- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Process Engineering
- Senior Professor
Contact information
Department of Chemical and Process Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Head of the Department -Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Moratuwa (2004 To 2007)
Editor - ERU News -Newsletter of the Engineering Research Unit, Faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa (1998 To 2000)
Chairman ERU - Engineering Research Unit, Faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa (2004 To 2005)
Director ERU -Engineering Research Unit, Faculty of engineering, University of Moratuwa (2005 To 2008)
Dean - FGS - Postgraduate Research eco-system (2021 To 2024)
Chairman - Anti - Plagiarism committee. (Senate Com) (2023 To 2025)
Chairman - Evaluation of Visiting Professors (2023 To 2025)
Research Activities
Process Industry - Developing environmentally friendly technologies for Sri Lanka
Energy Efficiency and Conservation techniques for Process Industries
Renewable Energy Systems
Process modifications and optimization techniques to maximize yields and resource usage
Computer simulation and Modelling of Processes
Solid Waste Management and Waste to Energy Systems
Science and Technology Policy
Innovation eco systems
Eco-friendly developments
Nano-materials and Solar Power (DSSC)
Occupational Health and Safety Issues
Design and developments of Air Pollution Control systems
Process waste minimisation and a waste reclaiming study of a Galvanizing Plant, textile washing
Production of Bitumen Emulsions for road surfacing
Study of Ohmic heating for tropical food processing
Development of Computer-Based Models to study Food Processing Operations
Solar and Biogas systems as Rural Energy Systems: A study on Micro utilities
Anaerobic Digestion of Canteen Waste - University Biogas Project
A survey of Computer Technologies in the Process and Manufacturing sector of Sri Lanka
Waste minimisation methods for process and manufacturing industries
Process development for extracting natural dyes for textile industry
Food Processing Systems
Biogas Systems
Solid Waste Management and Waste to Energy
IPR and Innovation Management
Clean Technology
Nanomaterials & Scaling up
Education and Professional Affiliations
Bachelors, University of Moratuwa ,1985
PhD, University of Cambridge ,1992
Masters, Postgraduate Institute of Management ,2009
Cambridge Philosophical Society, UK(1986 To 1990)
Cambridge Commonwealth Society, UK.(1986 To 1990)
American Institute of Chemical Engineers (MAIChE), USA.(1986 To 2019)
Sri Lanka Energy Managers Association (SLEMA).(1990 To 2019)
Sri Lanka Society for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS)(1990 To 2019)
National Academy of Sciences Sri Lanka(2010 To 2019)
Institution of Engineers (Sri Lanka)(1986 To 2019)
International Solid Waste Management Association (1986 To 2019)
1985-1986 Assistant Lecturer in Chemical and Process Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
1990 Mar - 1990 Sep Project Pluto, R&D Division on Food Processing
Pedigree Petfoods Ltd., Melton Mowbray, UK.
1990 Sep - 1992 August University Research Fellow
Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Reading, UK
“Dynamic simulation of Food Operations using ANSYS™ and SPEEDUP™"
1992 Sep – Nov 2004 - Senior Lecturer in Chemical and Process Engineering
Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
2001 Dec – 2002 Dec – Visiting Scientist, Centre for Application of Sciences to Rural Areas (astra) in Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
2004 Dec 1 – 2012 Nov – Professor of Chemical and Process Engineering,
Dept of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Moratuwa
2012 Dec 1 to date – Senior Professor in Chemical and Process Engineering
Dept of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Moratuwa
Training and Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
• 1st Fermentation Biotechnology course, Sri Lanka by Sugarcane Research Institute in collaboration with University of Queensland, Australia. 1985.
• 6th International Training Programme in Biotechnology; 6 Sep 1993 - 22 Oct 1993, GBF, Braunschweig, F.R. Germany.
• Sustainable Transformation of Rural Areas: Course conducted by Centre for Continuing Education, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 14-18 Oct 1996 India.
• ISO 14000 Training Programme - US AEP Environmental Exchange program - Nov.4-8, 1996, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
• Sub-regional training workshop for the implementation of the Basel Convention on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal, 15-19 March 1999 Colombo.
· Training course on Health and Risk Assessment, April 10-11, 2000, US-AEP sponsored training, Hotel EDSA Shangri-la, Manila, Phillippines
· ISO9000:2000 Auditor/Lead Auditor Training Course (SGS, India), Bangalore
· Eco-design – Workshop by the National Cleaner production centre with UNIDO, 2003
· Eco-innovation – Workshop by UNEP in Hanoi, Vietnam, 2013
· Innovation Systems – Workshop by United Nation University, Berlin 2014
· Universities and Technology-based economic development: Establishing technology transfer offices and technology incubators, US Dept of Commerce Program Oct 25-Nov 5, 2016 USA
· Intellectual Property – Distance learning – IP Panorama and WIPO Academy
2008 Dec 1 to 2011 Nov 30th (on special leave) – Science Team Leader – Sri Lanka Institute of Nanotechnology (SLINTEC) www.slintec.lk
Director – Cargills Food Process Development Incubator, A joint project with Dept of Chemical and Process Eng and Cargills Cey Ltd.
Guest Columnist DailyFT ( www.ft.lk/columnists/ajith_de_alwis ) alternative Thursdays starting from Jan 01, 2010
Project Director, Coordinating Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation (COSTI), Ministry of Science Technology and Research, 3rd Floor, Stage 1 – Sethsiripaya, Battaramulla www.costi.gov.lk
Honours and Awards
Best Research Paper - Institution of Chemical Engineers, UK, 1989 (Received 1989)
SCI Food Group Travel Prize Award - Society of Chemical Industry, UK, 1989 (Received 1989)
Best Chemical Engineering PhD Thesis - University of Cambridge, 1991 (Received 1991)
University of Moratuwa Research Award 1985-2015 (Received 1985)
Environmental Achievement Award - USAEP Partnership Program 1998 (Received 1998)
NRC Merit Award - National Research Council, 2015 (Received 2015)
Best Paper Award - International Conference of Building Resilience, 2012 (Received 2012)
Mayuri Wijayasundara, Maksud Beckachanov,".Circular Economy - A Treasure trove of opportunities for enhancing resource efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.",Academic Press,2022
U G S Wijayapala, G M Ranathunga, P V M Karunaratne,".Evolution of Sri Lankan Textile Education from Ancient times to the 21st century.",Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd,2022
,".de Alwis AAP (2011), Sri Lankan Nanotchnology Initiative in Nanotechnology: Present Status and Future Prospects in Developing Countries, Padh H.; Aduda B. O. and de Alwis A A P (eds.), Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Develop.",Daya Publishing House, New Delhi,2011
,".Hettiarachchi M, Athukorala K., Peiris R and de Alwis AAP (2011), Recent changes in Policy, Institutions and Utilization of Ecosystem services in Colombo wetlands in Ecosystems and Integrated Water resources Management in South Asia, Gunawardena E R N, Go.",Taylor and Francis Group,2011
,".de Alwis AAP (2010), Waste to Energy, in Sustainable Energy in Asia and the Pacific: Emerging Technologies and research priorities, Hasan M N and Roy S (eds), Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Malaysia..",Academy of Sciences Malaysia,2010
,".De Alwis AAP, Jayaweera M, Wijeyekoon and Kasige A (2009), Green Technological Interventions in Sri Lankan Industries, PEP Project publication, Ceylon Chamber of Commerce..",PEP Project publication,2009
,".de Alwis AAP, Industrial biomethanation practices for decentralized energy from waste: Options for Sri Lanka in Recovering Energy from Waste: various aspects, Grover VI, Grover VK and Hogland W (eds), Science Publishers Enfield USA, pp 151-165, 2002.",Science Publishers Enfield USA,2002
,".de Alwis AAP, Study on the potential of Biogas in Sri Lanka, Renewable energy options – study 2, ITDG-South Asia publication, 2001..",ITDG-South Asia publication,2001
,".de Alwis AAP (2000), Solid Waste Management in Sri Lanka: A Country Perspective in Solid Waste Management, Grover VI, Guha BK, Hogland W, McRae SG (eds), Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt Ltd. Pp 203-233..",Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt Ltd,2000
,".de Alwis AAP, Sri Lanka: Its industry and challenges in the face of climate change, Chapter 18 in Climate Change: Five years after Kyoto, Grover VI and Grover VK (eds), Science Publishers, USA..",Science Publishers, USA.,1998
,".De Alwis AAP (1997), Water Pollution Control, Harmonising Environment and Development in South Asia Wijayadasa KHJ (Ed.), Publication of SACEP/UNEP/NORAD..",SACEP/UNEP/NORAD,1997
,".Niranjan K and de Alwis AAP (1993) ‘Agitation and Agitator design – Principles and Practice’, in the Encyclopedia of Food Science, Food Technology and Nutrition, Vol. 1, Macrae R., Robinson RK and Sadler M (Eds) London: Academic Press, pp 72-80. .",London: Academic Press,1993
,".de Alwis AAP, Zhang LI and Fryer PJ ‘Modelling sterilisation and quality in the ohmic heating process’, Advances in Aseptic Processing Technologies, Singh RK and Nelson, PE (Eds.), Elsevier Applied Sci Pub. Chap.5, 1992..",Elsevier Applied Sci Pub,1992
Perera ATD, Kuruppumullage DNS, Nissanka NAID and de Alwis AAP,".Evolutionary multiobjective optimization to optimize waste to energy network.",Procs of the Green Technology and Environmental Conservation (GTEC 2011),Chennai, India ,2011,45-50
Hettiarachchi M. and de Alwis AAP ,".Interplay of ecological trends, socio-economic patterns and environmental policy: case study of Colombo Flood detention area wetlands- Sri Lanka.",Procs of the World Water Week -2010,Stockholm,2010,
De Alwis AAP,".Biogas systems in Sri Lanka – three decades of experience.",Procs of the 9th World Renewable energy Congress,Florence, Italy,2006,
Fernando S, de Alwis AAP and Gunawardana S,".In vessel composting of solid waste using a rotating reactor.",Procs of the 7th World Congress on Recovery, Recycling and Re-integration,Beijing, China,2005,
Aruna Manipura, L.C.Jayawardhana , Ajith De Alwis, Sumith Pilapitiya, Malik Ranasinghe, Indrika Abeygunawardena ,".Analysis & development of High Rate Composting System using MSW in Sri Lanka.",The 6th World Congress on Integrated Resources Management,Geneva, Switzerland,2002,
Jasinghe S and de Alwis AAP,".The development of an air emission inventory and its benefits.",7th International Conference on Atmospheric Sciences and applications to Air Quality and Exhibition and Workshop on air quality modeling challenges,Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan,2000,
De Alwis AAP ,".Review of the Hazardous Waste management in Sri Lanka, .",Proceedings of the 9th International Pacific Basin Conference on Hazardous Waste,Hotel EDSA Shangri-La, Manila, Philippines,2000,
Edirisinghe EMRKB, Samaranayake CP, Bamunuarachchi A, Walpala, S, and de Alwis AAP,".Nutrient retention in ohmic processing, Procs of Seventh International Congress on Engineering and Food.",Procs of Seventh International Congress on Engineering and Food,Brighton, UK,1997,
Wanigasekara ND, Gunaratne N., Amarasinghe S., Sivapathasundaram R., de Alwis AAP and Jayamanne A ,".Biogasification of Hostel and Canteen Waste: A University case study on waste management and energy generation.",ASME Summer meeting,Kansas city, USA,1994,
de Alwis AAP and Fryer, PJ ,".Theoretical investigation of the ohmic sterilization of foods containing particles.",Procs 8th World Congress of Food Science and Technology,Toronto,1991,
K.G.V.K. De Silva,M.Y. Gunasekera,".Development of a risk informed quantitative decision making framework for major accident hazards installations in Sri Lanka.",Process Safety and Environmental Protection,162,2022
Arosha Hemali,".Application of Material Flow Analysis to Municipal Solid Waste in Urban Areas in Developing Countries and Possible Solutions Under Circular Economic Framework.",Nature Environment and Pollution Technology,21 / 3,2022
Tissera ND, Wijesena RN, Sandaruwan CS, de Silva RM, de Alwis AAP and de Silva KMN ,".Photocatalytic activity of ZnO nanoparticle encapsulated poly(acrylonitrile) nanofibres.",Materials Chemistry and Physics,204, 195-206,2017
De Silva VK, Gunasekera M and de Alwis AAP ,".Derivation of a Societal risk acceptance criterion for major accident hazard installations in Sri Lanka, Process Safety and Environmental Pollution.",Official Journal of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering Part B,2017, 388-398,2017
Madusanka N, Sandaruwan C, Kottegoda N, Sirisena D, Munaweera I, de Alwis AAP, Krunarathne V and Amaratunga G,".Urea-Hydroxyapatite-Montmorillonite Nanohybrid composites as slow release nitrogen compositions.",Applied Clay Science,150, 303-308,2017
Ajith de Alwis,".Synthesis of Magnetite Nanoparticles by Top-Down Approach from a High Purity Ore.",Journal of Nanomaterials,2015,2015
Kumarasinghe AR, Samaranayake L, Bondino F, Magnano E, Kottegoda N, Carlino E, Ratnayke UN, de Alwis AAP, Karunaratne V and Amaratunga GAJ,".Self-assembled multilayer graphene oxide membrane and carbon nanotubes synthesized using a rare form of natural graphite.",The Journal of Physical Chemistry ,C 117, 9507-9519,2013
Hettiarachchi, M., Anurangi A. and de Alwis A.P. ,".Characterization and description of surface water quality in the threatened urban wetlands around the city of Colombo.",Jnl. of Wetland Ecol. ,4:1,2011
Karstensen K. H., Mubarak A. M., Gunadasa, H. N., Wijagunasekara B., Ratnayake N., de Alwis A. A. P and Fernando J. ,".Test burn with PCB-oil in a local cement kiln in Sri Lanka.",Chemosphere,78, 6, 717-723,2010
Vanker PS, Shanker R, Wijayapala S, de Silva NGH and de Alwis AAP ,".Improved wash and light fastness by sonicator dyeing of cotton, silk and wool with Curcuma domestica valet extract.",International Dyer,193, 7, 38-42,2008
Gunasekera M and de Alwis AAP ,".Analysis of Industrial Accidents in Sri Lanka.",J of Environmental Protection and Plant Safety,,2008
Vankar P S, Shankar R, Wijayapala S, de Silva NGH and de Alwis AAP,".Dyeing cotton, wool and silk with the root and bark extracts of Salacia prinoides (Kothala).",Asian Textile Journal,69-74,2007
Vankar P S, Shankar R, Wijayapala S, de Silva NGH and de Alwis AAP ,".Dyeing cotton, wool and silk with extract of Nephelium Lappaceum (Rambutan) pericarp.",Asian Textile Journal,59-64,2007
Jatunarachchi TSS, Senaratne AU and de Alwis AAP ,".Study of Anaerobic digestion of brewery spent grains.",International Energy Journal,7, No 4 ,2006
Chanakya H and de Alwis AAP,".Environmental Issues and management of primary coffee processing.",Process Safety and Environmental Protection,82 (B4), 291-300,2004
Jayawardhana LC, Manipura A, Ranasinghe M, Pilapitiya S., de Alwis AAP and Abeygunawardena I,".BESTCOMP: Expert system for Sri Lankan solid waste composting.",J of Expert Systems with Applications,24, 281-286,2003
De Alwis AAP,".Food gap and the need for Ecological Food Process Engineering.",Editorial Transactions IchemE, Food and Bioproducts Processing,81,2003
de Alwis AAP,".Biogas – A review of Sri Lanka’s performance with a renewable energy technology.",Energy for Sustainable Development,6(1), 30-37,2002
Liu S., Pain J-P, Proctor J, de Alwis AAP and Fryer PJ,".An experimental study of particle flow velocities in solid-liquid food mixtures.",Chemical Engineering Communications,124, 97-114,1993
de Alwis AAP and Fryer PJ.,".Operability of the ohmic heating process: Electrical conductivity effects.",J. Food Eng.,15, 1, 21-48,1992
Halden, K; de Alwis, AAP and Fryer, PJ,".Changes in electrical conductivity of foods during ohmic heating.",Int.J Fd.Sci. Technol.,25, 9-25,1990
de Alwis, AAP and Fryer, PJ ,".The use of network theory in the finite element analysis of coupled thermo-electric fields.",Commun.Appl.Num method,6, 61- 66,1990
de Alwis, AAP and Fryer, PJ ,".A finite element analysis of heat generation and transfer during ohmic heating of food.",Chem.Eng.Sci. ,45, 6, 1547-1559,1990
de Alwis AAP and Fryer PJ,".The use of direct resistance heating techniques in the food industry.",J.Food.Eng,11, 1, 3-27,1990
de Alwis, AAP; Halden, K and Fryer, PJ. ,".Shape and conductivity effects in the ohmic heating of foods.",Chem.Eng.Res.Des,67, 159-168,1989
Mitchell, R and de Alwis, AAP,".Electrical conductivity meter for food samples.",J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum.,22 , 554-556,1989
Fryer, PJ and de Alwis, AAP ,".The validation of the APV ohmic heating process.",Chemistry and Industry,16, 630-634,1989