- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Textile & Apparel Engineering
- Senior Lecturer Grade I
Contact information
Department of Textile & Apparel Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Operational Research and Simulation -Undergraduate -2018
Programming for Automation -Undergraduate -2018
Supply chain management (Quantitative Aspects) -Postgraduate -2018
Operational Research and Applied Statisitics -Postgraduate -2018
Research Methodology -Postgraduate -2018
Operational Resarch -Postgraduate -2021
Decision Analytics -Postgraduate -2021
Academic Mentor - (2018 To date)
Track Chair (Textile and Apparel) MERCon 2018 -International Multidisciplinary Engineering Research Conference, University of Moratuwa (2017 To 2021)
Publications Chair MERCon 2019 - 5th International Multidisciplinary Engineering Research Conference, University of Moratuwa (IEEE indexed conference) (2018 To 2019)
Semenster Coordinator - TT/TE Semester 6 coordinator (2018 To date)
Coordinator-Department Industry Consutative Board - (2018 To 2019)
Publications Chair MERCon 2020 -6th International Multidisciplinary Engineering Research Conference, University of Moratuwa (IEEE indexed conference) (2019 To 2020)
Program Co-chair -7th International Multidisciplinary Engineering Research Conference, University of Moratuwa (IEEE indexed conference) (2020 To 2021)
Publications Chair MERCon 2023 -9th International Multidisciplinary Engineering Research Conference, University of Moratuwa (IEEE indexed conference) (2023 To 2023)
MSc Program Leader - Program Leader of MSc in Textile and Clothing Management, Memeber of PG taught courses Board of Studies (2021 To date)
Research Coordinator - Academic coordinator of PhD. MPhil and MSc research programs, Memeber of Research Board of Studies (2022 To date)
Research Activities
Operational Research (OR) Applications
Production Optimization
Process Simulation
Cutting and packing Algorithms
Optimization Approaches in product and material development
Industry 4.0 applications
2 MPhil studies (2021-2023)
2 MSc dissertations (2020-2021)
1 MBA dissertation (2020-2021)
4 MSc dissertations (2021-2022)
Final year undergraduate projects
Operational Research (OR) Applications
Production Optimization
Process Simulation
Cutting and packing Algorithms
Optimization Approaches in product and material development
Industry 4.0 applications
Education and Professional Affiliations
Bachelors, University of Moratuwa ,2008 BSc Engineering
Masters, University of Sri Jayewardenapura ,2012 Masters in Industrial Mathematics
PhD, University of Southampton ,2017 PhD in Operational Research
International Association of Engineers (2010 To date)
Toastmasters Club, University of Moratuwa (2011 To date)
The Operational Research Society(2016 To 2017)
Group of Operational Research, Management Science and Information Systems(2014 To 2017)
Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka(2018 To date)
University of Moratuwa
Total Duration 13+ yrs
Titles: Senior Lecturer / Lecturer/ Researcher/ Consultant
University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Teaching Assistant / Temporary lecturer
2014 – 2016
Brandix Lanka
2006 – 2007
Duration 06 months
Volunteer Experience
University of Southampton
Demonstrator (on a volunteer basis), UoS’s award-winning annual Science and Engineering Festival
Dates volunteered: Mar 2015 Volunteer duration 1 mo
Three Minute Thesis 2017 - Champion (Organiser for the Faculty heats)
Company Name University of Southampton
Dates volunteered Oct 2016 – Mar 2017 Volunteer duration 6 months
University of Moratuwa
Academic Contributor (one of the founding members of the Centre for Advanced Robotics, University of Moratuwa)
University of Moratuwa
Publications Chair, 2019 5th International Multidisciplinary Engineering Research Conference (MERcon 2019)
University of Moratuwa
Publications Chair, 2020 6th International Multidisciplinary Engineering Research Conference (MERcon 2020)
University of Moratuwa
Program Co-chair, 2021 7th International Multidisciplinary Engineering Research Conference (MERcon 2021)
University of Moratuwa
Publications Chair, 2023 9th International Multidisciplinary Engineering Research Conference (MERcon 2023)
Honours and Awards
NATCOR Bursary by the Association of European Operational Societies (EURO), Switzerland (Received 2016)
Faculty award PhD Scholarship by University of Southampton, UK (Received 2013)
Julia A. Bennell Antonio Martinez-Sykora,".Efficient Local Search Heuristics for Packing Irregular Shapes in Two-Dimensional Heterogeneous Bins.",Springer, Cham,2017
Ranga P Abeysooriya Julia A. Bennell Antonio Martinez-Sykora,".Use and Reuse of materials in multi-period sheet cutting problem.",ESICUP – EURO Special Interest Group on Cutting and Packing - 14th ESICUP,Liège, Belgium,2017,
Ranga P Abeysooriya Julia A. Bennell Antonio Martinez-Sykora,".Efficient Local Search Heuristics for Packing Irregular Shapes in Two-Dimensional Heterogeneous Bins.", International Conference on Optimisation and Decision Sciences,Sorrento, Italy,2017,
Julia A. Bennell Ranga P Abeysooriya Antonio Martinez-Sykora,". Multi-period irregular bin packing problem with usable leftovers.",21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies,Quebec City, Canada,2017,
Ranga P Abeysooriya Julia A. Bennell Antonio Martinez-Sykora ,".Algorithms for the 2-D Irregular shape multiple bin size bin packing problem.",13th ESICUP,Ibiza, Spain,2016,
Ranga P Abeysooriya Julia A. Bennell Antonio Martinez-Sykora ,".Packing algorithm for the 2-D Irregular shape multiple bin size bin packing problem.",SBS Conference,Southampton, UK,2016,
Ranga P Abeysooriya Julia A. Bennell Antonio Martinez-Sykora ,".GA/Jostle algorithm for 2-D irregular shape packing problems in heterogeneous bins.",SCOR16,Nottingham, UK,2016,
Ranga P Abeysooriya Julia A. Bennell Antonio Martinez-Sykora ,".Multi-period irregular bin packing problem with residual reuse.",OR58,Portsmouth, UK,2016,
Ranga P Abeysooriya Julia A. Bennell Antonio Martinez-Sykora,".An investigation of constructive heuristics in 2D-irregular shaped strip packing problems with free rotation.",12th ESICUP (EURO Special Interest Group on Cutting and Packing),Portsmouth, UK,2015,
Ranga P Abeysooriya Julia A. Bennell Antonio Martinez-Sykora ,".Jostle heuristic for 2D-irregular shaped packing problems with free rotation .",Euro 2015,Glasgow, UK,2015,
Ranga P Abeysooriya, Julia A Bennell, Antonio Martinez-Sykora,".Jostle heuristics for the 2D-irregular shapes bin packing problems with free rotation.",International Journal of Production Economics ,195,2018
Ranga P Abeysooriya, G L D Wickramasinghe,".Regression model to predict thread consumption incorporating thread-tension constraint: study on lock-stitch 301 and chain-stitch 401.",Fashion and Textiles,1,2014