- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Senior Lecturer Grade II
Contact information
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
CE2042 : Soil Mechanics and Geology I -Undergraduate -2024
CE2132 : Soil Mechanics and Geology II -Undergraduate -2024
CE3132 : Geotechnical Engineering -Undergraduate -2024
CE5401 : Engineering Properties of Soil - M.Sc/P.G Diploma in Geotechnical Engineering -Postgraduate -2022
Introduction to Conceptual Design -Undergraduate -2024
Comprehensive Design Project -Undergraduate -2024
Research Project -Undergraduate -2024
Computer Applications in Geotechnical Engineering -Postgraduate -2023
Research Seminar -Postgraduate -2024
M. Sc. Project -Postgraduate -2024
Semester 3, Academic Coordinator, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa - (2022 To date)
Geotechnical Engineering Division Coordinator - (2021 To date)
Accreditation Committee Member - Department of Civil Engineering - (2022 To date)
Staff Advisor - Civil Engineering Society (CES) - (2023 To date)
Member - Short Course Review Committee, Faculty of Engineering - (2024 To date)
Research Activities
Soft ground improvement with sustainable material
Interface shear behaviour of soil and concrete
Circular Carbon Economy
Carbon storage and utilization
CO2 storage in geological reservoirs
Geotechnical Engineering
Shallow foundations
Subsurface fluid flow
Geotechnical applications and rock mechanics
Analysis of complex flow behaviour in porous media especially in fractured geological reservoirs
Analysis of fully-coupled fluid flow+adsorption+mechanical deformation process in porous media
Experimental numerical and statistical analysis of hydro-mechanical alterations in fluid-interreacted geological reservoirs and the consequent environmental and safety issues
Micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) based image analyses of porous media.
My research aim is to search for novel and creative solutions for current and raising issues in Geotechnical and Earth Science Engineering connected to Circular Economics. My main research expertise and interests are: 1. Soft ground stabilization with sustainable material such as quarry dust, rice husk ash, geo-polymer, etc. 2. Analyzing the interface shear behavior of soil and geotechnical structures 3. Carbon (CO2) storage in underground reservoirs as a waste management, coupled with hydrocarbon (CH4) extraction as an alternative energy generation. 4. Analysis of complex CO2 flow behaviour in porous media, especially in fractured geological reservoirs, and analysis of fully-coupled fluid flow � adsorption � mechanical deformation process in geological reservoirs related to carbon storage. 5. Analysis of hydrocarbon (CH4) extraction from geological reservoirs, specifically CO2-enhanced coalbed methane extraction (ECBM). 6. Experimental, numerical and
Education and Professional Affiliations
PhD, University of Melbourne, Australia ,2020 in Geotechnical Engineering
Bachelors, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka ,2016 BSc Eng. (Hons) in Civil Engineering
Associate Member - The Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL)(2016 To date)
Associate Member - Engineers Council Sri Lanka (ECSL) (2021 To date)
Trainee Civil Engineer at MAGA Engineering (Pvt) Ltd
Visiting Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Rangsit Campus (SIIT-RS), Thailand (from 2023 August to October)
Visiting Lecturer, Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology (SLIIT), Sri Lanka (from 2023 July to December)
Visiting Lecturer, Sri Lanka Technological Campus (SLTC), Sri Lanka (from 2022 to date)
Visiting Lecturer, ESOFT College of Engineering & Technology, Sri Lanka (from 2022 to date)
Visiting Lecturer and External Research Supervisor, CINEC Campus Sri Lanka | Maritime College (from 2021 to date)
Lecturer (Contract), Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (from 2020 to 2021)
Senior tutor, Department of Infrastructure Engineering, University of Melbourne, Australia (from 2018 to 2020)
Graduate Research
Assistant, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (from 2016 to 2017)
Visiting Instructor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (from 2016 to 2017)
Trainee Engineer, MAGA Engineering (Pvt) Ltd, Sri Lanka (from 2014 to 2015)
Honours and Awards
“PhD Write-Up Award” awarded by Melbourne School of Engineering, University of Melbourne, Australia (Received 2020)
“Pearson William Tewksbury Scholarship” awarded by Melbourne School of Engineering, University of Melbourne, Australia (Received 2019)
“George Lansell Memorial Scholarship” awarded by Melbourne School of Engineering, University of Melbourne, Australia (Received 2019)
“Best research presentation award” awarded at the International postgraduate summer school, North-eastern University, China (Received 2019)
“Best Presentation Award (Storage)” awarded at the PCC Research Snapshot organized by Peter Cook Centre for Carbon Capture and Storage Research, University of Melbourne, Australia (Received 2019)
“The Melbourne Research Scholarship” awarded by University of Melbourne, Australia (Received 2017)
“The Best Undergraduate Research in Geotechnical Engineering in Sri Lankan Universities during the year 2016” awarded by Sri Lankan Geotechnical Society, Sri Lanka (Received 2016)
“Special Award for Academic Excellence in Civil Engineering” for the Civil Engineering graduand who obtains the 2nd highest Overall Grade point Average of 3.7 and above at the B.Sc. Engineering Degree Examination. (Academic year 2014/2015) awarded by University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (Received 2016)
“Geotechnical Engineering Award” for the Civil Engineering student who obtains the highest-Grade point Average of 3.7 and above at the first attempt for the specified Geotechnical Engineering subjects. (Academic year 2014/2015) awarded by University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (Received 2016)
Award for the Outstanding Research Performances (Received 2022)
Sampath, K. H. S. M., Perera, M. S. A., Ranjith, P. G., & Matthai, S. K. ,".Investigation of the mechanical behaviour of brine saturated brown coal under uni-axial compression.",CRC Press ,2018
Deshan K. A. M. M. and Sampath K. H. S. M.,".Impact of Particle Morphology on the Shear Behavior of Quarry Dust/Sea Sand + Concrete Interface in Geotechnical Structures.",Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2024,pp 157-162
Ranasinghe R.T. and Sampath K.H.S.M.,".Analyzing slope rectification strategies using the shear strength reduction method.",10th International Symposium on Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering Practices for Sustainable Development (ACEPS – 2024),University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka,2024,
R. J. K. P. N. Ranathunga, K. H. S. M. Sampath, A. S. Ranathunga,". Prediction of Geotechnical Properties of Rice Husk Ash-Stabilized Soil Systems.",Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon),University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka,2023,pp. 240-245
W.M.T. Sachinika, K.H.S.M. Sampath,".Analyzing Slope Stability: A Comparative Study between Limit Equilibrium and Shear Strength Reduction Methods.",1st International Conference on Technological Research and Innovations (ICTRI - 2023),Faculty of Technology, Eastern University, Sri Lanka,2023,
W.A.W. Wijesingha, K.H.S.M. Sampath ,".Analysis of the shear behavior of stabilized soil-concrete interface in geotechnical structures.",The 14th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment 2023 (ICSBE),Earls Regency Hotel, Kandy, Sri Lanka,2023,
Perera, S. Y. W., Sampath, K. H. S. M.,".Analysis of the behaviour of the improved soil under shallow concrete foundations.",15th International Research Conference,General Sir John Kothalawala Defence University, Sri Lanka,2022,
Sandamali, D. M. T. U., Sampath, K. H. S. M., Ranathunga, A. S.,".Prediction of Compaction Properties of Clayey Soils Stabilized with Calcium Carbide Residue.",International Conference on Engineering,The Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka,2022,
Malalathunga C. M., Sampath K.H.S.M.,".Strength Analysis of Improved-Soil Pertinent to Shallow Ground Stabilization: A Meta-Analysis.",3rd International conference on Geotechnical Engineering (ICGE – COLOMBO 2020),Colombo, Sri Lanka,2021,
Sampath, K. H. S. M., Sin, I., Windt, L., Perera, M. S. A., & Matthai, S. K. ,".Changes in coal structure, induced by coal-supercritical CO2 interaction: experimental and modelling results of CO2 adsorption on coal.",Second Biennial Meeting of Australian Chapter of InterPore,The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia,2018,
Sampath, K. H. S. M., Perera, M. S. A., Ranjith, P. G., & Matthai, S. K. ,".Investigation of the mechanical behaviour of brine saturated brown coal under uni-axial compression.",From Research to Engineering: Proceedings of the International Conference on Geo-Mechanics, Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources (IC3G 2018),Chengdu, PR China ,2018,67
Sampath, K. H. S. M., Perera, M. S. A., Ranjith, P. G., & Stephan, S. K. ,".Evaluation of Superiority of Liquid CO2 as a Non-Aqueous Fracturing Fluid for Coal Seam Gas Extraction.",52nd US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, American Rock Mechanics Association,United States of America,2018,
Sampath, K. H. S. M., Perera, M. S. A., & Stephan, S. K. ,".Optimization of Coal Seam Gas Recovery through Supercritical CO2 based Hydraulic Fracturing.",Infrastructure Engineering Postgraduate conference (IEPC),The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia,2017,
Sampath K.H.S.M., De Silva L.I.N.,".Effective applications of poker vibrator for compacting quarry dust as a ground improvement technique.",02nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET-2016),Colombo, Sri Lanka,2016,
Sampath K.H.S.M., De Silva L.I.N. and Perera M.S.A.,".Application of Poker Vibrator for Compacting Quarry Dust, International Conference on Geo-mechanics, Geo-energy and Geo-resources .",International Conference on Geo-mechanics, Geo-energy and Geo-resources (IC3G – 2016),Australia ,2016,
Sathsarani, H.B.S., Sampath, K.H.S.M., Ranathunga, A.S. ,".Utilization of fly ash-based geopolymer for well cement during CO2 sequestration: A comprehensive review and a meta-analysis.",Gas Science and Engineering,113,2023
Ahamed, M.A.A., Perera, M.S.A., Jay, R.B., Matthai, S.K., Ranjith, P.G., Dong-yin, Li, Sampath, K.H.S.M.,".Investigating the proppant damage mechanisms expected in a propped coal fracture and its effect on fracture flow.",Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,198,2021
Sampath, K. H. S. M., Perera, M. S. A., Elsworth, D., Matthai, S. K., Ranjith, P. G., & Dong-yin, L. ,".Discrete fracture matrix modelling of fully-coupled CO2 flow–Deformation processes in fractured coal.", International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences,138,2021
Sampath, K. H. S. M., Perera, M. S. A. ,".Modelling of Hydro-Mechanical alterations in Fractured Coal caused by stepwise CO2 injection.",Geotechnical Journal, SLGS,8(1),2021
Sampath K. H. S. M., Perera M. S. A., Matthai S. K., Ranjith P. G., Li D. Y.,".Modelling of fully-coupled CO2 diffusion and adsorption-induced coal matrix swelling.",Fuel,262,2020
Sampath K. H. S. M., Sin I., Perera M. S. A., Matthai S. K., Ranjith P. G., and Li Y. ,".Effect of supercritical-CO2 interaction time on the alterations in coal pore structure.",Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,76,2020
Sampath K. H. S. M., Ranjith P. G., Perera M. S. A,".A Comprehensive Review of Structural Alterations in CO2?Interacted Coal: Insights into CO2 Sequestration in Coal.",Energy Fuels ,34,2020
Perera M. S. A., Sampath K. H. S. M.,".Modelling of free and adsorbed CO2-induced mechanical property alterations in coal.",International Journal of Coal Geology,217,2019
Sampath, K. H. S. M., Perera, M. S. A., Elsworth, D., Ranjith, P. G., Matthai, S. K., Rathnaweera, T., & Zhang, G. ,".Effect of coal maturity on CO2-based hydraulic fracturing process in coal seam gas reservoirs.",Fuel,236,2019
Sampath K.H.S.M., Perera M.S.A., Ranjith P.G., Matthai S.K.,".CO2 interaction induced mechanical characteristics alterations in coal: A review.",International Journal of Coal Geology,204,2019
Sampath K. H. S. M., Perera M. S. A., Li D.Y., Ranjith P. G., Matthai, S. K. ,".Evaluation of the mechanical behaviour of brine+CO2 saturated brown coal under mono-cyclic uni-axial compression.",Engineering Geology,263,2019
Sampath K.H.S.M., Perera M.S.A., Ranjith P.G., Matthai S.K., Dong yin L. ,".Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the alteration of micro-fracture characteristics of supercritical CO2-interacted coal.",The Journal of supercritical fluids,147,2019
Sampath, K. H. S. M., Perera, M. S. A., Li, D. Y., Ranjith, P. G., & Matthai, S. K. ,".Characterization of dynamic mechanical alterations of supercritical CO2-interacted coal through gamma-ray attenuation, ultrasonic and X-ray computed tomography techniques.",Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,174,2019
Sampath K.H.S.M., Perera M.S.A., Ranjith P.G., Matthai S.K., Tao X., Wu B.K. ,".Application of neural networks and fuzzy systems for the intelligent prediction of CO2-induced strength alteration of coal.",Measurement ,135,2019
Sampath, K. H. S. M., Perera, M. S. A., & Ranjith, P. G.,".Theoretical overview of hydraulic fracturing break-down pressure.",Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,58,2018
Sampath, K. H. S. M., Perera, M. S. A., Elsworth, D., Ranjith, P. G., Matthai, S. K., & Rathnaweera, T. ,".Experimental investigation on the mechanical behaviour of Victorian brown coal under brine saturation.",Energy & Fuels,32(5),2018
Perera, M.S.A., Sampath, K.H.S.M., Ranjith, P.G., & Rathnaweera, T.D.,".Effects of Pore Fluid Chemistry and Saturation Degree on the Fracability of Australian Warwick Siltstone.",Energies,11(10),2018
Zhang, G., Ranjith, P.G., Perera, M.S.A., Haque, A., Choi, X., & Sampath, K.H.S.M.,".Characterisation of coal porosity and permeability evolution by demineralisation using image processing techniques: A micro-computed tomography study.",Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,56,2018
Sampath, K. H. S. M., Perera, M. S. A., Ranjith, P. G., Matthai, S. K., Rathnaweera, T., Zhang, G., & Tao, X. ,".CH4-CO2 gas exchange and supercritical CO2 based hydraulic fracturing as CBM production-accelerating techniques: A review.",Journal of CO2 Utilization,22,2017
Sampath K.H.S.M., De Silva L.I.N., and Perera M.S.A. ,".Effective usage of poker vibrator for compacting quarry dust: an application to ground improvement in shallow foundation design.",Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources,3(1),2017
Bandara, W. W., Mampearachchi, W. K., & Sampath, K. H. S. M.,".Cement Stabilized Soil as a Road Base Material for use in Sri Lankan Roads.",Engineer: Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka,50(1),2017