
Circulation Policy
The purpose of the Library Circulation Policy is to ensure timely and equitable access to library materials for all users. Borrowers must know and abide by loan, recall and fine regulations as a condition for using the Library, University of Moratuwa. This policy document is set to achieve the Library’s new strategic plans which were prepared for fulfilling the Vision & Mission Statements of the library.

Read the complete policy document below.
Circulation Policy for the Library, University of Moratuwa

Collection Development Policy
The purpose of the Collection Development Policy is to provide a framework for the maintenance and development of the collections in the University Library, to indicate priorities, to establish selection criteria across the range of different subjects, languages and media and to create a consistent and coherent basis for the future development of the collections. This policy document is set to achieve the Library’s new strategic plans which were prepared for fulfilling the Vision & Mission Statements of the library.

Read the complete policy document below.
Collection Development Policy for Library, University of Moratuwa