Library, University of Moratuwa in collaboration with several academic staff members attached to four faculties organized three awareness progrmmes to enhance the knowledge and expertise on innovations and inventions focusing on students, teachers, and principals of Moratuwa Education Division, Piliyandala Education Zone.
Programme for teachers in-charge of innovations and inventions was held on 30th September in the Library Auditorium with the participation of 36 teachers representing 26 schools in the Moratuwa Education Division. Four academic staff members representing the Faculty of Architecture and the Faculty of Business joined hands with Library.
Dr. Kamal Wasala, Senior Lecturer, Department of Integrated Design and Coordinator of Timber Design and Innovation Center of the University of Moratuwa delivered a lecture titled Innovation and creative thinking.” Mr. Sithumini Rathnamalala, Senior Lecturer representing the same department conducted an activity-based session on “Can creativity be taught?” Dr. Thesara Jayawardena, Head, Department of Industrial Management and Director of Business Research Unit focused on “Entrepreneurship and art of risk-taking” while Prof. Dinesh Samarasinghe attached to the same department talked about “Market identification: launching a successful new product”.
The awareness programme inspired participants to take initiatives at their schools while realizing their power and capacity to create Inventors, Innovators, and Entrepreneurs by teaming up with students and parents.