User Education

Library, University of Moratuwa is conducting several user education programmes, considering the modern information needs of the patrons with the support of latest advanced technologies available. Programmes can be arranged to suit your schedules. Contact for more information.

Library Orientation and Tour

The orientation programme of the library is designed to develop the students' knowledge and skills needed to find library resources independently. This library orientation programme includes two sessions, an introductory session with a library tour and a practical session at the computer lab for new undergraduate as well as postgraduate students. Generally, introductory session of the library orientation programme provides an introduction to the layout of the library, different resources, facilities and service points, check-in and check-out procedures, various library services, how to request books and articles, etc. Library tour allows the students to experience the various sections of the library, which is guided by a library staff member. Hands-on training to improve their searching skills in relation to library catalogue, library web and other online resources also given in a computer laboratory during the practical session.

Information for Research

The target group of this user education programme is final year undergraduates and postgraduate students who are seeking information for their research. Different types of information sources related to their subject fields and proper techniques to search and evaluate relevant information from the Internet and other resources are introduced in this session. As each student needs to master the search engines on their own, this session is conducted as a practical session in the computer laboratory.

Research and Plagiarism

The idea of this session is to create an in-depth knowledge onplagiarism' and 'how to avoid plagiarism', which is necessary for producing quality research outputs. Since the university has made it compulsory to check all research work using anti-plagiarizing software 'Turnitin', this session is important for all undergraduate and postgraduate students

Citation and Referencing

As the university has adopted the referencing styles of the American Psychological Association (APA) and Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), this session gives an opportunity for the students to obtain a clear understanding of these referencing styles with practical examples.