- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Senior Lecturer Grade I
Contact information
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
CE 1022: Fluid Mechanics 1 -Undergraduate -2018
CE 4322: Irrigation Engineering -Undergraduate -2018
Faculty Exhibition Committee - Department Representative (2018 To date)
ERU Committee -Department Representative (2023 To date)
Research Activities
Investigations on Scouring around Bridge Piers in Rivers of Sri Lanka Investigations on Mitigation Measures for Sedimentation Issues at the Polgolla Barrage in Kandy District, Sri Lanka Investigations for Re-Design of a Minor Flood Protection Scheme at Kahatapitiya in Colombo District, Sri Lanka Hydrological/Hydraulic Investigations for Design of a Water Supply System for Iranaippalai Area in Mulathivu District, Sri Lanka Studies on Hydraulic Aspects for Design of a Water Supply Canal for Nikaweratiya Area under Deduruoya Project, Sri Lanka Hydrological/Hydraulic Investigations for the Design of a Mini Hydro Power Scheme in Puna Oya, Nuwara Eliya District, Sri Lanka Studies on Flood Damage Mitigation and Improvement of the Drainage System at the Thunmulla Junction in Colombo, Sri Lanka Engineering Interventions for Development of Urban Water Drainage: Case Study on a Sub Basin of Kirulapone Canal, Colombo, Sri Lanka Studies in Structural Interventions to restrict Sediment Deposition across Lunawa Outfall of Sri Lanka A Case Study on Coastal Erosion and Preventive Measures in Point Pedro of Jaffna Peninsula of Sri Lanka
River hydraulics: Flood Management; Sedimentation in Rivers
Coastal Engineering: Wave Energy; Coastal Hazards & Risk Assessment
Education and Professional Affiliations
PhD, Saitama University ,2013 - Field of Study: River Hydraulics
Masters, University of Moratuwa ,2010 - Field of Study: Coastal Engineering
Bachelors, University of Moratuwa ,2006 - B.Sc. (Hons.) Degree in Civil Engineering
Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka: Associate Member (2007 To 2015)
Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka: Member/Chartered Engineer (2015 To date)
Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Japan: Student Member (2012 To 2013)
2018 - up to date: Senior Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa
2019 : Visiting Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sri Jayawardenepura
2019 - up to date: Visiting Lecturer, MSc/PG Diploma in Building Services Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Moratuwa
2013 - 2018 : Senior Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, The Open University of Sri Lanka
2013 - 2015 : Visiting Lecturer, University of Vocational Technology
2009 - 2010 : Lecturer (On contract), Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa
2008 - 2009 : Visiting Lecturer, General Sir John Kothalawala Defence University
2008 - 2009 : Visiting Instructer, Department of Civil Engineering, University of MoratuwaHonours and Awards
Japanese Government Scholarship (Monbukagasho) to pursue Doctoral Studies in Japan (Received 2010)
Buddhi Suraweera, Kasun De Silva, Luminda Gunawardhana & Lalith Rajapakse,".Evaluation of Satellite Rainfall Estimates for Surface Runoff Modelling in the Maha Oya Basin, Sri Lanka.",MERCON,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2024,67-72
Hasindu Malshan Rathnayake, Ashvinie Thembiliyagoda & Kasun De Silva,".Validating Numerical Model for Bridge Pier Scour Estimation Through Physical Modelling - Case Study of Kelanisiri Bridge.",MERCON,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2024,500-505
A.W. Thembiliyagoda, P.K.C De Silva & T.M.N Wijayaratna,".Review on Impact of Sand Mining on Local Scour around Bridge Piers.",9th International Symposium on Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering Practices for Sustainable Development,University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka,2023,
Buddhi Suraweera & Kasun De Silva,".Effect of Irrigation Reservoirs on Streamflow Simulation in Dry Zone, Sri Lanka.",14th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment,Kandy, Sri Lanka,2023,180
Ashvinie Thembiliyagoda, Kasun De Silva & Nimal Wijayaratna,".Application of HEC-RAS 2D Model to Simulate Scour Depth Around Bridge Piers-A Case Study on Kelanisiri Bridge, Sri Lanka.",MERCON,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2023,660-665
A.Thembiliyagoda, K. De Silva and N. Wijayaratna,".Application of HEC-RAS 2D Model to Simulate Scour Depth Around Bridge Piers: A Case Study on Hanwella Bridge, Sri Lanka.",16th International Research Conference,KDU, Sri Lanka,2023,19
Thujanan Theivendren & Kasun De Silva,".Investigations on Wave Energy Characteristics in South-Western Coastline of Sri Lanka.",MERCON,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2022,1-6
Logeepan Yogaraja, Narmada Liyanagamage & Kasun De Silva,".Comparison of Experimental Results with Empirical Relationships for Energy Losses in Pipe Flow.",MERCON,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2021,522-527
Pravin Maduwantha, Harshinie Karunarathna, Bahareh Kamranzad, Harsha Ratnasooriya & Kasun De Silva,".Global Climate Change Impacts on Wave Energy Potential Along the South Coast of Sri Lanka.",MERCON,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2020,354-359
Pravin Maduwantha, , Bahareh Kamranzad, Harsha Ratnasooriya, Kasun De Silva & Harshinie Karunarathna,".The effect of future climate-related variabilities of tropical monsoons in the Indian Ocean on wave energy resource around Sri Lanka.",JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting, Japan Geoscience Union,Japan,2020,
Pravin Maduwantha, Harshinie Karunarathna, Bahareh Kamranzad, Harsha Ratnasooriya & Kasun De Silva,".Investigations on Ocean Wave Energy Assessment for Sri Lanka.",Vidulka National Energy Symposium and Innovation Forum,Colombo, Sri Lanka,2019,
Kasun De Silva, Harsha Ratnasooriya & Nimal Wijayaratne,".Assessment of Exposure of Sri Lanka to Tsunami Hazards.",International Conference on Civil Engineering and Applications,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2019,
G.L.E.P. Perera, G.C.R. Dayarathna, H.K.M. Perera, B.C.L. Athapattu, Kasun De Silva & G.A.A.U. Perera,".Engineered Wetland System for Enhancing Aquatic Environment of Urban Canals for Transportation: Case Study on Kirulapone Canal in Colombo, Sri Lanka.",5th International Symposium on Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering Practices for Sustainable Development,University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka,2017,
Athapattu B.C.L., Perera G.L.E.P., Perera H.K.M., Dayarathna G.C.R., De Silva P.K.C., Vithanage M. & Perera G.A.A.U.,".Engineered Solution to Improve Water Quality of Urban Water.",21st International Forestry and Environment Symposium,Kandalama, Sri Lanka,2016,
Kasun De Silva & Norio Tanaka ,".Effect of Transverse Slope on Sedimentation and Turbulent Flow Structure in Vegetated Floodplain of Compound Water Channels.",20th Congress of the Asia Pacific Division of the IAHR,Colombo, Sri Lanka,2016,
Kasun De Silva & Harsha Ratnasooriya,".Assessment of exposure of Sri Lanka to tsunami hazards from Sunda Trench.",71st Annual Sessions, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science,Sri Lanka,2015,
Kasun De Silva & Norio Tanaka,".Design of River Cross-section Shape with Increased Diversity of Vegetated Area.",10th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics,Trondheim, Norway,2014,
Kasun De Silva & Norio Tanaka ,".Study on sedimentation and turbulent flow structure in compound water channels with vegetated floodplain.",12th International Symposium on River Sedimentation,Kyoto, Japan,2013,
Kasun De Silva, Norio Tanaka & Junji Yagisawa,".Indicators for middle class flood disturbance on gravel bars in middle stream of rivers: Validation in Karasu river.",14th International Summer Symposium,Nagoya, Japan,2012,
Kasun De Silva, Norio Tanaka & Junji Yagisawa ,".Effect of medium class flood disturbance on diversity of vegetation area at gravel bars in middle stream of rivers.",15th ECES Conference,Kanazawa, Japan,2011,
Kasun De Silva, Harsha Ratnasooriya and Saman Samarawickrama,".Assessment of Exposure of Sri Lanka to Tsunami Hazards from Sunda Trench.",The International Exchange Symposium on Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Asia,University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka,2008,
Ashvinie Thembiliyagoda, Kasun De Silva & Nimal Wijayaratna,".Comparative Analysis of 1D and 2D Modeling Approaches for Scour Depth Estimation: A Case Study of the Kelanisiri Bridge, Sri Lanka.",Journal of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering,2 (3),2024
H. Karunarathna, P. Maduwantha, H. Ratnasooriya, K. De Silva & B. Kamranzad,".Wave Power Potential of Sri Lanka.",Engineer: Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka,54 (2),2021
Harshinie Karunarathna, Pravin Maduwantha, Bahareh Kamranzad, Harsha Rathnasooriya & Kasun De Silva,".Evaluation of spatio-temporal variability of ocean wave power resource around Sri Lanka.",Energy,200,2020
Harshinie Karunarathna, Pravin Maduwantha, Bahareh Kamranzad, Harsha Rathnasooriya & Kasun De Silva,".Impacts of Global Climate Change on the Future Ocean Wave Power Potential: A Case Study from the Indian Ocean.",Energies,13(11),2020
Kasun De Silva, Norio Tanaka & Junji Yagisawa ,".Return period of flood disturbance that increases the diversity on gravel bars in middle stream of rivers.",Landscape & Ecological Engineering,11,2015