- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Senior Professor
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Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Building Construction and Materials -Undergraduate -2015
Communication Skills for Projects -Undergraduate -2015
Comprehensive Design Project -Undergraduate -2015
Communication Skill Development -Postgraduate -2015
Sustainable Design -Postgraduate -2016
Quantitative techniques and Research Methods -Postgraduate -2016
Building Construction and Materials -Undergraduate -2019
Director Postgraduate Studies, Faculty of Engineering -Chirperson Higher Degrees Committee and Postgraduate Board of Studies (2012 To 2017)
Head, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa - Administration of Academic and other matters of the Department (2021 To 2023)
Research Activities
Education and Professional Affiliations
Bachelor's, University of Moratuwa ,1990
Masters, University of Moratuwa ,1996
PhD, University of Moratuwa ,1999
Institution of Engineers(2003 To date)
Socity of Structural Engineers(2001 To date)
Institution of Project Managers(2005 To date)
Honours and Awards
CVCD Research Excellence Award (Received 2016)
Presidential Award for the Scientific Research (Received 2016)
Presidential Award for the Scientific Research (Received 2017)
N.R. Kumarage, C. Jayasinghe, K.P.H. Perera, K.K.G.K.D. Kariyawasam,".Assessment of Indoor Air Quality and Sick Building Syndrome in Apartment Buildings.",ICSBE 2022,Kandy, Sri Lanka,2022,
N.R. Kumarage, C. Jayasinghe, K.P.H. Perera,".Overview of Permeable paving systems and selection of the ideal paving system for home gardens.",ICSBE 2022,Kandy, Sri Lanka,2022,
N. R. Kumarage, C. Jayasinghe, K. P. H. Perera, K. K. G. K. D. Kariyawasam and S. Herath,".Assessment of the optimum dimensions for cobble-type paving blocks using finite element modeling.",Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2022,
P. H. Alwis, N. R. Kumarage and C. Jayasinghe,".Sick Building Syndrome in Residential Apartments.",Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), 2022,University of Moratuwa,2022,
M.T.R.Jayasinghe, K.K.G.K.D. Kariyawasam,".Cost effective building systems for rapid construction in tropical climates.",International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment,Kandy, Sri Lanka,2016,
Dissanayake D.M.K.W., Jayasinghe C,".Embodied Energy Analysis of a Pre-cast Building System.",6th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management, Kandy, Sri Lanka ,2015,
Kariyawasm K.K.G.K.D., Jayasinghe M.T.R., Jayasinghe C.,".Strategies for Planning Mould Free Air Conditioned Buildings in Tropical Climates.", 6th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management,Kandy, Sri Lanka,2015,
Sharon Vanmathy Gurupatham, Chintha Jayasinghe, Piyaruwan Perera, Raju Lepakshi,,".Building material selection framework for tropical climatic conditions: Eco-designbased approach.",Green Technologies and Sustainability,Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2024,,2024
Mohamed Sajjad, Chintha Jayasinghe & Piyaruwan Perera,". Damage Assessment Automation for Single Storey detached Masonry Houses: A Probabilistic Approach.", Building Research and Information,,2023
Gurupatham S.V., Jayasinghe,C. & Perera, P,,". Ranking of walling materials using ecoefficiency for tropical climatic conditions: A survey based approach.",Energy and Buildings,,Volume 253, 15 December 2021,,2021
Gurupatham, S. V, Jayasinghe, C., & Perera, P.,". Ranking of walling materials using eco-efficiency for tropical climatic conditions: A survey-based approach..", Energy and Buildings, Volume 253, 15 December 2021, 111503,2021
Platt, S. L., Ranasinghe, G., Jayathilaka, H. A. D. G. S., Jayasinghe, C., Jayasinghe, M. T. R., Walker, P., & Maskell, D.,". Retrofitting and Rehabilitation of Vernacular housing in Flood Prone Areas in Sri Lanka. .",Journal of Building Engineering,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2021.102420,2021
K.P.I.E. ARIYARATNE, C. JAYASINGHE, M.T.R. JAYASINGHE and P. WALKER,".Assessment of Seismic Performance of Earth Masonry with Shaking Table Tests and Finite Element Modelling.",Masonry International,Vol. 32,2020
Shawn L. Platt, Indunil Erandi, Chintha Jayasinghe, Thishan Jayasinghe, Daniel Maskell, Gihan Ranasinghe, Peter Walker,,".Improving the lateral load resistance of vernacular masonry walls subject to flooding.",Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Construction Materials,https://doi.org/10.1680/jcoma.20.00004,2020
Inayath Kharoti, Pete Walker and Chintha Jayasinghe,".Durability of Rammed Earth: A Comparative study of Spray Erosion Testing and Natural Weathering, Earthen Dwellings and Structures, Current status in their adoption, .",Springer Transactions in Civil and Environmental Engineering,,2019
5. S.A.S.L. Sumanasekara and C. Jayasinghe,".Alternative Techniques to Improve Indoor Environmental Quality.",Journal of Green Building,Vol.13 No. 4 (Fall 2018),pp19-38. ,2018
6. C. Jayasinghe, MTR Jayasinghe, B. Dissanayake, D. Jayathilake,".Use of Recycled Building Demolition Waste in Stabilized Rammed Earth.",Masonry International,Vol 31,2018
D.M.K. W. Dissanayake, C. Jayasinghe, M.T.R. Jayasinghe,".A comparative embodied energy analysis of a house with recycled expanded polystyrene (EPS) based foam concrete wall panels.",Energy and Buildings, , Volume 135,pages 85 – 94,2017
P.L.N.Fernando,M.T.R.Jayasinghe.,C.Jayasinghe ,".Structural feasibility of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) based lightweight concrete sandwich wall panels.",The Journal of Construction and Building Materials,Volume 139, 15 May 2017, Pages 45-51.,2017
Kariyawasam K.K.G.K.D., Jayasinghe C.,".Cement stabilized rammed earth as a sustainable construction material.",Journal of Construction and Building Materials, Vol 105, 2016, pp.519-27.,2016
Jayasinghe C., Fonseka W.M.C.D.J., Abeygunawardhene Y.M,".Load bearing properties of composite masonry constructed with recycled building demolition waste and cement stabilized rammed earth.",Journal of Construction and Building Materials,Vol 102, No 1, 2016 pp.471-77.,2016
Fonseka W.M.C.D.J., Abeygunawardhene Y.M,".Load bearing properties of composite masonry constructed with recycled building demolition waste and cement stabilized rammed earth.",Journal of Construction and Building Materials,Vol 102,2016
Jayasinghe C., Perera T.M.,".Dispersion Model for TVOC Emissions from Solvent based paints,.", International Journal of Civil Engineering, International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology ,Vol 4, Issue 2, pp.45-56.,2015
Jayasinghe C., Kandamby TC,".“Stabilized rammed earth wall junctions for load bearing construction".", Masonry International,, Vol 26, No. 1, 1-26. ,2013
Jayasinghe C., Batagoda J.,".The effect of building planning aspects on indoor air quality, .",International Journal of Civil Engineering, International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, ,Vol 2 , Issue 2, May 2013, pp 9-28,2013
Jayasinghe C., T.S. Pathirage, K.R.T.I. Perera, C. Kariyapperuma,".Influence of height to width ratio of compressed stabilized earth blocks on wall strengths .",Masonry International,Journal of the International Masonry Society, ,Vol.24, No. 02,2011