- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Senior Lecturer Grade I
Contact information
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Semester 2 Coordinator - Coordinating the Semester 2 activities (2022 To 2024)
Research Coordinator, Civil Engineering Department - Coordinating Research Project Module (2023 To 2024)
Accreditation Committee Member - Accreditation activities in the Department of Civil Engineering (2022 To 2024)
Department Academic Committee Member - Attending to the academic matters of the Department of Civil Engineering (2023 To 2024)
Personal Mentor - Mentoring new intake students: Intake 2021 and 2022 (2022 To 2024)
Department Quality Circle -Improve the quality and safety of teaching and laboratory facilities (2023 To 2024)
Research Promotion Committee -Research promotion in the Civil Engineering Department (2023 To 2024)
Research Activities
Groundwater Hydrology
Surface Water Hydrology
Climate Change
Education and Professional Affiliations
PhD, Tohoku University ,2010 Specialized in Hydrology and Climate Change
Masters, Asian Institute of Technology ,2006 Specialized in Urban Environmental Management
Bachelors, University of Peradeniya ,2003 Specialized in Civil Engineering
IESL(2022 To date)
Honours and Awards
Jayaminda C., Gunawardhana L., Rajapakse L., Bamunawala J.,".Isohyetal Maps for the Assessment of Future Extreme Precipitation: A Case Study in the Kalu River Basin.",National Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in Sri Lanka: Science, Policy and Practice - DRRMSL 2023,General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University,2023,3-4
De Silva C., Gunawardhana L., Abeykoon H.,".Effectiveness of It Applications on Consumer Complaints for Improvements in Water Supply: A Case Study with Analytic Hierarchy Process .",Civil Engineering Research Symposium 2023,University of Moratuwa,2023,105-106
Gunasekara K., Gunawardhana L., Rajapakse L.,".The Potential Use of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture Estimates in Hydrological Modelling.",2023 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2023,580-585
Jayaminda C., Gunawardhana L., Rajapakse L.,".Rating Performances of Global Climate Models in Capturing Monsoon Rainfall Patterns in Sri Lanka.",2023 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2023,264-269
Gunasinghe L., Gunawardhana L., Rajapakse L.,".Predictive Analysis of Landslide Susceptibility under Hydrological Aspects of Climate Change in Kegalle District, Sri Lanka.",2023 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2023,119-124
Wijayaweera N., Gunawardhana L.,".Integrated Analytical Hierarchy Process and Numerical Groundwater Flow Modelling Approach for Mapping Landslide Susceptibility in Kegalle District, Sri Lanka.",2023 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2023,125-130
Uthpala A., Gunawardhana L., Rajapakse L.,".Development of a Land Cover Reclassification Scheme for Malwatu Oya Basin in Sri Lanka.",2023 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa,2023,171-176
Fernando R., Ratnasooriya H., Bamunawala J., Sirisena J., Nipuni Odara M.G., Gunawardhana L., Rajapakse L. ,".Assessing Climate-Change-Driven Impacts on Water Scarcity: A Case Study of Low-Flow Dynamics in the Lower Kalu River Basin, Sri Lanka.",Water,16 / 10,2024
Gunawardhana L.N., Ahmed S., Sana A., Baawain M.S.,".Principle of superposition versus control volume finite difference approach in analyzing the step-drawdown test data.", International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology,21,2024
Al-Saadi, S., Al-Rawas, G., Gunawardhana, L., Al-Farsi, N., Al-Kalbani, H. ,".Developing Climate Classification for Oman Using Degree-Days Method.",Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,,2022
Al-Mundhar Al-Nasri, Luminda Niroshana Gunawardhana, Ghazi Ali Al-Rawas, Mahad Said Baawain, Ahmed Sana,".Multi-layer groundwater flow simulation in Al-Khoud lower catchment in Oman.",Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research,10 / 3,2022
Gunawardhana, L.N., Al-Harthi, F., Sana, H., Baawain, M.S.,".Analytical and numerical analysis of constant-rate pumping test data considering aquifer boundary effect.",Environmental Earth Sciences,80 / 543,2021
Gunawardhana, L.N., Al-Rawas, G.A., Baawain, M.S.,".Spatial regression approach to estimate synthetic unit hydrograph by geomorphic characteristics of watersheds in arid regions.",Journal of Arid Land,12,2020
Gunawardhana, L.N., Al-Rawas, G.A.,".Investigating meteorological effect on river flow recession rate in an arid environment.",Hydrological Sciences Journal,65,2020
Gunawardhana, L.N., Al-Rawas, G.A., Ghadeer Al-Hadhrami,".Quantification of the changes in intensity and frequency of hourly extreme rainfall attributed to climate change in Oman.",Natural Hazards,92,2018
Gunawardhana, L.N., Al-Rawas, G.A., Kwarteng, A.Y., Al-Wardy, M., and Charabi, Y.,".Potential changes in the number of wet days and its effect on future intense and annual precipitation in northern Oman.",Hydrology Research,49,2018
Gunawardhana, L.N., Al-Rawas, G.A., and Kazama S.,".An alternative method for predicting relative humidity for climate change studies.",Meteorological Applications,24,2017
Gunawardhana L.N. and Kazama S.,".The potential role of urban green areas for controlling ground surface and subsurface warming. .",Urban Water,14,2017
Gunawardhana, L.N., Al-Rawas, G.A., Kazama, S. and Al-Najar, K.A.,".Assessment of future variability in extreme precipitation and the potential effects on the wadi flow regime.",Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,187,2015
Gunawardhana, L.N., Kazama, S. and Al-Rawas, G.A. ,".Simulating thermal pollution caused by a hypothetical groundwater heat pump system under different climate, operation and hydrogeological conditions.",Geothermal Energy,3,2015
Gunawardhana L.N. and Kazama S.,".Using subsurface temperatures to derive the spatial extent of the land use change effect.",Journal of Hydrology,460-461,2012
Gunawardhana L.N. and Kazama S.,".Statistical and numerical analyses of the influences of climate variability on aquifer water levels and groundwater temperatures: The impacts of climate change on aquifer thermal regimes.",Global and Planetary Change,86-87,2012
Gunawardhana L.N. and Kazama S. ,".A water availability and low-flow analysis of the Tagliamento River discharge in Italy under changing climate conditions.",Hydrology and Earth System Science,16,2012
Gunawardhana L.N. and Kazama S. ,".Climate change impacts on groundwater temperature change in the Sendai plain, Japan.",Hydrological Processes,25,2011
Gunawardhana L.N., Kazama S. and Kawagoe S. ,".Impact of urbanization and climate change on aquifer thermal regimes. .",Water Resources Management,25,2011
Gunawardhana L.N. and Kazama S. ,".Tidal effects on aquifer thermal regime: An analytical solution for coastal ecosystem management.",Journal of Hydrology,377,2009