- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Professor
Contact information
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Energy Technology & Environment -Undergraduate -2016
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning -Undergraduate -2016
Aircraft Technology -Undergraduate -2016
Energy Conservation -Undergraduate -2016
Introduction to Aircraft Engineering -Undergraduate -2016
Thermodynamics of Heat Engines & Work Transfer Devices -Undergraduate -2016
Design of Machine Elements -Undergraduate -2016
Research Activities
Education and Professional Affiliations
PhD, The University of Melbourne ,2013 Heat and Power
Masters, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) ,2004 Sustainable Power Generation
IESL(2007 To date)
SLEMA(2007 To date)
January 2016 – Current
Senior Lecturer GII
University of Moratuwa | www.mrt.ac.lk
Key responsibilities
Undergraduate and Postgraduate teaching in the fields of thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, energy engineering and aeronautical engineering; Regular review of course contents and teaching materials in order to maintain up to date knowledge in the subject area; Carry out research and publish research outcomes in key international conferences and journals; Engage with the broader scholarly and professional communities; Supervision of undergraduate and postgraduate students; Contribute to the planning and implementation of a high quality curriculum; Participate in administrative work and preparation and marking of exams and other assessments
Completed undergraduate research projects:
- Design and development of single cylinder two stroke linear engine
- Design and development of vertical geothermal heat exchangers for selected areas in Sri Lanka
- Design, development and performance evaluation of a cyclone turbine
- Development and performance evaluation of an atmospheric generator for open cycle absorption chiller
- Design and development of a high efficiency multi cyclone dust collector
- Design, development and performance characterization of vertical axis series impulse wind turbine
- Design and development of 1kWc open loop adsorption chiller with vapor absorbent crystals
- Design and development of 10kWt producer gas generator (Gasifier)
- Design and development of a small scale kerosene burner
- Design and development of a carburetor system to run a gasoline engine on producer gas
- Design and development of a small scale gas turbine
- Development of existing gasifier for ultra clean producer gas
- Design and development of a model aircraft for a 50 kg payload
- Design and development of propulsion and control systems for a lightweight aircraft
- Design and development of a rapid composter for kitchen garbage
- Design and development of VORSEP and multi cyclone tar separators for reliability and improve gas quality
Completed postgraduate research projects:
· Feasibility assessment of the applicability of tri-generation system in apparel industry in Sri Lanka - A case study based on the 1 MWe tri-generation plant at Tee Jay Lanka Plc.
· Feasibility assessment and development of a national standard for boiler design and manufacture in Sri Lanka
· Optimisation of start-up time of sojitz kelanitissa combined cycle power plant
Ongoing postgraduate research projects:
· Design and development of organic Rankine cycle for electricity generation
· Study on viscous and thermal properties of Nano fluids through classical molecular dynamic simulations
· Sizing and thermal performance enhancement of an industrial dryer used in activated carbon processing
April 2018 – March 2019
Research Fellow
School of Engineering
Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus| www.deakin.edu.au
Deakin University Australia
Key responsibilities
· Numerical modelling and heat transfer simulations in micro channel heat exchanger
· Curriculum development at Project-Oriented Design-Based Learning (PODBL) units
· Teaching undergraduate engineering students
March 2013 – December 2015
Research and Design Engineer
Hunt Boilers | www.forbesaust.com.au
11 Helen Kob Dr, Braeside VIC 3195
Key responsibilities
· Evaluation of performance (based on BS 845) of existing fin tube economizers, condensing economizers, boilers, hot water heaters and HRSGs at HUNT Boilers for possible improvements. Coordinate site performance tests conforming to BS 845 for boilers and water heaters during their commissioning.
· Carry out detailed pressure vessel design calculations of HUNT Boiler designs complying with AS 1228, AS1210, AS 4041 AS4343 codes and subsequent development of Excel spreadsheets.
· Improvement of effectiveness of all fin tube condensing economizers used in boilers and hot water heaters. Carry out heat exchanger design using TEMA standards and STX (computer software)
· Design and development of a test bench for real time investigation of heat transfer properties and fluid dynamic characteristics of plain and wavy fin tubes, segmented fin tubes, boiler tubes and plates when used in tube banks.
· Overall engineering design of thermal systems to client's requirements and subsequent system optimizations for the developments of manufacturing drawings.
· Carry out all aspects of designs as required and to supervise the drafting of equipment from sketches to manufacturing drawings for client approvals and shop fabrication purposes.
· Compile and formulate boiler drawings and pressure vessel design specification for the boiler design technology transfer to newly built Hunt manufacturing facility in China under a licensing agreement on boiler design technology. This involved the compilation of both in-house engineering design standards and boiler design computer programs.
June 2009 – April 2010
Industrial Technical Service Manager
The SWITCH-Asia "Greening Sri Lanka Hotels" project
The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce| www.chamber.lk
3rd Floor IBM Building
No. 48 Navam Mawatha, Colombo
Key responsibilities
· Promotion of the project among target groups, stakeholders and selected SMEs.
· Baseline surveys and baseline setting of energy consumption.
· Development of energy consumption/generation evaluation protocol for EME sector.
· Development of energy information database for baseline setting.
· Technical advisory services, support and training for hotels in energy management and implementation of sustainable energy utilization strategies.
· Set up of Resource Management Circles and monitoring the progress
· Organising recognition awards
Aug 2005 – June 2009
Senior Design Engineer
MechMar Corporation Berhard | www.mechmar.com.my
Hicom-glenmarie Industrial Park, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
Key responsibilities
· Calculate and determine pressure part specifications of boilers (packaged/utility), drums, vessels, reactors, high-pressure steam distribution pipe networks in accordance with previous Australian AS 1797, British BS 2790, BS EN 12953 and ASME Section 1 standards.
· Sizing/design and installation of mini thermal power plants (run on palm oil residues and saw dust) on back pressure or condensing modes.
· Prepare all pressure vessel documents required to obtain necessary approvals from third party inspection bodies such as Malaysia DOSH (JKKKP) for construction.
· Plan, schedule and supervise surveying activities related to piping, mechanical equipment and facilities measures for system installation.
May 2003 – Jul 2005
Mechanical Engineer
Lanka Transformers Limited | www.lankatransformers.com
02, Park Street Colombo 07 Sri Lanka
Key responsibilities
· Manage, plan, control and coordinate construction activities which involved interpreting site contracts, identifying potential risks and mitigating risks via preventive measures, managing subcontractors, capacity planning and allocation, directing the execution of works in accordance with contracts, overseeing compliance with contract procedures and reviewing project plans
· Collaborate and work closely with suppliers of different scopes in supplying boilers, turbines and other accessories to ensure the compatibility and integrity between components through their specification, performance and previous projects in similar capacity
(1) Root Cause Analysis (RCA) report on the failure of roller press at Siam
City Cement (Lanka) Limited Galle Sri Lanka (Sedgwick Singapore Pte. Ltd)
(2) Feasibility Study on Fuel Switching, Biomass Energy at Ansell Lanka (Pvt.) Biyagama.
(3) Feasibility Study on Fuel Switching, Biomass Energy at Camso Loadstar (Pvt) LTd. Kotugoda.
(4) Feasibility Study on Fuel Switching, Biomass Energy at Lion Brewery (Ceylon) PLC. Biyagama
(5) Feasibility Study on Fuel Switching, Biomass Energy at South Asia Textile Industries Lanka (Pvt) Ltd Pugoda
(6) Feasibility Study on Fuel Switching, Biomass Energy at DPL Premier Gloves (Pvt.) Ltd. Biyagama(7) Feasibility Study on Fuel Switching, Biomass Energy at Lighthouse Hotel PLC. Galle.
(8) Feasibility Study on Fuel Switching, Biomass Energy at Hirdaramani Industries (Pvt.) LTd
(9) Feasibility Study on Fuel Switching, Biomass Energy at Nilmini Estate (Pvt.) Ltd. Ihala Millawa, Morawaka
(10) Consultant to Vidul Lanka (PLC) for the development of 3MWe Dendro power plant at Dehiatthakandiya
Honours and Awards
Mr. M.P.C. Wijayabandara, Prof. JGAS Jayasekara, Prof S Witharana ,".Carbon Capture in Producer Gas using Single Rotating Packed Bed Technology.",Annual Awards for the Most Outstanding Undergraduate Energy Research 2023 Sri Lanka Energy Managers Association ,Colombo,2023,
Lal Weerasinghe U.G.P.L.Udunuwara A.A. Darshani H.P.G. Sewwandi J.A.G.S. Madhuwanthi,".DEVELOPMENT OF AN ODORLESS RAPID COMPOSTING MACHINE FOR DOMESTIC USE.",ERU,University of Moratuwa,2023,
Saliya Jayasekara, Hirushie Karunathilake, Darsha Jayathunga, Jinendrika Anushi Weliwita ,".Comparison of Cast Aluminium fin tube designs for heat transfer applications.",Advances in Science and Engineering Technology multiconferences (ASET’20),Dubai Men’s Campus,2023,
Y. M. C. L. K. Yapa and J. G. A. S. Jayasekara ,".Design Modelling and the Performance Analysis of a Recycling Drum Dryer for a Salt Adsorbent.",The 6th IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics,Singapore,2020,335-341
K. Thurairaja, A. Wijewardane, S. Jayasekara, C. Ranasinghe,".Mathematical modelling of thermal efficiency and exergy analysis for Organic Rankine Cycle for electricity generation.",IESL 112th Annual Sessions,Colombo Sri lanka,2018,
K. Thurairaja, A. Wijewardane, C. Ranasinghe, S. Jayasekara,".Working fluid selection and mathematical modelling of Organic Rankine Cycle for Electricity Generation.",5th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering,Nagoya University, Japan,2018,
S. Jayasekara, S. K. Halgamuge,".A review on optimization strategies of combined cooling heating and power generation.",International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability, IEEE 6th ICIAfS,Beijing, China,2012,
S. Jayasekara, J. Siriwardana, and S. Halgamuge,".Modulating flow cascade heat recovery for improved CCHP performance with minimum exergy destruction.",International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications,Seoul, Korea,2011,
J. Siriwardana, S. Jayasekara, and S. Halgamuge,".Non-linear thermal aware optimization of data centre equipment upgrade.",Annual International Conference on Green Information Technology,Mandarin Orchard, Singapore,2010,
C. Somarathna, N. Samaraweera, S. Jayasekara, K. Perera,".A molecular dynamics study of thermal conductivity and viscosity in colloidal suspensions: From well-dispersed nanoparticles to nanoparticle aggregates.",Applied Thermal Engineering,229,2023
C. Somarathna, N. Samaraweera, S. Jayasekara, K. Perera,".Microscopic thermal characteristics of parallelly arranged nanowires in a liquid: the role of interface thermal resistance, solid-like liquid layer, and the restricted phonon.",Physica Scripta,98,2023
H. M. D. P. Herath, M. A. Wijewardane, R. A. C. P. Ranasinghe, J. G. A. S. Jayasekera, ,".Working Fluid Selection of Organic Rankine Cycles.",Energy Reports,6,2020
H. M. D. P. Herath, A. Wijewardane, R. A. C. P. Ranasinghe, J. G. A. S. Jayasekera,".Working fluid selection and performance evaluation of ORC.",Energy Procedia,6,2019
K. Thurairaja, A. Wijewardane, S. Jayasekara, C. Ranasinghe,".Working fluid selection and performance evaluation of ORC.",Energy Procedia,156,2019
S. Jayasekara, S. Halgamuge,".Optimum Sizing and Tracking of Combined Cooling Heating and Power Plants (CCHP) for Bulk Energy Consumers.",Applied Energy,118,2014
S. Jayasekara, S. Halgamuge,".A combined effect absorption chiller for enhanced performance of combined cooling heating and power systems.",Applied Energy,127,2014
S. Jayasekara, S. Halgamuge,".A combined effect absorption chiller for enhanced performance of combined cooling heating and power systems.",Applied Energy,127,2014
S. Jayasekara, S. Halgamuge,".Mathematical modelling and experimental verification of an absorption chiller including three dimensional temperature and concentration distributions.",Applied Energy,106,2013
J. Siriwardana, S. Jayasekara, and S. Halgamuge,".Potential of air-side economizers for data centre cooling: A case study for key Australian cities.",Applied Energy,104,2013
S. Jayasekara, J. Siriwardana, and S. Halgamuge,".Enhanced thermal performance of an absorption chiller fired by multiple dynamic heat sources.",International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing ,13,2012