soils", Proc., 57th Annual Session, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS), November, 2001.Ratnajothy, T., Puswewala, U.G.A. and Tennekoon, B.L. DTA testing for expansive characteristics of some local soils", Proc., 57th Annual Session, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS), November, 2001.
Tennekoon, B.L., Puswewala, U.G.A., and Thilakasiri, H.S., Settlements of wide foundations in laterite formations", Proc., 57th Annual Session, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS), November, 2001.
Thavalingam, K., and Puswewala, U.G.A., Positional accuracy of road features in 1:10,000 digital data produced by Survey Department", Survey Journal, Vol. 73, Sri Lanka Survey Dept., 2001, pp. 1-4.Puswewala, U.G.A., Delakshan, I., Girishanth, S., Sasokanthan, K., Sureshkumar, S., Thavasuthan, T., and Vaseeharan, M.D., Developing a foundation design software - GEOSOFT", Journal of Earth Resources Engineering, University of Moratuwa, 2005, pp. 25-31.
De Silva, R.H.S.I., Jeyram, P., Perera, R.S.L., Thananchayan, A., Wickramanayake, N.U., Rathnayake, N.P., Premasiri, H.M.R., Abeysinghe, A.M.K.B., and Puswewala, U.G.A., Characterization of tsunami wave using texture and structure of sediments from south-western coast of Sri Lanka", Proceedings of ERE 2006, University of Moratuwa, 2006, pp. 15-19.
Chinthaka, L.W.N., De Silva, W.H.C., Dhanushka, P.D.L., Edirisinghe, P.R., Rahubadda, H.I., Puswewala, U.G.A., Dissanayake, D.M.D.O.K., and Gunawardena, G.M.W.L., Generation of a user friendly spatial information systemfor the rehabilitation and restoration of small scale irrigation schemes in selected 5 DS Divisions in Hambantota District", Proceedings of ERE 2006, University of Moratuwa, 2006, pp. 20-25.
Ekanayake, E.M.T.M., Jayawardena, M.N., Kannangara, K.K.D.M., Puswewala, U.G.A., Rathnayake N.P., Chaminda, S.P., and Vijitha, A.V.P., Alternative for river sand", Proceedings of ERE 2007, University of Moratuwa, 2007, pp. 21-24.
Senanayake, I.P., Dissanayake, D.M.D.O.K., and Puswewala, U.G.A., Hydrological analysis of Sooriyawewa area using Remote Sensing and GIS techniques", Proceeding of 4th Annual conference (ERE 2009), University of Moratuwa, 2009, pp. 13-16.
Thushanthan, K., Udayantha, B.V.M., Chathuranga, S.A.K.S., Dissanayaka, V.A.K.A., Karunananthasivam, L., Jayasekara, J.M.E.P.K., Puswewala, U.G.a., and Samradivakara, G.V.I., Determination of uniaxial compressive strength using Point Load Index of high grade metamorphic rocks from Western Sri Lanka", Proceeding of 4th Annual conference (ERE 2009), University of Moratuwa, 2009, pp. 37-44.