- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Professor
Contact information
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Fundamentals of Transportation Engineering -Undergraduate -2020
Highway Engineering -Undergraduate -2020
Traffic Engineering and Planning -Undergraduate -2020
Analysis and Design of Transport Systems -Undergraduate -2020
Highway Construction and Maintenance -Undergraduate -2020
Aerodrome Planning and Operations -Undergraduate -2015
Transport Economics -Postgraduate -2020
Highway Planning and Management -Postgraduate -2020
Advanced Methods in Road and airfield Infrastructure Design -Postgraduate -2020
Railway & Airport Infrastructure -Postgraduate -2020
Course coordinator -Course Coordinator for Postgraduate program - M.Eng/PG Diploma Highway and Traffic Engineering, MSc./PG Diploma in Transportation (2013 To 2015)
Group Coordinator -Group coordinator Pre academic term for new intake 2015 (2013 To 2022)
Committee member -Faculty of Engineering subcommittee on International Relations (2017 To 2018)
Member - Faculty Academic Committee (2018 To 2022)
Member - Engineering Research Unit (2017 To date)
Member - Faculty Curriculum Revision Committee (2020 To 2022)
Member/Editor - Engineering Research Unit (2020 To 2021)
Director ERU - (2021 To 2023)
Research Activities
2014: Gunasoma, H.D.S., ‘Methology for pavement mainteance management for provincial road network”, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa (MSc.) -2018
2015: Gamage, D., ‘Development of framework for selecting pavement types for low volume roads’, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa (M.Sc.) (co-supervisor)
2016: Jayaratne, N., ‘Capacity evaluation for urban multi-lane roads’, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa (M.Phil).
2017: Ranawaka, S., ‘Work zone road user cost evaluation’, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa (M.Sc.).
2017: Galagedara, D., ‘Framework for incorporating risk in airside planning’, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa (on going Ph.D.) (co-supervisor).
2017: Priyadarshini, M., ‘Study on the trip generation characteristics and parking requirements for commercial building in Sri Lanka’. (M.Sc.)
2018: Kelum Sandamal, "Development of pavement management system for low volume roads", Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, M. Sc. (on going)
2018: Tharindu Ranawaka, "Evaluation of safety performance of low volume roads",Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, M. Sc. (on going)
2018: Manori Dissayanake, "Estimation of GHG emission of Bandaranaike International Airport due to Airside Activities", Department of Transport and Logistics Management, University of Moratuwa, M. Sc., (co-supervisor)
2019: Harindu Perera, "Developing level of service assessment methodologies for airports", Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, M.Sc. (on going) (co-supervisor).
2020: Hirushi Thenuwara, " Investigation of Relationship Frictional Properties and Micro-texture of Aggregates" (M.Sc. ongoing)
Pavement Engineering, Highway Planning, Transportation Infrastructure Management, Pavement Friction
Education and Professional Affiliations
PhD, National University of Singapore ,2012
Bachelors, University of Moratuwa ,2007 B.Sc. (Hons) Eng. in Civil Engineering
Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport(2018 To date)
Institute of Engineers(2019 To date)
Team Member - Development of the Road Safety Strategic Plan 2020-2030
Chairman- Technical Evaluation Committee, Sugathadasa Stadium Track Relaying Project, 2018
Membership in Conference Committees
Conference Secretary: 11th International Conference of Road and Airfield Pavement Technology
Member of SIG I1: Highway Design and Materials of World Conference on Transport Research Society
Program Co-chair: Mercon 2020
Track Chair: Transportation Engineering and Logistics track, Mercon 2018, 2019, 2020
International Scientific Committee Member, Asia Pacific Conference on Transportation and the Environment 2018
Conference Secretary: 9th Asia Pacific Conference on Transportation and the Environment, Sri Lanka - 2014
Conference Secretary: Transport Research Forum- 2013 to 2018
Conference Secretary: International Conference on Advances in Highway Engineering and Transportation Systems, Colombo, Sri Lanka 2013, 2015, 2017
Scientific Committee Member - R4TL Conference 2016 organized by Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport & Sri Lanka Society for Transport & Logistics
ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation
Journal of Pavement Engineering
World Conference of Transportation Research Society - 2018
Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting - AV 070 Airport/ Aircraft Compatibility Committee, Low Volume Roads Committee AFB 30 2014 to date.
Journal of Advanced Transportation
Asia Transport Studies Journal / EASTS conference
Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering
International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences
Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems
Ceylon Journal of Science
IESL Journal/ Annual Sessions
Honours and Awards
ASCE Outstanding Reviewer, Journal of Transportation Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (Received 2016)
Best Paper Award (Received 2012)
Research Scholarship (Received 2012)
Transportation Engineering Award (Received 2007)
University of Moratuwa Research Award (Received 2017)
University of Moratuwa Research Award (Received 2018)
University of Moratuwa Research Award (Received 2019)
Delf Road Safety Scholarship (Received 2019)
Uswaththa U.L.M.A, Pasindu H.R., Bandara J.M.S.J., Jayaratne D.N.D.,".Study on the applicability of capacity estimation methods to evaluate multilane highway capacity under heterogeneous conditions.",7th International Multidisciplinary Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference, MERCon 2021,Virtual,2021,
DS Ratiyala, HR Pasindu, GLDI De Silva, KWA Kariyawasam,".Investigation on Effectiveness of Rumble Strip Designs to Alert Run-off-road Vehicles on Expressways.",Engineer,55 / 4,2022
Galagedera, Sameera; Pasindu H.R.;Adikariwattage, Varuna,".Evaluation of the impact of runway characteristics on veer-off risk at rapid exit taxiways.",Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives,12,2021
Pasindu, H.R., Ranawaka, R.K.T.K. , Sandamal R.M.K., Dias, T.W.K.I.M.,".Incorporating road safety Into rural road network pavement management.",International Journal of Pavement Engineering,,2021
Galagedera, S. ,Adikariwattage, V., Pasindu, H.R. ,".Evaluation of rapid exit locations based on veer-off risk for landing aircraft.",Sustainability,13,2021
Galagedera, S. D. B., H. R. Pasindu, and V. Adikarivattage.,".Evaluation of Aircraft Excursion Risk at Bandaranaike International Airport.",ENGINEER,54,2021
Tharmakulasingham, Kopikah Pasindu, H. R.,".Development of a Framework for Identifying Highway Projects for Private-Public-Partnership Financing.",ENGINEER,54,2021
DND Jayaratne, CJ Vidanapathirana, HR Pasindu,".Challenges faced in heterogeneous traffic data collection: a comparison of traffic data collection technologies.",Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka,48,2020
RMK Sandamal, HR Pasindu,".Development of Pavement Roughness Prediction Model for National Highways in Sri Lanka.",ENGINEER,53,2020
D. M. M. S. Dissanayaka, V. V. Adikariwattage, , H. R. Pasindu,".Evaluation of CO2 Emission at Airports from Aircraft Operations within the Landing and Take-Off Cycle.",Transportation Research Record,2674 (6) ,2020
RMK Sandamal, HR Pasindu,".International Journal of Pavement Engineering.",International Journal of Pavement Engineering,,2020
N.K. Jayasooriya, H.L.K. Perera, H.R. Pasindu, and J.M.S.J. Bandara.,".Developing a reliable estimate for value of time for transportation projects.",Advances in Transportation Studies,,2019
Shajith, S. L. A., Pasindu, H. R., & Ranawaka, R. K. T. K,".Evaluating the Risk Factors in Fatal Accidents involving Motorcycle–Case Study on Motorcycle Accidents in Sri Lanka.",Engineer,33,2019
Wimalaweera, H., Pasindu, H.R., Priyadarshanie, P. ,".Methodology for Estimation of Deduct Values for Pavement Rutting Incorporating Safety Considerations.",Asian Transport Studies Journal, Eastern Asia Society for Transport Studies,4,2017
Pasindu, H.R., Fwa, T.F., and Ong, G.P.,".Analytical Evaluation of Airport Operational Risks from Runway Rutting.",International Journal of Pavement Engineering,,2016
Pasindu, H.R., and Fwa, T.F.,".Improving Wet-Weather Runway Performance Using Trapezoidal Grooving Design.",Transportation in Developing Economies,01,2015
Galagedera, S.D.B, Pasindu, H.R., Bandara, J.M.S.J. ,".Airport Curbside and Parking Area Operations at Bandaranaike International Airport- Analysis of User Behavior.",Engineer,,2014
Fwa, T.F., Pasindu, H.R., and Ong, G.P. ,".Critical Rut Depth for Pavement Maintenance Based on Vehicle Skidding and Hydroplaning Consideration.",ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering,138,2012
Pasindu, H.R., and Fwa, T.F. ,".Incorporating Risk of Failure into Maintenance Management of Cracks in Runway Pavements.",Transportation Research Record,2177,2010
See Google Scholar Profile or Research Gate Profile (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hr_Pasindu)