The Indian Government continuing its drive to promote international students to its country has launched a “Study in India” programme, where 160 registered Institutions are offering approximately 19,000 seats to prospective students to follow over 1500 courses of study. Of the positions available, over 9500 students could obtain fee waivers of up to 100%. This information was exchanged when representatives of the Indian High Commission in Sri Lanka, and EdCIL(India) Limited called over at the University of Moratuwa on Wednesday, 16th January 2019. Vice Chancellor, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Director/International Relations, Dean-Engineering and Asst. Registrar of External Affairs of UOM were present at the presentation and discussion.
It was stated that Undergraduate, Masters studies and research and Diploma programmes were available in almost all the sought-after fields. In addition, the Indians stressed on other advantages of studying in their prestigious universities, which included 1/4th the cost of studies in other foreign Institutions, opportunities for employment by Fortune Companies who source their recruitment through the Indian educational colleges, etc.
Vice Chancellor of UOM suggested that Indian Institutions should consider exchange programmes where their students could do their PhD studies in our reputed faculties and UOM could in turn send a group of Aeronautical Studies students to gain some knowledge and experience in Indian counterpart Colleges. Further, the possibility of joint Master degree programms were discussed.