- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Senior Lecturer Grade II
Contact information
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Highway Infrastructure Design -Postgraduate -2023
Highway Construction & Maintenance Techniques -Postgraduate -2025
Survey Camp -Undergraduate -2024
Construction Materials -Undergraduate -2024
Aspects of Civil Engineering -Undergraduate -2024
Surveying I -Undergraduate -2024
Surveying II -Undergraduate -2025
Highway Engineering -Undergraduate -2024
Research Activities
Highway Engineering/ Pavement Materials
Bitumen Modification/ Polymer Modified Bitumen/ Advance materials/ Pavement Asset management/ Geomatics/ Drone Surveying and GIS
Multiscale investigation of performance, environmental, and economic benefits of Aspha-min modified warm mix asphalt (WMA)
Performance and feasibility evaluation of Carbon Black modified asphalt
Highway Engineering/ Pavement Materials, Bitumen Modification/ Polymer Modified Bitumen/ Advance materials/ Pavement Asset management/ Geomatics/ Drone Surveying and GIS
Education and Professional Affiliations
PhD, University of Moratuwa ,2018 PhD in Civil Engineering
Bachelors, University of Moratuwa ,2014 BSc. (Hons.) in Civil Engineering
Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka(2014 To date)
Engineering Council of Sri Lanka(2014 To date)
Dr. Chamod Hettiarachchi has extensive experience in academia, research, and industry, focusing on pavement engineering, sustainable materials, and infrastructure development. He was a Senior Lecturer at SLTC Research University and served as the Head of the Civil Engineering Department. His academic journey includes a postdoctoral fellowship at Tongji University, China, and notable consulting roles, such as a specialist advisor on asphalt materials for major projects like the Bandaranaike International Airport development. Additionally, Dr. Hettiarachchi has held roles in project management, research, and international collaborations, contributing significantly to advancements in low-carbon pavement technology and high-value utilization of recycled materials.
Dr. Chamod Hettiarachchi has served in multiple influential positions within academia, professional organizations, and advisory boards. His recent roles include Advisory Committee Member on expressway safety and energy conservation in the transportation sector for Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Transport and Highways, contributing to national policy development. He is also General Chair of the International Research Conference (IRC 2023) at SLTC Research University, showcasing his leadership in academic forums. As a Track Chair for the International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology (ICPT 2021) and an organizing committee member for major conferences like the Transport Research Forum and ICAHETS, he has promoted cutting-edge discussions in pavement engineering.
In professional societies, Dr. Hettiarachchi was an Assistant Secretary of the Highway Engineering Society of Sri Lanka, actively supporting advancements in highway technology. His contributions extend to the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) in Sri Lanka as a Member of the Land Transport Committee, influencing transportation logistics. Additionally, he holds a Vice President position at the Old Royalists’ Engineering Professionals Association and served as its Founder President of the Student Chapter, nurturing the next generation of engineers.
In his community, Dr. Hettiarachchi has founded initiatives like Veritas Sisu Athwela, Care Sri Lanka, and Dána - Sri Lanka, which are focused on educational empowerment, poverty alleviation, and hunger eradication in rural areas, reflecting his commitment to societal upliftment beyond academia.
Advirsory committee member for expressway safety for the Ministry of Highways and Transportation 2024
Honours and Awards
International Young Scientist Award (Belt and Road) (Received 2019)
Sudharshi Jayasinghe, Chamod Hettiarachchi, W.K. Mampearachchi,".Innovative Approaches to Bitumen Modification: Comparison of Rice Husk Ash, Pyrolysis Carbon Black, and Waste Face Mask Polymers. .",International Conference on Advancement of Highway Engineering and Transport Systems,University of Moratuwa ,2024,24
Aspha-min Modified WMA: A Review,".Sandali Dilsara and Chamod Hettiarachchi.",International Conference on Advancement of Highway Engineering and Transport Systems,University of Moratuwa ,2024,27
Upeksha Divyangani & Chamod Hettiarachchi,".Utilization of Natural Fibers and Geosynthetics in Improving the Pavement Subgrade Strength – A Review.",Transport Research Forum,University of Moratuwa ,2023,48
Sudharshi Jayasinghe, Chamod Hettiarachchi, Wasantha Mampearachchi,".Invesitgation of the properties of carbon black modified bitumen.",Transport Research Forum,University of Moratuwa ,2023,
Upeksha Divyangani & Chamod Hettiarachchi,".A review on the utilization of Geosynthetics and Natural Fibers in Improving the Pavement Subgrade Strength.",International Research Conference (IRC 2023),Padukka,2023,51
Sithum Pathinayaka, Thusiru Magammana & Chamod Hettiarachchi,".Performance evaluation of sasobit modified warm mix asphalt.",International Research Conference (IRC 2023),Padukka,2023,50
Nipuna Ariyarathna & Chamod Hettiarachchi,".Evaluation of technical feasibility and optimum mix parameters for recycled asphalt pavements in sri lanka.",International Research Conference (IRC 2023),Padukka,2023,48
Dilan Thilanka & Chamod Hettiarachchi,".Determination of optimum mix parameters for warm mix asphalt incorporating with recycled asphalt. .",International Research Conference (IRC 2023),Padukka,2023,110
Ahmed S. Mohamed, Chamod Hettiarachchi, Feipeng Xiao,".Bonding Strength of Reclaimed Asphalt Rejuvenated by Crumb Rubber Modified Binder.",Transportation Research Board annual meeting,New york,2022,
Gunarathna, S; Mampearachchi, W; Langappuli, S; Hettiarachchi, C; Weerakoon, J; Ranasoma, I,,".Implementation of warm mix asphalt in Sri Lanka: case study .",Transport Research Forum,University of Moratuwa ,2022,27-28
Chamod Hettiarachchi, Xiangdao Hou, Qian Xiang, Dara Yong, Feipeng Xiao,".Effect of blending temperature and blending duration on the degree of blending of reclaimed asphalt binders.",Transport Research Forum,University of Moratuwa ,2020,39
Hettiarachchi, Chamod; Xiagdao,Hou and Xiao, Feipeng,".Performance review of warm mix asphalt containing reclaimed asphalt pavement materials.",International Conference on Civil Engineering and Applications (ICCEA),University of Moratuwa ,2019,63
Hettiarachchi, H.A.C.K. and Mampearachchi, W.K,".Reduction of urban heat island effect using a novel block design and sustainable paving technology.",World Forum on Climate Justice,Glasglow,2019,
Hettiarachchi, H.A.C.K. and Mampearachchi, W.K,".Modified 3-parameter model incorporating particle shape, texture and vibration to predict packing density of binary particulate mixtures.",Transport Research Forum,Colombo,2018,21
Hettiarachchi, H.A.C.K. & Mampearachchi, W.K,".Optimization of Aggregates for Sustainable Low Cement Concrete for Interlocking Concrete Block Pavers.",World Sustainable Built Environement Conference ,Hongkong,2017,2894-2900
Hettiarachchi, H.A.C.K. & Mampearachchi, W. K,".Effect of aggregate surface texture, shape and vibration frequency on packing density of binary aggregate mixtures.",International Conference on Advancement of Highway Engineering and Transport Systems,Negombo ,2017,29
Hettiarachchi, H.A.C.K. & Mampearachchi, W. K.,".Sustainable Low Cement Concrete for Interlocking Concrete Block Pavers..",Transport Research Forum,Colombo,2016,1
Hettiarachchi, H.A.C. K. & Mampearachchi,".Improved concrete mix design for Interlocking Concrete Paving Blocks using packing density method.",International Conference on Advancement of Highway Engineering and Transport Systems,University of Moratuwa ,2015,23
Hettiarachchi, H.A.C.K. & Mampearachchi, W. K,".Development of thermally comfortable paving block arrangement for pedestrian walkways.",Transport Research Forum,Colombo,2014,9
Chamod Hettiarachchi, Jie Yuan, Serji Amirkhanian, Feipeng Xiao,".Measurement of pavement unevenness and evaluation through the IRI parameter – An overview.",Measurement,206,2023
Ahmed S. Mohamed, Feipeng Xiao, Chamod Hettiarachchi,".Project Level Management Decisions in Construction and Rehabilitation of Flexible Pavements.",Automation in Construction,133,2022
Ahmed S. Mohamed, Feipeng Xiao, Chamod Hettiarachchi & Talaat Abdel-Wahed,".Bond Strength in Dry Condition of Reclaimed Asphalt Modified by Crumb Rubber Modified Binder.",The Journal of Adhesion,,2022
Badughaish, A., Wang, J., Hettiarachchi, C,".. A review on the crumb rubber-modified asphalt in the Middle East..",Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management ,24,2022
Xiangdao Hou, Chamod Hettiarachchi, Feipeng Xiao, Zifeng Zhao, Qian Xiang, Dara Yong,".Blending efficiency improvement and energy investigation of recycled asphalt mixture involved warm mix technology.",Journal of Cleaner Production,279,2021
Zhenyu Du, Jie Yuan, Feipeng Xiao, Chamod Hettiarachchi,".Application of image technology on pavement distress detection: A review.",Measurement,184,2021
Zhenyu Du, Jie Yuan, Qingyue Zhou, Chamod Hettiarachchi, Feipeng Xiao,".Laboratory application of imaging technology on pavement material analysis in multiple scales: A review.",Construction and Building Materials,304,2021
Chamod Hettiarachchi, Xiangdao Hou, Qian Xiang, Dara Yong, Feipeng Xiao,".A blending efficiency model for virgin and aged binders in recycled asphalt mixtures based on blending temperature and duration.",Resources, Conservation and Recycling,161,2020
Linxin Hua, Feipeng Xiao, Yitao Li, Hongbin Huang, Kewei Zhao, Kexin Yu, Chamod Hettiarachchi,".A potential damage mechanism of rubberized cement under freeze-thaw cycle.",Construction and Building Materials,252,2020
Hettiarachchi, H.A.C.K. and Mampearachchi, W.K,".Effect of surface texture, size ratio and large particle volume fraction on packing density of binary spherical mixtures.",Granular Matter,22/8,2019
Hettiarachchi, Chamod; Xiangdao, Hou; Wang, Jiayu; Xiao, Feipeng,".A comprehensive review on utilization of reclaimed asphalt material with warm mix asphalt technology .",Construction and Building Materials,227,2019
H.A.C.K. Hettiarachchi, W.K. Mampearachchi,".Effect of vibration frequency, size ratio and large particle volume fraction on packing density of binary spherical mixtures.",Powder Technology,336,2018
Hettiarachchi, H.A.C.K. and Mampearachchi, W.K,".Validity of aggregate packing models in mixture design of interlocking concrete block pavers (ICBP).",Road Materials and Pavement Design,,2017
Hettiarachchi, H.A.C.K. and Mampearachchi, W.K,".New block design and laying parameters for interlocking concrete block pavements to improve human thermal comfort levels in urban spaces.",International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development,7/2,2016