Library, University of Moratuwa organized a seminar on “"How to use ScienceDirect with its new features and functionalities" with the collaboration of Elsevier Science and Technology Group, the provider of the ScienceDirect database. The resource person was Mr. Manik Sethi, Customer Development Manager of Elsevier-Science and Technology (India).
The seminar was conducted on 10th May 2012 at Library Auditorium from 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon.
Elsevier is the world’s leading provider of science and health information and Elsevier serves for more than 30 million scientists, students and health and information professionals in worldwide. They provide world-class information and innovative tools of advance science and health to their customers. ScienceDirect is one of most popular database in the University. The presenter discussed the efficiency and effective ways of using simple and advance search of ScienceDirect and he introduced new features of ScienceDirect database which are very useful in searching different materials in SciencsDirect database.